2,835 research outputs found

    Stability and electronic structure of the complex K2_2PtCl6_6 structure-type hydrides

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    The stability and bonding of the ternary complex K2_2PtCl6_6 structure hydrides is discussed using first principles density functional calculations. The cohesion is dominated by ionic contributions, but ligand field effects are important, and are responsible for the 18-electron rule. Similarities to oxides are discussed in terms of the electronic structure. However, phonon calculations for Sr2_2RuH6_6 also show differences, particularly in the polarizability of the RuH6_6 octahedra. Nevertheless, the yet to be made compounds Pb2_2RuH6_6 and Be2_2FeH6_6 are possible ferroelectrics. The electronic structure and magnetic properties of the decomposition product, FeBe2_2 are reported. Implications of the results for H storage are discussed

    Hadron multiplicity induced by top quark decays at the LHC

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    The average charged hadron multiplicities induced by top quark decays are calculated in pQCD at LHC energies. Different modes of top production are considered. Proposed measurements can be used as an additional test of pQCD calculations independent on a fragmentation model.Comment: 12 pages, 12 figures, to be published elsewher

    Colour reconnections in Herwig++

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    We describe the implementation details of the colour reconnection model in the event generator Herwig++. We study the impact on final-state observables in detail and confirm the model idea from colour preconfinement on the basis of studies within the cluster hadronization model. Moreover, we show that the description of minimum bias and underlying event data at the LHC is improved with this model and present results of a tune to available data.Comment: 19 pages, 21 figures, 2 tables. Matches with published versio

    Karlstadter Positionspapier zum Schutz der Ackerwildkräuter. Erarbeitet von den Teilnehmerinnen und Teilnehmern der "Tagung zum Schutz der Ackerwildflora" am 25./26.6.2004 in Karlstadt am Main

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    Der Erhalt von Ackerwildkräutern, die historisch erst mit der Landbewirtschaftung in Mitteleuropa heimisch geworden sind, ist eine Kulturaufgabe, damit auch künftige Generationen die Arten- und Farbenvielfalt in der Kulturlandschaft erleben können

    The Algorithm Steering and Trigger Decision mechanism of the ATLAS High Level Trigger

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    Given the extremely high output rate foreseen at LHC and the general-purpose nature of ATLAS experiment, an efficient and flexible way to select events in the High Level Trigger is needed. An extremely flexible solution is proposed that allows for early rejection of unwanted events and an easily configurable way to choose algorithms and to specify the criteria for trigger decisions. It is implemented in the standard ATLAS object-oriented software framework, Athena. The early rejection is achieved by breaking the decision process down into sequential steps. The configuration of each step defines sequences of algorithms which should be used to process the data, and 'trigger menus' that define which physics signatures must be satisfied to continue on to the next step, and ultimately to accept the event. A navigation system has been built on top of the standard Athena transient store (StoreGate) to link the event data together in a tree-like structure. This is fundamental to the seeding mechanism, by which data from one step is presented to the next. The design makes it straightforward to utilize existing off-line reconstruction data classes and algorithms when they are suitableComment: Talk from the 2003 Computing in High Energy and Nuclear Physics (CHEP03), La Jolla, Ca, USA, March 2003, 8 pages, PDF, PSN TUGT00

    Intriguing Electrostatic Potential of CO: Negative Bond-ends and Positive Bond-cylindrical-surface

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    The strong electronegativity of O dictates that the ground state of singlet CO has positively charged C and negatively charged O, in agreement with ab initio charge analysis, but in disagreement with the dipole direction. Though this unusual phenomenon has been fairly studied, the study of electrostatic potential (EP) for noncovalent interactions of CO is essential for better understanding. Here we illustrate that both C and O atom-ends show negative EP (where the C end gives more negative EP), favoring positively charged species, whereas the cylindrical surface of the CO bond shows positive EP, favoring negatively charged ones. This is demonstrated from the interactions of CO with Na+, Cl-, H2O, CO and benzene. It can be explained by the quadrupole driven electrostatic nature of CO (like N2) with very weak dipole moment. The EP is properly described by the tripole model taking into account the electrostatic multipole moments, which has a large negative charge at a certain distance protruded from C, a large positive charge on C, and a small negative charge on O. We also discuss the EP of the first excited triplet COopen0

    The Impact of Kaluza-Klein Excited W Boson on the Single Top at LHC and Comparison with other Models

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    We study the s-channel single top quark production at the LHC in the context of extra dimension theories, including the Kaluza-Klein (KK) decomposition. It is shown that the presence of the first KK excitation of WW gauge boson can reduce the total cross section of s-channel single top production considerably if MWKK2.2TeVM_{W_{KK}}\sim2.2 \rm TeV (3.5TeV3.5 \rm TeV) for 7TeV7\rm TeV (14TeV14\rm TeV) in proton-proton collisions. Then the results will be compared with the impacts of other beyond Standard Model (SM) theories on the cross section of single top s-channel. The possibility of distinguishing different models via their effects on the production cross section of the s-channel is discussed.Comment: 23 pages,6 figure

    Exact Results for Kinetics of Catalytic Reactions

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    The kinetics of an irreversible catalytic reaction on substrate of arbitrary dimension is examined. In the limit of infinitesimal reaction rate (reaction-controlled limit), we solve the dimer-dimer surface reaction model (or voter model) exactly in arbitrary dimension DD. The density of reactive interfaces is found to exhibit a power law decay for D<2D<2 and a slow logarithmic decay in two dimensions. We discuss the relevance of these results for the monomer-monomer surface reaction model.Comment: 4 pages, RevTeX, no figure