10 research outputs found

    Kalimat Pengandaian Bahasa Jepang: Kajian Sintaktis Dan Semantis

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    This study tried to describe the similarities and the differences of Japanese conditional patterns from the perspectives of syntax and semantics. The results reveal that the four Japanese conditional patterns are used in similar variations and constructions, namely (a) S1-KàS2-K; (b) S1-PàS2-K, (c) S1-KàS2-P, and S1-PàS2-K. Other equations and differences expose several facts. (1) The patterns of V-TO and V-BA are used to declare a general conditional. (2) The patterns of V-TARA and V-BA can be followed by an S2 that states events in the past. (3) The pattern of V-NARA can express S1 and S2 events that occur simultaneously. (4) The patterns of V-TARA, V-BA, and V-TO state the order of events of S1 and S2 (S1àS2). (5) The pattern of V-TO declares a sequence of activities S1àS2 without any lag time. (6) The pattern of V-TARA can be used to declare an S1 that has actually happened. (7) The pattern of V-TO cannot be followed by S2 that state imperatives, requests, invitations, intention, desire, prohibition, and advice. (8) all four conditionals can be followed by S2 that states the possibility, prediction, or personal opinion of speakers

    Kecemasan Bahasa Dalam Pembelajaran Tata Bahasa Jepang Secara Daring

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    Abstract This study aims to investigate a) the differences of level anxiety by gender and length of study; b) the correlation between language anxiety and student outcomes; c) the effect of language anxiety on student outcomes.  A survey was administered to 149 Japanese language students from two state universities in Sumatra. There were 40 male students and 109 female students in this study. 47 students have experience learning Japanese for less than 1 year, 81 students about 1-2 years, 17 students about 3-4 years, and 4 students have experiences for more than 5 years. The study found that female students were more anxious than male students. There was no difference in anxiety based on thelength of study. Correlation analyses showed that there was a negative significant correlation between anxiety and student outcomes. That means if anxiety rises, outcomes will decrease. Meanwhile, regression analyses showed that anxiety was a predictor that affects learning outcomes. This indicates that anxiety interferes the outcomes of learning Japanese grammar in online learning. Keywords: Language anxiety, Japanese grammar, online learning Abstrak Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui a) perbedaan tingkat kecemasan berdasarkan jenis kelamin dan periode belajar; b) hubungan kecemasan bahasa dengan hasil belajar; dan c) pengaruh kecemasan bahasa terhadap hasil belajar. Responden dalam penelitian ini adalah 149 mahasiswa bahasa Jepang tingkat 1 dan 2 dari 2 universitas negeri di Sumatera. Sebanyak 40 orang merupakan pembelajar laki-laki dan 109 orang merupakan pembelajar ont . 47 orang diantaranya memiliki pengalaman belajar bahasa Jepang kurang dari 1 tahun, 81 orang 1-2 tahun, 17 orang 3-4 tahun, dan 4 orang memiliki pengalaman belajar lebih dari 5 tahun. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa pembelajar perempuan lebih cemas dibanding pembelajar laki-laki. Tidak ada perbedaan kecemasan antara pembelajar yang memiliki pengalaman belajar bahasa Jepang lebih sedikit dengan pembelajar yang mempunyai pengalaman belajar lebih lama. Hasil analisis korelasi menunjukkan bahwa ada hubungan negatif signifikan antara kecemasan dengan hasil belajar. Artinya jika kecemasan naik maka hasil belajar mengalami penurunan. Hasil analisis regresi menunjukkan bahwa kecemasan merupakan prediktor yang mempengaruhi hasil belajar. Hasil penelitian ini mengindikasikan bahwa kecemasan mengganggu hasil belajar tata bahasa Jepang dalam pembelajaran daring. Kata Kunci: Kecemasan berbahasa, tata bahasa Jepang, pembelajaran darin

    Peer Feedback untuk Mengembangkan Kegiatan Menulis Bahasa Jepang di Kelas Menulis Bahasa Jepang (Sakubun)

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    The purpose of this study was to develop the quality of writing in middle-level Japanese language. From the results of the previousl questionnaires distributed, 80% of students found it difficult to develop story ideas into complete writing. The difficulty factor is influenced by the lack of time to develop ideas, beside that internal factors, namely mastery of vocabulary, mastery of sentence pattern structure. This study lasted for one semester at an university in Bandung, West Java, Indonesia with 20 students enrolled in  writing classes at  semesters 4. The students at the lower proficiency level reviewed peer texts. To examine gains in writing quality, a comparative analysis was conducted on writing samples collected at the beginning and the end of the semester. A questionnaire survey was also conducted to investigate the students’ perceptions t of assignments. The findings in this study that the students’ results needed to be feedback and evaluation to improve the ability to write Japanese short essays. Therefore, for further research  will need to apply peer feedback from peer tutors and evaluation from the teacher itself in order to improve writing skills  in writing quality


