78 research outputs found

    Analisis Rentabilitas Industri Pengolahan Kecap CV. Aneka Guna di Kota Langsa

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    . Soy industry as one of the downstream agribusiness industries can encourage the increasing of soybean production in Aceh. The existences of fairly large agroindustry perceive a role in economic development, especially the development of food crops in this area. This study aimed to determine the business feasibility through its profitability. Profitability of a soy industry shows the comparison between the net income and capital used in industry level. The research result showed that the ability of industry to gain net income is 23.97 persen, greater than the interest rate 18persen per year. Thus the soy processing industry CV. Aneka Guna is beneficial to be implemented. The amount of net benefit was IDR 108.59 million/year and the amount of capital needed was IDR 453 million /year. This industry provides favorable result in terms of profitability, where the percentage of net benefit gained by industry was 23.97persen per year from each of 100persen of capital employed

    An Analysis of Depression on the Main Character Kyle Kingson on the Beastly Film.

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    This research is a literary criticism which uses psychological approach. It employs a literary criticism because the writer conducts discussion of literary works which is related with the personality of the main character in the Beastly film namely Kyle Kingson. The findings showed that there are five symptoms of depression from the main character Kyle Kingson namely, (1) feeling sad or unhappy, (2) loss of interest or pleasure daily activity that be loved before, (3) easy to be angry or easy to be offended, (4) difficult to take decision, less to concentrate, (5) feeling worthless, guilty and always thinking about past failures. Moreover, Kyle can solve his depression by himself and Zola and Will make Kyle confidence with his ugly face

    Pengaruh Kinerja Alat Suling dan Kesesuaian Lahan terhadap Produksi Minyak Nilam di Kabupaten Aceh Jaya

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    . This study aims to analyze the influence of the performance of distillation equipment and suitability of land stills to patchouli oil in Aceh Jaya. The method used is a Latin square design on the basis of the type of production areas, varieties of patchouli and tools of refiners. Performance refinery observed that vary according to the area of production, varieties of patchouli and specification tools refiners. The results showed that the performance optimization of different distillation apparatus according to the specifications of agro-climatic regions of production, varieties and types of equipment refiners. This also causes the variation of performance and patchouli oil refining business profits. Futhermore, appropriate agro-climatic regions and agro-ecological production, the smaller the value of the investment required to achieve optimal distillation process. For areas that are less appropriate in each agro-climate varieties of investment required with a larger value. To obtain better distillation process performance when cultivated varieties according to agro-climatic and agroecology

    Gangguan Seksual Tokoh-tokoh Utama Dalam Novel Fifty Shades of Grey Karya E. L James

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    As the requirement to accomplish the Bachelor Degree in English Literature at Faculty of Humanities in Sam Ratulangi University, this skripsi entitled “Sexual Disorder of the Major Characters in the novel Fifty Shades of Grey by E. L James is completed and submitted. The aims of this analysis are to analyze and classify the kind of ‘sexual disorder\u27 of the major characters in the novel Fifty Shades of Grey. The elaboration of major characters\u27 images, the characterization of the major characters, the identification and the classification the kinds of ‘sexual disorder\u27 is included and tied with the plot. Also, to describe the effects of “sexual disorder\u27 to the major characters themselves. Intrinsically, in characterization of the major characters, the paradigm by Stanton\u27 (1983) is chosen and extrinsically, in psychological analysis that is focused on sexual disorder of the major characters, the paradigm of abnormality characteristic and sexual disorder by Davison, Neale and Kring (2012) is used. The analysis is served by using descriptive method that is divided into intrinsic and extrinsic approaches. The intrinsic approach aims to analyze the major characters and the extrinsic approach is used to analyze the ‘sexual disorder\u27 of the major characters and its effects. The result of this analysis states that the major characters have the characteristic of abnormality in terms of sexual disorder. The major character Christian Grey has some kinds of sexual disorders: fetishism, voyeurism, froteurism, sadism sexual and masochism sexual. The major character Anastasia Steele has masochism sexual. The effects caused by the sexual disorder itself to the major characters, are: personal distress, determination, mental and physical inflictions, abnormality, destruction and separation of the relationship

    Analysis Complementary Feeding and Nutritional Status Among Children Aged 12-24 Months in Puskesmas Lesung Batu, Empat Lawang

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    Background: Complementary feeding is a supplementary food given to babies after age 6 months to 24 months of age in order to meet the nutritional needs in addition to breast milk. However, complementary feeding which is not under WHO standard become one of the causes of the increasing prevalence of malnutrition in children aged 12-24 months in the world and in Indonesia. The incidence of malnutrition at Lesung Batu Puskesmas, Empat Lawang is still quite high at 18%. The purpose of this study was to analyze the relationship giving complementary feeding with the incidence of nutritional status in the region. Method: This study used case control design. Sampling based on inclusion and exclusion criteria to the number of samples was 80 consisting of 40 cases and 40 controls. Data was taken from data register cases of malnutrition primer using questionnaires and anthropometric measurements of children nutritional status and using neighborhood controls. The data was analyzed by univariate, bivariate chi square. Result: Hypothesis test results indicated that the nutritional status of children associated with the frequency of complementary feeding (p value<0.0001; OR 6.6), and history of infectious disease (p value 0,04; OR 3). Meanwhile, the age of first administration of complementary feeding, the texture of foods, the variation of foods and a portion of complementary feeding were not associated with nutritional status children aged 12-24 months. Conclusion: Advice can be given that mothers who have children 6-24 months should give more attention to the provision of complementary feeding in accordance with the recommended WHO through counseling, information, education and communication related nutrition and complementary feeding practices of infants and children

