9 research outputs found

    Comparative Analysis of Image Steganography using SLT, DCT and SLT-DCT Algorithm

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    Steganography is an interesting science to be studied and researched at this time, because steganography is the science of hiding messages on other digital media so that other parties are not aware of the existence of information in the digital media. Steganography is very effective in maintaining information security, because the existence of this information is obscured so that it is difficult to know where it is. This paper discusses hiding text into images using the Slantlet Transform (SLT) method, Descreate Cosine Transform (DCT) and Hybrid of SLT and DCT. The three methods are implemented in the frequency domain where steganographic imagery is transformed from the spatial domain to the frequency domain and the message bit is inserted into the cover image frequency component. The comparison parameters of these three techniques are based on MSE, PSNR, Capacity & Robustness. From the results of the tests that have been done, it is obtained that the highest PSNR value is generated using the SLT-DCT method, the largest storage capacity is the SLT method while the resistance, SLT-DCT method and DCT method are more resistant to attack than the SLT method


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    Sistem komputasi terdistribusi menjadi salah satu kebutuhan dalam implementasi aplikasi berbasis server seperti database server dan web server agar tercapainya tingkat performansi tinggi. Masalah yang sering terjadi adalah kegagalan pada server sehingga perfrorma dari sebuah server terganggu, sehingga dibutuhkan suatu teknik deploy dapat digunakan untuk menyediakan sistem terdistribusi dengan performansi tinggi. Virtualisasi berbasis container menjadi pilihan untuk menjalankan sistem terdistribusi karena arsitektur yang ringan, kinerja yang cepat, dan efisiensi sumber daya. Salah satu virtualisasi berbasis container adalah memperkenalkan alat pengembangan sistem terdistribusi yang disebut Kubernetes, yang memungkinkan memanajemen deploy server untuk menyediakan sistem dengan availability yang tinggi. Metodologi pengembangan system yang digunakan adalah Network Development Life Cycle (NDLC). Dari 6 tahapan yang ada, hanya digunakan 3 tahapan yaitu Analysis, Design, dan Simulation Prototyping. Uji coba atau scenario pengujian yang dilakukan adalah Ftp Deploy dan Web Server Nginx sehingga dapat menjaga ketersediaan dan sistem mampu melakukan failover saat terjadi kegagalan pada serverDistributed computing systems are one of the requirements in implementing server-based applications such as database servers and web servers in order to achieve high levels of performance. The problem that often occurs is failure on the server so that the performance of a server is disrupted, so it takes a deployment technique that can be used to provide a distributed system with high performance. Container-based virtualization is the choice for running distributed systems because of its lightweight architecture, fast performance and resource efficiency. One of the container-based virtualisations is the introduction of a distributed systems development tool called Kubernetes, which allows managing server deployments to provide high availability systems. The system development methodology used is the Network Development Life Cycle (NDLC). Of the 6 stages, only 3 stages are used, namely Analysis, Design, and Simulation Prototyping. The test or test scenario carried out is Ftp Deploy and Nginx Web Server so that it can maintain availability and the system is able to failover when a server failure occur

    Optimization of The use of Wireless Lan Devices to Minimize Operational Costs

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    WLAN technology has been widely developed for the needs of internet access in people's lives. Several generations of WLAN technology include IEEE 802.11b, IEEE 802.11a, IEEE 802.11g and IEEE 802.11n. At the STAHN Rectorate Building, Gde Pudja Mataram, WLAN technology in its application requires financial consideration because excessive use of Internet Service Provider services results in a waste of operational costs. The application of WLAN is still not optimal, because there are not too many users, but the operational costs of implementing the local wireless network are very large, due to less optimal application of network infrastructure. The recommended WLAN technology is IEEE 802.11n, while the technology is the latest technology that has better quality than the previous generation technology. The research methodology uses the Network Development Life Cycle (NDLC). Of the 6 stages available, only 3 stages are used, namely Analysis, Design and Simulation of Prototyping. The results obtained from this study are models that design a WLAN that suits your needs, and complements the entire Building area.  Optimization has succeeded in reducing the need for ISP and client services while still being able to enjoy services as needed and cost optimization can be reduced by around 28%

    Strategi Pemasaran Digital Produk UMKM Paguyuban Kampung Bejo Dengan Aplikasi Linktree Dan Media Sos

