33 research outputs found

    Standalone Avr Programmer

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    Article clarifies a research having goals to make AVR programming system that is portable, by makingsystem modul based on AVR AT8535 as AVR Programmer/Master and AT8515 asAVR Socket. The module instructionat first is hex file was sending from PC to AVR Programmer/Master that later will be saved to external memory. Afterthe hex file saved, programming process will not need help from PC anymore. The saved hex file that saved toexternal memory can be choosen that later will be written to AVR Socket. So, the AVR program can be donerepeatedly as long as data on external memory still saved. The standalone that was made can only programed AVRATMega 8515L. From the research ita can be conluded that on case of repeated program, Stand Alone AVR able tosave time 20% more faster that programming using AVR codevision

    Auditor Characteristics and Audit Report Lag: Industry Specialization and Long Tenure as Moderating Variables

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    Purpose: This study aims to analyze the effect of audit tenure and auditor workload on Audit Report Lag (ARL) and provide empirical evidence of whether the selection of industry-specialized auditors and audit partners with specific workloads can weaken this relationship. Method: This research was conducted using moderated regression analysis. Selection of the research sample using purposive sampling method, from all public listed companies during 2015-2017, 945 firm years were selected. Finding: This study found that audit tenure moderately significantly negatively affects ARL. Besides, this study can also prove that partners with heavy workloads can lead to longer ARL. However, a long partner-client relationship can weaken the workload and ARL relationship because of the audi- tor’s more familiarity and information. Based on these results, the characteristics of auditors affect the timeliness of audit reporting. Novelty: This study enriched the literature by finding out how to deal with audit delay effectively, whereas previous research only focused on identifying ARL causes. This research’s implication is expected to provide broader insight to the company regarding several factors that can help compa- nies issue their financial reports on time when the auditors have high workloads and short tenures


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    The Essential Factors and Trend Development of IoT Smart Box

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    Boxes for drug storage are handy and essential and play a role in helping the healing process and support maintaining patient health regularly for a long time. SmartBox is not a new thing, but because of its importance, it, SmartBox continues to be developed to date according to the needs needed. In previous research, the formation of SmartBox was only for particular things. This study tries to unify the 17 papers obtained with the help of a publish and perish application which is then carried out a literature review and using the VosViewer application to get an overview of trend development and the essential factors or aspects in the formation of SmartBox and its development. In addition to getting the trend of SmartBox development, this research also finds seven essential factors that will be useful for Smartbox development. With this research, it hopes that it will facilitate the development of SmartBox in the future. &nbsp

    Kajian dan Implementasi Real TIME Operating System pada Single Board Computer Berbasis Arm

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    Operating System is an important software in computer system. For personal and office use the operating system is sufficient. However, to critical mission applications such as nuclear power plants and braking system on the car (auto braking system) which need a high level of reliability, it requires operating system which operates in real time. The study aims to assess the implementation of the Linux-based operating system on a Single Board Computer (SBC) ARM-based, namely Pandaboard ES with the Dual-core ARM Cortex-A9, TI OMAP 4460 type. Research was conducted by the method of implementation of the General Purpose OS Ubuntu 12:04 OMAP4-armhf-RTOS and Linux 3.4.0-rt17 + on PandaBoard ES. Then research compared the latency value of each OS on no-load and with full-load condition. The results obtained show the maximum latency value of RTOS on full load condition is at 45 uS, much smaller than the maximum value of GPOS at full-load at 17.712 uS. The lower value of latency demontrates that the RTOS has ability to run the process in a certain period of time much better than the GPOS

    The Implementation of Business Process Blockchain Technology Based of MSCWR SmartBox Model

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    Blockchain technology uses in many fields, and one of them is logistics. This study aims to propose designing and implementing a blockchain technology-based application for logistics delivery combined with the Internet of Things (IoT) called MSCWR. Logistics and delivery of valuable products have a common problem, and security is also questionable. Therefore, the research process in making prototypes starts by defining the problem, planning, prototyping, testing, and designing validation. The methodology used is User-Centered Design, focus group discussion conducted with business actors directly, and system or prototype development using the System Development Life Cycle framework. As a result, the business processes create using an activity diagram, the features define using a use case diagram, and the screen design to show the prototype development created at an early stage in the research. Finally, the testing conducts to test how well the system is running. In the end, the validation of test results performs in good results &nbsp


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    Tujuan dari penelitian ini untuk menghasilkan sebuah alat yang dapat memindai sebuah objek yang bisa direkonstruksi menjadi objek tiga dimensi. Objek ini dapat dimodifikasi oleh software komputer. Metodologi yang digunakan dalam penyusunan skripsi ini adalah metode studi kepustakaan dan metode penelitian laboratorium. Dari hasil percobaan, proses pemindaian dan proses rekonstruksi objek tiga dimensi dapat berjalan dengan baik. Kesimpulan yang diperoleh adalah sudut optimal untuk memindai objek adalah pada sudut 25o hingga 35o. Sedangkan waktu rata-rata yang diperlukan untuk memutar piringan adalah 50 deti