129 research outputs found

    Ranking Risks of BOT Toll Road Investment Projects in Indonesia Using Fuzzy Interpretive Structural Modelling

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    The Government of Indonesia implemented the Build, Operate, and Transfer (BOT) model, relying on private investment to bridge the financing gap in developing public infrastructure facilities, including toll roads. Toll road investments, like other greenfield infrastructure projects, are typically characterized by high project risk, which discourages private sector investment. Many previous studies have investigated the various risk events in toll road investment projects, but only a few have assessed the interrelationships of risk events in the Indonesian context. This study fills this knowledge gap by determining which risk event influences other events most. Fuzzy interpretive structural modelling combined with the matrix impact of cross-references multiplication applied to a classification method was used to determine the hierarchy of risk events and analyze their influences on other risk events. A total of fourteen risk events were identified and analyzed. An unclear output specification was found to be the most significant risk event, with the biggest driving power affecting other risks. The findings and limitations of this study point the way forward for future research

    Regulasi Tarif Sistem Hibrid Alternatif Untuk Proyek Privatisasi Infrastruktur Berisiko Tinggi

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    . This paper proposes an alternative regulation system which shares some feature of the traditional price-cap system and the return-of-return system for high-risk privatized infrastructure projects. While the proposed system caps the return earned by investor, it provides a downside risk protection as does the pure rate-of-return regime. Given the guaranted minimum IRR and the allowable maximum IRR, the system still motivates the investor to seek efficiency to some extent in operating the facility, however. The financial modelling is performed to evaluate the project's cashflow under uncertainty whenever tariffs are regulated under the alternative system. Simulation results using the Monte Carlo sampling technique on a hypothetical toll road exhibit that the investor fares better under the system than under the traditional price-cap system in the event of high traffic risk and prone-to-error traffic forecasts

    Perbandingan Kinerja Pendekatan Simulasi Dan Analitis Pada Kasus Perhitungan Dampak Konsumsi Float Aktivitas Nonkritis Dalam Penjadwalan Proyek

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    . This paper compares the computational results of using simulation and analytical approaches on the impact of float consumption on the total project cost and schedule. The base theories employed for analysis are wellknown reliability theories combined with approximation methods such as probabilistic network evaluation technique (PERT) and Rosenblatt transformation. The two approaches arrive at a conclusion that delay in an noncritical activity despite not exceeding total float remains to severely affect the project schedule and cost. Probabilistically, an increase in float consumption escalates the time completion of project which in turn increases the total project cost. The comparison results exhibit that although substantial difference is not observable, insome respects the analytical approach outperforms the simulation one in terms of consistency of explaining the relationship among schedule, cost, and float consumption

    Hubungan Antara Risiko, Premium Dan Tingkat Diskonto Dalam Struktur Modal Project Finance Dari Perspektif Teorema Utilitas

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    . Capital structure is one of the most relevant issues in financing of public infrastructure projects involving the private sector. Three stakeholders having vested interests with the project capital structure include the government, project sponsor and creditor. Specifically for project sponsor and creditor, the chosen capital structure determines the risk exposed to both parties individually. This paper presents research findings on the relationships of risk, risk premium, and cost of capital using utility theorem. This paper demonstrates that risk premium asked for by the project sponsor and the creditor rises with the increase in debt service obligations. Consequently, the expected rates of return escalate as well. The existence of project debt capacity is also verified in this paper. The capital structure can be designed to maximize benefit in favor of the project sponsor. Next, it is noteworthy for the project analyst to set the discount rate thoroughly. Discount rate is not simply identical with bank depositing rate as is widely used in practice. This issue is of paramount relevance if associated with equity cashflows

    Faktor-Faktor yang Mempengaruhi Maturitas Enterprise Risk Management (ERM) Kontraktor Besar di Indonesia

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    Sebesar 85 persen nilai pasar konstruksi dikuasai oleh kontraktor besar yang hanya 5 persen dari total 160.000 badan USAha. Tingginya nilai pasar konstruksi yang dikuasai oleh kontraktor besar tersebut identik dengan banyaknya kegiatan, tingginya tingkat kesulitan, dan berbagai ketidakpastian. Enterprise Risk Management (ERM) adalah salah satu pendekatan holistik dalam mengidentifikasi risiko Perusahaan yang mungkin dihadapi dan menentukan respon yang tepat sesuai dengan risk appetite Perusahaan. Standar NasionalIndonesia (SNI) ISO 31000:2011 tentang manajemen risiko, merupakan panduan yang resmi dalam proses pelaksanaan manajemen risiko. Selain itu, beberapa Perusahaan kontraktor juga menerapkan sistem manajemen mutu dengan baik yang ditandai dengan sertifikasi ISO 9001. Penelitian ini bertujuan mencari faktor-fakor yang mempengaruhi maturitas ERM kontraktor besar di Indonesia berdasarkan implementasi ISO 31000:2011, sertifikasi ISO 9001, klasifikasi Perusahaan, dan pengalaman Perusahaan. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa terdapat perbedaan yang signifikan antara Perusahaan yang mengadopsi kerangka manajemen risiko ISO 31000:2011 dengan Perusahaan yang tidak mengadopsi kerangka manajemen risiko ISO 31000:2011. Perusahaan yang mengadopsi kerangka manajemen risiko ISO 31000:2011 memiliki tingkat kematangan manajemen risiko yang lebih baik daripada Perusahaan yang tidak mengadopsi kerangka manajemen risiko ISO31000:2011. Faktor pengalaman Perusahaan juga menentukan tingkat maturitas ERM Perusahaan. Perusahaan dengan pengalaman lebih banyak terbukti memiliki tingkat maturitas ERM yang lebih matang


