10 research outputs found


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    Kegiatan pembenihan lobster masih dikembangkan di Indonesia. Sintasan yang rendah dan pakan yang sesuai masih menjadi masalah utama dalam kegiatan pembenihan lobster. Artemia sebagai pakan utama diduga belum mencukupi kebutuhan nutrisi larva lobster. Upaya pemberian bahan pengaya sebagai alternatif untuk meningkatkan nutrisi diharapkan dapat meningkatkan sintasan larva lobster. Pemberian bahan pengaya yang mengandung asam lemak dokosa heksanoid acid (DHA) ke Artemia dianggap penting bagi pertumbuhan dan sintasan pada krustasea. Tujuan penelitian ini untuk mengetahui performa larva lobster berdasarkan tingkat sintasan maupun perkembangan larva dengan pemberian pakan artemia yang diperkaya dengan DHA. Perlakuan yang diberikan meliputi Artemia yang baru menetas (A), Artemia yang diperkaya dengan plankton Isochrysis galbana strain Tahiti konsentrasi (1-1,5 x 106 sel/mL) (B), DHA selco dosis 0,6 g/L (C), dan Artemia inkubasi 18 jam tanpa pengayaan (D). Pemeliharaan larva dilakukan pada bak 100 L dengan sistem air stagnan. Perkembangan larva yang mampu dicapai pada semua perlakuan adalah stadia-IIIa. Pemberian Artemia yang diperkaya dengan DHA selco menunjukkan hasil sintasan yang lebih baik pada pemeliharaan enam hari pertama namun tidak memberikan pengaruh yang signifikan. Pada masa pemeliharaan sampai 20 hari terjadi penurunan sintasan (SR) mencapai hanya 1%. Hal ini disebabkan adanya bakteri dan protozoa seperti jenis protozoa Zoothamnium sp. dan bakteri berfilamen teramati menempel pada tubuh larva sehingga mengganggu pergerakan dan kemampuan larva dalam menangkap mangsa. Berdasarkan penelitian ini maka penggunaan pakan Artemia yang diperkaya DHA Selco dapat menjadi alternatif pakan larva lobster namun tetap diperlukan kontrol kualitas air yang baik.Efforts to culture spiny lobster, Panulirus homarus larvae are still being developed in Indonesia. One of the main challenges in lobster hatcheries is to find an appropriate feed and improving larval survival. Artemia has been used as the main feed and considered to have insufficient nutritional ingredient for lobster larvae. Enrichment of feed to improve its nutrient contents is expected to increase the larval survival. DHA-enriched feed is considered essential for growth and survival of crustaceans. The aim of this study was to determine the survival and development of larvae fed with DHA-enriched Artemia. The treatments consisted of newly hatched Artemia (A), enriched Artemia with phytoplankton, Isochrysis galbana strain Tahiti at a density of 1-1.5 x 106 cells/mL (B), enriched Artemia with DHA selco at a dose of 0.6 g/L (C), and Artemia incubated for 18 hours without DHA enrichment (D). Each Artemia enrichment was performed for 18 hours. Larval rearing was carried out in a 00 L tank with static water system. The achieved larval developmental stage in all treatments was stage-IIIa. Administration of enriched Artemia with DHA selco showed a better larval survival during the first six days of larval rearing. But, it did not give any significant effect. The survival was then decreased to only 1% on day-20. This was due to the presence of bacteria and protozoa which decreased water quality. Protozoa Zoothamnium sp. and filamentous bacteria were observed attaching to the body of the larvae, disrupting the movement and ability of larvae in capturing prey. Based on this research, the use of Artemia enriched with DHA selco as an alternative for lobster larvae feed, but better water quality control is still needed


