19 research outputs found

    Wajah Undang-undang Keter (Tutup) Bukaan Informasi Publik Di Indonesia

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    On April 3rd 2008, DPR enacted Act Number 14 about Disclosure Public Information (UU KIP). This act aimed toinstitutionalize law framework for public right fulfillment to access power implementation process. The main object of this act isfreeing everyone from everything negative caused by a government reticence. People should free to participate in policymaking, free from corruption and human rights violence. Therefore, Disclosure Public Information Act is very important,because information is main resource for everyone to participation in government activity. Without information, people can'tuse his right and duty maximally as citize


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    One kind of education that has strategic value to empowerment effort is through law education. The method is giving knowledge with information; education; training and motivation. formal law formal education can form and also placing woman on “link and match†concept, in the meaning that human resources determine its existence, as embodiment of Section 27 article (2) UUD 1945. Through this concept, we hope women can participate as formulator of law rule and development, so we can reform women image that have been formed by social and cultural structure of society. Therefore, they will obtain fairer portion based on humanity value, as noted on Human Rights Contrac

    Diabetes Mellitus and Mortality among COVID-19 Patients in Jakarta, March-August 2020

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    Diabetes mellitus (DM) comorbidity is one of the risk factors for coronavirus disease 2019 (COVID-19) mortality. This study aimed to determine the association of comorbid DM and mortality among COVID-19 confirmed cases in DKI Jakarta Province, controlled with confounding variables from March to August 2020. The study design was a retrospective cohort using cox proportional hazard regression, with a total sample of 1,480. The data consisted of 740 COVID-19 cases with and 740 without comorbid DM. The inclusion criteria were COVID-19 confirmed cases with polymerase chain reaction (PCR) laboratory testing reported to the DKI Jakarta Provincial Department of Health, and the exclusion criteria were pregnant women. The study result indicated that the Crude Hazard Ratio (CHR) of DM and mortality among COVID-19 confirmed cases was 7.4 (95% CI = 4.5-12.3, p-value50 years)

    Analisis Pengendalian Kualitas Produk Teh Hitam dengan Pendekatan Lean-Six Sigma Method di PT. Teh XY

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    Teh XY is a black tea processing company engaged in the plantation sector, after further research it was found that some of the tea powder produced had production defects at least, there are about 15 kg that must be reworked because the water content produced does not meet the set standards (3-4%). This study aims to analyze the quality control of black tea products by identifying the relationship between types of waste at work stations and measuring the sigma level value. The method used to identify the relationship between waste that occurs is using the Waste Relationship Matrix and making a control chart graph based on production data and then calculating the DPMO value and Sigma Level to measure the company's production capability level. The results of this study indicate that the largest percentage level for waste that has the most influence on other types of waste is waste of motion (22.50%) in the sorting stage and the waste that is often affected is inventory (19.63%) at the milling stage. Based on the graph of the control chart, the data on the proportion of defects in the control chart shows that there is only a defect proportion value equal to the LCL value, namely in the 7th sample on January for quality I black tea production. sigma value of 2.31 with a DPMO value of 210605. This shows that for every one million opportunity there will be a possibility of 210605 units of rework products. Meanwhile, for quality III, it has a sigma value of 2.55 with a DPMO value of 150661

    Pelaksanaan Terapi Kognitif dan Psikoedukasi Keluarga terhadap Ansietas pada Klien Penyakit Kronik dengan Pendekatan Model Konsep Adaptasi Roy

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    Ansietas merupakan salah satu dampak yang sering ditemukan pada klien dengan penyakit kronik. Tujuan dari penulisan karya ilmiah akhir ini adalah diketahui hasil penerapan Terapi Kognitif dan Psikoedukasi Keluarga pada klien ansietas menggunakan pendekatan Model Adaptasi Roy. Tindakan keperawatan ansietas pada penyakit kronik berupa tindakan generalis klien dan keluarga serta terapi kognitif dan psikoedukasi keluarga diberikan terhadap 12 responden pada kelompok pertama menunjukan hasil dampak penurunan tanda dan gejala dan peningkatan kemampuan yang lebih besar 78,02% dibandingkan pada 9 responden pada kelompok kedua yang diberikan tindakan keperawatan generalis klien dan keluarga serta terapi kognitif saja sebesar 71,05%. Hasil karya ilmiah ini direkomendasikan pada klien ansietas di Rumah Sakit Umum