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    Di era globalisasi, perkembangan teknologi berubah secara pesat. Perkembangan teknologi diikuti juga dengan kemajuan bisnis yang berubah dari bisnis tradisional menjadi bisnis modern. Tokopedia merupakan aplikasi e-commerce yang sudah hadir di 93 persen kecamatan di Indonesia. Untuk mencapai angka tersebut cara yang di lakukan Tokopedia adalah mempromosikan produk-produk mereka melalui influencer, memberikan harga terjangkau, dan menggunkan media sosial. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk melihat pengaruh dari kredibiltas influencer, nominal harga, dan media sosial terhadap minat pembelian yang dimediasi oleh citra merek. Kredibilitas influencer, nominal harga, dan media sosial merupakan variabel dependen dan minat harga merupakan variabel independen, sedangkan citra merek merupakan peubah mediasi. Sampel dari penelitian ini adalah individu yang pernah berbelanja di Tokopedia. Sampel minimal terkumpul sebanyak 190 sampel yaitu 19 indikator dikali 10. Penelitian ini menggunakan teknik analisis kuantitatif dengan Structural Equiation Modeling (SEM) dan diolah dengan SmartPLS 3.0 Hasil yang diperoleh dari penelitian ini menunjukan bahwa tidak ada pengaruh positif antara kredibillitas influencer terhadap minat pembelian dan kredibilitas influencer juga tidak ada pengaruh positif terhadap minat pembelian melalui mediasi citra merek, harga berpengaruh positif terhadap minat pembelian, harga juga berpengaruh positif terhadap minat pembelian dengan mediasi citra merek, media sosial berpengaruh positif terhadap minat pembelian, tetapi dengan mediasi citra merek maka tidak berpengaruh antara media sosial dengan minat pembelian. Terdapat hasil positif signifikan diantara citra merek dengan minat pembelian. Dengan hasil ini maka diharpakan tokopedia dapat lebih fokus terhadap harga karena menurut penelitian ini harga sangat berpengaruh terhadap minat pembelian. Kata Kunci; Influencer, harga, media sosial, citra merek, dan minat pembelian. ABSTRACT In the era globalization, technology development are change rapidly. Technological developments are followed by change of business from traditional business to modern business. Tokopedia is an e-commerce application that has been exist in 93 percent of district in Indonesia. To achieve this number, the way Tokopedia has done is promote their products through influencers, providing affordable prices, and using social media. The research aims to look at the influence of credibility influencers, nominal price, and social media on purchase intention mediated by brand image. Credibility Influencer, nominal price and social media are the dependent variable and purchase intention is the independent variable, while brand image is a mediation variable. The sample of this research is individuals who have shopped at Tokopedia. The minimum sample collected is 190 which is 19 Indicator multiplied by 10. This research uses quantitative analysis technique with Structural Equiation Modeling (SEM) and processed with SmartPLS 3.0 .The result obtained from there are no any effect between credibility influencer and purchase intention, also with mediates by brand image there is not any effect between influencer and purchase intention. There are positive significantly between nominal price and purchase intention even mediate by brand image there are still positive significant, there are positive significant between social media and purchase intention, but there are no any effect between social media and purchase intention if mediate by brand image, brand image is significant positive to purchase intention. With result from this research Tokopedia must focus to price because price is very effective to purchase intentio


