23 research outputs found

    Sikkerhedsmæssig effekt af strækningshastighedskontrol i Storbritannien

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    Der knytter sig væsentlige sikkerhedsmæssige potentialer til at sikre, at bilisterne i højere grad overholder hastighedsgrænserne. Høje hastigheder giver flere og mere alvorlige uheld. Den teknologiske udvikling har bevirket, at der gennem de seneste 20 år er udviklet systemer, der muliggør automatiske hastighedskontroller. For nylig er der gennemført en dansk evaluering af de sikkerhedsmæssige effekter af punktbaseret hastighedskontrol ved anvendelse af såkaldt punkt-ATK. Et muligt og potentielt mere effektivt alternativ er strækningsbaseret hastighedskontrol, hvor den automatiske hastighedskontrol gennemføres på baggrund af registreringer af bilisternes gennemsnitlige rejsehastighed over sammenhængende vejstrækninger. Artiklen omhandler en evaluering af de sikkerhedsmæssige effekter af strækningsbaseret hastighedskontrol belyst via ændringer i hastighedsniveauer og uheldsforekomster før og efter etableringen af strækningshastighedskontrol på udvalgte lokaliteter i Storbritannien. Studiet dokumenterer, at indførelsen af strækningsbaseret hastighedskontrol medfører signifikante og betydelige reduktioner i hastigheder og uheldsforekomster. Evalueringens resultater taler for, at strækningsbaserede hastighedskontroller i højere grad end punkt-ATK vil kunne forbedre trafiksikkerheden

    Contribuições para os estudos culturais no campo das migrações contemporâneas: uma revisão da literatura recente

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    O artigo apresenta os resultados de uma pesquisa de revisão sistemática, que tem a finalidade de identificar na literatura científica, a existência de pesquisas da área dos Estudos Culturais, relacionados aos estudos sobre as migrações contemporânea no Brasil. Foram pesquisados os descritores “Migrantes”, “Brasil” e “Cultura” em duas bases de dados, que sāo o Scielo e o Periódicos CAPES, consideradas duas, das principais bases de dados da produção científica qualificada no país. Após a aplicabilidade dos critérios de inclusão e exclusão nos artigos encontrados, foram analisados 27 artigos nessa revisão. Após o levantamento dos artigos, foi criado um quadro sinóptico para a organização dos dados das pesquisas e realizada uma análise e discussão sobre os temas abordados. Com esse propósito, busca-se contribuir para a identificaçāo e sistematização dos resultados apresentados pelas principais produções acadêmicas mais recentes, que problematizam o tema das migrações contemporâneas, na perspectiva dos estudos culturais

    Sikkerhedsmæssig effekt af strækningshastighedskontrol i Storbritannien

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    Der knytter sig væsentlige sikkerhedsmæssige potentialer til at sikre, at bilisterne i højere grad overholder hastighedsgrænserne. Høje hastigheder giver flere og mere alvorlige uheld. Den teknologiske udvikling har bevirket, at der gennem de seneste 20 år er udviklet systemer, der muliggør automatiske hastighedskontroller. For nylig er der gennemført en dansk evaluering af de sikkerhedsmæssige effekter af punktbaseret hastighedskontrol ved anvendelse af såkaldt punkt-ATK. Et muligt og potentielt mere effektivt alternativ er strækningsbaseret hastighedskontrol, hvor den automatiske hastighedskontrol gennemføres på baggrund af registreringer af bilisternes gennemsnitlige rejsehastighed over sammenhængende vejstrækninger. Artiklen omhandler en evaluering af de sikkerhedsmæssige effekter af strækningsbaseret hastighedskontrol belyst via ændringer i hastighedsniveauer og uheldsforekomster før og efter etableringen af strækningshastighedskontrol på udvalgte lokaliteter i Storbritannien. Studiet dokumenterer, at indførelsen af strækningsbaseret hastighedskontrol medfører signifikante og betydelige reduktioner i hastigheder og uheldsforekomster. Evalueringens resultater taler for, at strækningsbaserede hastighedskontroller i højere grad end punkt-ATK vil kunne forbedre trafiksikkerheden

    Characterizing wave- and current- induced bottom shear stress : U.S. middle Atlantic continental shelf

