830 research outputs found

    The Bulgarian monarchy: a politically motivated revision of a historical image in a post-socialist transitional society

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    Book description: The relationship between states, societies, and individuals in Central and Eastern Europe has been characterised by periods of change and redefinition. The current political, economic, social and cultural climate necessitates a discussion of these issues, both past and present. It is this theme which the proposed publication intends to discuss using a selection of papers given at the 5 th Annual Postgraduate Conference on Central and Eastern Europe held at the UCL School of Slavonic and East European Studies (SSEES) in 2003. The papers represent work from young international scholars from Europe and North America writing on Central and Eastern Europe. The book consists of seven papers and develops an interdisciplinary framework reflecting the range of topics discussed during the conference. It embraces the regional breadth of Central and Eastern Europe containing analyses of Russia, the former Soviet Republics, Central Europe and South Eastern Europe. The papers chosen cover a variety of fields and adopt a corresponding range of approaches with a view to assessing from a multidisciplinary perspective the relationship between state, society and individuals. The papers in the book have been ordered chronologically. The volume starts with an analysis by Julia Mannherz of social conflict in late imperial Russia and moves on to Sergei Zhuk’s discussion of the Stundist movement in Ukraine. The third paper from Stefan Detchev is a discussion of the late-nineteenth-century politics of commemoration surrounding the Bulgarian war of independence. The theme of the politics of commemoration is also present in Andrzej Michalczyk’s analysis of the commemoration of the plebiscite in Silesia by Germans and Poles during the interwar period. Michalczyk examines how a shared event is commemorated and interpreted differently by the two national groups. The idea of common and shared histories is further developed by Rüdiger Ritter in his study of the history and the historiography of post-Communist Poland, Belarus and Lithuania. The move into the contemporary period is completed in the final two papers. The use of historical imagery for political purposes is explored in Markus Wien’s study of the King Simeon II Party in Bulgaria as well as the way in which the historical image of the monarchy has been changed for political purposes during the transition from communism to democracy. The final paper by Maria Aluchna continues the discussion of the process of transition by examining the economic transformation from a communist command economic system to a modern capitalist economy

    Efek Pemberian Air Embun terhadap Gambaran Hematologi dan Biokimia Darah

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    Circulation disorder of blood at a person is related to metabolic process, and it can not be as the normal equilibirum, and later can affect to appearance of disseases. Dew water, can be produced from destilation process (Systemized Dew Process), filtered process and disinfection with ozoniation. Dew water is stated can be used for disorder of blood circulation treatment. For the examination effect of dew water for blood circulation disorder, dew water was tested for blood description and biochemistry blood description at the animal model with cholesterol diet.It was the experimental pharmacology method, with the blood description as hamoglobline, erythrocyte, leucocyte, thrombocyte, hematochrite value; biochemistry description as total cholesterol, LDL cholesterol, HDL cholesterol, trigliserid; freeze time of blood; the arteri thickness ; body weight and the volume of intake water. Base on the normally of dosage at human, dew water intake for animal model were all day long admintration and of all of research time, every day for 2 month. The result of research has shown decrease of the body weight; increase need for intake water ; repairing haematology and biochemistry of blood, escpecially decrease of total cholesterol and LDL cholesterol; diluting blood; decreasing ateroschlerosis disorder at arteri vesse


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    Kesenian Lengger merupakan salah satu bentuk kesenian khas Banyumas yang dilaksanakan berkaitan dengan upacara mulai menanam padi sampai dengan panen padi usai. Dalam pementasannya kesenian ini terbagi menjadi empat babak yaitu, (1) babak Gambyongan, (2) babak Badutan, (3) babak Ebeg-ebegan (Jathilan) dan, (4) babak Baladewan. Masyarakat meyakini bahwa penari Lengger atau Jathilan yang memiliki Indhang pasti dalam pementasannya memiliki kemampuan, ketrampilan, kekuatan yang lebih ibandingkan dengan mereka yang tidak memiliki indhang. Indhang diperoleh dengan cara menjalankan Laku yaitu bersemadi/konsentrasi di tempat/makam yang dianggap keramat baik oleh kelompok kesenian maupun masyarakat setempat. Penari yang kerasukan Indhang akan memiliki daya tarik dan kekuatan tersendiri misalnya mampu menari berjam-jam tanpa lelah, memiliki aura atau pamor yang berbeda dengan aslinya, untuk indhang jathilan dapat merasuk ke penari dengan cara mendem/ndadi mereka akan berbuat sesuat diluar kemampuan dirinya. Di samping itu bagi yang mempercayai atau yakin penari lengger yang kerasukan indhang maka akan dapat mengobati anak atau seseorang yang sedang sakit dengan cara mencium/meniup kening atau memberikan air putih yang telah didoakan. Kata Kunci : Representasi, Indhang dan Lengger

    Efek Ekstrak Campuran Kulit Batang Pulai (Alstonia scholaris) dan Meniran (Phyllanthus niruri) pada Mencit Swiss Webster yang Diinfeksi Plasmodium berghei

