17 research outputs found

    Infeksi Ganda Leptospira dan Hantavirus pada Rattus norvegicus di Maumere Flores, Nusa Tenggara Timur

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    Infection of Leptospirosis and Hantavirus are increased which related to global warming. Rattus norvegicus is reservoirs of both of diseases infections. Dual infection of Leptospira and Hantavirus in R. norvegicus become risk factor of Leptospira and Hantavirus infection in the human. The objective of this study is to figure out the prevalence of Dual infection in R. norvegicus. This study was descriptive research with cross-sectional design. The population of study was R. norvegicus in Maumere City, Flores. The rats  (n=114) were trapped from perimeter and buffer area of Maumere Port, Flores in August to November 2014. Leptospira in R. norvegicus detected by PCR used specific primers for 16S rRNA gene and Hantavirus by nested – PCR used specific primers for the L segment. The data was analysed using descriptive analysis. The prevalence of Leptospira in R. norvegicus was 4.3%, hantavirus was 22,8% and dual infection of Leptospira and Hantavirus was 1.8%. The transmission dual infection of leptospirosis and Hantavirus are potentially occured in Maumere


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    Leptospirosis control in Pati Regency cannot rely on the general health sector alone, however, it is needed collaboration between the cross-program in leptospirosis control and the relevant sectors. This study aimed to describe the level of leptospirosis knowledge of the health and the cross-sectors officers in Pati Regency, Central Java Province through the assessment activity. A cross-sectional method was used in the present study. A total of 32 people consisting of the  the health and the cross-sectors officers was used as research subjects. They attended the dissemination of leptospirosis held in April 2018 . The instrument used was a questionnaire and the data collection was performed using the questionnaire technique. The data were analyzed descriptively using fisher exact analysis.  The results showed that most respondents had a good level of leptospirosis knowledge. There was no significant positive correlation between resondents' knowledge with age, education level, gender, and type of institution. Respondents understood that environmental factors and the presence of rats played a major role in leptospirosis transmission in Pati District. However, most respondents were lack of knowledge on the role of non-rats as leptospirosis reservoirs. The knowledge of leptospirosis prevention was focused on on self-protecting against bacterial contact from the environment  rather than efforts of rodents control and the use of gloves when treating animals. The District Health Office is recommended to provide the health education on leptospirosis issues for both the cross programs and across sectors officer, particularly how to control rats and the role of non-rats as   leptospirosis reservoirs

    Potensi Penularan Leptospirosis pada Petugas Rumah Pemotongan Hewan di Kota Salatiga

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    Background: Slaughterhouse workers have a risk of contracting leptospirosis because of daily contact with animal blood and urine. The purpose of the study was to describe the incidence of leptospirosis and measure the level of knowledge of workers and examine the relationship between demographic characteristics, the knowledge and the prevention behavior of leptospirosis.Methods: All technical staff of Slaughterhouse at Salatiga (30 people) were selected as participants. Data was collected in July 2016 through structured interviews. Microscopic Agglutination Test (MAT) was used to test the workers serum for leptospirosis. Data were analyzed using the Fisher-exact test.  Result: According to the findings, most respondents were male, between the ages of 26 and 50, and had low education background. Most respondents are unaware that leptospirosis is a serious disease and 73.3 percent of respondents had never heard of leptospirosis. The majority of participants reported negative MAT values. The majority of Slaughterhouse workers have never heard of leptospirosis and have little awareness of leptospirosis preventive methods, so they may be at risk of having the infection.Conclusion: There is no leptospirosis incidence in Slaughterhouse Salatiga, however, one worker had a history of leptospirosis exposure.There was no significant relationship between age, gender, and education level with knowledge and behavior, but the knowledge was significantly correlated with leptospirosis prevention behavior. Slaughterhouse officers are advised to receive health education about leptospirosis prevention to increase awareness of the need for self-protection in the workplace

    Infeksi Ganda Leptospira dan Hantavirus pada Rattus Norvegicus di Maumere Flores, Nusa Tenggara Timur

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    Infection of Leptospirosis and Hantavirus are increased which related to global warming. Rattus norvegicus is reservoirs of both of diseases infections. Dual infection of Leptospira and Hantavirus in R. norvegicus become risk factor of Leptospira and Hantavirus infection in the human. The objective of this study is to figure out the prevalence of Dual infection in R. norvegicus. This study was descriptive research with cross-sectional design. The population of study was R. norvegicus in Maumere City, Flores. The rats (n=114) were trapped from perimeter and buffer area of Maumere Port, Flores in August to November 2014. Leptospira in R. norvegicus detected by PCR used specific primers for 16S rRNA gene and Hantavirus by nested – PCR used specific primers for the L segment. The data was analysed using descriptive analysis. The prevalence of Leptospira in R. norvegicus was 4.3%, hantavirus was 22,8% and dual infection of Leptospira and Hantavirus was 1.8%. The transmission dual infection of leptospirosis and Hantavirus are potentially occured in Maumere

    Pengaruh Ekstrak Daun Sambiloto (Andrographis Paniculata Ness.) terhadap Daya Bunuh Bakteri Leptospira SP.

