62 research outputs found

    Pengaruh Kemasan, Kondisi Ruang Simpan dan Periode Simpan terhadap Viabilitas Benih Caisin Brassica Chinensis L.)

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    The objective of this trial was to determine the effect of the best packaging material, storage room condition and storage period for the seed viability of caisin. The trial was conducted at the seed laboratory of the Department of Agronomy and Horticulture, Faculty of Agriculture, Bogor Agriculture University in March- October 2005. The experiment was arranged in completely randomized design with three factors. The first factor was packaging materials (paper, polyethylene and aluminum foil); the second factor was storage room conditions (ambient room, Air Conditioned (AC) room and refrigerator); the third factor was storage periods (0, 3, 6, 9, 12 and 15 weeks). The result of this research showed that packaging materials gave significant effect on the dry weight of normal seedling. Storage periods gave very significant effect on germination percentage, dry weight of normal seedling, maximum growth capacity, and vigor index. The interaction between packaging materials, storage room conditions and storage periods gave very significant efflect on germination rate. Based on the dry weight of normal seedling, polyethylene and aluminum foil package gave the same result, on the other hand paper package gave the lowest dry weight of normal seedling than that aluminum foil package. Based on the germination percentage, dry weight of normal seedling, maximum growth capacity, and vigor index the seed viability of caisin did not decrease, even after 15 weeks of storage period

    Pengembangan Uji Cepat Viabilitas Benih Kedelai (Glycine max (L.)) dengan Urine Sugar Analysis Paper (USAP)

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    Kedelai (Glycine max (L.)) merupakan salah satu komoditas utama selain beras dan jagung di Indonesia yang sebagian besar dikonsumsi oleh masyarakat dalam bentuk olahan pangan. Kesenjangan kebutuhan dan ketersediaan kedelai terus meningkat sehingga diperlukan usaha untuk menunjang produksi kedelai, salah satunya benih kedelai harus selalu tersedia dalam jumlah yang cukup serta dengan mutu yang memadai. Permasalahan yang dihadapi dalam penyediaan benih kedelai bermutu adalah daya simpan benih kedelai yang pendek sehingga benih mengalami penurunan vigor dan viabilitas. Penelitian ini bertujuan mengembangkan metode uji vigor benih menggunakan urine sugar analysis paper (USAP) pada berbagai tingkat vigor benih kedelai yang diperoleh dari metode pengusangan cepat (AAM). Penelitian dilaksanakan di Laboratorium Penyimpanan dan Pengujian Mutu Benih, Departemen Agronomi dan Hortikultura, Fakultas Pertanian, Institut Pertanian Bogor. Bahan yang digunakan untuk penelitian adalah benih kedelai varietas Anjasmoro dan Gepak kuning. Percobaan disusun dengan menggunakan rancangan acak lengkap (RAL) satu faktor dengan empat ulangan yang terdiri dari dua percobaan. Percobaan pertama adalah lama pengusangan dengan metode pengusangan cepat (AAM) bersuhu 40 0C dan RH 95%. Percobaan kedua adalah mengembangkan metode urine sugar analysis paper terhadap lot benih yang diperoleh dari pengusangan cepat dengan menentukan lama perendaman benih yang efisien dengan taraf 1, 3, dan 5 jam. Percobaan dilakukan terhadap dua varietas secara terpisah yaitu varietas Anjasmoro dan Gepak kuning. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan pengusangan cepat dapat menurunkan vigor dan viabilitas benih kedelai. Pada varietas Anjasmoro, lama perendaman 5 jam merupakan metode efektif untuk pengujian kebocoran glukosa dan protein berdasarkan tolok ukur daya kerkecambah, kecepatan tumbuh, dan nilai daya hantar listrik. Pada varietas Gepak kuning, lama perendaman 1 jam merupakan metode efektif untuk pengujian kebocoran glukosa dan protein berdasarkan tolok ukur daya berkecambah dan nilai daya hantar listrik. Kata kunci: glukosa, korelasi, pengusangan cepat, pH, protein, vigo

    Application of Cytokinin and Mycorrhiza to Increase Production and Quality of Pineapple Seedlings from Crown Leaf Bud Cuttings

