18 research outputs found

    Desain Sensor Konsentrasi Larutan NaCl Menggunakan Serat Optik Moda Jamak dengan Model W-System

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    Telah didesain sensor konsentrasi larutan NaCl berbasis serat optik mode jamak dengan model W-System. Dalam pengkarakterisasiannya digunakan detektor BF5R-D1-N yang terdapat ligh emiting diode (LED) sebagai sumber cahaya dengan panjang gelombang 660 nm dan phototransistor sebagai detektor penerima cahaya tersebut. Dengan menganalisa nilai absorbsi pada panjang gelombang ultra violet dan cahaya tampak, Indek bias larutan NaCl, dan rugi daya yang dialami sensor ini akibat microbending, bending, dan scattering. Didapatkan besarnya rugi daya yang dialami sensor sebanding dengan besarnya kosentrasi NaCl yang diberikan. Pemberian jarak antar kaki memberikan perbedaan sensitifitas pada pengukuran dan nilai sensitifitas maksimum pada jarak 2,5 cm. Sistem kerja sensor juga ini mampu menghitung konsentrasi larutan NaCl dengan jangkauan 0,0 – 5,0 Molar dan akurasi hingga 0,025 Molar

    Automated Vehicle Monitoring System

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    An automated vehicle monitoring system is proposed in this paper. The surveillance system is based on image processing techniques such as background subtraction, colour balancing, chain code based shape detection, and blob. The proposed system will detect any human\u27s head as appeared at the side mirrors. The detected head will be tracked and recorded for further action

    Situasi Pneumonia di Wilayah Kerja Dinas Kesehatan Kabupaten Gowa Sulawesi Selatan Tahun 2017

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    Infeksi Pneumonia muncul karena adanya invasi mikroorganisme atau virus, bakteri atau jamur pada paru-paru.Umumnya pneumonia ditandai dengan batuk-batuk berdahak dengan sputum kehijauan atau kuning, demam tinggi dan menggigil serta nafas yang pendek. Tujuan penelitian ini adalah diperolehnya gambaran kasus pneumonia di wilayah kerja Dinas Kesehatan Kabupaten Gowa. Hasil penelitian ditemukan bahwa penemuan kasus pneumonia tertinggi pada Balita di wilayah Kabupaten Gowa adalah sebesar 57,7% terjadi pada Balita laki-laki. Sedangkan sebesar 42,3% ditemukan pada Balita perempuan. Berdasarkan hasil penelitian dapat diketahui bahwa penemuan kasus pneumonia tertinggi pada Balita di wilayah Kabupaten Gowa adalah sebesar 27,5% yang terdapat di Kecamatan Sombaopu. Untuk penemuan kasus terendah pada Balita di wilayah Kabupaten Gowa adalah sebesar 0,1% yang terdapat di Kecamatan Bontonompo Selatan. Ditemukan bahwa penemuan kasus pneumonia tertinggi pada Balita di wilayah Kabupaten Gowa adalah sebesar 28,3% yang terdapat di Puskesmas Sombaopu. Sedangkan penemuan kasus terendah pada Balita di wilayah Kabupaten Gowa adalah sebesar 0,1% yang terdapat di Puskesmas Bontonompo I Kesimpulan masih ditemukan kasus pneumonia dengan jumlah kasus dibawah angka nasional yaitu 2%

    Analisis Dinamika Ketahanan Pangan di Kabupaten Jember

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    Food stability is not only in term of enough food availability but also capability to access including to buy food and there is no dependency to another countries. The research focused in Jember Regency. The research was aimed to explain that the enough food availability is not meant guarantee the food stability particularly for household rate. The analyze method that used are descriptive, stability food analyse that conducted by Sumarwan and Sukandar (1998) and Angka Kecukupan Gizi/AKG (nutrient sufficiency number) for household that including energy sufficiency rate and protein sufficiency rate. The results show that (1) the available food in Jember Regency in 1991 – 2006 for six commodity including rice and corn are surplus, whereas soybean, peanut, cassava and sweet potato are minus, (2) Arjasa and Jelbuk subdistrict are linear decreasing in stability food, (3) AKG average number in Panduman village, Jelbuk Subdistrict as 59,51% that meant have not food stability category, (4) AKG average in Puger Wetan Village, Puger Subdistrict as 80,39% that meant have food stability category. Keywords: Stability food, Availability food, Household stability food and AK

