13 research outputs found

    Pengaruh Citra Pasar Jum'at Karanganyar Terhadap Words of Mouth (Wom) Melalui Customer Delight Sebagai Variabel Mediasi

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    The purpose of this research is to analyze (1) effect of Friday market image to customer delight, (2) effect of Friday market image influence on positive WOM, (3) effect of customer delight influence on positive WOM, (4) indirect effect of Friday market image on positive WOM through customer delight as a mediation variables. The population of this research are all consumers of Friday market of Karanganyar. In this research amount of sample is 100 customers. Sampling method using snowball and accidental sampling. To test this hypothesis, researchers used a path analysis, while for data processing using SPSS Release 12. The results shows that (1) Friday market image has a significant effect on customer delight, thus H1 is supported; (2) Friday market image has no a significant and positive effect on WOM, thus H2 is not supported; (3) customer delight has a significant effect on positive WOM, thus H3 is supported; (4) customer delight mediates the effect of Friday market image on positive WOM, thus H4 is supported. Keywords : Friday market image, customer delight, positive WO

    Pengaruh Suplementasi Kapsul Yodium Terhadap Petumbuhan Fisik dan Kecerdasan Anak Stunted di Kecamantan Konda Kabupaten Kendalri Propinsi Sulawesi Tenggara

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    ABSTRACT The prevalence of stunted in Konda sub district, Kendari regency, Southeast Sulawesi Province is still sufficiently high (68.5%). One of the causes is the low iodine consumption. This study was purposed to know the influence of iodine capsule supplementation on physical growth and intelligence of stunted aged 10-14 years old. This was a randomized placebo controlled trial. Subjects were 39 stunted aged 10 - 14 years old. The supplementation was done once with the single blind method. The anthropometries measurement for height, intellectual intelligence (IQ), and emotional intelligence (EQ) were done twice, while urine iodine was done once in the beginning of the research. It was revealed that the target groups, stunted, who got 200 mg iodine supplementation, performed the higher increase of the z-score value than that of the placebo supplementation. There were statistically significant differences of physical growth (p0.05), but there were significant increases of EQ (p = 0.01). Itwas also concluded that the supplementation of 200 mg iodine capsule is able to increase physical growth. The supplementation does not influence the increasing of IQ but do influence the emotional intelligence (EQ) of stunted aged 10-14 years old. Keywords: supplementation-iodine-growth -intelligence

    Faktor-faktor pada kejadian GAKY ibu hamil di Tabunganen Barito Kuala, Kalimantan Selatan

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    ABSTRACTBackground: Iodine Defi ciency Disorder (IDD) is a health problem that affects quality of human resources. IDD happens not only due to iodine defi ciency but also other disorders such as goitrogenic substance (thiocyanate), pollutants of heavy metals (Pb) and micronutrient defi ciency (Fe) that inhibit thyroid hormone biosynthesis which cause the sweling of goitre glands.Objective: To identify the association between consumption of iodine, thiocyanate, Fe consumption, status of anemia and Pb and status of IDD in pregnant mothers at Subdistrict of Tabunganen, District of Barito Kuala, Province of Kalimantan Selatan.Method: The study was observational using case control design and quantitative method. Data were obtained through the palpation of goitre glands, measurement of thyroid stimulating hormone (TSH) level using ELISA method, iodine and thiocyanate consumption using food recall 2x24 hours and food frequency questionnaire (FFQ), Fe consumption using FFQ, Hb level using photometric method and Pb level using AAS method. Data were analysed by using chi-square and logistic regression.Result: There was signifi cant association (p<0.05) between consumption of iodine (fi sh) based on FFQ and IDD status (goitre) with OR=3.44 and IDD status (TSH) with OR=8.00. There was no association between consumption of thiocyanate and Fe measured with food recall, FFQ and IDD status (goitre and TSH). There was signifi cant association (p<0.05) between Pb status and IDD status (TSH) with OR=9.35.Conclusion: There was association between iodine consumption based on FFQ (fi sh) and IDD status (goitre) after the control of iodine consumption status (food recall). There was association between iodine consumption status (FFQ) in fi sh together with anemia status and the prevalence of IDD disorder (TSH) after the control of Pb status. KEYWORDS: iodine defi ciency disorder, pregnant mothers, iodine, thiocyanate, Fe, anemia, PbABSTRAKLatar Belakang: Gangguan akibat kekurangan yodium (GAKY) merupakan masalah kesehatan yang dapat mempengaruhi kualitas sumber daya manusia. GAKY tidak hanya disebabkan oleh kekurangan yodium, tetapi juga dipengaruhi oleh zat goitrogen(tiosianat), logam berat Pb, dan kekurangan Fe yang menghambat biosintesis hormon dan berakibat pada pembesaran kelenjar gondok.Tujuan: Mengetahui hubungan antara tingkat konsumsi yodium, goitrogen (golongan tiosianat), Fe, serta status anemia dan status Pb dalam darah dengan status GAKY pada ibu hamil di  Kecamatan Tabunganen Kabupaten Barito Kuala Provinsi Kalimantan Selatan.Metode: Penelitian ini merupakan penelitian observasional dengan rancangan case control. Data pembesaran kelenjar tiroid diperiksa denganpalpasi di daerah kelenjar tiroid, kadar TSH dengan metode ELISA, tingkat konsumsi yodium dan tingkat konsumsi tiosianat dengan metode food recall 2 x 24 jam dan food frequency questionnaire  (FFQ), tingkat konsumsi Fe dengan FFQ, kadar Hb dalam darah dengan metode fotometrik, kadar Pb darah dengan metode AAS.Data dianalisis menggunakan chi-square dan logistic regression.Hasil: Ada hubungan signifi kan (p<0,05) antara tingkat konsumsi yodium (ikan laut) berdasarkan FFQ dan status terhadap status GAKY (gondok) dengan OR=3,44 dan status GAKY (TSH) dengan OR=8,00.Tidak ada hubungan antara tingkat konsumsi tiosianat dan Fe yang diukur dengan food recall, FFQ, dan status GAKY (gondok dan TSH). Antara status Pb dan status GAKY (TSH) juga tidak ditemukan adanya hubungan dengan OR=9,35.Kesimpulan: Ada hubungan antara konsumsi yodium berdasarkan FFQ (ikan laut) dan status GAKY (gondok) dan antara konsumsi yodium (FFQ) dengan status anemia dan prevalensi GAKY (TSH).KATA KUNCI: gangguan akibat kekurangan yodium, wanita hamil, yodium, tiosianat, Fe, anemia, P

