30 research outputs found

    Seleksi Galur Lactobacillus Plantarum Untuk Inokulum Pada Pembuatan Silase

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    Eleven strains of Lactobacillus plantarum have been evaluated for their growth rate and ability to reduce pH during corn ensiling. Ensiling was carried out in small scale using plastic bag for 14 days. Soluble carbohydrate consumption, organic acids production and pH reduction were measured during fermentation. The growth rate of each strain was also determined in liquid medium. All of the 11 strains of L. plantarum tested were able to improve the ensiling process. However, strains T-16, T-25 and S-98 grew in liquid medium faster than the others, and were able to reduce pH of silage quicker than the other strains. The pH of silage inoculated with strain T-16, T-25 and S-98 decreased from about 5.60 to 4.23, 4.45 and 4.40, respectively, in two days, and to 3.98, 4.05 and 4.03, respectively, after 14 days fermentation. The acetic acid content of silages inoculated with those strains was low. Strains T-16 and T-25 were suitable as potential silage inoculants and their characteristics were comparable to the one isolated from a commercial silage inoculant

    Free Fatty Acid Concentration and Carboxy Methyl Cellulase Activity of Some Formulas of Protected Fat-proteins Tested in Vitro

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    The aim of this study was to determine the levels of free fatty acids and carboxymethylcellulase activity (cmc-ase) activity of some protected fat-proteins base on in vitro Tilley and Terry method. Two sources of fat, i.e. crude palm oil and fish oil and three sources of protein i.e. skim milk, soybean flour and soybean meal were used in the formulation of protected fat-protein, and thus there were six treatment combinations. The filtrate from the in vitro test was analyzed for the levels of free fatty acids and cmcase activity. The result of this research indicates that different combinations of feed materials and fat give different content of free fatty acid in first stage and second stage in vitro, with the best results in the combination treatment of skim milk and palm oil that give the lowest result of free fatty acid concentration in fisrt stage in vitro (0.168%) and the highest result free fatty acid concentration in second stage in vitro ( 4.312%) . The activity of CMC-ase was not influenced by different sources of fat and protein. It can be concluded was that the protection of the combination between skim milk and CPO gives the highest protection results

    PARAMETER FERMENTASI RUMEN PADA SAPI PERANAKAN FRIESIAN HOLSTEIN YANG DIBERI PAKAN BASAL JERAMI PADI DENGAN SUPLEMENTASI SUMBER NITROGEN DAN ENERGI BERBEDA [Rumen Fermentation Parameters in Friesian Holstein Grade Cattle Fed Rice Straw as Basal Feed with Different Nitrogen and Energi Source Suplementations]

