176 research outputs found

    Holistic Approach of the First Two Months Treatment Management for Tuberculosis New Case Patient

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    Background. Tuberculosis (TB) is one of the main causes of death. There are about one third of the world\u27s population has been infected by Mycobacterium tuberculosae. WHO data in 2012 in the Global TB Report 2012, showed that in 2011, there were ± 8.7 million detected new cases of tb where 1.4 million cases of experienced the death. Results. Mr. AM, 45 years old, itinerant food vendors, weight: 50 kg, TB: 165 cm (BMI: 18.4 kg/m2), BP 110/80 mmHg was diagnosed with pulmonary tuberculosis new case and came to the Clinic with his wife to take the anti-TB drugs for the first 2 months. The patient had a history of intermittent dry cough of ± 1 years ago accompanied by intermittent symptoms of fever, chest pain and shortness of breath and felt the cold sweats, especially at night. About 2 months ago, the patient has a dry cough accompanied by patches of fresh blood. In addition, the patient also complained of weight loss. He reported experiencing weight loss of 8 kg in ± 2 months. The patient has no exercise habits, smoking history ± 30 years. The Hygiene and condition of bedroom found dark and dirty. The patient then went to the health center X and had a sputum microscopic examination with smear positive +3 result. Patient diagnosed as new case of pulmonary tuberculosis, then treated by anti-TB drugs. Patient and family are also received education related to tuberculosis, TB treatment recommendation to perform on a regular basis, and implementing lifestyle modification. Based on the results, it can be concluded that patient management with the principles of holistic family doctor services and plenary, has been conducted . Improvement can be evaluated after completing treatment of intensive phase, which showed by reduced smear positve on microscopic examination of smear. Keywords. Tuberculosis, Evidance Based Medicine, family physician service

    Penerapan Teknik Bermain Peran dalam Bimbingan Kelompok untuk Meningkatkan Kemampuan Komunikasi Interpersonal Siswa Kelas X Multimedia Smk IKIP Surabaya

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    The objective of the research is to examine the implementation of role play techniques in groups guidance to increase the interpersonal communication ability of the Multimedia 10th grade IKIP Surabaya vocational school students. This research used a kind of pre-experimental design research by one group pretest-posttest design with one subject group. The data collection method used questionnaire to know the interpersonal communication ability of student. The subject of this research are 7 students at 10th grade multimedia class who have the lowest grade of interpersonal communication ability. The data analysis technique used in this research is statistic non-parametric by using symbol examining with the significant degree 5%. The result of the research shows that N=7 and X=0 obtained r=0,008.if the constancy 5% is 0,05 it will be 0,008 < 0,05, then Hο is refused and Ha is accepted. It means that the research hypothesis could be accepted.   Keywords: Groups Guidance, Interpersonal Communication, Role Playin

    Penyusunan Skala Prioritas Rehabilitasi Kerusakan Sistem Penyediaan Air Minum di Kabupaten Banjarnegara

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    Rasio antara jumlah penduduk dengan pasokan PDAM Kabupaten Banjarnegara sudah tidak signifikan. Masyarakat berupaya memenuhi kebutuhan air bersih sebagai kebutuhan konsumsi minum. Program Penyediaan Air Minum dan Sanitasi tahun 2012 masyarakat Banjarnegara didampingi Dinas Pekerjaan Umum membangun sistem penyediaan air minum.Analytical Hierarchy Process untuk menentukan skala prioritas rehabilitasi SPAM. Hasil penilaian kinerja BPSPAM diperoleh nilai akhir 2,081. Perhitungan skala prioritas didapat bobot dari kelima kriteria yaitu tingkat kerusakan 37,2%; budgeting rehabilitasi 11,6%; jumlah pelanggan BPSPAM 37,2%; dan partisipasi masyarakat 13,9%, tingkat kerusakan dan jumlah pelanggan memberikan penilaian prioritas rehabilitasi SPAM di Kabupaten Banjarnegara. Penentuan skala prioritas rehabilitasi SPAM Kabupaten Banjarnegara dengan metode AHP menunjukkan decision scors adalah 32,3% BPSPAM Tirta Sari, artinya prioritas pertama rehabilitasi jaringan SPAM Kabupaten Banjarnegara dilakukan di BPSPAM Tirta Sari, prioritas kedua di BPSPAM Tirta Lestari, prioritas ketiga di BPSPAM Banyu Lestari, prioritas keempat di BPSPAM Tirta Modal, dan prioritas kelima di BPSPAM Banyu Mulya

