15 research outputs found

    Usulan Perbaikan Tata Letak Ruang Logistik Pada PT. Schneider Electric Manufacturing Batam Lot 208

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    Perencanaan fasilitas dapat dikemukakans ebagai proses perancangan fasilitas, perencanaan, desain dan susunan fasilitas, peralatan fisik dan manusia yang ditunjukan untuk meningkatkan efisiensi produksi dan system pelayanan. Di dunia industri, perencanaan fasilitas dimaksudkan sebagai rencanadalam penanganan material handling dan untuk menentukan peralatan dalam proses produksi, juga digunakan dalam perencanaan fasilitas secara keseluruhaan. Didalam merancang tata letak pabrik aktifitas. Pemindahan barang atau sering disebut material handling merupakan suatu hal yang cukup penting untuk diperhatikan dan diperhitungkan karena berhubungan langsung dengan Perubahan luas lantai produksi.Penelitian yang dilakukan di PT. Schneider Electric Manufacturing Batam lot 208 di departemen Logistik section receiving dengan menerapkan teori kedekatan agar pekerjaan lebih efisien karena lokasi berdasarkan aktifitas yang lebih sering berhubungan.Hasil dari penelitian ini adalah area yang dipindah dikarenakan hubungan kedekatan nya. Ruang receiving berhubungan dengan Unloadingarea dan dimana jarak sebelum di Re-Layout adalah 31 meter menjadi 4 meter,dan juga menambahkan ruangan baru untuk ruang Manager

    Analisa Penjadwalan Persediaan Timbangan Model Sm 5600 Dengan Metode Lot for Lot (Studi Kasus Di Pt.tropical Electronic Batam)

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    PT.Tropical Electronic Batam sebagai salah satu Perusahaan manufacture yang memproduksi timbangan digital. Untuk menghasilkan produk timbangan, maka PT.Tropical Electronic Batam membutuhkan bahan baku yang terdiri dari electrical part dan mechanical part. PT.Tropical Electronic Batam sering mengalami part shortage. Khususnya pada timbangan SM 5600 pada bagian display bord. Karena bahan bakunya banyak, lebih banyak permintaan customer, dan harganya paling mahal diantara produk lainnya. Dengan seringnya part shortage maka sering tidak tercapai target yang dibutuhkan, karena dari rata-rata permintaan customer per bulan mencapai 120 scale. Dari actual ysng dihasilkan yaitu rata-rata 100 scale, karena terjadi keterlambatan bahan baku.Salah satu metode yang digunakan untuk mengatasi keterlambatan adalah menggunakan metode Lot For Lot membandingkan metode yang sudah ada pada Perusahaan yaitu MRP. Biaya pengadaan dan biaya simpan antara kedua metode tersebut dibandingkan untuk mengetahui berapa besar biaya yang dikeluarkan. Uji hipotesa juga dilakukan untuk mengetahui dan memastikan metode yang terbaik untuk mengatasi masalah tersebut.Hasil penelitian menunjuk kan biaya pengadaan dan biaya simpan, untuk metode Lot For Lot lebih rendah (36.000.000/tahun) dibandingkan metode MRP (39.807.375/tahun.

    Analisa Variasi Waktu Pencetakan Bola Plastik Berongga Terhadap Penyusutan Dan Ketebalan Produk Pada Proses Rotational Moulding

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    Proses moulding merupakan proses utama dalam pembuatan produk plastik dibanding dengan proses lainnya. Plastik dikenal sebagai suatu bahan serbaguna dan ekonomis yang banyak digunakan untuk berbagai macam produk. Hal ini dikarenakan kelebihan-kelebihan yang dimiliki seperti mudah dibentuk, ringan, tidak mudah pecah, dan lain sebagainya. Selain itu proses rotational moulding juga sangat membantu untuk meminimalkan biaya produksi. Pada penelitian ini proses pembuatan bola plastik berongga dilakukan menggunakan bahan plastik jenis LDPE (low density polyethylene) dengan menggunakan suhu 1100 secara konstan dengan variasi waktu 25 menit, 30 menit dan 35 menit. Dalam penelitian itu spesimen bola plastik berongga dilakukan pengukuran penyusutan spesimen, pengukuran ketebalan spesimen dan mengetahui foto makro. Dari hasil pengujian pengukuran penyusutan spesimen bola plastik berongga didapat penyusutan terkecil pada waktu 35 menit mengalami rata-rata penyusutan sebesar 1,97 %. Sedangkan penyusutan terbesar terjadi pada waktu 25 menit mengalami rata-rata penyusutan sebesar 2,29 %. Untuk pengujian ketebalan bola plastik berongga didapat ketebalan terkecil pada waktu 35 menit mengalami rata-rata ketebalan sebesar 5,19 mm. sedangkan ketebalan terbesar terjadi pada waktu 25 menit mengalami rata-rata ketebalan sebesar 5,11 mm. untuk pengujian foto makro dapat ditarik kesimpulan pada waktu 25 menit terjadi tahapan initial point contack, pada waktu 30 menit terjadi tahapan Early stage neck growth (short time) atau pertumbuhan leher tahap awal, pada waktu 35 menit terjadi tahapan Late stage neck growth (long time) atau pertumbuhan leher tahap akhir

    Thermal Efficiency and Emission Characteristics of a Diesel-hydrogen Dual Fuel CI Engine at Various Loads Condition

