10 research outputs found


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    Pneumonia is an acute infection disease which remains the main killer of children under 5 years old worldwide. Based on Unicef’s report, 17% of all children death is caused by pneumonia. Indonesia was in 10th position of the highest incidence of pneumonia and diarrhea which caused the death of children under 5 years old in 2013. In Gane Luar Public Health Center, there were at least 3 patients with pneumonia every month during 2014. The risk factors are less exclusive breastfeeding, malnutrition, low birth weight, less coverage of measles vaccine, indoor air pollution, and the high level of occupation density. The purpose of this research was to determine the relationship between exclusive breastfeeding, nutrition status, the type of house flooring, and pneumonia incidence in children under 5 in working area of Gane Luar Public Health Center, South Halmahera. A case control study was conducted to each 25 samples of case and control which were collected by simple random sampling technique during July-December 2014. Data were collected through a questionnaire using interview method, observation, and physical examination, and then it’s analyzed by Regression Logistic, Chi Square, and Odds ratio to check for strength of association between variables at 95% confidence level. The results indicated that nutrition status was significantly related to Pneumonia incidence (p = 0.019 ; OR 3.795), however exclusive breastfeeding (p = 0.29) and type of house flooring (p = 0.086) weren’t. In conclusion, the nutrition status was significantly related to the incidence of Pneumonia in working area of Gane Luar Public Health Center


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    Congenital heart disease (CHD) affects about 0.8% to 1.2% with the mortality rate being 81 cases per 100,000 live births. Generally, CHD is a structural abnormality of the heart and (or) large blood vessels that appear at birth. The purpose of this activity is to conduct webinar training on early detection of congenital heart disease followed by ecocardiography and oximetry pulse screening in lumajang east Java Indonesia the novelty in this service activity because it provides training on early detection of heart disease. The training method was carried out through webinars with health worker participants in Lumajang. The material provided includes early detection methods, diagnosis and therapy, as well as simulations of CHD cases. Pre and Post-test are used to evaluate the level of knowledge. A visit to the echocardiography and pulse oximetry examination by a pediatric cardiologist was carried out two weeks later in Lumajang. As a result of the activity, there were 140 participants who took part in the webinar training. The average score of the pre-test was 11.13/15 with only 5 participants getting a perfect score. At the end of the webinar, the average post-test score was 14.34/15 with 115 participants who finally got a perfect score. A total of 28 children were examined by echocardiography examination. 20 children were diagnosed with cyanotic CHD, 6 children were diagnosed with cyanotic CHD, and 2 were normal children. On pulse oximetry examination, all babies had an oxygen saturation of 95% or more and there was no difference of more than 3% between the pre and post duct sites. Conclusion Webinar training can increase health workers' knowledge about early detection of CHD.Keywords : Congenital Heart Disease; Filtering; Echocardiography; Pulse oximetry

    Marketing strategy analysis to optimize lemigas assets as blu (public service agent) case study: lobp lemigas

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    Abstract – This research was conducted based on the low acceptance of technological services from Lube Oil Blending Plant (LOBP) LEMIGAS as a government assets under Research and Development Center for Oil and Gas Technology “LEMIGAS”. In the year of 2017 LOBP LEMIGAS only worked 187,000 liters per year, while the maximum capacity that can be done by LOBP LEMIGAS is 10,000 tons/year. This means that the acceptance of LOBP LEMIGAS technology services in 2017 only reached 2.3% of the maximum production capacity. In addition, LEMIGAS as a Public Service Agency (BLU) is required to increase its revenue because the State Budget (APBN) for Research and Development will decrease every year. The issued of finance minister's regulation number 136 / PMK.05/2016 concerning the management of Public Service Agency (BLU) assets has opened up more opportunities to optimize LOBP LEMIGAS. The purpose of this study is to analyze the internal and external conditions of LOBP LEMIGAS. Furthermore, analyze the things that are a barrier to the development of LOBP LEMIGAS, and formulate the right marketing strategy. This study uses qualitative methods, where primary data is obtained from interviews with parties related to LOBP. While secondary data is obtained through a literature study. The results of the analysis of this research indicate that the current LOBP LEMIGAS expansion has proceeded well, but it is necessary to improve the marketing strategy so that the utilization of LOBP LEMIGAS assets can be optimized.Keywords: LOBP, BLU, Assets, Opportunities, Marketing strateg