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    The pineapple vegetative propagation method using crown leaf bud cuttings has potential to produce seedlings of greater uniformity and in larger quantities than other methods. This study, aimed to explore the potential eff ects of concentration and frequency of Benzylaminopurine (BAP) application for increasing the production and quality of pineapple seedlings from crown leaf bud cutting propagation. The experiment used a randomized complete block design (RCBD) with two factors. The fi rst factor was the concentration of BAP (0, 200, 400, 600, 800 ppm) and the second factor was the frequency of BAP application (1, 2, 3 times). Furthermore, this study investigated the eff ects of applying mycorrhizae to accelerate seedling growth and improve seedling quality during production from crown leaf bud cutting propagation. The experiment used a RCBD with one factor (dose of mycorrhiza: 0, 50, 100, 150, 200 spores). The results indicated that the eff ects of concentration and frequency of BAP application and their interaction increased seed production as determined by sprout cuttings at 5 weeks after planting by applying 600 ppm 2 times. Generally, with increasing concentration and frequency of BAP application, leaf chlorophyll content was reduced. However, the application mycorrhiza positively infl uenced the production of seedlings from pineapple crown bud cuttings and improved seedling quality as measured by root dry weight, chlorophyll content, root infection, and phosphatase enzyme activity

    Development of Tetrazolium Test as Vigor Analysis Method of True Seed of Shallot

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    The tetrazolium (TZ) test is one of methods to estimate viability and vigor of seed. This study aimed to improve the methodology of vigor analysis of true seed of shallot. In this research, two varieties of shallot seeds were used, those were Trisula and Tuk-tuk. Pre-treatment in the tetrazolium test of shallot seeds was applicated, directly soaking in water for 18 hours. Seed preparation before staining used method: the thoroughly linear side of the seed was cut longitudinally as the only thin slice, and convex side of seed was punctured with a scalpel. Seeds were stained for 18 hours in a 1% tetrazolium solution at 30 oC. Seed patterns classified in four categories were determined. The results were four patterns of high-seedling as criteria for seed vigor, five patterns of low seedling vigor, seven patterns of abnormal seedling, and four patterns of dead seed. Viability and vigor physiological parameters are closely correlated with the results of high seedling vigor patterns. The high seedling vigor patterns had high the correlation coefficients (r) with physiological test parameters in the laboratory including vigor index (r= 0.882), normal seedling dry weight (r= 0.899), and seed growth rate (r= 0.875). It indicated the vigor staining patterns can predict the vigor of seeds.Uji tetrazolium (TZ) merupakan salah satu metode untuk mengestimasi viabilitas dan vigor benih. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk memperbaiki metode analisis vigor pada benih botani bawang merah. Pada penelitian ini digunakan dua varietas benih bawang merah, yaitu Trisula dan Tuk-tuk. Pre-treatment dalam uji tetrazolium benih bawang merah dilakukan dengan perendaman benih dalam air selama 18 jam. Sebelum pewarnaan benih disiapkan dengan menggores sisi lurus secara longitudinal sebagai satu-satunya irisan tipis, dan sisi cembung benih ditusuk dengan scalpel. Benih diwarnai selama 18 jam dalam larutan tetrazolium pada suhu 1% suhu 30 oC dalam kondisi gelap. Pola pewarnaan benih diklasifikasikan dalam empat kategori yaitu empat pola normal kuat sebagai kriteria benih vigor, lima pola normal lemah, tujuh pola abnormal, dan empat pola benih mati. Parameter fisiologis viabilitas dan vigor berkorelasi erat dengan hasil pola vigor/ normal kuat. Pola normal kuat memiliki koefisien korelasi (r) yang tinggi dengan parameter uji fisiologis di laboratorium termasuk indeks vigor (r= 0.882), bobot kering kecambah normal (r= 0.899), dan kecepatan tumbuh (r= 0.875). Hal ini mengindikasikan pola pewarnaan vigor dapat memprediksi vigor benih

    The Development of Germination Tests and Breaking Dormancy Techniques of Bitter Seeds (Andrographis paniculata (Burm. f.) Wall. ex Nees)

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    Bitter seed (Andrographis paniculata (Burm. f.) Wall. ex Nees) is a medicinal species used in phyto pharmacy and known as ‘the king of bitterness’. Bitter seeds contain andrographolide, a diterpenoid lactone which is widely used in Indian medicine for snake bites and for the treatment of hepatitis. The research was conducted at the Seed Management Unit experimental field of the Indonesian Spice and Medicinal Plants Research Institute (IMACRI) and at the Seed Quality Testing Laboratory of IPB University, Indonesia, from January until May 2021. The objectives of the study is to determine the best germination test and effective breaking dormancy techniques to increase the germination percentage of bitter seeds. The study was arranged in a completely randomized design with two-factors. The first factor was seed treatments, i.e., control/untreated, chemical scarification with 5% H2SO4 for 10 minutes, and 5% H2SO4 followed by a 100 ppm GA3 soaking treatment. The second factor conducted was germination test methods according to International Seed Testing Association, i.e., germinating the seeds on the top of paper and in pleated paper. Our study demonstrated that seed treatment with H2SO4 can break seed dormancy and speed up seed germination. Bitter seed germination on the pleated paper was higher than with the top-of-paper method. Bitter seed germination with the top-of-paper method was at 65 DAS and the final germination was at 80 days after sowing (DAS), and the final germination was 55.2%. With the pleated paper method, the seeds germinated at 30 DAS and the final germination was at 70 DAS, and the final the germination of 59.2%

    Pengaruh Kemasan, Kondisi Ruang Simpan dan Periode Simpan terhadap Viabilitas Benih Caisin Brassica chinensis L.)

