12 research outputs found

    Pengembangan Skala Resiliensi Keluarga dengan Anak Berkebutuhan Khusus

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    Tantangan dalam kehidupan tidak hanya dihadapi oleh individu namun  dapat juga dihadapi oleh keluarga. Kemampuan dalam menghadapi tantangan ini dikenal dengan istilah resiliensi. Peneliti mengembangkan skala resiliensi keluarga guna menyediakan instrumen untuk penelitian, penilaian dan intervensi, khususnya pada keluarga dengan anak berkebutuhan khusus (ABK). Pengembangan skala ini melibatkan 41 keluarga ABK dengan teknik accidental sampling. Data dianalisis menggunakan exploratory factor analysis (EFA), kemudian confirmatory factor analysis (CFA), yang menunjukkan ada tiga dimensi dari skala resiliensi keluarga ABK, yaitu penerimaan, pengelolaan, dan dukungan. Model tiga dimensi tersebut fit dengan data. Hal ini berarti ketiga dimensi ini terbukti mengukur satu konstruk, yaitu resiliensi keluarga dengan ABK. Dari segi reliabilitas, skala ini memiliki reliabilitas yang tinggi. Dengan demikian, skala resiliensi keluarga ABK memiliki properti psikometris yang baik untuk digunakan lebih lanjut


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    Parenting is any action taken by adults to children in order to fulfill their needs. The role of parents usually experienced when a person is in the young adult stage,in the age range 20 to 30 years. Today, being a parent can also happen in adolescence. The number of adolescence who eventually becomes parent has increased. It can be caused by many things. Children born from adolescence mothers could experience some of the risk in terms of physical and cognitive. In this condition the parenting role still should be taken.The objective of this research wasto have better description on parenting activities carried out by mother to her children. It used qualitative research method based on the theory of parenting by Hoghughi. Subjects in this study were four adolesence mothers who had childfrom pre-marital sexual relations. The result of the study explained that children growing up according to developmental milestone and get enough parenting care. The parenting activities consist of parenting attention, control, and development. Adolescence mother are also able to meet childneeds and make their own decisions as they do in the young adult stage of development. Social supports have influence the mother parenting activity

    Gambaran Parenting Stress Dan Coping Stress Pada Ibu Yang Memiliki Anak Kembar

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    Dalam proses pengasuhan (parenting), beberapa faktor dapat mempengaruhi orang tua. Faktor tidak hanya orang tua saja, tetapi karakteristik anak juga merupakan salah satu hal yang mempengaruhi. Salah satu karaktersitiknya adalah anak kembar. Memiliki anak kembar dapat menimbulkan tantangan yang lebih besar karena tanggung jawab orang tua menjadi berlipat ganda pada saat yang bersamaan dan dapat menimbulkan (parenting stress). Parenting stress dapat memberikan pengaruh negatif dalam hubungan anak dan orang tua terutama pada ibu yang umumnya lebih banyak terlibat dalam pengasuhan di awal kehidupan. Ibu yang mengalami stres lebih mungkin untuk menampilkan kurangnya kasih sayang, penerimaan, pengawasan, serta lebih dapat memunculkan kontrol dan disiplin. Ibu yang mengasuh lebih dari satu anak berpendapat bahwa stres merupakan salah satu masalah serius yang mereka hadapi. Dikatakan pula bahwa stres yang dialami oleh orang tua dan kemampuan mereka untuk mengatasi (coping stress), dapat mempengaruhi hubungan mereka dengan anak. Penelitian ini menggunakan metode kuantitatif yang bersifat deskriptif dan non ekperimental. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui gambaran pareting stress serta coping stress pada ibu yang memiliki anak kembar. Partisipan adalah ibu yang memiliki anak kembar di SD kelas 3 - 6. Pengambilan data dilakukan dengan memberikan kuesioner yang berisi adaptasi dari alat ukur Parenting Stress Index (PSI) serta alat ukur Cope Scale. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa ibu yang memiliki anak kembar memiliki tingkat stres yang sedang. Dari hasil penelitian juga dapat disimpulkan bahwa karakteristik distractibility yang dimiliki oleh anak kembar (baik kakak maupun adik) dapat menyebabkan ibu menjadi stres. Strategi coping yang lebih banyak dilakukan oleh ibu yang memiliki anak kembar yaitu planning dan turning to religion.Kata kunci: stres pengasuhan, coping, anak kembarÂ

    Positive parenting and its mediating role in the relationship between parental resilience and quality of life in children with developmental disabilities in Java Island, Indonesia