    Rancang Bangun Aplikasi Administrasi Perkuliahan pada Lembaga Pendidikan Pengembangan Profesi Indonesia (LP3I) Surabaya

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    LP3I is a non-formal educational institutions, LP3I Surabaya, which is the subsidiary of LP3I Jakarta. LP3I Surabaya was established in 1997 and located on the road Manyar Surabaya. LP3I Surabaya equivalent education Diploma II with a variety of majors. During this time, LP3I difficulty in recapitulation presence of students and lecturer as well as students academic grades. This is because the recapitulation is done one by one from lecturing activities report (LKP) and the attendance of lectures as much as 185 sheets. While recapitulation of students academic grades should be done by selecting one by one by the name of the student with the subjects that followed. Of the existing problems of administrative applications required courses that can help in the process of recapitulation of the presence of students and lecturer as well as students academic grades. Recapitulation of student attendance is used to determine the status of these students in exams, while the lecturers used to determine the presence of Wages (HR) faculty.Based on the results of trials that have been done, the application is successfully assist in the process of recapitulation. This journal discusses the outline of the administration application design lecture at the Institute of Education and Development (LP3I) Surabaya


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    Introduction:Congenital heart disease (CHD) affects approximately 0.8% to 1.2% with incidence rate of mortality was 81 cases per 100,000 live births. Generally, CHD is a structural abnormality of the heart and (or) great vessels that is present at birth. Limited knowledge among health workers for the etiologist, risk factors, and the high heterogeneity in CHD constitutes the major obstacles for prevention and early screening. The educational activities aim to increase the medical personnel's knowledge to conduct early detection and management of CHD in Jember. Method:These activities consisted of training followed by echocardiography screening. The training was implemented through webinar with health workers participants in Jember. The topics contained how to detect, diagnosis and therapy, and cases simulation of CHD. Pre and Post-test were used to evaluate knowledge level. The visitation of echocardiographic screening by Pediatric cardiologist was held a week later in Jember. Results:There were 208 participants during the webinar training. The mean score of pre-test was 10.09/15 with only 7 participants who got the perfect score. At the end of the webinar, the mean score of post-test was 14.34/15 with 127 participants who finally got the perfect score.Total 28 children were screened by echocardiography examination. There were 14 children diagnosed with acyanotic CHD, 10 children with cyanotic CHD, and 4 children were normal. Conclusion:Webinar training can improve the knowledge among health workers about early detection of CHD and there were 86% children diagnosed with CHD among screening participants in Jember.

    Microbiome Management by Biological and Chemical Treatments in Maize Is Linked to Plant Health

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    The targeted application of plant growth-promoting rhizobacteria (PGPR) provides the key for a future sustainable agriculture with reduced pesticide application. PGPR interaction with the indigenous microbiota is poorly understood, but essential to develop reliable applications. Therefore, Stenotrophomonas rhizophila SPA-P69 was applied as a seed coating and in combination with a fungicide based on the active ingredients fludioxonil, metalaxyl-M, captan and ziram. The plant performances and rhizosphere compositions of treated and non-treated maize plants of two field trials were analyzed. Plant health was significantly increased by treatment; however, overall corn yield was not changed. By applying high-throughput amplicon sequencing of the 16S rRNA and the ITS genes, the bacterial and fungal changes in the rhizosphere due to different treatments were determined. Despite the fact that treatments had a significant impact on the rhizosphere microbiota (9–12%), the field site was identified as the main driver (27–37%). The soil microbiota composition from each site was significantly different, which explains the site-specific effects. In this study we were able to show the first indications how PGPR treatments increase plant health via microbiome shifts in a site-specific manner. This way, first steps towards a detailed understanding of PGPRs and developments of consistently efficient applications in diverse environments are made