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    The objective of this trial was to determine the effect of the best  packaging material, storage room condition and storage period for the seed viability of caisin. The trial was conducted at the seed laboratory of the Department of Agronomy and Horticulture, Faculty of Agriculture, Bogor Agriculture University in March- October 2005. The experiment was arranged in completely randomized design with three factors. The first factor was packaging materials (paper, polyethylene and aluminum foil); the second factor was storage room conditions (ambient room, Air Conditioned (AC) room and refrigerator); the third factor was storage periods (0, 3, 6, 9, 12 and 15 weeks). The result of this research showed that packaging materials gave significant effect on the dry weight of normal seedling. Storage periods gave very significant effect on germination percentage, dry weight of normal seedling, maximum growth capacity, and vigor index. The interaction between packaging materials, storage room conditions and storage periods gave very significant efflect on germination rate. Based on the dry weight of normal seedling, polyethylene and aluminum foil package gave the same result, on the other hand paper package gave the lowest dry weight of normal seedling than that aluminum foil package.  Based on the germination percentage, dry weight of normal seedling, maximum growth capacity, and vigor index the seed viability of caisin did not  decrease, even after 15 weeks of storage period.   Key words : Packaging materials, storage periods and seed viabilit

    Pengaruh Teknik Skarifikasi Fisik dan Media Perkecambahan terhadap Daya Berkecambah Benih Pala (Myristica fragrans)

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    The objective of this experiment is studying the effect of physical scarification of nutmeg seed coat and germination media to accelerating germination rate and enhancing nutmeg seed viability. This experiment was conducted in December 2013 until May 2014 at Leuwikopo Experimental Field’s green house and Seed Laboratory  of  Agronomy  and  Horticulture  Department,  Faculty  of  Agriculture,  Bogor  Agricultural University. This experiment was using factorial randomize complete block design with 3 replications. The first factor was physical scarification on the seed coat with three levels: without scarification, one hole scarification on seed’s base, and two holes scarifications on seed’s base. The Second factor was the seed germination substrate that consist of sand, charcoal of husk rice, and mixture of sand and compost 1:1 (v/v). The results showed that two holes physical scarification could enhance germination process according to the earlier appearance of roots and shoot. Sand as the germinating substrate was observed as a better substrate according to the parameters of germinating potency and shoot height. Two holes physical scarification treatment which was sowed in sand substrate showed the increase of lateral root number into 6 lateral roots. Nutmeg seedling growth from sand substrate seedling showed a better growth than the charcoal of husk rice substrate seedling by evaluating these parameters on stem diameter, seedling’s height, amount of leaves, canopy’s width, and leaves colour

    Seed invigoration using ultrafine bubble water to increase the vigor of true shallot seed (Allium ascalonicum L.)

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    True shallot seeds are preferable to tubers as planting materials because of their advantages in storage longevity, lower management cost, and lower seed-borne disease risk. However, environmentally limited production and seed deterioration in uncontrolled storage have limited its application. Pre-sowing hydration invigoration accelerates and synchronizes the germination of deteriorated seeds. Ultra-fine bubble water (UFBW) contains reactive oxygen species, which can advance the pre-germinative metabolism of the seed. This study examined true shallot seed invigoration using UFBW. The experiment was conducted in a two-factor of randomized complete block design. The first factor was initial seed vigor based on the vigor index with six levels, i.e., 24, 15, 13, 12, 10, and 9%. The second factor was the invigoration treatment of UFBW (8 and 23 ppm dissolved oxygen concentrations) with two durations (24 and 48 h), 50 ppm GA3, and 3% KNO3 (24 h). UFBW with 23 ppm invigoration for 48 h improved seed vigor based on all vigor parameters. The GA3 50 ppm treatment is the most effective in increasing seed vigor. Keywords: dissolved oxygen; pre-sowing hydration; reactive oxygen species; seed viability; seed vigorTrue shallot seeds are preferable to tubers as planting materials because of their advantages in storage longevity, lower management cost, and lower seed-borne disease risk. However, environmentally limited production and seed deterioration in uncontrolled storage have limited its application. Pre-sowing hydration invigoration accelerates and synchronizes the germination of deteriorated seeds. Ultra-fine bubble water (UFBW) contains reactive oxygen species, which can advance the pre-germinative metabolism of the seed. This study examined true shallot seed invigoration using UFBW. The experiment was conducted in a two-factor of randomized complete block design. The first factor was initial seed vigor based on the vigor index with six levels, i.e., 24, 15, 13, 12, 10, and 9%. The second factor was the invigoration treatment of UFBW (8 and 23 ppm dissolved oxygen concentrations) with two durations (24 and 48 h), 50 ppm GA3, and 3% KNO3 (24 h). UFBW with 23 ppm invigoration for 48 h improved seed vigor based on all vigor parameters. The GA3 50 ppm treatment is the most effective in increasing seed vigor. Keywords: dissolved oxygen; pre-sowing hydration; reactive oxygen species; seed viability; seed vigo

