9 research outputs found


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    In general, marketing relates with distributing the real products such as products with have profit oriented. Marketing is important not only for business, but also for non-profit oriented institution or organization like library. Marketing in library does not distribute goods products but service products like information services for users. Library may optimize the services for users by doing some tricks in distributing information services. So, library will have better information types and kinde of works.Keyword: Library; Information service

    Dinamika Struktur Organisasi Pusat Data dan Dokumentasi Ilmiah Lembaga Ilmu Pengetahuan Indonesia (PDDI LIPI) dalam Era Global

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    (Objectives) Kajian ini bertujuan mendeskripsikan bentuk perubahan tujuan organisasi PDDI baik visi, misi, tugas dan fungsi organisasi; serta mengidentifikasi perubahan pada struktur organisasi PDDI termasuk bagan organisasi, tingkat eselonisasi di PDDI dan hirarki dengan LIPI. (Method) Kajian ini menggunakan analisis literatur dan dokumen peraturan kepala mengenai perubahan struktur organisasi LIPI yaitu SK Kepala LIPI NO.1151/M/2001 tanggal 5 Juni 2001, Peraturan Kepala Lembaga Ilmu Pengetahuan Indonesia Nomor 1 Tahun 2014 Tentang Organisasi Dan Tata Kerja Lembaga Ilmu Pengetahuan Indonesia dan  Peraturan Lembaga Ilmu Pengetahuan Indonesia Republik Indonesia Nomor 1 Tahun 2019.  (Findings) Hasil perubahan struktur organisasi menunjukkan bahwa mengarah pada perampingan organisasi, sesuai amanat kementrian PAN RB.Tugas fungsi organisasi mengarah pada perkembangan global, dari pengelolaan informasi dan dokumentasi menjadi pusat repositori sains nasional. Guna mendukung PDDI yang dinamis dan aktif, struktur organisasi dapat ditambah dengan dibentuknya gugus tugas untuk percepatan tujuan organsasi menjadi pusat repositori sains nasional. Selain itu, menggabungkan karakteristik  struktur organisasi jaringan virtual, dan  struktur fungsional atau struktur hybrid juga dapat dilakukan untuk mencapai tujuan organisasi


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    Banyak cara yang dapat dilakukan dalam membina komunikasi antara perpustakaan dengan penggunanya. Pameran perpustakaan merupakan kegiatan di perpustakan. Kegiatan ini diharapkan dapat mende-katkan hubungan dan mengenalkan perpustakaan kepada masyarakat. Peyelenggaraan pameran perpus-takaan diharapkan ada feedback positif dari pengunjung sehingga terjadi komunikasi yang efektif

    Tingkat kolaborasi, produktivitas penulis dan artikel metrik pada Jurnal Mechatronics,Electrical Power, and Vehicular Technology

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    Introduction. Journal of Mechatronics, Electrical power, and Vehicular (MEV) technology is a scientific journal in the field of electric power and mechatronics. Based on the preliminary observation, limited bibliometric studies have been found in the field of electric power and mechatronics.  This research was conducted to study the collaborative level of authors, productivity level of authors, and analyze metric article in Journal of MEV.Data Collection Method. This research used qualitative descriptive method using bibliometric approach. Data were collected by recording the names of authors and their collaboration from 2010-2016..Data Analysis. The collaborative level was analyzed by using Subramanyam formula to calculate the frequency of authors’ productivity.Results and Discussions. The results showed that collaborative level of Journal of MEV was 0.89. The results showed high tendency for authors to write in a collaborative group.. It was found that Estiko Rijanto became  the most productive author with 12 articles. Based on research groups, authors from the mechatronics research group were found as the most productive. The probability of current research trend were found to have a relation to automatic braking devices/braking methods (klas 62-783.52).Conclusions. Collaborative level in the field of electric power and mechatronics published in Journal of MEV was relatively high

    Pengembangan repositori data pada lembaga riset dengan status Pusat Unggulan Ilmu Pengetahuan dan Teknologi

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    National regulations in science and technology mandate researchers, research institutions, and research funders to store and share research data. However, research institutions in Indonesia have not widely practiced research data management by utilizing institutional repositories. This study aimed to determine the development of repositories in research institutions under the Center of Excellence (PUI) supervision program from three aspects: policy, infrastructure, and organizational culture. This research used a quantitative approach through descriptive methods. Data was collected from the management of the research institute repository under the supervision program of the Center of Excellence (PUI), a program of the Ministry of Research and Technology/the National Research and Innovation Agency. The data were analyzed descriptively to see how the repository's development supported research activities. The study results indicated that most institutions had policies for managing institutional repositories on the policy side and needed to be reinforced by policies for managing research data. On the infrastructure aspect, most research institutions did not yet have a repository for research data management. While on aspects of cultural organization, most researchers realized that collaborative research activities could benefit from the institutional repository. This study concludes that research institutions can develop existing institutional repositories for research data management by reinforcing policies, improving the infrastructure function of institutional repositories, and building a culture of data management through campaigns and outreach.

