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    Tujuan penelitian ini adalah mengkaji aspek-aspek penting status kesehatan ternak dalam kaitannya dengan nutrisi dan manajemen peternakan dalam produksi susu pada peternakan sapi perah rakyat. Penelitian cross-sectional ini dilakukan di Kabupaten Boyolali, meliputi 50 peternakan yang dipilih secara acak, dengan 200 sapi peranakan Holstein laktasi. Data yang terkumpul meliputi produksi susu, komposisi pakan dan evaluasi klinis dianalisis dengan T-test menggunakan program SPSS, sedangkan aspek sosio-demografik yang diperoleh melalui wawancara personal dianalisis secara deskriptif berdasarkan Chi-square. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa energi neto laktasi(NEL) bahan pakan dapat menghasilkan 13 l susu per hari. Campuran pakan kasar dan hasil ikutan pertanian cenderung lebih disukai dibandingkan dengan kombinasi bahan pakan lainnya (P=0,052). Terdapat ketidakserasian nisbah Ca:P (1:2) yang berdampak pada rendahnya produksi susu. Rendahnya kualitas bahan pakan memunculkan keseimbangan energi negatif yang menyebabkan gangguan metabolik. Ini ditunjukkan dengan prevalensi mastitis klinis sebesar 10,85% serta penyakit-penyakit nutrisional 34,8% dan pada kondisi tersebut bloat merupakan penyakit yang paling mematikan. Pemberian natrium khlorida (NaCl) sebanyak 0,91-3,17% dari bahan kering (BK) per hari tanpa diimbangi dengan konsumsi air yang memadai, mempengaruhi kejadian mastitis (P<0,05). Penyakit kulit terdeteksi pada 85,92% sapi-api terpilih, sementara 13% sapi-sapi dalam pengobatan helminthiasis. Berdasarkan hasil penelitian ini dapat disimpulkan bahwa kelebihan pemberian NaCl dan ketidakserasian nisbah Ca:P menimbulkan aras produksi susu yang rendah dan terjadinya penyakit pada sapi-sapi induk laktasi di tingkat petani peternak. Berdasarkan hal tersebut di atas, diperlukan metode dan perangkat yang memadai untuk meningkatkan produksi susu, berbasis ketrampilan zooteknis petani peternak. Untuk itu diperlukan campur tangan pemerintah. Kata kunci: Peternakan rakyat, produksi susu, hasil ikutan pertanian, pakan, penyakit


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    Penelitian ini diakukan di ladang ternak “Bila River Ranch” Sidrap, Sulawesi Selatan, dengan tujuan mengkaji pengaruh musim terhadap status mineral hijauan. Sampel hijauan diambil dengan metode handplucked pada musim hujan akhir (bulan Agustus), musim kering (bulan Desember) dan musim hujan awal (bulan Mei). Variabel yang diukur adalah kadar mineral hijauan, meliputi kadar Fosfor (P), Kalsium (Ca), Magesium (Mg), Natrium (Na), Kalium(K), Cuprum/Tembaga (Cu) dan Seng (Zn). Analisis mineral hijauan dilakukan dengan spektrofotometri. Data yang terkumpul diolah secara statistik dengan analisis ragam dalam rancangan acak lengkap. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa kadar P hijauan pada musim hujan akhir (0,05%) lebih rendah (P<0,01) daripada hijauan yang diambil pada musim kering (0,069%) dan musim hujan awal (0,070%), sedangkan kadar Ca (0,265%) lebih tinggi (P<0,01) daripada musim kering dan musim hujan awal (0, 1837 dan 0,1839%). Kadar Mg hijauan pada musim hujan akhir lebih tinggi (P<0,01) daripada musim kering dan musim hujan awal (0,275 vs 0, 160 dan 0, 243%). Kadar K hijauan pada musim hujan awal lebih tinggi (P<0,01) daripada musim kering dan musim hujan akhir (1,166 vs 0,956 dan 0,905%). Kadar Cu dan Zn hijauan pada musim hujan awal lebih tinggi (P<0,01) daripada kadar kedua mineral tersebut dalam hijauan pada musim kering dan musim hujan akhir (6,60 vs 4,42 dan 4,16 ppm untuk Cu serta 36,46 vs 29,82 dan 27,21 ppm untuk kadar Zn). Antara musim kering dan musim hujan akhir tidak terdapat perbedaan kadar Cu dan Zn yang nyata. Terdapat perbedaan pola variasi antar mineral yang ditimbulkan oleh perbedaan musim. Kata kunci: Musim, mineral, hijauan, ladang ternak ABSTRACT This investigation was conducted at “Bvelila River” Ranch, Sidrap, South Sulawesi to study the influence of season on forage mineral status. Forage sampling was conducted by handplucked method in late rainy season (August), Dry season (December) and early rainy season (May). The measured variables consist of forage minerals level, included of phosphor (P), Calcium (Ca), Magnesium (Mg), Natrium (Na), Kalium (K), Coper (Cu) and Zink(Zn). Forage mineral analyses were conducted by spectrophotometry. The collected data were analyzed with analysis of variance (ANOVA) in completely randomize design (CRD). The result showed that forage P level in late rainy season (0.05%) was lower (P<0.01) than forage in dry season (0.069%) and early rainy season (0.070%), whereas the Ca level (0.265%) was higher (P<0.01) than that in dry season and early rainy season (0.1837 and 0.1839%, respectively). Forage Mg level in the late rainy season was higher (P<0.01) than that in dry and early rainy season (0.275 vs 0.160 and 0.243%). The forage K level I early rainy season was higher (P<0.01) than that in dry and late rainy season (1.166 vs 0.956 and 0.905%). Forage Cu and Zn level in early rainy season was higher (P<0.01) than those in dry and late rainy season (6.60 vs 4.42 and 4.16 ppm for Cu and 36.46 vs 29.82 and 27.21 ppm for Zn level). Between the dry season and late rainy season there were not significant difference in Cu and Zn levels. There were not difference in variation pattern between mineral by season difference. Key words: Season, mineral, forage, ranc