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    ABSTRAK Penelitian telah dilaksanakan dengan tujuan untuk mengkaji parameter fermentasi rumen pada sapi Peranakan Friesian Holstein yang diberi ransum berpakan basal jerami padi dengan prekursor nitrogen (PDIN), tinggi prekursor energi (PDIE) tinggi dan prekursor nitrogen-energi seimbang (PDIS). Manfaat dari penelitian ini adalah memberikan informasi tentang system evaluasi protein baru untuk meningkatkan efisiensi penggunaan nutrien pada ruminansia. Penelitian ini dilaksanakan selama 4 minggu di Jurusan Nutrisi dan Makanan Ternak Fakultas Peternakan Universitas Gadjah Mada. Penelitian menggunakan 5 ekor sapi PFH betina yang difistula bagian rumennya berumur 2,5 sampai 3 tahun dengan bobot badan 250 – 300 kg. Variabel yang diamati meliputi pH, NH3 dan volatile fatty acids (VFA). Data yang diperoleh dianalisis variansi dan jika terdapat perbedaan pengaruh perlakuan dilanjutkan uji wilayah ganda Duncan. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa konsentrasi NH3 pada sapi perah yang mendapat suplementasi PDIN tinggi (12,99) nyata lebih tinggi (P<0,05) dibanding pada PDIE tinggi (6,74) dan PDIS (8,61 mmol/100 ml), konsentrasi NH3 pada sapi yang diberi ransum PDIS nyata lebih tinggi dibanding pada sapi yang mendapat ransum PDIE tinggi. Konsentrasi VFA pada sapi perah yang diberi ransum PDIE (88,53) nyata lebih tinggi (P< 0,05) dibanding yang diberi ransum PDIN (80,94) dan PDIS (78,94 mmol/ l). Kata kunci : pH, NH3, VFA, nitrogen, energi, suplementasi ABSTRACT An experiment was conducted to determine the rumen fermentation parameters in Friesian Holstein grade cattle fed rice straw as basal feed with precursor of high nitrogen (PDIN), precursor of high energy (PDIE) and precursor of balance nitrogen-energy (PDIS) The experiment was conducted in 4 weeks in Department of Animal Nutrition and Feed Science, Faculty of Animal Science Gadjah Mada University. The experiment used 5 female rumen fistulated PFH of 2,0 – 2,5 years old and 250 – 300 kg body weight. Variables observed were ruminal pH, NH3 and volatile fatty acids (VFA) concentrtion. Collected data were analized statistically by analysis of variances, and if there were differences among treatments they were tested further by Duncan’s multiple range test. The results showed that NH3 concentration for Friesian Holstein cross breed (PFH) with high PDIN (12,99) were higher (P<0,05) than that with high PDIE (6,74) and PDIS (8,61 mmol/100 ml), consentration of NH3 Friesian Holstein cross breed (PFH) with PDIS were higher (P< 0,05) than that The Rumen Fermentation Parameters in Friesian Holstein Grade Cattle [Nuswantara et al.] 269 with high PDIE. Consentration of VFA for Friesian Holstein cross breed (PFH) with high PDIE (88,53) were higher than that with high PDIN (80,94) and PDIS (78,94 mmol/l). Keywords : pH, NH3, VFA, nitrogen, energy, supplementatio

    Determination of in Vitro Digestibility of Tropical Feeds Using Cattle Faeces as Rumen Fluid Alternative

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    The research was conducted to compare the ability of faeces dissolved in distilled water (P1), saline solution (P2), artificial saliva (P3), and rumen fluid (RF) as sources of inoculant  in  in vitro organic matter digestibilities (IVOMD) of rice straw, corn stover, napier grass, and pangola grass. The rumen fluid was collected from two rumen fistulated Ongole Crossbred Cows of 306 and 333 kg body weight (BW). The cows were fed 3% of BW consisted of 70% napier grass and 30% concentrate. At the end of  30 days  feeding, faecal solution was made out of 350 g fresh faeces dissolved in 1 l of each solvent, homogenized using blender for 30 second, while rumen liquor were collected directly from fistula. After straining with four layers of cheesecloth both faecal solution and rumen liquid were mixed with artificial saliva (1:4 v/v). Fifty ml of each inoculants was pipetted  into each incubator tube (100 ml) containing  500 mg sample. The tubes were then  incubated at 39 oC for 48 h. Value of  IVOMD of napier grass, rice straw, corn stover, and pangola grass did not differ among the faecal solvents, but significantly lower (Pin vitro organic matter to predict digestibility of fibrous feed determination. However, the faecal solvent as inoculant produced lower in vitro digestibility than that of rumen fluid


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    This research was aimed to determine the impact of balanced energy and protein supplementation with high rumen undegraded protein (HRUP) to milk production and quality in early lactating dairy cows. Twelve early lactating Friesian Holstein cows were divided into two groups (control and HRUP). Both control and HRUP group were fed on a basal diet (forage to concentrate ratio was 60:40; DM basis), with rumen undegraded protein (RUP) levels were 27.47% and 32.78% for control and HRUP, respectively. The experimental diets were given to animals twice daily, morning and afternoon. Water was given by ad libitum. The observed parameters were nutrient intake, quantity and quality of milk production . Data were examined using t-test. Results showed that feed intake, milk production and 4% FCM, milk fat and lactose concentrations, and milk solid non-fat and total solid concentrations were not differed significantly between control and HRUP groups. However, milk protein concentration and production were differed (P<0.05) between controls and HRUP groups. The balanced energy and protein supplementation with HRUP in early lactating dairy cows could impact on milk protein concentration and production