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    Perkembangan perdagangan yang terjadi saat ini adalah efek langsung adanya teknologi. Adanya perkembangan teknologi menjadikan para pelaku Usaha Mikro Kecil dan Menengah (UMKM) menawarkan barangnya secara online untuk meningkatkan hasil produknya ke konsumen sehingga akan meningkatkan pendapatannya. Perkembangan teknologi juga memungkinkan lebih banyak konsumen mengetahui produk-produk yang dijual oleh para produsen. Hal ini memudahkan konsumen untuk menemukan informasi tentang barang yang dijual oleh produsen. Program pendukung seperti aplikasi linktree dapat digunakan untuk mengaplikasikan informasi tersebut. Linktree adalah program yang bagus, dimana aplikasi ini bisa membuat tautan link pada satu landing page saja. Namun kenyataannya, banyak UMKM yang tidak menyadari hal tersebut, termasuk UMKM Paguyuban Kampung Bejo di Kelurahan Arjowinangun. Maka, tim pengabdian masyarakat membantu UMKM mengatasi permasalahan dengan memberikan sosialiasi pelatihan strategi pemasaran dengan aplikasi linktree dan media sosiak. Pendekatan dilakukan dengan cara Focus Group Discussion (FGD) yang dihadiri oleh 21 UMKM pada Selasa, 11 Juli 2023 di Kelurahan Arjowinangun. Hasil dari kegiatan ini yaitu para pelaku UMKM sangat bersemangat dan mempraktekkan pembuatan aplikasi Linktree secara langsung. Diharapkan dengan adanya aplikasi Linktree ini dapat memudahkan para pelaku UMKM dalam menjual produknya sehingga lebih dikenal oleh konsumen dan mendapatkan keuntungan yang lebih banyak

    Home Security Voice Notification System With Arduino Sensor, PIR based SMS Gateway

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    The level of crime that afflicts households such as theft and robbery is still common. Many thefts occur when the homeowner is away and the house is staying for a long time. Although some residential neighborhoods already have security officers, human limitations can be a gap for perpetrators of theft. To overcome this, we need a guard who is always there to monitor the house to avoid theft. In this case the risk of guards on duty to guard the house is very large, such as acts of theft accompanied by violence. The design and manufacture of this system uses the Network Development Life Cycle (NDLC) method. NDLC is a method that relies on previous development processes such as business strategy planning, application development lifecycle, and data distribution analysis. There are 6 stages in the Network Development Life Cycle (NDLC) namely Analysis, Design, Simulation Prototyping, Implementation, Monitoring, Management. The purpose of this research is Designing a home security system that can guard the house in real time and can be accessed remotely. The conclusion of this research is that the entire system is proven to be able to work in detecting, giving warnings, and making calls to the user.Network Development Life Cycle (NDLC) namely Analysis, Design, Simulation Prototyping, Implementation, Monitoring, Management. The purpose of this research is Designing a home security system that can guard the house in real time and can be accessed remotely. The conclusion of this research is that the entire system is proven to be able to work in detecting, giving warnings, and making calls to the user

    Perilaku Ekonomi : Literasi Ekonomi, Kelompok Teman Sebaya, dan Kontrol Diri

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    Tujuan dari penelitian ini adalah untuk mengetahui pengaruh literasi ekonomi, kelompok teman sebaya, dan kontrol diri terhadap perilaku ekonomi mahasiswa Prodi Pendidikan Ekonomi Universitas Kanjuruhan Malang. Penelitian ini menggunakan metode regresi linier berganda dan pendekatan kuantitatif. Populasi dalam penelitian ini adalah mahasiswa prodi pendidikan ekonomi tahun angkatan 2016-2019. pengambilan sampel dalam penelitian ini menggunakan teknik sampel jenuh dengan mengambil keseluruhan populasi berjumlah 87 mahasiswa. Berdasarkan analisis data diperoleh bahwa (1) literasi ekonomi, kelompok teman sebaya, dan kontrol diri berpengaruh secara simultan dan signifikan terhadap perilaku ekonomi mahasiswa; (2) literasi ekonomi berpengaruh signifikan terhadap perilaku ekonomi mahasiswa; (3) kelompok teman sebaya berpengaruh signifikan terhadap perilaku ekonomi; dan, (4) kontrol diri berpengaruh signifikan terhadap perilaku ekonomi mahasiswa Prodi Pendidikan Ekonomi Universitas Kanjuruhan Malang &nbsp

    Distribution Network Expansion Analysis Using Branching Optical Distribution Point (ODP) and Fiber Optic Attenuation (FO) Methods