    Faktor-faktor pada kejadian GAKY ibu hamil di Tabunganen Barito Kuala, Kalimantan Selatan

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    ABSTRACTBackground: Iodine Defi ciency Disorder (IDD) is a health problem that affects quality of human resources. IDD happens not only due to iodine defi ciency but also other disorders such as goitrogenic substance (thiocyanate), pollutants of heavy metals (Pb) and micronutrient defi ciency (Fe) that inhibit thyroid hormone biosynthesis which cause the sweling of goitre glands.Objective: To identify the association between consumption of iodine, thiocyanate, Fe consumption, status of anemia and Pb and status of IDD in pregnant mothers at Subdistrict of Tabunganen, District of Barito Kuala, Province of Kalimantan Selatan.Method: The study was observational using case control design and quantitative method. Data were obtained through the palpation of goitre glands, measurement of thyroid stimulating hormone (TSH) level using ELISA method, iodine and thiocyanate consumption using food recall 2x24 hours and food frequency questionnaire (FFQ), Fe consumption using FFQ, Hb level using photometric method and Pb level using AAS method. Data were analysed by using chi-square and logistic regression.Result: There was signifi cant association (p<0.05) between consumption of iodine (fi sh) based on FFQ and IDD status (goitre) with OR=3.44 and IDD status (TSH) with OR=8.00. There was no association between consumption of thiocyanate and Fe measured with food recall, FFQ and IDD status (goitre and TSH). There was signifi cant association (p<0.05) between Pb status and IDD status (TSH) with OR=9.35.Conclusion: There was association between iodine consumption based on FFQ (fi sh) and IDD status (goitre) after the control of iodine consumption status (food recall). There was association between iodine consumption status (FFQ) in fi sh together with anemia status and the prevalence of IDD disorder (TSH) after the control of Pb status. KEYWORDS: iodine defi ciency disorder, pregnant mothers, iodine, thiocyanate, Fe, anemia, PbABSTRAKLatar Belakang: Gangguan akibat kekurangan yodium (GAKY) merupakan masalah kesehatan yang dapat mempengaruhi kualitas sumber daya manusia. GAKY tidak hanya disebabkan oleh kekurangan yodium, tetapi juga dipengaruhi oleh zat goitrogen(tiosianat), logam berat Pb, dan kekurangan Fe yang menghambat biosintesis hormon dan berakibat pada pembesaran kelenjar gondok.Tujuan: Mengetahui hubungan antara tingkat konsumsi yodium, goitrogen (golongan tiosianat), Fe, serta status anemia dan status Pb dalam darah dengan status GAKY pada ibu hamil di  Kecamatan Tabunganen Kabupaten Barito Kuala Provinsi Kalimantan Selatan.Metode: Penelitian ini merupakan penelitian observasional dengan rancangan case control. Data pembesaran kelenjar tiroid diperiksa denganpalpasi di daerah kelenjar tiroid, kadar TSH dengan metode ELISA, tingkat konsumsi yodium dan tingkat konsumsi tiosianat dengan metode food recall 2 x 24 jam dan food frequency questionnaire  (FFQ), tingkat konsumsi Fe dengan FFQ, kadar Hb dalam darah dengan metode fotometrik, kadar Pb darah dengan metode AAS.Data dianalisis menggunakan chi-square dan logistic regression.Hasil: Ada hubungan signifi kan (p<0,05) antara tingkat konsumsi yodium (ikan laut) berdasarkan FFQ dan status terhadap status GAKY (gondok) dengan OR=3,44 dan status GAKY (TSH) dengan OR=8,00.Tidak ada hubungan antara tingkat konsumsi tiosianat dan Fe yang diukur dengan food recall, FFQ, dan status GAKY (gondok dan TSH). Antara status Pb dan status GAKY (TSH) juga tidak ditemukan adanya hubungan dengan OR=9,35.Kesimpulan: Ada hubungan antara konsumsi yodium berdasarkan FFQ (ikan laut) dan status GAKY (gondok) dan antara konsumsi yodium (FFQ) dengan status anemia dan prevalensi GAKY (TSH).KATA KUNCI: gangguan akibat kekurangan yodium, wanita hamil, yodium, tiosianat, Fe, anemia, P