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    Milky hemolymph disease of spiny lobster (MHD-SL) is categorized as the most destructive disease in farming spiny lobster. Therefore, it is required to investigate the routes of milky disease infection in spiny lobster as a basic knowledge in order to prevent milky disease transmission. The aim of the present study was to perform an experimental infection of milky disease in spiny lobster Panulirus homarus. Experimental infection of milky disease was carried out by several modes of infection which were injection, immersion and per os exposure. Injection of each 0.2 mL undiluted and diluted hemolymph from the diseased lobster resulted in a cumulative mortality of 100% at 15 days post-infection (dpi), and 75% at 16 dpi, respectively. Experimental infection through water immersion caused in a cumulative mortality of 50% at 7 dpi. In contrast, no mortality was observed in per os exposure as well as in control groups. Results of this experimental study provided evidence for horizontal transmission of MHD-SL among P. homarus. Histopathological analysis exhibited that there were masses of Rickettsia-like bacteria (RLB) in the connective tissues of the gill, hepatopancreas, gonad, midgut, and muscle tissues of the affected lobsters. Mass of RLB was not only found in the moribund lobsters but also in the surviving lobsters with milky hemolymph appearance


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    Lobster pasir, Panulirus homarus adalah salah satu komoditas perikanan yang memiliki nilai ekonomis tinggi, baik di pasar lokal maupun internasional. Akan tetapi, dalam usaha pembesaran lobster terdapat hambatan yaitu tingginya mortalitas yang disebabkan oleh infeksi penyakit. Oleh karena itu, dilakukan penelitian ini dengan tujuan untuk melakukan investigasi penyakit pada pembesaran lobster pasir P. homarus di tiga lokasi karamba jaring apung (KJA). Metode penelitian meliputi pengambilan sampel lobster, pengamatan parasit, isolasi bakteri dan jamur, serta deteksi Milky Hemolymph Disease of Spiny Lobster (MHD-SL) melalui analisis Polymerase Chain Reaction (PCR). Lokasi pengambilan sampel meliputi Lombok (NTB), Pangandaran (Jabar) dan teluk Pegametan (Bali) dengan sampel lobster masing-masing sebanyak 5 ekor. Tiga ekor lobster dari Pangandaran terinfeksi parasit Octolasmis sp. yang menginfeksi terutama pada lamela insang. Satu sampel lobster dari Lombok terinfeksi jamur Fusarium sp. yang merupakan penyebab penyakit black gill disease dengan gejala insang yang menghitam. Dua lobster dari Lombok dan 1 lobster dari Pegametan terinfeksi oleh MHD-SL yang ditandai dengan hemolimfa berwarna putih susu

    Investigation of Diseases in Grow-out of Spiny Lobster Panulirus Homarus Cultured in Floating Net Cages (Lombok, Pegametan and Pangandaran)

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    Spiny lobster, Panulirus homarus is an economically important fishery product which indicated by huge demand of this species at both local and International markets. However, high mortalities were recorded during grow-out period due to infection of diseases. This study was conducted to investigate disease occurrences in grow-out of P. homarus cultured in floating net cages. The study was done throughout collection of samples, observation of parasites, isolation of fungi and bacteria, and detection of Milky Hemolymph Disease of Spiny Lobster (MHD-SL) by PCR. The samples were obtained from Lombok, Pangandaran, and Pegametan (Bali), five lobsters each. Results showed that three lobsters from Pangandaran were infected with ectoparasite Octolasmis sp. that infect mostly in the gill lamellae. One sample from Lombok was found to be infected with Fusarium sp., the causative agent of black gill disease which indicated by black coloration of the gill. Detection of milky disease showed that one lobster from Pegametan and two lobsters from Lombok were infected with the disease. Milky disease is the most devastating disease which causing in high mortalities within 5 days of the onset of symptoms of milky disease infection. Considering that MHD-SL can be transmitted rapidly, it is suggested to perform biosecurity and quarantine procedures immediately to prevent disease translocation