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    Pulai and meniran is one of the medicinal plants that have been studied as a possible antimalarial drugs. This study aims to evaluate the antimalarial activity of a mixture of pulai bark and meniran extracts as antimalarial drugs. Acute toxicity tests was performed using male and female Wistar rats each 25 animals with four doses of treatment. Antimalarial test using 72 mice were divided into six dose groups: group CMC, DHP, dose mixture of 1330; 443.34; 147.78 mg/kg bw and doses of pulai groups 1330 mg /kg bw. All the mice were infected with Plasmodium berghei (D0) and given the extracts orally for 14 days. Giemsa blood stainning taken on days D1-D7 and D14 were analyzed for percentage of parasitaemia, lymphocytes, monocytes and granulocytes. Results of acute toxicity test (LD50) values obtained from extract mixture was more than 14285 mg/kg bw, are classified as non-toxic materials. The most effective dose of the test antimalarial obtained from the percentage of parasites reducing and leukocytes differential, was 147.78 mg/kg. A mixture of pulai bark and meniran extract can be considered to be used as an alternative drug in the treatment of malaria. Further research is needed to isolate and characterized the active ingredients which have the effect of antimalarial to be recommended as an antimalarial drug in the future

    Toksisitas Akut dan Subkronis Ramuan Ekstrak Kelor dan Klabet sebagai Pelancar ASI dan Penambah Gizi

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    Insufficient breast milk intake from a mother to their babies may cause a poor infant growth. We have conducted a research on mixture of klabet seed extracts (Trigonella foenum-graecum L.) and kelor leaf extract (Moringa oleifera Lamk.) (1:1) for increasing breast milk production in nursing mothers and nutritional supplement for infants. The study is a completely randomized design. We used white rats (Rattus novergicus), Wistar strain, as many as 50, that were divided into 5 dose groups for the acute toxicity testing and 40 rats in 4 dose groups for the sub-chronic toxicity testing.The acute toxicity testing of fenugreek seed extracts and moringa leaf extracts (1:1) results in a pseudo value LD50 >4,000 mg/200g bw, therefore we classified the materials to practically non-toxic (PNT). For the subchronic toxicity testing, the result showed a normal state on liver and kidney function

    Description of Testing in Wavelet Video Coding

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    The provided testing scenario is intended to be used for evaluation of the coding performance of the JSVM coding scheme provided by JVT, with respect to the Exploration Wavelet Video Coding platform. The reference conditions have been derived from the JSVM testing conditions document JVT-P205 produced at the 16th JVT meeting in Poznan. Further details on JSVM configuration can be found in such document. The rate points to be used in all tests are derived from the combined scalability test sets. The applicable set of rate points is similar to the rate points originally applied in the Munich and Palma testing conditions. The target rates are arranged in a systematic manner. For each spatio-temporal resolution, the rate triples from the lowest rate point to the highest rate point. The settings are chosen such that an AVC compatible base layer can be provided for the base layer of combined and spatial scalability and for the QCIF sequences in the SNR scalability scenario. The encoder will generate embedded bit-streams. To extract the various bit-rates, frame-rates and resolutions specified in the tables below from the embedded bit-stream, an extractor shall be used. No transcoding is allowed for performing the decoding at the various bit-rates, frame-rates and resolutions. In the combined scalability settings, the testing addresses a broad range scalability and is motivated by the requirements of applications such as surveillance, broadcast and storage systems. This scenario is represented by the test sequences CITY, CREW, HARBOUR and SOCCER. Visual tests shall take place for the rates shown in green in the tables below for each spatial resolution, and for the Palma test at the rate points tested at Palma. PSNR curves will have to be provided for all other rate points


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    Kesenian Lengger merupakan salah satu bentuk kesenian yang dilaksanakan berkaitan dengan upacara syukuran keberhasilan pasca panen di daerah Banyumas. Pementasan kesenian lengger ini terbagi menjadi empat babak yaitu, (1) babak Gambyongan, (2) babak Badutan, (3) babak Ebeg-ebegan (Jathilan) dan, (4) babak Baladewan. Menurut masyarakat Banyumas kesenian lengger memiliki lambang kesuburan. Dalam kesenian lengger, di antara penari pada saat menari ada yang dirasuki Indhang, sehingga dalam pementasannya memiliki kemampuan, keterampilan, kekuatan dan daya tarik yang tinggi dan mempesona. Indhang ini tidak mudah datang begitu saja tetapi diperoleh dengan cara menjalankan Laku yaitu bersemadi/konsentrasi di tempat yang dianggap keramat baik oleh kelompok kesenian maupun masyarakat setempat. Kedatangan indhang dalam kesenian Lengger sangat berarti bagi penari karena akan membawa berkah, rizki, pamor, dan dapat mengobati orang yang sakit. Indhang lengger ini dapat juga merasuk ke penari Ebeg dengan cara ndadi atau trance sehingga penari akan berbuat sesuatu di luar kemampuan dirinya. Pada zaman sekarang, kesenian Lengger mengalami perubahan fungsi dan perubahan dalam berbagai hal. Fungsi kesenian Lengger sekarang yakni sebagai seni pertunjukan pada berbagai acara, seperti acara pernikahan, acara khitanan, acara syukuran atas keberhasilan seseorang, dan sebagainya. Perkembangan dalam kesenian Lengger yang dulu ditarikan oleh laki-laki sekarang oleh perempuan, gerak-gerak yang dulu mengandung unsur erotis dan terkesan tidak tertata sekarang gerak-geraknya sudah diperhalus dan dibakukan. Kata Kunci : Ebeg, Indhang dan Lengger