16 research outputs found


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    This paper presents E-Learning (E-L) to support the Programs of Education and Training (E&T), Research and Development (R&D) for improvement quality of the Indonesian Human Resources (IQIHR). The programs of the IQIHR must be related with the modern Art, Science, Engineering and Technology (ASET). The prosperity of the Human Resources will be approached from prosperity approach which is mainly emphasized with three universes of aspects: Physical, Intellectual, Emotional and Spiritual (PIES) aspects. There are three basic requirements for developing these aspects: Material, Energy and Information (MEI). Social welfare and increase of life quality are desired output that must be attained from the MEI aspects. Current standard of living of human being should be reported as feedback information in the programs of the IQIHR. In global communication, developed countries and developing countries should build several attractive and sound symbiosis bridges, to prevent loss of universe balances. High quality of human resources as products of IQIHR activities, have social impacts not only in developed countries but also in developing countries. A new work force strategy without denying the existing of high quality of human resources is established by retooling the work forces, thus the challenges of social impacts could be answered wisely and would be bright opportunities to improve human standards of living

    The role of Art, Spiritual, Science, Engineering & Technology (ASSET) for Improving Quality of the Indonesian Human Resources (IQIHR)

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    This paper presents the role of Art, Spiritual, Science, Engineering & Technology (ASSET) for Improving the Quality of the Indonesian Human Resources (IQIHR). There are four universe aspects: Physical, Intellectual, Emotional and Spiritual (PIES) aspects related with IQIHR. There are three basic requirements for improving PIES aspects : Material, Energy and Information (MEI). Those aspects are important inputs for Education & Training (E&T) and Research & Development (R&D) activities for development of ASSET. IQIHR is desired output that must be attained from activities of E&T and R&Dbased on ASSET.Keywords: ASSET, IQIHR, PIES, MEI, E&T, R&D


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    This paper presents development and applications of Control Systems (CS). Several characteristics of CS can be linked to human behavior. CS can "think" in the sense that they can replace to some extent, human operation. CS can distinguish between open-loop and closed-loop CS and it is a concept or principle that seems to fundamental in nature and not necessarily peculiar to engineering. In human social and political organizations, for example, a leader remains the leader only as long as she is successful in realizing the desires of the group. CS theory can be discussed from four viewpoints as: an intellectual discipline within science and the philosophy of science, a part of engineering, with industrial applications and Social Systems (SS) of the present and the future. In global communication, developed countries and developing countries should build several attractive and sound symbiosis bridges, to prevent loss of universe balances. CS applications have social impacts not only in developed countries but also in developing countries. A new work force strategy without denying the existing of CS is established by retooling the work forces, thus the challenges of social impacts could be answers wisely and would be bright opportunities to improve human standards of living


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    This paper presents developments and applications of Control Systems (CS) as an Applied Mathematic (AM). Several characteristics of CS can be linked to human behavior. CS can "think" in the sense that they can replace to some extent, human operation. CS can distinguish between open-loop and closed-loop CS and it is a concept or principle that seems to fundamental in nature and not necessarily peculiar to engineering. In human social and political organizations, for example, a leader remains the leader only as long as she is successful in realizing the desires of the group. CS theory can be discussed from four viewpoints as: an intellectual discipline within science and the philosophy of science, a part of engineering, with industrial applications and Social Systems (SS) of the present and the future. In global communication, developed countries and developing countries should build several attractive and sound symbiosis bridges, to prevent loss of universe balances. CS applications have social impacts not only in developed countries but also in developing countries. A new work force strategy without denying the existing of CS is established by retooling the work forces, thus the challenges of social impacts could be answers wisely and would be bright opportunities to improve human standards of living.  Keywords: control  system,   applied  mathematic,  Social  System,   social  impacts,  human standards of living Pada makalah ini dibahas perkembangan dan aplikasi Sistem Kendali sebagai bagian dari Matematika Terapan. Sistem Kendali dapat dihubungkan dengan perilaku manusia. Sistem Kendali dapat “berpikir” sehingga sampai tahap tertentu dapat menggantikan manusia. Sistem kendali merupakan konsep atau prinsip yang secara mendasar berlaku dalam seluruh aspek kehidupan manusia, bukan hanya berlaku dalam bidang teknik. Dalam organisasi politik, misalnya, seorang pemimpin hanya dapat bertahan jika ia mampu mewujudkan harapan kelompoknya. Teori Sistem Kendali dapat dibahas dari beberapa sudut pandang yaitu: sebagai suatu cabang ilmu, bagian dari teknik yang diterapkan dalam industri dan sistem sosial pada masa kini dan masa depan. Aplikasi sistem kendali mempunyai dampak sosial terhadap negara maju dan negara berkembang sehingga perlu dibangun kerjasama yang saling menguntungkan untuk menjaga keseimbangan dunia.Sistem Kendali dapat dilengkapi dengan strategi baru untuk mengatasi dampak sosial teknologi dan meningkatkan standard kehidupan manusia.Kata kunci: sistem kendali, matematika terapan, sistem sosial, dampak sosia

    The role of Art, Spiritual, Science, Engineering & Technology (ASSET) for Improving Quality of the Indonesian Human Resources (IQIHR)

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    This paper presents the role of Art, Spiritual, Science, Engineering & Technology (ASSET) for Improving the Quality of the Indonesian Human Resources (IQIHR). There are four universe aspects: Physical, Intellectual, Emotional and Spiritual (PIES) aspects related with IQIHR. There are three basic requirements for improving PIES aspects : Material, Energy and Information (MEI). Those aspects are important inputs for Education & Training (E&T) and Research & Development (R&D) activities for development of ASSET. IQIHR is desired output that must be attained from activities of E&T and R&D based on ASSET

    Sistem Kendali Dasar

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    viii, 80 hlm. ; 23 cm


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    Sistem kendali dengan format vektor-matriks

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    viii, 159 p. : il.; 21 c

    Sistem kendali dasar

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    80 p. ; 25 cm

    Sistem kendali dasar

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    Bib. hal. 75-76vii, 80 hlm. : il. ; 21 cm