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    Background : Data access using copper is considered slower than Fiber Optic access networks, which encourages many customers who switch to Fiber Optic. Objective : This study aims to analyze the installation of Fiber Optic networks using Optic System Software in new areas and analyze attenuation in Fiber Optic networks using Link power budget. Method : The method used in this study is PPDIOO : Prepare, Plan, Design, Implement, Operate, and Optimize. Results : The Optical Power Meter  (OPM) simulation on the new ODP using Opti System produces a value of receiving power (Pr)  -19.48 dBm (as a sample) and for the calculation results using the Power Link Budget (PLB) the total value of receiving Power (Pr)  -20.40 dBm while Measurement results using Optical Power Meter  (OPM) (Pr)  -19.89 dBm (as a sample). Conclusion : The results of measurements and measurements have similarities, namely if the distance between the Optical Distribution Cabinet (ODC) and Optical Distribution Point (ODP)  is greater, the greater the value of the receiving power or attenuation.Background : Data access using copper is considered slower than Fiber Optic access networks, which encourages many customers who switch to Fiber Optic. Objective : This study aims to analyze the installation of Fiber Optic networks using Optic System Software in new areas and analyze attenuation in Fiber Optic networks using Link power budget. Method : The method used in this study is PPDIOO : Prepare, Plan, Design, Implement, Operate, and Optimize. Results : The Optical Power Meter  (OPM) simulation on the new ODP using Opti System produces a value of receiving power (Pr)  -19.48 dBm (as a sample) and for the calculation results using the Power Link Budget (PLB) the total value of receiving Power (Pr)  -20.40 dBm while Measurement results using Optical Power Meter  (OPM) (Pr)  -19.89 dBm (as a sample). Conclusion : The results of measurements and measurements have similarities, namely if the distance between the Optical Distribution Cabinet (ODC) and Optical Distribution Point (ODP)  is greater, the greater the value of the receiving power or attenuation

    Effect of Leadership, Work Environment and Work Motivation on Prior Bags Tanggulangin Sidoarjo Employee Performance: Pengaruh Kepemimpinan, Lingkungan Kerja dan Motivasi Kerja Terhadap Kinerja Karyawan Prior Bags Tanggulangin Sidoarjo

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    This study ainns to deternnine and explain the influence of leadership, work environment and vvork nnotivation on Prior Bags Tanggulangin Sidoarjo employee performance. In this study using a type of quantitative research with hypothesis testing. The population used in this research is Prior Bags Sidoarjo employees. In this study the technique used in taking samples in this study was purposive sampling with a total of 100 respondents. The data analysis technique in this study used multiple linear regression using the program SPSS Statistics version 25. The results of this study prove that the leadership variable partially has effect and significant on Prior Bags Tanggulangin Sidoarjo employee performance, the work environment variable partially has effect and significant on Prior Bags Tanggulangin Sidoarjo employee performance, and the variable work motivation partially has effect and significant on Prior Bags Tanggulangin Sidoarjo employee performance

    Analisa Penerapan Server Deployment Menggunakan Kubernetes untuk Menghindari Single Of Failure

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    Sistem komputasi terdistribusi menjadi salah satu kebutuhan dalam implementasi aplikasi berbasis server seperti database server dan web server agar tercapainya tingkat performansi tinggi. Masalah yang sering terjadi adalah kegagalan pada server sehingga perfrorma dari sebuah server terganggu, sehingga dibutuhkan suatu teknik deploy dapat digunakan untuk menyediakan sistem terdistribusi dengan performansi tinggi. Virtualisasi berbasis container menjadi pilihan untuk menjalankan sistem terdistribusi karena arsitektur yang ringan, kinerja yang cepat, dan efisiensi sumber daya. Salah satu virtualisasi berbasis container adalah memperkenalkan alat pengembangan sistem terdistribusi yang disebut Kubernetes, yang memungkinkan memanajemen deploy server untuk menyediakan sistem dengan availability yang tinggi. Metodologi pengembangan system yang digunakan adalah Network Development Life Cycle (NDLC). Dari 6 tahapan yang ada, hanya digunakan 3 tahapan yaitu Analysis, Design, dan Simulation Prototyping. Uji coba atau scenario pengujian yang dilakukan adalah Ftp Deploy dan Web Server Nginx sehingga dapat menjaga ketersediaan dan sistem mampu melakukan failover saat terjadi kegagalan pada serve