    Pemberdayaan Usaha Mikro Produk Rumput Laut

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    Berdasarkan program Kementerian Kelautan dan Perikanan yaitu Indonesia penghasil produk kelautan dan perikanan terbesar 2015, maka dilakukan kegiatan pemberdayaan kepada masyarakat Desa Kemadang. Hal ini dilakukan, karena kondisi geografis Desa Kemadang dekat dengan pantai Kukup, pantai Baron dan pantai Krakal. Sumber daya alam yang dimanfaatkan yaitu selada laut (rumput laut). Sumber daya alam tersebut akan diolah menjadi produk olahan makanan. Namun, masyarakat Desa Kemadang belum melakukan pemasaran dengan baik. Oleh karena itu, perlu adanya pemberdayaan terhadap masyarakat Desa Kemadang dengan pendekatan marketing mix (product, price, place dan promotion) untuk menghasilkan strategi pemasaran yang baik. Kegiatan pemberdayaan dihadiri oleh 40 masyarakat Desa Kemadang, dimana 72,5% berjenis kelamin perempuan dan 27,5% berjenis kelamin laki-laki. Untuk menguji tingkat pemahaman pada kegiatan ini, maka dilakukan penyebaran kuesioner pada sebelum dan sesudah kegiatan pemberdayaan dilakukan. Hasil yang diperoleh yaitu terdapat 24-28 masyarakat yang hadir pada kegiatan ini memahami materi yang disampaikan

    Estimated incidence of influenza-associated severe acute respiratory infections in Indonesia, 2013-2016

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    Background: Indonesia’s hospital- based Severe Acute Respiratory Infection (SARI) surveillance system, Surveilans Infeksi Saluran Pernafasan Akut Berat Indonesia (SIBI), was established in 2013. While respiratory illnesses such as SARI pose a significant problem, there are limited incidence- based data on influenza disease burden in Indonesia. This study aimed to estimate the incidence of influenza- associated SARI in Indonesia during 2013- 2016 at three existing SIBI surveillance sites.Methods: From May 2013 to April 2016, inpatients from sentinel hospitals in three districts of Indonesia (Gunung Kidul, Balikpapan, Deli Serdang) were screened for SARI. Respiratory specimens were collected from eligible inpatients and screened for influenza viruses. Annual incidence rates were calculated using these SIBI- enrolled influenza- positive SARI cases as a numerator, with a denominator catchment popula-tion defined through hospital admission survey (HAS) to identify respiratory- coded admissions by age to hospitals in the sentinel site districts.Results: From May 2013 to April 2016, there were 1527 SARI cases enrolled, of whom 1392 (91%) had specimens tested and 199 (14%) were influenza- positive. The overall estimated annual incidence of influenza- associated SARI ranged from 13 to 19 per 100 000 population. Incidence was highest in children aged 0- 4 years (82- 114 per 100 000 population), followed by children 5- 14 years (22- 36 per 100 000 population).Conclusions: Incidence rates of influenza- associated SARI in these districts indicate a substantial burden of influenza hospitalizations in young children in Indonesia. Further studies are needed to examine the influenza burden in other potential risk groups such as pregnant women and the elderly.This work was supported by the U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention [Cooperative Agreement Number 5U51IP000346-05]

    Di Bandara YIA Kulonprogo Gebyar Bregas Budaya

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    Sebagai wujud pengembangan kesenian, budaya dan pariwisata, Dinas Kebudayaan DIY Menyelenggarakan Gebyar Bregas Budaya. Acara diawali arak-arakan Bregada Sabuk Janur dari Desa Bugel yang berjalan dari parkir luar lantai tiga menuju Kawasan Tugu Malioboro (KTM)