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    Piscine nodavirus sebagai penyebab penyakit VNN (Viral Nervous Necrosis) dan iridovirus merupakan jenis virus yang dikenal menjadi penyebab utama kematian ikan laut yang dibudidayakan. Virus ini mampu menginfeksi ikan dari ukuran benih sampai ukuran konsumsi dan dalam waktu dua minggu, kematian mencapai 80% sampai 100%. Pada pembenihan larva dan benih ikan dalam skala rumah tangga ataupun hatcheri lengkap di sepanjang pantai di wilayah Bali Utara sering mengalami infeksi VNN dan iridovirus Namun, informasi terjadinya infeksi belum didata dengan baik. Tujuan penelitian ini untuk memperoleh data dan informasi mengenai peta infeksi atau serangan virus pada pembudidaya/pembenihan ikan sepanjang tahun 2017 di Bali Utara. Sampling dilakukan pada bulan Februari, Mei, Agustus, dan Oktober. Di samping melakukan sampling, juga dilakukan input data dari hasil analisis sampel di laboratorium bioteknologi yang diperoleh dari pemilik hatcheri/pembudidaya ikan. Analisis VNN menggunakan metode IQPlus sedangkan analisis iridovirus dengan metode PCR konvensional dengan primer spesifik. Parameter yang diamati adalah prevalensi VNN dan iridovirus dari setiap hatcheri dan keramba jaring apung. Sebagai data penunjang pengukuran parameter kualitas air berupa suhu, salinitas, amoniak, dan nitrit yang dilakukan pada saat pengambilan sampel benih. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa tingkat infeksi VNN di hatcheri Bali utara terjadi di bulan September sebesar 33,3% dan iridovirus pada bulan Agustus mencapai 18,61%. Sedangkan tingkat prevalensi VNN tertinggi di KJA terjadi pada bulan Oktober mencapai 83,4% dan puncak infeksi iridovirus terjadi di bulan Februari dengan nilai prevalensi sebesar 50,0%.VNN and iridovirus are viral diseases causing the highest mortality in mariculture. These viruses are able to infect eggs, larvae, juveniles and even marketable size fish. They can cause 80% to 100% mortality in just two weeks. Larvae or fingerlings in small or big scale hatcheries in Northern Bali were frequently infected by VNN or Iridovirus. Unfortunately, information about the local disease outbreaks was not well documented. The aim of this research was to collect data and information about the infection of these viruses in hatcheries and floating net cage mariculture in Northern Bali during 2017. Sampling was conducted in February, May, August, and October, 2017. In addition to the primary data from the field activities, disease infection secondary dataset from the fish farmers who analyzed their infected fish in our laboratory were also used. The identification of VNN infection was performed following IQPlus method while Iridovirus was tested using the conventional PCR method with specific primers. The parameters observed were the VNN and Iridovirus prevalence in each hatchery and floating net cage. Water quality parameters were measured in situ such as temperature, salinity, ammonia, and nitrite. The results showed that infection of VNN in hatcheries at Northern Bali, the highest infection was found in September as high as 33.3% and Iridovirus in August at 18.61%. While in Floating Net Cage the highest infection for VNN was found in October with value of 83.4% and Iridovirus was found in February with value of 50.0%.