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    This paper is not subject to U.S. copyright. The definitive version was published in Continental Shelf Research 52 (2013): 73-86, doi:10.1016/j.csr.2012.10.012.Waves and currents create bottom shear stress, a force at the seabed that influences sediment texture distribution, micro-topography, habitat, and anthropogenic use. This paper presents a methodology for assessing the magnitude, variability, and driving mechanisms of bottom stress and resultant sediment mobility on regional scales using numerical model output. The analysis was applied to the Middle Atlantic Bight (MAB), off the U.S. East Coast, and identified a tidally-dominated shallow region with relatively high stress southeast of Massachusetts over Nantucket Shoals, where sediment mobility thresholds are exceeded over 50% of the time; a coastal band extending offshore to about 30 m water depth dominated by waves, where mobility occurs more than 20% of the time; and a quiescent low stress region southeast of Long Island, approximately coincident with an area of fine-grained sediments called the “Mud Patch”. The regional high in stress and mobility over Nantucket Shoals supports the hypothesis that fine grain sediment winnowed away in this region maintains the Mud Patch to the southwest. The analysis identified waves as the driving mechanism for stress throughout most of the MAB, excluding Nantucket Shoals and sheltered coastal bays where tides dominate; however, the relative dominance of low-frequency events varied regionally, and increased southward toward Cape Hatteras. The correlation between wave stress and local wind stress was lowest in the central MAB, indicating a relatively high contribution of swell to bottom stress in this area, rather than locally generated waves. Accurate prediction of the wave energy spectrum was critical to produce good estimates of bottom shear stress, which was sensitive to energy in the long period waves.P.S. Dalyander was supported by the U.S. Geological Survey Mendenhall Research Fellowship Program

    Belief, fear, and manipulation: the intersection of religion and the Athenian legal system in the second half of the 5th century BCE

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    Because the historical record makes reference to a substantial number of prosecutions driven by charges of impiety, including the notorious trial and execution of Socrates, a perception arose that there were continual attacks on freedom of expression in Athens in the half century that bracketed the Peloponnesian War. This was, however, also a time of intellectual, political, and social ferment, when ordinary citizens had reason to fear that traditional beliefs were being eroded and that the polis had incurred the displeasure of its gods. In this thesis, I examine how the interplay between this complex mix of factors and the malleable definition of the concept of impiety, as well as its emotive power, all facilitated the use, and abuse, of such accusations. Lessons learned from the study of these ancient events can be applied to the problems that we ourselves face in accepting the sovereignty of the rule of law

    Use of a dual isotope method to measure the interaction of branched chain amino acids and insulin in the stimulation of skeletal muscle protein synthesis

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    The extent to which branched-chain amino acids (bcaa) and insulin affect the regulation of in vivo skeletal muscle protein synthesis is controversial. To determine their roles in protein synthesis, a dual isotope method using \sp{14}C dansyl chloride was adapted for use with radioactive tyrosine. The primary difficulty in adapting the method was defining the stability of the \sp3H-label on the tyrosine molecule and characterizing the dansyl chloride reaction with tyrosine. To mitigate these problems: (1) L- (2,3,5,6-\sp3H) tyrosine was used, reducing \sp3H loss, (2) an acetonitrile/lithium carbonate solvent system was used to increase the efficiency and reproducibility of dansylated tyrosine recovery. These modifications yielded reproducible measurements of protein synthesis and fractional synthesis rates (%/day) that were comparable to literature values.The effect of bcaa on protein synthesis was examined in fasted rats using a steady-state, constant infusion of a \sp3H tyrosine tracer and a primed constant leucine infusion with or without added isoleucine and valine. Protein synthesis in red gastrocnemius muscles increased at all levels of leucine regardless of isoleucine and valine concentrations. Leucine stimulated insulin secretion in a non-dose dependent manner. Infusion of isoleucine and valine in the absence of leucine increased insulin concentration without a comcomitant increase in protein synthesis.Similar infusion experiments were conducted to examine the effects of insulin on protein synthesis. Elevations of insulin within physiological ranges failed to stimulate protein synthesis in the absence of elevated leucine. However, supraphysiological insulin concentrations stimulated protein synthesis without added leucine.In summary: (1) a dual isotope method, using a \sp3H tyrosine tracer, provided a sensitive, precise measurement of protein synthesis, (2) leucine stimulated skeletal muscle protein synthesis in fasted rats in the absence of added isoleucine and valine, (3) physiological elevations of insulin stimulated protein synthesis in the presence, but not in the absence, of increased leucine, (4) valine and isoleucine did not interact with insulin to stimulate skeletal muscle protein synthesis. These studies imply that leucine is an important regulator of in vivo skeletal muscle protein synthesis.U of I OnlyETDs are only available to UIUC Users without author permissio

    Textbook of biochemistry

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    xiv, 1423 p. ; 25 cm