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    Leptospirosis including zoonotic disease increases during the rainy season. Puddles potentially contained the bacteria Leptospira sp. if it has been contaminated by rat urine. The use of chemical disinfectants in the environment on an ongoing basis can damage the health of living beings that need an alternative disinfectant naturally using plants, one of which is sambiloto (Andrographis paniculata Ness.). The study was conducted to determine the effect of extract sambiloto leaf toward killing bacteria Leptospira sp.The study was conducted by making an extract sambiloto leaf were then made 10 serials dilutions and 3 controls with 3 times replicated tested on the bacteria Leptospira sp. The results showed extraction of a kilogram of powder sambiloto with 10 liters of ethanol 70% by maceration method produces the extract yield 11.2%. Andrographolide levels obtained by TLC-densitometry of 0.41%. The Result of the analysis of sambiloto leaf extract against Leptospira sp. obtained p-value of 0.000 (p < 0.05), which indicates there is a significant relationship, which means the extract of sambiloto influence toward killing bacteria Leptospira sp. The conclusion of this study is the extract of sambiloto could be potentially as a disinfectant bacteria Leptospira sp. at a dose of at least 1.56%

    Prevalence and Identification of Pathogenic Leptospira in Commensal Rodent From Maumere Flores Origin

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    Commensal rat have been report as main source of leptospirosis to humans, but in Indonesia the status of leptospirosis in rats commensal still not widely known. The aim of this study was to calculate the prevalence and identified pathogenic Leptospira in commensal rats in Maumere multicipality, Flores. The study was conducted from August to November 2014. Rats trapped in the perimeter and buffer area El Sai and Wuring Port, Maumere Multicipality, Flores. Detection of Leptospira in commensal rats were using PCR with specific primers 16S rRNA gene. Determination of Leptospira species by compared with the sequence of the research results with origin GenBank sequences using the BLAST program. Phylogeny tree arranged with Mega 6.2 software. The results showed that 125 commensal rat was trapped, consisted of two species, namely Rattus norvegicus and Rattus tanezumi. Five R. norvegicus positive PCR test. BLAST analysis of the results of all sequences of Leptospira synonymous with L. interrogans. Phylogenetic analysis, sequences clustered with L. interoggans Maumere. Based on the results of the research, the prevalence of Leptospira in commensal rats in Maumere multicipality were 4 percent and Leptospira that found in Maumere multiciplity was L. interogans. There was potential transmission of leptospirosis in Maumere multicipality

    Leptospirosis pada Tikus Endemis Sulawesi (Rodentia: Muridae) dan Potensi Penularannya Antar Tikus dari Provinsi Sulawesi Selatan

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    Leptospirosis is zoonotic disease which caused by pathogenic Leptospira bacteria and potentially causing death in human. Rat, as main reservoir of Leptospira, had been most studied in urban or rural areas around the settlement  of community. In contrast, leptospirosis studies in endemic rat were still limited. This study was aimed to identify endemic rat species of Sulawesi as reservoir of Leptospira in some regencies of South Sulawesi Province namely Bulukumba, Pangkep and East Luwu. This study was a part of Rikhus Vektora in 2017 by using live traps to catch rats in six various ecosystem types each regency. All catched rats were identified morphologically and followed by examinations using Microscopic Agglutination Test and Polymerase Chain Reaction. The result showed various endemic rats such as Rattus marmosurus, Rattus hoffmanni, Bunomys chrysocomus, Bunomys andrewsi and Bunomys coelestis were infected with leptospirosis. This study also showed new record of some endemic rat species were infected with leptospirosis. It is important to rise awareness  of  leptospirosis transmission in the forest habitat by the endemic rats. ABSTRAK Leptospirosis merupakan penyakit zoonosis disebabkan bakteri Leptospira patogenik dan berpotensi menyebabkan kematian pada manusia. Tikus sebagai reservoir utama Leptospira kebanyakan diteliti di kawasan perkotaan atau pedesaan di sekitar permukiman. Sebaliknya, penelitian leptospirosis pada tikus endemis jumlahnya sedikit. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengidentifikasi jenis tikus endemis Sulawesi sebagai reservoir Leptospira di Kabupaten Bulukumba, Pangkep dan Luwu Timur. Penelitian ini merupakan bagian dari Rikhus Vektora tahun 2017 dengan menggunakan perangkap hidup untuk menangkap tikus di enam ekosistem berbeda pada tiap kabupaten. Seluruh tikus tertangkap diidentifikasi secara morfologis yang selanjutnya diuji Microscopic Agglutination Test (MAT) dan Polymerase Chain Reaction (PCR). Hasilnya diperoleh berbagai tikus endemis seperti Rattus marmosurus, Rattus hoffmanni, Bunomys chrysocomus, Bunomys andrewsi dan Bunomys coelestis terinfeksi leptospirosis. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan catatan baru beberapa jenis tikus endemis Sulawesi terinfeksi leptospirosis. Kondisi ini perlu diwaspadai karena terdapat potensi penularan leptospirosis di habitat hutan dari tikus endemis tersebut