    Effectiveness And Sustainability Of Baitul Mal Wat Tamwil Financing In The Development Of Micro-Enterprises In Central Java, Indonesia

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    The objective of this study is to examine the effectiveness and sustainability of BMT financing in developing micro-enterprises. Specifically, this study provides an evidence of technical efficiency of BMTs in Central Java and the effectiveness, impact and social benefits of BMT financing. Using non-parametric data envelopment analysis (CCR and BCC models), it is found that technical efficiency of BMTs for the period 2002-2005 is relatively low. The scale efficiency indicates that BMTs operate far below the optimal scale (i.e., 67.00 percent, 78.40 percent, 74.30 percent, and 80.9 percent in 2002, 2003, 2004, and 2005 respectively). The results also show that the gap in efficiency scores exist in both CCR and BCC models. It implies that BMTs use their inputs sub-optimally. Hence, under increasing return to scale, BMT can improve their performance by increasing their inputs; while under decreasing return to scale BMT can improve their performance by decreasing their inputs. The results suggest that BMT financing (Islamic financing) was effective in developing micro-enterprises. The results of paired sample t-test indicate that BMT financing was able to enhance business performance of micro-enterprises significantly by increasing business income, business profit, business asset and number of employees. In addition, the development of micro-enterprises also was able to reduce the rate of non-performing financing. The rate of non-performing financing is less than five percent. This indicates that micro-enterprises generally were able to develop their business so that they could repay the financing. The results suggest that selection process, business control, incentive system and good relationship construction (cooperation) constitute important factors in increasing the effectiveness of Islamic financing. Furthermore, the effectiveness of Islamic financing still can be improved by including non-performing financing control mechanism in the management system

    UTILITAS PUCUK TEBU TEROLAH DENGAN TEKNOLOGI AMOFER SEBAGAI PAKAN SAPI PERANAKAN ONGOLE (The Utility of Sugar Cane Top Processed by “Amofer” Technology as “Peranakan Ongole” Cattle Feed)

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    ABSTRACT This investigation was conducted to study the in vivo utility of sugar cane top processed by ammoniation-fermentation (“Amofer”) technology as “Peranakan Ongole” (PO) cattle feed. Sugar cane top from TR1 sugar cane Var Bz-48 has been being used in this research, urea as ammonia source, Trichoderma reesei isolate, rice bran as substrate to Trichoderma reesei sporulation and 20 heads of male PO cattle. The sugar cane top was processed by combination between 8% ammoniation and 4 weeks fermentation (Widiyanto, 1996). Twenty heads of cattle were devided into four groups consist of five heads, repectively. The first group was provided non processed sugar cane top, the second group was provided processed sugar cane top without pelleting and wafering, third group was offered pellet processed sugar cane top. The measured variables consist of ffed intake, in vivo dry matter and organic matter digestibility, molar proportion of ruminal volatile fatty acids (VFA’s), digestibility energy (DE), total digestible nutrient (TDN), and nitrogen retention. The collected were analyzed statistically by analysis of variance (ANOVA) in completely randomized design in pellet and wafer form were higher than unprocessed sugar cane top. Consumption of processed sugar cane top in pellet form was highest than the other treatment groups (namely 5.255 kg/head/day). The dry matter digestibility of processed sugar cane top were higher than unprocessed sugar cane top. The digestibility of processed sugar cane top without physical treatment was highest than the other treatment groups (63,20%). Feeding processed sugar cane top increased digestible energy (DE) consumption and nitrogen retention. The highest DE consumption and N retention were found in treatment group received processed sugar cane top in pellet form (namely 13.24 Mcal/day and 19.25 g/day, respectively). Keywords : Sugar cane top; amofer; pellet; wafer; PO cattle; utilit