    Strategi Peningkatan Mutu Tembakau Besuki Na-Oogst di PTPN X Kebun Kertosari Jember

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    PTPN X Kebun Kertosari adalah Perusahaan agribisnis komoditas tembakau. Pada tahun 2010-2014 mutu tembakau semakin menurun setiap tahunnya dan tidak mampu mencapai target mutu. Penelitian bertujuan (1) mengetahui penyebab mutu tembakau Besuki Na-Oogst di PTPN X Kebun Kertosari tidak mampu mencapai target dan (2) mengetahui strategi peningkatan kinerja mutu PTPN X Kebun Kertosari. Metode penelitian dilakukan secara deskriptif analitik dengan metode analisis data diagram tulang ikan, diagram pareto dan Analitycal Hierarchy Process (AHP). Hasil penelitian menunjukkan faktor yang memengaruhi mutu tembakau Besuki Na-Oogst di PTPN X Kebun Kertosari mengalami penurunan sehingga tidak mampu mencapai target disebabkan oleh SDM, metode, bahan baku, mesin dan lingkungan. Hasil analisis Pareto menunjukkan penyebab utama 80% penurunan mutu, yaitu kelalaian dan kurangnya keterampilan tenaga kerja (SDM) yang menyumbang 26,7%. Strategi alternatif yang diprioritaskan untuk peningkatan kinerja mutu, yaitu peningkatan kualitas SDM. Hasil penelitian merekomendasikan Perusahaan agar melakukan pendampingan dan monitoring terhadap tenaga kerja agar dapat mengurangi kelalaian dan kesalahan proses produksi serta lebih fokus dan memperhatikan kualitas SDM untuk meningkatkan kinerja mutu tembakau Besuki Na-Oogst di PTPN X Kebun Kertosari

    Analisis Kontrak Berbasis Kinerja (Kbk) Dan Kontrak Konvensional Studi Kasus: Proyek Pembangunan Jalan Kbk Semarang-bawen Dan Proyek Pembangunan Jalan Tol Semarang-solo

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    Construction sector in Indonesia, especially for road construction projects are progressing very rapidly in recent years. Indonesia is intensively implementing the road construction project, from new road construction, road maintenance and repairs. Road construction sector in Indonesia is mostly using the conventional contract system, with a lump sum or unit price. In this conventional contract service user must fully bear the risks associated with the quality of work that is to be maintained. It required an innovative method in order to contract the service user and the service provider can be better off, for example with the system performance based contracting (PBC). This study will analyze the differences between the PBC system and conventional system by comparing the life cycle project, project coordination line, the construction, the maintenance period, and the budget plan contract. The research method used was a descriptive analytical methods and data collection through direct field observations and interviews with project case studies Construction Project Semarang-Bawen Road with PBC and Construction Project Semarang-Solo Highway. From the results, the fact that the PBC has a single stage system that is not present in the conventional contract there is system maintenance services. At the PBC system imposed fines ranging from construction period while the conventional system of fines awarded the contract if the contract or is unable to complete the construction work by the duration of time that has been given. At the PBC system there is not planning consultant contracts while the conventional system, there are consultants planning consultant. At the PBC system maintenance is faster than the conventional contract system maintenance. The budget plan contract at the PBC system is higher than the conventional contract system's budget plan contract

    The Analytic Network Process of Indonesia's Bioethanol: Future Direction of Competitive Strategy and Policy

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    Increased consumption of fossil fuel has been an escalating debate related to its limited deposit and global warming issue. Recently, the oil price tends to rise. Bioethanol has been considered as an alternative substitute for fossil fuel because it is renewable and environmentally friendly. Indonesia plans to develop the bioethanol industry since 2006 but until 2011 it has not been realized yet besides its well planned blue-print and target. This study is aimed to determine factors affecting the competitiveness of the bioethanol industry as well as to select a competitive strategy. Data collection was conducted from April to December 2010 in six cities. Analytic Network Process (ANP) was used as a method in this study. There were four categories, namely problems, alternative of solutions, policies, and strategies. Results from the development of bioethanol competitive industry framework suggested that: (1) sugarcane is considered the most potential resource for bioethanol raw material, (2) government's lack of coordination is the main problem for developing competitiveness, and (3) a new bioethanol blueprint policy with a through stakeholder strategy to increase competitiveness of the bioethanol industry in Indonesia is needed