    Analisis Pengelolaan Repositori Institusi pada Lembaga Penelitian dengan Status Pusat Unggulan Iptek (PUI)

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    Artikel ini mengkaji tentang pengeloaan repositori di Lembaga Penelitian dengan Status PUI. Data diperolah melalui wawancara dan kuesioner. Wawancara dilakukan terhadap pengelola repositori yang mempunyai kapasitas dan kemampuan dalam mengelola repositri. Sedangkan kuesioner disebarkan melalui email Lembaga Penelitian dengan status PUI. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa lembaga penelitian dengan status PUI sebagian besar sudah memiliki repositori. Repositori berfungsi tempat penyimpanan data dan karya ilmiah untuk jangka panjang dalam bentuk digital. Repositori memudahkan orang untuk menelusur atau merujuk data dan karya penelitian lain. Ketersediaan repositori institusi dapat memfasilitasi antar disiplin ilmu. Faktor yang mendorong penggunaan repositori adalah tampilan web repositori menarik, dilengkapi dengan fasilitas penyimpanan dan pencarian data serta mudah diakses. Sedangkan faktor yang menghambat penggunaan repositori adalah lembaga penelitian belum mewajibkan peneliti untuk menyimpan data penelitian dalam repositori. Faktor lain yang menghambat penggunaan repositori adalah perilaku peneliti yang tidak melakukan backup data. Untuk meningkatkan pengelolaan repositori di lembaga penelitian diperlukan kebijakan yang mewajibakan peneliti menyimpan datanya di repositori serta memberikan sanksi kepada peneliti yang tidak menyimpan datanya di repositori. Diperlukan sosialisasi yang dilakukan secara berkala agar para peneliti sadar akan pentingnya data dan karya hasil penelilitian.ABSTRACTThe article examines the management of repositories at Research Institutions with PUI Status. The data were obtained through interviews and questionnaires. The interviews were conducted with repository staff who had the capacity and ability to manage repositories. While the questionnaire was distributed via e-mail Research Institute with PUI status. The results showed that most research institutions with PUI status already had its repository. The repository functions for long-term storage of data and scientific work in digital form. Repositories make it easy for people to search or refer to data and other research works. The availability of institutional repositories can facilitate interdisciplinary fields. The factors that encourage the use of repositories are attractive web appearance, equipped with data storage and search facilities, and easily accessed. While the factors that inhibit the use of repositories are research institutions that do not require researchers to store research data in repositories. Another factor that inhibit the use of repositories is the behavior of researchers who did not back up the data. To improve the management of repositories in research institutes a policy is required that requires researchers to store their data in the repository and impose sanctions on researchers who do not store their data in the repository. The periodic socialization is needed so that researchers are aware of the importance of data and research results


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    ABSTRACT The transformation of the library into a center of activity has been initiated in several libraries in Indonesia. Abroad, libraries as market places that provide co-working space services have begun to be implemented. This trend is in line with the increasing number of freelancers, the increasing number of business startups that do not need a permanent place to work or are nomadic. The PDDI LIPI Jakarta Library has a great opportunity to become a co-working space. As a form of support for the level of community literacy, co-working space business is not limited to work places and facilities, but is also supported by access to scientific information to support their duties and work. This paper analyzes co-working space business plans and scientific information services in the Jakarta Area library in terms of SWOT analysis, product and competitor advantages, service diversification and market segmentation, marketing plans and budgeting plans. This paper uses a descriptive method in delivering the analysis

    Library Tour Sebagai Implementasi Gerakan Literasi Sekolah Di MAN 1 Kota Bandung Library Tour as Implementation Measure of School Literacy in MAN 1 Bandung

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    This paper describe implementation of Library Tour in MAN 1 Bandung. Th objective of the paper is observing benefits of Library Tour,  inviting impresion of librarian students to the Library Tour, identifying information absorbed by students as well as observing type of literacy components that can be UNDERSTOOD during the Tour. The study uses Qualititif description methode. Data collection wwas obtained by interview with selected Librarians and Sudents. This study shows that this activity could improve insight of Librarians and Sudents to library; improve creativity and reading interest. Their impresion is about comfortability staying in Library as it is a cozy place and hospitality of librarian could make study stay much longer in Library. The information they get during the activity are the participants can identify type of libraries, understanding bisnis process in library, making review of film that they a have been seen, as well as performing bencmarking of library. In ths activity, students obtain information and guide from librarian on searching methodes dan obtaining information from internet. In general, this  Library Tour activity could implement basic literacy, literacy to library and literacy to technology.   Tulisan ini mendeskripsikan implementasi kegiatan Library Tour di MAN 1 Kota Bandung. Tujuan penulisan untuk mengetahui manfaat Library Tour, mengetahui kesan pustakawan pelajar terhadap kegiatan Library Tour, mengetahui informasi-informasi yang diperoleh siswa selama berlangsungnya kegiatan serta mengetahui jenis-jenis komponen literasi yang diperoleh selama kegiatan. Metode kajian ini kualitatif deskriptif. Metode pengumpulan data menggunakan wawancara dengan informan Pustakawan Pelajar.  Hasil kegiatan ini menunjukkan bahwa manfaat kegiatan ini adalah menambah wawasan pustakawan pelajar akan dunia perpustakaan; menumbuhkan kreativitas dan minat membaca. Kesan yang mereka peroleh adalah kenyamanan berdiam di perpustakaan karena tempatnya yang cozy serta keramahan pustakawan yang membuat mereka betah berlama-lama di perpustakaan. Informasi yang mereka dapatkan selama kegiatan ini adalah peserta mengenal jenis perpustakaan, mengerti bisnis proses di perpustakaan , membuat review film yang mereka tonton, sekaligus melakukan Benchmarking Perpustakaan. Pada kegiatan ini, peserta didik mendapatkan informasi dan bimbingan dari pustakawan mengenai cara menelusur dan mencari sumber-sumber informasi di internet. Secara keseluruhan, kegiatan Library Tour ini memenuhi aspek literasi dasar, literasi perpustakaan, dan literasi teknologi