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    Abstract   Information technology and the Internet of Things are developing rapidly, resulting in changes in all fields, including monitoring and testing bridges. Structural Health Monitoring (SHM) is currently an alternative to replace conventional visual inspections. This study aims to determine trends in the use of Structural Health Monitoring on bridges, including cost factors and challenges faced, so that they can be considered and referenced in the installation of Structural Health Monitoring on bridges in the future. This study uses biblio-metric analysis methods and literature review. Bibliometric analysis was carried out to determine the type of bridge, the method of Structural Health Monitoring, the type of sensor, and the part that the sensor was installed on, so that the trend of Structural Health Monitoring installation could be observed. A literature review was carried out on the challenges that occurred and the cost factors that were considered and their potential in the future. This research shows that the method of Structural Health Monitoring is still evolving and that new technologies have been used to overcome various challenges, including the cost factor. If Structural Health Monitoring can be mass produced, the cost of producing Structural Health Monitoring is expected to decrease.   Keywords: bridge; structural health monitoring; visual inspection; bibliometrics     Abstrak   Teknologi informasi dan Internet of Things berkembang dengan pesat, yang mengakibatkan terjadinya perubahan di segala bidang, termasuk pada pemantauan dan pengujian jembatan. Structural Health Monitoring (SHM) saat ini menjadi alternatif untuk menggantikan inspeksi visual yang bersifat konvensional. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui tren penggunaan Structural Health Monitoring pada jembatan, termasuk faktor biaya dan tantangan yang dihadapi, sehingga dapat menjadi pertimbangan dan acuan dalam pemasangan Structural Health Monitoring pada jembatan di masa mendatang. Studi ini menggunakan metode analisis bibliometrik dan tinjauan literatur. Analisis bibliometrik dilakukan untuk mengetahui jenis jembatan, metode Structural Health Monitoring, jenis sensor, dan bagian yang dipasang sensor, sehingga tren pemasangan Struc-tural Health Monitoring dapat diamati. Tinjauan literatur dilakukan pada tantangan yang terjadi dan faktor biaya yang menjadi pertimbangan serta potensinya di masa mendatang. Penelitian ini menunjukkan bahwa metode Structural Health Monitoring masih terus berkembang dan berbagai teknologi baru telah digunakan untuk mengatasi berbagai tantangan, termasuk faktor biaya. Jika Structural Health Monitoring dapat dipro-duksi secara massal, biaya produksi Structural Health Monitoring diharapkan menurun.   Kata-kata kunci: jembatan; structural health monitoring; inspeksi visual; bibliometri


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    Abstract   Information technology and the Internet of Things are developing rapidly, resulting in changes in all fields, including monitoring and testing bridges. Structural Health Monitoring (SHM) is currently an alternative to replace conventional visual inspections. This study aims to determine trends in the use of Structural Health Monitoring on bridges, including cost factors and challenges faced, so that they can be considered and referenced in the installation of Structural Health Monitoring on bridges in the future. This study uses biblio-metric analysis methods and literature review. Bibliometric analysis was carried out to determine the type of bridge, the method of Structural Health Monitoring, the type of sensor, and the part that the sensor was installed on, so that the trend of Structural Health Monitoring installation could be observed. A literature review was carried out on the challenges that occurred and the cost factors that were considered and their potential in the future. This research shows that the method of Structural Health Monitoring is still evolving and that new technologies have been used to overcome various challenges, including the cost factor. If Structural Health Monitoring can be mass produced, the cost of producing Structural Health Monitoring is expected to decrease.   Keywords: bridge; structural health monitoring; visual inspection; bibliometrics     Abstrak   Teknologi informasi dan Internet of Things berkembang dengan pesat, yang mengakibatkan terjadinya perubahan di segala bidang, termasuk pada pemantauan dan pengujian jembatan. Structural Health Monitoring (SHM) saat ini menjadi alternatif untuk menggantikan inspeksi visual yang bersifat konvensional. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui tren penggunaan Structural Health Monitoring pada jembatan, termasuk faktor biaya dan tantangan yang dihadapi, sehingga dapat menjadi pertimbangan dan acuan dalam pemasangan Structural Health Monitoring pada jembatan di masa mendatang. Studi ini menggunakan metode analisis bibliometrik dan tinjauan literatur. Analisis bibliometrik dilakukan untuk mengetahui jenis jembatan, metode Structural Health Monitoring, jenis sensor, dan bagian yang dipasang sensor, sehingga tren pemasangan Struc-tural Health Monitoring dapat diamati. Tinjauan literatur dilakukan pada tantangan yang terjadi dan faktor biaya yang menjadi pertimbangan serta potensinya di masa mendatang. Penelitian ini menunjukkan bahwa metode Structural Health Monitoring masih terus berkembang dan berbagai teknologi baru telah digunakan untuk mengatasi berbagai tantangan, termasuk faktor biaya. Jika Structural Health Monitoring dapat dipro-duksi secara massal, biaya produksi Structural Health Monitoring diharapkan menurun.   Kata-kata kunci: jembatan; structural health monitoring; inspeksi visual; bibliometri

    Model Matematis Penentuan Interval Profit Yang Wajar Untuk Pelaksanaan Proyek Konstruksi

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    . Determining fair profits has become one of the substantial issues in recent construction industry settings, especially for government-funded projects. Unfortunately, the Presidential Decree No. 80 of 2003 that regulates public procurement does not specifically define what a fair profit is. This paper presents the development of mathematical models to evaluate the fairness of profit intervals of projects given their identified characteristics. The models were built upon qualitative and quantitative responses of respondents solicited via mailed-out questionnaires. The statistical techniques employed for this study includes the conjoint analysis and ordinal regression that mutually complement. The fairness of project under evaluation is translated into a score on a 0-100 scale with 0 being perfectly unfair and 100 being perfectly fair and 70 serving as the cut-off level to dichotomize fairly and unfairly profited projects. Another mathematical model to recommend more reasonable profit intervals for low-scored projects is also presented in this paper
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