    Pelatihan Penggunaan Benih Bermutu untuk Meningkatkan Produksi Petani Talas di Situgede, Bogor

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    Bogor is one of the centers of taro production, but productivity is low. It was caused by the use of low-quality seeds. The use of good quality of seed will increase taro productivity and production. Good quality seeds were uniform in size, clean, free from other varieties, and had high viability (vigor). This training was aimed at capturing the taro farmer's condition, cultivation technique, and knowledge about good quality of seed. The training was conducted in KTD Saluyu from August to September 2022 and was attended by 25 farmers. Training activities included expert presentations, discussions, and interviews. Evaluation of farmer knowledge change was determined by pre- and post-tests, while the effectiveness of training activities was evaluated to improve its effectiveness in the future. Taro farmers were dominated by men, aged about 40–59 years old (58.3%) and more than 60 years old, and almost all of their education background was elementary school. Farmers cultivated taro by sharing profit land (58.3%), ownership land (33.3%), and rent land (8.3%). Taro production was dominated by less than 1 ton, the monoculture system about 66.7%, and intercropping about 33.3%. Planting material was by farmer own seed from the previous season because there were limited certified seeds. Farmer knowledge increased by about 45.8% (from 4.9 to 7.2). This training was held under good management, as shown by the training evaluation score of about 90%. This training requires that it be held more intensively and sustainably through intensive assistance in the field and a seed production demonstration.Bogor is one of the centers of taro production, but productivity is low. It was caused by the use of low-quality seeds. The use of good quality of seed will increase taro productivity and production. Good quality seeds were uniform in size, clean, free from other varieties, and had high viability (vigor). This training was aimed at capturing the taro farmer's condition, cultivation technique, and knowledge about good quality of seed. The training was conducted in KTD Saluyu from August to September 2022 and was attended by 25 farmers. Training activities included expert presentations, discussions, and interviews. Evaluation of farmer knowledge change was determined by pre- and post-tests, while the effectiveness of training activities was evaluated to improve its effectiveness in the future. Taro farmers were dominated by men, aged about 40–59 years old (58.3%) and more than 60 years old, and almost all of their education background was elementary school. Farmers cultivated taro by sharing profit land (58.3%), ownership land (33.3%), and rent land (8.3%). Taro production was dominated by less than 1 ton, the monoculture system about 66.7%, and intercropping about 33.3%. Planting material was by farmer own seed from the previous season because there were limited certified seeds. Farmer knowledge increased by about 45.8% (from 4.9 to 7.2). This training was held under good management, as shown by the training evaluation score of about 90%. This training requires that it be held more intensively and sustainably through intensive assistance in the field and a seed production demonstration

    Perubahan Fisik, Fisiologi dan Biokimia Selama Pemasakan Benih dan Studi Rekalsitransi Benih Kemiri Sunan

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    The aims of this research on Reutealis trisperma seed were to know 1) seed harvest maturity level based on physiological and biochemical changes; and 2) seed recalcitrancy based on critical moisture content and storability in two storage temperatures. The research was conducted at Leuwikopo Seed Science and Technology Laboratory, from February 2012 to January 2013. There were three experiments, i.e. I. Effect of seed maturity level on seed viability and vigor (randomized completely block design, 3 seed maturity level, 3 replications); II. Determination of seed critical moisture content, used two methods, i.e. 1) fan drying and 2) air drying (completely randomized design in each drying methods, 3 replications); III. Effect of temperature and period of storage on seed viability and vigor (nested design, first factor was 2 storage temperature and the second factor was 7 storage periods, 3 replications). The result showed that seed physiological maturity achieved in 28 weeks after flowering with morphological criteria were brownish fruit, soft fruit exocarp, brown seed testa; physiological criteria was germination percentage 76-80% and biochemical criteria was carotenoid content 0.62 µmol(g FW)-1. Carotenoid content can be used as biochemical indicator to determine fruit maturity and significantly correlated with moisture content, seed dry weight and germination percentage. Critical moisture content were 8.2-10.9%. These data suggested that seeds could be classified as intermediate. R. trisperma seeds could be stored for three weeks in temperature 19-28 oC and RH 50-70%, with 12% moisture content used polypropilen plastic ba
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