    Hubungan status pestisida dengan status gangguan akibat kekurangan yodium (GAKY) anak SD pada daerah endemik GAKY Kabupaten Dairi

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    Background: Thyroxin plays important role in the metabolism of carbohydrate, protein and cholesterol, and in the process of growth. Iodine deficiency disorder not only can be caused by lack of iodine substance but also another competition factor, which is a pollutant substance which is goitergenic (pesticide). This goitergenic substance interferes hormonogenesis of thyroid causing enlargement of thyroid gland known as goiter.Objective: This study was aimed at examining the relationship between status of pesticide and status of iodine deficiency disorders (urinary iodine excretion) of elementary school children and the difference between them based on level of their endemic in Dairi District.Methods: This was an observational study using a cross-sectional design. Palpation of thyroid gland was made to determine the level of endemic; concentration of blood cholinesterase was determined using tinto meter kit; urinary iodine excretion was analyzed with the ammonium persulfate digestion method. Data was analyzed with chi square and anova.Results: Chi square test indicated that the relationship between the concentration of blood cholinesterase and urinary iodine excretion was significant (p0.05) with OR 1.3. Anova test, based on endemic, indicated that there was a significant difference between the concentration of blood cholinesterase and urinary iodine excretion (p<0.05).Conclusion: There was significant relationship between status of pesticide (concentration of blood cholinesterase) and status of iodine deficiency disorder based on urinary iodine excretion and there was no significant relationship between concentration of cholinesterase and iodine deficiency disorders based on the result of palpation. There was a difference in the average status of pesticide and iodine deficiency disorders status among the elementary school children based on their endemic


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    Backgound: IDD is a public health problem in Indonesia. Despite the program to overcome the IDD problem have been implemented, there are still found IDD endemic areas and infants born with cretinism. The cessation of iodine capsule distribution program and coverage of iodinized salt < 90% require other effective and safe alternatives to help solving the problem of IDD elimination. Marine food resource rich in nutrients currently developed to improve nutrition status is spirulina. It has high bioavailability due to its simple cell structure, so that its nutrient and iodine contents can be easily absorbed by the body. Objective: To identify effects of spirulina microalgae supplementation to iodine status, thyroid function and clinical status of hypothyroid in woman of childbearing age at IDD endemic areas. Method: The study was an intervention with experimental design using Randomized Control Trial (RCT) double blind method. Subject of the study were women of chilbearing age 18 � 40 years with level of TSH ranging 3-6,2 μIU/L, divided into two group


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    Background: IDD is a major nutrition problem facing the Indonesian government. It may occur to everybody at every stage of life, from prenatal to elderly period. Iodine deficiency is formerly known as goitrogenic, a symptom cased by lack of iodine. Iodine deficiency cannot only cause the swelling of goitre glands but also affect wider aspects. The result of TGR 2003 shows the prevalence of IDD at District of Ende was 22.6%. Objective: To identify factors determining the prevalence of IDD in pregnant mothers at District of Ende Flores Province of Nusa Tenggara Timur. Method: The study was observational with case control study design. It was carried out from January to March 2011 at Subdistrict of Detusoko and Wolowaru, District of Ende Flores Province of Nusa Tenggara Timur involving population of as many as 142 pregnant mothers. Samples consisted of 110 individuals taken using screening system. Research instruments were Food Frequency Questionnaires, Dietary History Method and recall 24 hours. Result: The result of statistical analysis showed the prevalence of TGR in pregnant mothers was 35.45%. Out of five variables observed (intake of iodine, goitrogenics, exposure to pesticide, contraception, E. coli bacillus) three had significant association with the prevalence of TGR (p<0.05


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    Background: IDD in Indonesia is a health problem that has major impact to survival and quality of human resources. Iodine is an essential component of thyroid hormon