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    Abstrak: Tujuan dari kegiatan pengabdian ini adalah untuk menambah wawasan, menumbuhkan semangat dan motivasi, serta untuk mengembangkan kemampuan wirausaha di kalangan mahasiswa. Hal inilah yang mendasari diadakannya kegiatan webinar online sebagai bentuk pembinaan dan model monitoring dari perkuliahan Kewirausahaan Departemen Pendidikan Bahasa Jepang di salah satu Perguruan Tinggi Negeri di Kota Bandung Jawa Barat, agar mahasiswa dapat menciptakan usaha mandiri di masa Kenormalan Baru. Pelaksanaan kegiatan ini dilaksanakan dengan menggunakan aplikasi Zoom, dan diselenggarakan dalam tiga rangkaian webinar yang diikuti oleh empat puluh mahasiswa dan sepuluh alumni. Mitra non-profit yang dijadikan role-model dan narasumber adalah Kirihuci Indonesia. Hasil kegiatan pengabdian ini menunjukkan peningkatan pemahaman mahasiswa dan alumni sebesar 90% dan peningkatan motivasi wirausaha 78% untuk menciptakan usaha baru dan mengembangkan usaha kecil sesuai bidang yang mereka minati, sehingga mahasiswa dan alumni memiliki strategi dalam membuka dan mengembangkan usaha kecil mereka yang akan dibina dan dimonitoring oleh tim Kewirausahaan Departemen Pendidikan Bahasa Jepang dan Kirihuchi Indonesia secara berkala.Abstract: The purpose of this online training is to add insight, foster enthusiasm and motivation, as well as to develop entrepreneurial skills among students. This is what underlies the holding of an online webinar activities as a form of coaching and monitoring model of Entrepreneurship lectures from the Department of Japanese Language Education at one of the public universities in Bandung City, West Java, so that students can create businesses in this New Normal era. The implementation of this activity itself is carried out using Zoom application, and held in four webinar series which attended by forty students and ten alumnies. The non-profit partner used as a role model and keynote speaker is Kirihuci Indonesia. The result of the implementation of this activity showed an increase in understanding of students and alumni by 90% and an increase in entrepreneurial motivation by 78% to create new businesses and develop small businesses according to their fields of interest. Then students and alumnies have formed the mindset and strategies in open and develop their new businesses. An activities will be monitored by the Entrepreneurship team of Departement of Japanese Language Education and Kirihuchi Indonesia on a regular basis

    Pengembangan Model Pembelajaran Mandiri Untuk Meningkatkan Kemampuan Berfikir Kritis Mahasiswa Sastra Jepang

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    This research was conducted based on the low level of students' critical thinking skills because the learning process carried out in class was considered less effective in developing students' interests, talents and potential. The purpose of this research is generally carried out to determine the extent to which the application of the independent learning method in improving student learning outcomes of the Japanese Literature Study Program. Specifically, this research aims to describe the steps for implementing the self-learning method which includes planning, implementation, and evaluation, as well as describing the application of the self-learning method. Independent learning methods are implemented to overcome these problems so that students have motivation, more learning experiences, and students will be more independent. The data collection techniques used were questionnaires, interviews, and data validation as a review to see the validity of the data. The results of the study obtained data. Learning activities with a critical thinking approach had an impact on changing the way students think. These changes can be seen from the questionnaire data which shows that the majority of the sample agreed with statement number 8 as much as 76%. In the next sequence is statement no.15 with the number of those who answered agree as much as 75%. Statements no.12, no.13, and no.16 received 60% answers. Meanwhile statement

    Politeness Strategies Used by Japanese and Indonesian Speakers on Social Media

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    This study compares the politeness strategies used by Japanese and Indonesian speakers in communication on social media, based on Brown and Levinson's (1987) politeness theory. To investigate the utilization of politeness strategies in social media interactions, we gathered 200 comments on several contents by public figures on Twitter and Instagram posted in December 2022. The dataset comprises 100 comments from Japanese users derived from posts made by accounts like @yousuck2020, @kishida230, @watanabenaomi703, and @yuriko.koike. The other 100 comments were collected from Indonesian users, originating from accounts such as @fiersabesari, @jokowi, @raffinagita1717, and @ridwankamil.  The research findings show a similarity between Japanese and Indonesian speakers, with positive politeness strategy being the most frequently used politeness strategy in social media interactions. This is because there is a common desire to maintain good relationships in communication on social media. On the other hand, differences were observed in the utilization of negative politeness and off-record strategies. The research results reveal that the frequency of negative politeness strategies used by Japanese speakers was slightly higher than that used by Indonesian speakers. In comparison, the frequency of the off-record strategy was lower