1,896 research outputs found

    Multistage Zeeman deceleration of metastable neon

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    A supersonic beam of metastable neon atoms has been decelerated by exploiting the interaction between the magnetic moment of the atoms and time-dependent inhomogeneous magnetic fields in a multistage Zeeman decelerator. Using 91 deceleration solenoids, the atoms were decelerated from an initial velocity of 580m/s to final velocities as low as 105m/s, corresponding to a removal of more than 95% of their initial kinetic energy. The phase-space distribution of the cold, decelerated atoms was characterized by time-of-flight and imaging measurements, from which a temperature of 10mK was obtained in the moving frame of the decelerated sample. In combination with particle-trajectory simulations, these measurements allowed the phase-space acceptance of the decelerator to be quantified. The degree of isotope separation that can be achieved by multistage Zeeman deceleration was also studied by performing experiments with pulse sequences generated for 20^{20}Ne and 22^{22}Ne.Comment: 16 pages, 15 figure

    Focal neuromyotonia: do I love you?

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    We present a rare case of focal neuromyotonia in a 73-year-old woman with a follow up of 5years. The clinical picture showed a fixed contraction of the 3rd and 4th finger of the left hand. Similar to other published cases, our patient suffered from COPD and was treated with beta-2-sympathomimetics. This clinical picture shows a rare but rather salient differential diagnosis of Dupuytren's contracture. EMG of the affected muscles may yield a diagnosis and prevent the patient from a long and ineffective treatment "odyssey

    Modeling of cutting forces in trochoidal milling with respect to wear-dependent topographic changes

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    The aerospace industry utilizes nickel-based super-alloys due to its high level of strength and corrosion resistance. To evaluate milling strategies regarding tool wear, the prediction of forces during these cutting operations is essential. This comprises the determination of the undeformed chip thickness. Due to the complex interdependencies of tool engagements, the determination of these thicknesses is challenging. A geometric physically-based simulation system was extended by a novel time-discrete envelope model to increase the precision of the calculated undeformed chip thicknesses. In order to take tool wear into account, digitized topographies of cutting inserts in different states of tool wear were modelled

    Therapeutic impact of 2-[fluorine-18]fluoro-2-deoxy-D-glucose positron emission tomography in the pre- and postoperative staging of patients with clinically intermediate or high-risk breast cancer

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    Background: Positron emission tomography with 2-[fluorine-18]fluoro-2-deoxy-D-glucose (FDG-PET) is an accurate imaging modality for the staging of breast cancer. The aim of this study was to determine the potential therapeutic impact of pre- and postoperative FDG-PET in patients with clinically intermediate or high-risk breast cancer. Patients and methods: One hundred and fourteen patients with newly diagnosed breast cancer were examined before (73) or after (41) surgery. Patient data were translated into three scoring sheets corresponding to information available before positron emission tomography (PET), after PET and after further diagnostic tests. Three medical oncologists independently reviewed the retrospectively acquired patient data and prospectively made decisions on the theoretically planed treatment for each time point, according to the recommendations of St Gallen Consensus Guidelines 2005. Results: FDG-PET changed the planed treatment in 32% of 114 patients. In 20% of cases, therapeutic intention (curative versus palliative) was modified. Radiation treatment planning was changed in 27%, surgical planning in 9%, chemotherapy in 11% and intended therapy with bisphosphonates in 13% of all patients. Conclusion: Based on current treatment guidelines, FDG-PET, as a staging procedure in patients with newly diagnosed clinically intermediate or high-risk breast cancer examined pre- and postoperatively, may have a substantial therapeutic impact on treatment plannin

    Investigation of the effect of residual stresses in the subsurface on process forces for consecutive orthogonal cuts

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    The quality and surface integrity of machined parts is influenced by residual stresses in the subsurface resulting from cutting operations. These stress characteristics can not only affect functional properties such as fatigue life, but also the process forces during machining. Especially for orthogonal cutting as an appropriate experimental analogy setup for machining operations like milling, different undeformed chip thicknesses cause specific residual stress formations in the subsurface area. In this work, the process-related depth profile of the residual stress in AISI 4140 was investigated and correlated to the resulting cutting forces. Furthermore, an analysis of the microstructure of the cut material was performed, using additional characterization techniques such as electron backscatter diffraction and nanoindentation to account for subsurface alterations. On this basis, the influence of process-related stress profiles on the process forces for consecutive orthogonal cutting strategies is evaluated and compared to the results of a numerical model. The insights obtained provide a basis for future investigations on, e. g., empirical modeling of process forces including the influence of process-specific characteristics such as residual stress

    Liver Trauma Management

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    Liver trauma is responsible for the majority of penetrating abdominal trauma and is the third most common injury caused by firearms. Presenting a 20% mortality rate, it is an organ with wide and complex vascularization, receiving blood from the hepatic veins and portal vein, as well as from the hepatic arteries. The diagnosis is not always simple in polytrauma patients and contains a wide range of exams such as computerized tomography and diagnostic peritoneal lavage. Treatment depends mostly on a few factors such as the patient’s hemodynamic stability, the degree of injury according to the AAST classification, the resources available, and the surgeon’s expertise. Considering these factors, minor lesions can be treated mostly with a conservative approach in hemodynamically stable patients. Embolization by arteriography has shown good results in major lesions in clinically stable patients as well. On the other hand, more complex lesions associated with hemodynamically unstable patients may indicate damage control surgery applying techniques such as temporary liver packing and clamping the pedicle to restore the hemodynamic status. This chapter aims to describe those techniques and their indications in liver trauma


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    The distribution and kinetics of 14C-vecuronium were studied in rats and mice. 14C-Vecuronium accumulated rapidly in the liver. Both unchanged and metabolized vecuronium were excreted with the bile into the intestines and stomach. Reabsorption in the gut was probably responsible for an enterohepatic increase in radioactivity in the liver after one hour. Excretion through the kidneys increased continuously from low values after the initial peak. Binding in compartments with acid mucopolysaccharides such as cartilage, connective tissue etc., was less important. Bloodbrain barrier and placenta were permeable only to a small degre

    Survey of SalmonellaeSalmonellae occurrence in meat‐producing rabbitries in Switzerland

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    Background: An outbreak of salmonellosis due to Salmonella Typhimurium was detected coincidentally in a Swiss meat rabbitry, given that surveillance of Salmonella in rabbits is not mandatory in Switzerland. Methods: To assess the extent of potentially subclinical Salmonella carriage in meat rabbits, faecal pool samples of 50 farms (90% of Swiss commercial rabbitries) with ground covering litter and group housing were bacteriologically tested. Additionally, 236 rabbits showing clinical signs compatible with intestinal diseases, such as salmonellosis, were examined postmortem and analysed bacteriologically. Salmonella isolates were serotyped and analysed by whole genome sequencing (WGS). Results: Salmonella Typhimurium was detected in three commercial farms (6.0% of all tested farms). The affected farms were directly linked to the animal trade and Salmonella isolates were shown to be identical by WGS. Conclusion: There is no increased hazard for Salmonella carriage in the animal welfare-friendly Swiss husbandry systems in general, despite risk factors such as ground covering litter