    Hubungan Antara Terjadinya Kandidiasis Vulvovaginalis Dengan Penggunaan Kontrasepsi Hormonal

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    Latar belakang: Kandidiasis vulvovaginalis (KVV) merupakan infeksi pada vulva dan/atau vagina dikarenakan pertumbuhan yang tidak terkendali dari jamur Candida sp., terutama Candida albicans. Salah satu faktor predisposisi yang diduga menyebabkan KVV adalah penggunaan kontrasepsi hormonal. Data statistik menunjukkan pengguna kontrasepsi hormonal jenis suntik sebanyak 48,56%, pil sebanyak 26,60%, dan implan sebanyak 9,23% dari total 8,5 juta perempuan pemakai kontrasepsi di Indonesia. Pada penelitian ini dilakukan analisa hubungan antara terjadinya KVV dengan penggunaan kontrasepsi hormonal.Metode: Penelitian ini merupakan penelitian analitik korelatif dengan rancangan cross sectional, menggunakan sampel 51 pasien Puskesmas Mangkang Semarang yang memenuhi kriteria inklusi (merupakan pengguna kontrasepsi hormonal, berusia 20-30 tahun, mengalami keputihan). Data yang dikumpulkan merupakan data primer dengan pengambilan sekret/duh vagina pasien yang kemudian diperiksa secara mikrobiologis menggunakan pengecatan gram di Laboratorium Ilmu Kesehatan Kulit dan Kelamin RSUP Dr. Kariadi Semarang. Analisis data dilakukan dengan uji chi-square, dengan tingkat kemaknaan p<0,05.Hasil penelitian: Dari 51 subjek penelitian, 34 pasien (66,7%) di antaranya merupakan pengguna kontrasepsi hormonal jenis suntik, 13 pasien (25,5%) pengguna jenis pil, serta 4 pasien (7,8%) pengguna jenis implan/susuk. Tidak ada hubungan antara penggunaan kontrasepsi hormonal dengan kejadian KVV (p=0,636).Kesimpulan: Jenis kontrasepsi hormonal yang paling banyak digunakan oleh masyarakat adalah kontrasepsi jenis suntik (66,7%). Tidak ada hubungan antara penggunaan kontrasepsi hormonal dengan kejadian KVV

    Analisis Perbandingan Biaya dan Pendapatan Usahatani Tebu Sistem Tanam Rawat Ratoon pada Lahan Sawah dan Lahan Tegal di Jawa Timur

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    Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk menganalsisi perbandingan biaya dan pendapatan USAhatani tebu rawat ratoon pada lahan sawah dan lahan tegal di Kabupaten Malang, Pasuruan, Lumajang dan Situbondo Provinsi Jawa Timur. Penentuan sample pada penelitian ini menggunakan teknik purposive sampling dimana total petani tebu lahan sawah dan tegal di Kabupaten Malang, Pasuruan, Lumajang dan Situbondo di Provinsi Jawa Timur adalah sebanyak 54 orang petani tebu dengan teknik budidaya rawat ratoon yang terdiri dari 19 petani lahan sawah dan 35 petani tebu lahan tegal. Data dianalisis menggunakan metode analisis uji beda t-test. Hasil analisis menunjukkan bahwa terdapat perbedaan biaya dan pendapatan yang signifikan antara USAtani tebu rawat ratoon pada lahan sawah dan lahan tegal pada Kabupaten Malang, Pasuruan, Lumajang dan situbondo. Biaya total rata – rata per hektar per musim tanam yang dikeluarkan petani tebu rawat ratoon pada lahan sawah lebih besar dibandingkan pada biaya total USAhatani tebu rawat ratoon pada lahan tegal. Usahatani tebu rawat ratoon pada lahan sawah lebih menguntungkan dibandingkan USAhatani tebu rawat ratoon pada lahan tegal Diperlukan intervensi pemerintah dalam hal fasilitasi pemeliharaan saluran serta fasilitasi penyediaan dan akses petani dalam memperoleh sarana produksi pertanian dan modal dalam rangka meningkatkan efisiensi USAhatani petani teb

    RESPON PERTUMBUHAN TANAMAN JARAK PAGAR (Jatropha curcas Linn.) YANG DIBERI PUPUK KANDANG KOTORAN SAPI DAN PUPUK NPK MUTIARA PADA TANAH BERPASIR (Growth Of Plant Jatropha (Jatropha curcas Linn.) Fertilized With Cow Manure and NPK Mutiara On Sandy Soil)

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    This study aim to determine the growth of Jatropha curcas by applying of cow manure and NPK mutiara fertilizer on sandy soil. The design used in this study was Factorial Group Randomized Design with two factors. The first level was cow manure consist of 4 namely, without giving  0, 1, 2, 3 t.ha-1 of per crop. The second level was the giving of mutiara fertilizer namely, without giving 0, 100, 150, 200 kg.ha-1. The results showed that there was significant interaction between cow manure and NPK mutiara fertilizer on plant height and leaves number of Jatropha curcas on sandy soil. The dosage of 3 t.ha-1 of cow manure and 200 kg.ha-1, NPK mutiara fertilizer were able to increased the plant height and number of leaves, meanwhile the each of single factor had a significant interaction on the plant height, leaves number, diameter of stem and number of branches. The K3N3 was the best treatment on overall the variable observe
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