    Respon Kardiovaskuler Akibat Latihan

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    Epidemiologic Study on Nutrition and Management Related Diseases in Feeding Cattle Agricultural By-products

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    ABSTRACT The aim of study was to reveal the major facets animal health status as related to feeding, farming management, environment and animal production. A cross-sectional study was conducted in Boyolali region Central Java, involving 50 randomly selected farms covered 129 lactating FH cows, 15 FH heifers, 41 FH calves, 1 FH bull, 11 Ongole cows, 3 Ongole bulls. Information was obtained from personal interview with smalholder farmers, measeurement of milk yield and feedstuff given to animal, clinical evaluation and mastitis test (Bovivet®). The result showed that based on net energy for lactation (NEL) the feedstuff could only provide 6 l/day. The prevalence proportion was 10.85% for clinical mastitis, 34.8% was for nutritional diseases which bloat was the most frequent fatal occurrence. Skin diseases were attacking 85.92% of selected cows, while 13% of cows were in helminthiasis treatment. Although it was not significant different (P>0.05) utilization feedstuffs combination as related to milk production level of > 10 l/day. Governmental and non-governmental husbandry sector should cooperate in order to make progress and to help the farmers in decision making process to minimize risk factors. Keywords : smallholder farmer, milk production, agricultural-by-products, feeding regime, disease

    PENGARUH AMONIASI DAN FERMENTASI TERHADAP KECERNAAN SERAT KASAR PUCUK TEBU SECARA IN SACCO (The Influence of Ammoniation and Fermentation on In Sacco Crude Fiber Digestibility Sugar Cane Top)

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    ABSTRACT The conversion of agriculture to non-agriculture land tend to increase, so that to cause the increasing of land using to crop production. In turn, the land which available to forages production become to limited. Those to cause the adequate forages supply very difficult to be realized. As the effort to meet the roughage requitement, the farmer ussualy use the crop residues, among other sugar cane top. Because its maturity, crop residues quality as feed not adequate. It be caused by the low crude fiber digestibility, so that its total dry matter digestibility is also low. On the other hand, crude fiber is the major component of dry matter of crop residues. Crude fiber digestibility in crop residues is low, because cristallinity and degree of lignifications of cellulose is high. Ammoniation and fermentation can make the delightnification, depolimerization and decreasing or cristallinity of cellulose. Combination treatment between ammoniation and fermentation will increases the utility of crop residues as feed. This investigation was conducted to study the effect of combination between chemical treatment (ammoniation) and biological treatment (fermentation by Trichoderma reesei) on the utility of sugar cane top as ruminant feed. Those in this case to be reflected by in sacco crude fiber digestibility. The Sugar cane top var. BZ-48, urea as ammonia source, T. reesei isolate, rice bran as substrate for sporulation and fistulated yearling male cattle PO, were used as experimental material. Sugar cane top was out 2 cm and dried. Ammoniation process was done to them with ammonia levels were : 2, 4 and 6 percent (treatment factor I). After that, fermentation process was conducted by Trichoderma reesei with incubation periods were : 0, 2 and 4 weeks (treatment factor II). In sacco digestion technique was applicated by nylon bag with incubation time 48 hours. Crude fiber content analysis on sugar cane top nd undigested dry matter residue by Wendee method. The collected data were statistically analyzed by analysis of variance with 4 x 3 factorial treatment pattern in completely randomized design. Investigation result showed that fermentation by T. reesei (up to 4 weeks incubation) and ammoniation (up to 60% ammonia) tend increases in sacco crude fiber digestibility of sugar cane top. Combination treatment between fermentation (4 weeks incubation) and ammoniation (6% ammonia) to increase fermentation effectivity significantly (P<0,05), namely : 50,25% vs 31,37% in untreated sugar can top. Keywords : Ammoniation; Fermentation; Crude Fiber; In Sacco; Digestibility; Sugar Cane To

    Model Peningkatan Kemampuan Bahasa Inggris Untuk Guru Smk RSBI Di Jawa Tengah

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    The purpose of this study was to find a model in improving RSBI vocational schools teachers\u27 English skills in Central Java. This study used research and development(R &amp;D) design developed by Borg &amp; Galland. It was a qualitative research; data were collected by interviews, questionnaires and observations to get the primary and secondary data. The study was located in Central Java focusing on RSBI Teachers\u27 English Skills. The benefit of the research was to provide an alternative in improving RSBI vocational schools teachers\u27 English skills. The result was a model product in improving RSBI vocational schools teachers\u27 English skills in Central Java. Thus, it is suggested for RSBI vocational teachers to improve their English skills by using this model