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    Pemeliharaan benih lobster P. homarus masih menghadapi beberapa permasalahan, di antaranya infeksi penyakit bakteri (red body disease) dan mortalitas yang tinggi. Tujuan penelitian ini adalah untuk mengkaji respons imunitas benih lobster P. homarus yang diberi pakan pelet basah (moist diets) dengan penambahan probiotik. Pemeliharaan benih lobster dilakukan secara individu (1 ekor/keranjang). Lama pemeliharaan selama tiga bulan. Bobot awal puerulus P. homarus adalah 0,37 ± 0,05 g. Perlakuan meliputi pemberian pakan moist yang ditambahkan (A) ragi Saccharomyces cerevisiae, (B) kombinasi probiotik, Alteromonas sp. BY-9 dan Bacillus cereus BC, dan (C) tanpa probiotik. Respons imunitas dianalisis dengan RT-qPCR melalui tujuh gen target terkait ekspresi imunitas, setelah diuji tantang dengan Vibrio harveyi (penyebab red body disease). Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa sintasan benih lobster sebesar (A) 32,22%; (B) 29,63%; dan (C) 33,33%. Pertumbuhan panjang dan bobot benih lobster tidak berbeda nyata (P>0,05). Respons imunitas benih lobster P. homarus pada perlakuan A dan B menunjukkan nilai ekspresi imun yang lebih tinggi dibandingkan dengan perlakuan C (tanpa probiotik). Ekspresi gen penyandi anti lipopolisakarida (ALFHa-1) meningkat pada (A) rata-rata sebesar 3,44 kali dan (B) 3,25 kali dibandingkan dengan perlakuan C (2,43 kali). Kelipatan ekspresi profenoloksidase (proPO) benih lobster meningkat pada perlakuan A (penambahan ragi) rata-rata sebesar 5,27 kali, sedangkan pada perlakuan B (kombinasi probiotik) sebesar 12,92 kali. Ekspresi Clotting sistem (transglutaminase, clotting protein) dan antioxidant defense mechanism (glutathione peroxidase/GPO) dan SAA juga mengalami peningkatan pada perlakuan A dan B. A number of contrains including disease infections and significant mortality have been occurring in lobster aquaculture. The aim of this research was to observe the immune response of juvenile lobster P. homarus culture fed by moist pellet supplemented with probiotic. Experimental juveniles were reared in individual system (one juvenile/basket). The experiment was conducted for three months. The treatments comprised (A) whole cell of yeast Saccharomyces cerevisiae, (B) combination of probiotics Alteromonas sp. BY-9 and Bacillus sp. BC, and (C) without probiotic as control. Initial weight of juveniles were 0.37 ± 0.05 g. Immunity responses were analyzed using seven immunity related genes expression by RT-qPCR. The results showed that the survival rate of juvenile for treatments A, B, and C were 32.22%, 29.63%, and 33.33% respectively. The weight and length gain of the juvenile were not significantly different (P>0.05) among treatments. Based on immunity related gene expression analysis, it revealed that A and B treatments have shown differences in the increament of immunity responses. Expressions of ALFHa-1 genes were increased on (A) treatment with average of 3.44 fold and (B) treatment (3.25 fold) and higher than C treatment (2.03 fold). Prophenoloxidase (ProPO) expression was increase average up to 5.27 fold on A (yeast supplementated) treatment and B (combination of probiotic) were 12.92 fold. Gene expression on Clotting system (transglutaminase, clotting protein) and antioxidant defense mechanism (glutathione peroxidase/GPO) was increased on A and B treatments


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    The bacterial populations in the farming of spiny lobster could have either beneficial or harmful effects depending on the prevailing conditions. We designed this study to identify and to perform a pathogenicity test of some bacteria isolated from wild and farmed spiny lobsters Panulirus homarus. The adult farmed lobsters were obtained from Pangandaran and Lombok coastal areas, while the wild lobsters were collected from Lombok, with five lobsters for each location. The bacteria were isolated from the midgut, gill, hepatopancreas, and muscle tissues of the lobsters. The identification of the bacteria was carried out by molecular methods. Pathogenicity test was performed by intramuscular injection of 0.1 ml bacterial suspensions at the density of 7×106cfu/ml into each three adult apparently healthy lobsters for every eight bacterial isolates. Our study identified six bacterial isolates that exhibited high homology of a nucleotide sequence with Shewanella algae, Bacillus firmus, Vibrio alginolyticus, Tenacibaculum lutimaris, Pseudomonas sp. and Vibrio sp., while two isolates were reminded unidentified due to low nucleotide similarities (< 97%). The pathogenicity test showed that there was no mortality of lobsters injected with those bacterial isolates. This may because the dose of injection was too low to induce bacterial infection particularly for Vibrio, or the bacteria were not pathogenic for lobster or even have the potency as probiotic bacteria.  