    Evaluation of Road Roughness and Road Deterioation

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    There are two road condition survey methods commonly used, the roughness-based equipment such as NAASRA and the distress and severity type road evaluation method as presented by ASTM D-6433. The objective of the study is to evaluate the relationship between road condition obtained from roughness type equipment and road distress. To achieve the objective, a condition survey using the two methods were performed on two road segments in the East Java Provincial road system. Data obtained from the field was evaluated to obtain International Roughness Index (from NAASRA) and Present Condition Index value (from field condition survey). The results show that the two methods provide a comparable result when the distress type is of un-even surface such as rutting and bumping. A slight different result is observed when the major distress occurred in the road is of crack-type such as fatigue and block cracking

    Implementasi Regional Marketing di Kabupaten Purbalingga Tahun 2000-2014

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    Memasarkan daerah merupakan salah satu langkah solutif yang dapat diaplikasikan untuk mendorong kegiatan perekonomian wilayah. Penelitian ini dilakukan di Kabupaten Purbalingga karena label yang dimiliki wilayah yakni Kabupaten Ramah Investasi, sehingga menarik untuk di teliti. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk (1) mengidentifikasi persepsi pengusaha, (2) mengidentifikasi pandangan pemerintah, dan (3) mengidentifikasi implementasi pemasaran wilayah. Metode yang digunakan dalam penelitian ini adalah deskriptif kualitatif dan pairwise comparasion. Data diperoleh dari wawancara pengusaha dan pemerintah kabupaten.Hasil penelitian diperoleh informasi bahwa pelayanan paling dirasakan berupa sistem perizinan yang memudahkan bagi pengusaha. Hal tersebut selaras dengan yang disampaikan oleh pemerintah kabupaten. Kekurangan pelayanan berupa ketersediaan infrastruktur mikro dan infrastruktur pendukung. Kondisi tersebut terjadi karena status wilayah Purbalingga masih berupa Peruntukan Kawasan Industri, sehingga belum ada pencapaian maksimal mengenai ketersediaan infrastruktur

    Pesan Moral dalam Film Yowis Ben

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    The number of movies made in Indonesia there are several films that give a good moral message in it. Through the movie "Yowis Ben" the director tried to make something new and different from the comedy genre films on previous comedy films. The purpose of this research is to know and understand the moral messages contained in the movie Yowis Ben. In this study used qualitative research method by using the research object of the Film Yowes Ben. While the data analysis technique uses the semiotic analysis of Charles Sander Pierce which is based on logic, with reasoning through the signs. The Model that shows the three main elements of the marking forming is representament, object and Interpretant. The results of this research show that the YOWIS BEN film has a moral message in various sides of life through signs that are munncul both visual and verbal in their respective stories. There is a moral message related to Bayu\u27s life. It can therefore be concluded that the figures and the talks that exist in each scene are a representation of the moral message

    Rancang Bangun Aplikasi Untuk Menentukan Jalur Terpendek Rumah Sakit Di Purbalingga Dengan Metode Algoritma Dijkstra

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    Application of Dijkstra's algorithm is an application made to determine the shortest path of hospital in Purbalingga where the starting point comes from a single point, namely the town square of Purbalingga. The system is made with Microsoft Visual Studio 2005 and Microsoft SQL Server 2005.There are two types of hospitals in Purbalingga, such us public hospital and maternal hospital. On the main page, user can specify the type of hospital first before determining the choice of destination hospital. After that, user can know the shortest way to go. There is also a digital map in order to facilitate user into the hospital and information obtained is more informative. On the admin page is used to add data path information, hospital data and map data. Besides, the data path and hospital data can be changed if an error occurs. To determine the shortest path from each hospital, administrator must enter data into the system calculated to form and then saved to the database, which will be used as a user's information can be obtained after choosing the destinationhospita


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    The development of a tourism village, from the beginning of the planning to the evaluation process must involve the local community as a form of community empowerment as the goal of tourism development that listed in Indonesian Tourism Master Plan year of 2011- 2025. It was revealed that the community tourism objects of the Malang Regency had not played an active role in the development of local attractions. In Ngadas Village itself, the community already knew their identity as a tourism village. However, the involvement and participation of the community in the development process has not been optimal. The level of participation was measured using eight stages of Arnstein's participation, divided into four stages of participation; planning phase, implementation phase, phase of use and monitoring phase. The results indicate that the level of community participation in the traditional Ngadas tourism village is still the third of eight stages in Arnstein's participation. Characteristics of the third ladder, named informing are where the community is passively involved by only being informed about the activities and the plans to be carried out, which have been decided before. Opinions and ideas from the community are not being a consideration that can influence the decisions
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