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    Efforts to find alternative fuels and reduce emissions of CI engines have been conducted, one of which is the use of diesel hydrogen dual fuel. One of the goals of using hydrogen in dual-fuel combustion systems is to reduce particulate emissions and increase engine power. This study investigates the thermal efficiency and emission characteristics of a diesel-hydrogen dual fuel CI engine at various loads condition. The hydrogen was used as a secondary fuel in a single cylinder 667 cm3 diesel engine. The hydrogen was supplied to intake manifold by fumigation method, and diesel was injected directly into the combustion chamber. The results show that the performance test yielding an increase around 10% in the value of thermal efficiency of diesel engines with the addition of hydrogen either at 2000 or 2500 rpm. Meanwhile, emission analyses show that the addition of hydrogen at 2000 and 2500 rpm lead to the decrease of NOx value up to 43%. Furthermore, the smokeless emissions around 0% per kWh were occurred by hydrogen addition at 2000 and 2500 rpm of engine speeds with load operation under 20 Nm

    Isolation and Identification Bacteria of Clinical Mastitis on Ettawah Crossbred Goat

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    ABSTACT Ettawah crossbred goat (PE) IS much more usefull to milk goat produce. One of constraints in milk goat is clinical mastitis. Clinical mastitis is economic inflict a financial lost because stopped of milk production, high cost of treatment, and even cause death. The aim of the present study was to determine the kind bacteria that can cause clinical mastitis in PE. A total of 13 clinical mastitis milk and water used to wash the six udder samples were collected from dairy PE farms. All samples were subjected for isolation and identification of bacteria based on biochemical reactions. From the clinical mastitis milk samples, bacteria isolated were Staphylococcus aureus (55.55%), Pseudomonas sp (27.77%), Streptococcus sp (8.3%) and Bacillus sp (8.33%). Whereas, Pseudomonas sp (77.77%) and Bacillus sp (22.23%) were isolated from the water used to wash the udder. The study showed that more clinical mastitis in PE caused by Staphylococcus aureus. Water use to wash the udder was source of Pseudomonas sp causing clinical mastitis in PE

    Comparative Study Aerodynamics Effects of Wingtip Fence Winglet on Fix Wing Airfoil Eppler E562

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    Wings on airplanes and Unmanned Aerial Vehicles (UAVs) have a very important role in the formation of lift forces. This is because most of the lifting force arises on the wing. Therefore, aircraft designers pay great attention to wing modification. Today's aircraft designers tend to provide geometric modifications displayed in computational applications so that visualization of fluid flow can appear clearly. By increasing the lift as high as possible on the wing and lowering the drag as low as possible, it is expected that high aerodynamic efficiency will be achieved in air transportation. This research was done numerically by using the turbulence model k-ω SST. Reynolds number in this research was 2,34 x 104 with the angle of attacks are 0o, 2o, 4o, 6o, 8o, 10o, 12o, 15o, 17o and 19o. The model specimen is wing airfoil Eppler 562 with winglets. Two types of wingtips are used: forward and rearward wingtip fence. From this study, it was found that the wingtip fence reduced the strength of vorticity magnitude on the x-axis and z-axis compared to plain wings. With the addition of a wingtip fence, it has a significant effect on the shape of the vorticity magnitude behind the wing. This indicates a decrease in induced drag on the wing which has a wingtip fence

    Isolasi and Identification of Bacteria From the Urine Fluid Organic Fertilizer (POC)Ettawa Crossbred (PE) in the Sleman Regency

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    Urine is a by product from Ettawa crossbred (PE) goat farm in Sleman regency. In addition, the manure urine goats can be used for fluid organic fertilizer (POC). Recently, organic farming is more interesting for people because it does not use any chemical fertilizers. Salmonella sp and E. coli O157:H7 are pathogenic bacteria that can contaminate agricultural products and dangerous for public health. One of sources of contamination in agricultural products is due to the organic fertilizer. Therefore, the aim of the present study was to determine pathogenic bacteria from POC urine PE goats in Sleman regency. A total of 8 POC samples were collected from PE goat urine in Sleman regency. These samples were analyzed for Salmonella sp, E. coli O157:H7 and other pathogenic bacteria by using biochemical reactions. All samples are negative for Salmonella sp. and E. coli O157:H7 as well. Whereas, 85% of 8 samples are positive for Pseudomonas sp. The present study showed that POC from PE goats farm in Sleman regency are negative for pathogenic bacteria

    Supplementation of Glucomannan Derived from Konjac Flour Improve Glucose Homeostasis and Reduce Insulin Resistance in Diabetes Rat Models

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    Dietary fiber from glucomannan has been studied to decrease blood glucose concentration, but its mechanism in diabetes is still unclear. The aim of our research is to study the effect of glucomannan, derived from konjac flour, in rat models of diabetes including gastrointestinal function, inhibition of DPP-IV enzyme and reducing in insulin resistance. A total of 25 male wistar rats were divided into 5 groups; normal group (Normal), diabetes group (DM), diabetes group administered with 100 mg/kg BW konjac flour (DM+KF1), 200 mg/kg BW konjac flour (DM+KF2) and 400 mg/kg BW konjac flour (DM+KF3). Diabetes was induced by a combination of 60% high fructose diet and twice intraperitoneal injection of streptozotocin (25 and 30 mg/kg BW) at one week interval. Konjac flour was given according to each dose for 4 weeks. At the end of the study, blood and tissue sample were collected for subsequent analysis, while isolated intestine used to measure jejunal serous glucose concentration using everted sac technique. The results indicate that glucomannan reduced fasting blood glucose levels, improved glucose tolerance, increased jejunal serous glucose concentration at in vitro technique and decreased insulin resistance as evidenced by a decreased in HOMA-IR index and increased in PI3K levels. However, glucomannan not decreased DPP-4 levels in any dose. This results indicate that glucomannan derived from Konjac flour had antidiabetic effects through improving in glucose homeostasis and reducing in insulin resistance in rat models of diabetes