    Tumbuhan obat Suku Lom

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    Jumlah jenis tumbuhan yang digunakan Suku Lom berjumlah 50 dari 34 famili yang telah teridentifikasi di Dusun Pejem, Dusun Air Abik, Kabupaten Bangka dengan tiga famili yang paling banyak dimanfaatkan berturut-turut adalah Rubiaceae, Myrtaceae, dan Poaceae. Dikoleksi 46 jenis tumbuhan dari 23 famili yang teridentifikasi dengan famili Myrtaceae sebagai famili dengan jumlah tumbuhan terbanyak yang dimanfaatkan di Kecamatan Tempilang di Kabupaten Bangka Barat. Tercatat 39 jenis penyakit dan 90 tumbuhan yang dimanfaatkan sebagai tumbuhan obat. Sakit kepala adalah penyakit yang paling sering disembuhkan dengan tumbuhan obat (9,77%) dan tumbuhan obat yang paling digunakan adalah kayu puleh (pasak bumi: Eurycoma longifolia Jack) dari famili Simaroubaceae (5,26%). Hanya bagian tumbuhan saja yang dimanfaatkan dalam pengobatan, dan ini diduga salah satu wujud pelestarian tumbuhan. Beberapa tumbuhan obat yang digunakan oleh Suku Lom terdiri dari rukem, kelingkak, kayu pulih, kebentak, kekupak, pedu sabak, pedu pelanduk dan sebagainya, untuk mengobati penyakit, seperti: patah tulang, sakit tulang leher, ngilu sendi, sakit kulit, luka, demam, malaria, maaf dan jerawat

    Pengaruh Ekstrak Daun Sambiloto (Andrographis paniculata Ness.) terhadap Daya Bunuh Bakteri Leptospira sp.

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    AbstrakLeptospirosis termasuk penyakit zoonosis yang meningkat saat musim penghujan. Genangan airberpotensi terdapat bakteri Leptospira sp. jika telah terkontaminasi kencing tikus. Penggunaandesinfektan kimia di lingkungan secara terus-menerus dapat mengganggu kesehatan makhluk hidupsehingga perlu alternatif desinfektan secara alami menggunakan tanaman, salah satunya adalahsambiloto (Andrographis paniculata Ness.). Penelitian dilakukan untuk mengetahui pengaruh ekstrakdaun sambiloto terhadap daya bunuh bakteri Leptospira sp. Penelitian dilakukan dengan membuatekstrak daun sambiloto yang selanjutnya dibuat 10 seri pengenceran dan 3 kontrol dengan 3 kali ulangan yang diujikan pada bakteri Leptospira sp. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan ekstraksi serbuk sambiloto 1 kg dengan 10 liter etanol 70% dengan metode maserasi menghasilkan rendemen ekstrak sebesar 11,2%. Kadar andrographolide yang diperoleh menggunakan KLT-Densitometri sebesar 0,41%. Hasil analisis perlakuan ekstrak daun sambiloto terhadap Leptospira sp. diperoleh nilai p-value 0,000 (p < 0,05) yang menunjukkan terdapat hubungan yang bermakna, yang berarti pemberian ekstrak sambiloto berpengaruh terhadap daya bunuh Leptospira sp. Kesimpulan penelitian ini adalah ekstrak sambiloto dapat berpotensi sebagai desinfektan bakteri Leptospira sp. pada dosis minimal 1,56%.Kata Kunci: Leptopsira sp., sambiloto, desinfektanAbstractLeptospirosis including zoonotic disease increases during the rainy season. Puddles potentially contained the bacteria Leptospira sp. if it has been contaminated by rat urine. The use of chemical disinfectants in the environment on an ongoing basis can damage the health of living beings that need an alternative disinfectant naturally using plants, one of which is sambiloto (Andrographis paniculata Ness.). The study was conducted to determine the effect of extract sambiloto leaf toward killing bacteria Leptospira sp.The study was conducted by making an extract sambiloto leaf were then made 10 serials dilutions and 3 controls with 3 times replicated tested on the bacteria Leptospira sp. The results showed extraction of a kilogram of powder sambiloto with 10 liters of ethanol 70% by maceration method produces the extract yield 11.2%. Andrographolide levels obtained by TLC-densitometry of 0.41%. The Result of the analysis of sambiloto leaf extract against Leptospira sp. obtained p-value of 0.000 (p < 0.05), which indicates there is a significant relationship, which means the extract of sambiloto influence toward killing bacteria Leptospira sp. The conclusion of this study is the extract of sambiloto could be potentially as a disinfectant bacteria Leptospira sp. at a dose of at least 1.56%.Keywords: Leptopsira sp., sambiloto, disinfectan