    Growth and reproduction performance of sea cucumber (

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    Growth and reproduction performance of sea cucumber (Stichopus sp.) fed with different feeding regimes. This study aims to know the effects of different feeding regimes on sea cucumbers' growth and gonad development. Sea cucumbers used in this experiment were collected from the natural habitat in Northern Bali waters. Five individuals of sea cucumber (BW 334 ± 58 g; TL 22,5± 3,5 cm) were placed in each of four concrete tanks size 0,85 x 2 x 0,5 m3 with flow-through water systems. There were two feeding treatments in this study: A) fresh benthos and B) a combination of fresh benthos and seaweed (Ulva and Sargassum). Feed was given as much as 2.5 to 5 %, once in the afternoon. Observed variables were the growth and gonad stage and the weight at the end of the experiment. The study showed that the different feeding regimes significantly influenced the sea cucumber growth and gonad weight, but not the gonad stage. Sea cucumber fed with a combination of benthos and seaweed performed better growth and higher gonad weight. The difference in the feed did not affect gonad development


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    Pemeliharaan benih lobster P. homarus masih menghadapi beberapa permasalahan, di antaranya infeksi penyakit bakteri (red body disease) dan mortalitas yang tinggi. Tujuan penelitian ini adalah untuk mengkaji respons imunitas benih lobster P. homarus yang diberi pakan pelet basah (moist diets) dengan penambahan probiotik. Pemeliharaan benih lobster dilakukan secara individu (1 ekor/keranjang). Lama pemeliharaan selama tiga bulan. Bobot awal puerulus P. homarus adalah 0,37 ± 0,05 g. Perlakuan meliputi pemberian pakan moist yang ditambahkan (A) ragi Saccharomyces cerevisiae, (B) kombinasi probiotik, Alteromonas sp. BY-9 dan Bacillus cereus BC, dan (C) tanpa probiotik. Respons imunitas dianalisis dengan RT-qPCR melalui tujuh gen target terkait ekspresi imunitas, setelah diuji tantang dengan Vibrio harveyi (penyebab red body disease). Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa sintasan benih lobster sebesar (A) 32,22%; (B) 29,63%; dan (C) 33,33%. Pertumbuhan panjang dan bobot benih lobster tidak berbeda nyata (P&gt;0,05). Respons imunitas benih lobster P. homarus pada perlakuan A dan B menunjukkan nilai ekspresi imun yang lebih tinggi dibandingkan dengan perlakuan C (tanpa probiotik). Ekspresi gen penyandi anti lipopolisakarida (ALFHa-1) meningkat pada (A) rata-rata sebesar 3,44 kali dan (B) 3,25 kali dibandingkan dengan perlakuan C (2,43 kali). Kelipatan ekspresi profenoloksidase (proPO) benih lobster meningkat pada perlakuan A (penambahan ragi) rata-rata sebesar 5,27 kali, sedangkan pada perlakuan B (kombinasi probiotik) sebesar 12,92 kali. Ekspresi Clotting sistem (transglutaminase, clotting protein) dan antioxidant defense mechanism (glutathione peroxidase/GPO) dan SAA juga mengalami peningkatan pada perlakuan A dan B.A number of contrains including disease infections and significant mortality have been occurring in lobster aquaculture. The aim of this research was to observe the immune response of juvenile lobster P. homarus culture fed by moist pellet supplemented with probiotic. Experimental juveniles were reared in individual system (one juvenile/basket). The experiment was conducted for three months. The treatments comprised (A) whole cell of yeast Saccharomyces cerevisiae, (B) combination of probiotics Alteromonas sp. BY-9 and Bacillus sp. BC, and (C) without probiotic as control. Initial weight of juveniles were 0.37 ± 0.05 g. Immunity responses were analyzed using seven immunity related genes expression by RT-qPCR. The results showed that the survival rate of juvenile for treatments A, B, and C were 32.22%, 29.63%, and 33.33% respectively. The weight and length gain of the juvenile were not significantly different (P&gt;0.05) among treatments. Based on immunity related gene expression analysis, it revealed that A and B treatments have shown differences in the increament of immunity responses. Expressions of ALFHa-1 genes were increased on (A) treatment with average of 3.44 fold and (B) treatment (3.25 fold) and higher than C treatment (2.03 fold). Prophenoloxidase (ProPO) expression was increase average up to 5.27 fold on A (yeast supplementated) treatment and B (combination of probiotic) were 12.92 fold. Gene expression on Clotting system (transglutaminase, clotting protein) and antioxidant defense mechanism (glutathione peroxidase/GPO) was increased on A and B treatments