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    Backgrounds Developmental disabilities exert severe physical, cognitive and social-emotional consequences, such as low quality of life, not only on children but also on their families. However, the extent of the effect of such consequences on quality of life is partially dependent on how parents address the situation. Aims The study aimed to examine whether positive parenting mediates the link between parental resilience and quality of life of children with a developmental disability in Indonesia. Methods and procedures Data were derived from a three-wave longitudinal study on 497, 224 and 209 families in waves one, two and three, respectively. The study determined parental resilience by assessing the knowledge of parents about the characteristics of their child, perceived social support and positive perception of parenting. Quality of life consisted of five aspects: material well-being, communication and influence, socio-emotional well-being, development and activity. Positive parenting was assessed through observed levels of support, encouragement and praise. Conclusions and implications The results demonstrated that positive parenting mediated the impact of positive perception of parenting on quality of life. This finding implies that positive perception and positive parenting should be encouraged when families with children with developmental disabilities receive care or support


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    Math is an important subject. It will improve student’s ability to thinklogically, analytically, and systematically. However, the process of learningmathematics often causes anxiety. Math anxiety is a feeling of inadequacy,tension, or panic when dealing with arithmetic operations and mathematicalproblems in a situation of academic and in everyday situations. One of the factors that cause mathematics anxiety is the learning methods which were notappropriate to make students understand mathematical concepts. Because of this they had an unpleasant experience while learning mathematics.Researchersexamined the level of mathematics anxiety among students who learn with rotemethod of learning and inquiry learning. Rote learning method is learningthrough memorizing a series of information without understanding the processand the relation between those concepts. Inquiry learning is a method thatencourages students to collect and analyze information, make decisions, buildtheir own understanding, create new things, and apply those concepts to solve problems. Researchers used a Children Math Anxiety Questionnaire (CMAQ). There were 175 students. The results show that there are significant differences in the level of mathematics anxiety among students who learn by rote learning and inquiry. Another factor that determines the math anxiety are the demands of the family and also the school for students to get high grades in math

    Pengembangan Skala Resiliensi Keluarga dengan Anak Berkebutuhan Khusus

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    Tantangan dalam kehidupan tidak hanya dihadapi oleh individu namun  dapat juga dihadapi oleh keluarga. Kemampuan dalam menghadapi tantangan ini dikenal dengan istilah resiliensi. Peneliti mengembangkan skala resiliensi keluarga guna menyediakan instrumen untuk penelitian, penilaian dan intervensi, khususnya pada keluarga dengan anak berkebutuhan khusus (ABK). Pengembangan skala ini melibatkan 41 keluarga ABK dengan teknik accidental sampling. Data dianalisis menggunakan exploratory factor analysis (EFA), kemudian confirmatory factor analysis (CFA), yang menunjukkan ada tiga dimensi dari skala resiliensi keluarga ABK, yaitu penerimaan, pengelolaan, dan dukungan. Model tiga dimensi tersebut fit dengan data. Hal ini berarti ketiga dimensi ini terbukti mengukur satu konstruk, yaitu resiliensi keluarga dengan ABK. Dari segi reliabilitas, skala ini memiliki reliabilitas yang tinggi. Dengan demikian, skala resiliensi keluarga ABK memiliki properti psikometris yang baik untuk digunakan lebih lanjut.</p


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    Mastery of adaptive behavior is the important skill to be achieved by the children with mental retardation One of the indicator for a child to be called mental retarded is the lack of his adaptive behavior ability. Eventhough, adaptive behavior is very important to be mastered by mental retarded children in surviving their lives. This reason makes adaptive behavior becomes a focus for this research. In mastering the adaptive behavior, the role of a mother is very neeeded. This is related to Indonesian culture, while father is breadwinner and mother is nurturing their children. The role of mother focused on the role as a teacher, as a managing behavior, relating to the school, counselors, and educating significant other. Data obtained though observation and intervews with three mothers who have children with mental retardation that entered elementary school. Result of the study showed that as a teacher, mother showed the adaptive behavior and asked the children to do as so independently. As a behavior manager, mothers gave reward and punishment to their children. As a relationship builder with school, mothers didin’t actively involved in school activities. As conselor, mothers helped their children to solve socialization problems. The role in educating significant other did not occur because they do the parenting on their own without any help


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    Math is an important subject. It will improve student’s ability to thinklogically, analytically, and systematically. However, the process of learningmathematics often causes anxiety. Math anxiety is a feeling of inadequacy,tension, or panic when dealing with arithmetic operations and mathematicalproblems in a situation of academic and in everyday situations. One of the factors that cause mathematics anxiety is the learning methods which were notappropriate to make students understand mathematical concepts. Because of this they had an unpleasant experience while learning mathematics.Researchersexamined the level of mathematics anxiety among students who learn with rotemethod of learning and inquiry learning. Rote learning method is learningthrough memorizing a series of information without understanding the processand the relation between those concepts. Inquiry learning is a method thatencourages students to collect and analyze information, make decisions, buildtheir own understanding, create new things, and apply those concepts to solve problems. Researchers used a Children Math Anxiety Questionnaire (CMAQ). There were 175 students. The results show that there are significant differences in the level of mathematics anxiety among students who learn by rote learning and inquiry. Another factor that determines the math anxiety are the demands of the family and also the school for students to get high grades in math