180 research outputs found

    Penjajagan awal penerapan new public management Dalam administrasi kabupaten

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    Abstract The popularity of New Public Management in the developed countries raises a question whether such a concept applicable in the Third World context. Relies on three focuses group discussion involving local bureaucrats, this article shows the desirability of New Public Management as model of local public administration, despite a strong awareness of the challenge they have to encounter. Kata-kata kunci: new public managementadministrasi kabupate

    Kualitas Baru Kepemimpinan: Sebuah Penilaian

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    ABSTRACT In January 1995, Gadjah Mada University conducted a seminar on leadership, and it was argued that leadership stele should be transformed in seven manners. This article questioned whether the ideas have been implemented in the last decade. The answer is somewhat negative. The Reform Era which is marked by democratic, decentralistic and liberal system was not conducive enough for the ideas to manifest themselves. The author still finds the tendency of existing premiling.power: authoritarian and corrupt. He also suggests the ancient pill of power abuse: democracy and participation incl. peblisit or referendum. Kata kunci: kepemimpinan, otoriter, demokras

    Modernisasi Aspek Relasional Pemerintahan Daerah: Menengok Sejarah Menatap Masa Depan

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    The history of Nusantara was since 1600s broken down by the Europeans, so that it has developed not in a "natural" way, in which the governmental style in the independence Indonesia was always in the tendency to centralism, and this has demolished the individual and also local governmental creativities. To make Indonesia back to its "own" socio-political development, the author argues that the decentralisation policies were not satisfied enough and suggests four perspectives on the relation between Kabupaten-Province-State in the 21" century: firstly, the relationship between them should be based on the subsidiary principal, not hierarchical but co-operative, coordinative and many-sidedsecondly, the election system should be districtly and the election of the governmental chefs directlythirdly, the capital city of every governmental level should be moved each 15-20 yearsand fourthly, every political actor should be educated so that s/he is od,ready to compromise and the bureaucracy (includes the army) should be professional and clean. Key words: decentralisation, district and direct system, history, local governmen

    Pembelajaran Berbasis Riset

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    Artikel ini menjelaskan kaitan teori dan fakta/praktik serta hubungan antara penelitian dan perkuliahan. Selanjutnya menjelaskan/mengusulkan dua alternatif metode pembelajaran berbasis riset, yakni metode di mana mahasiswa aktif dan di mana mahasiswa agak pasif. Akhirnya artikel menjelaskan apa manfaat dari metode ini, baik untuk mahasiswa maupun dosen, dan beberapa implikasi dari pemberlakuan metode ini, seperti perlunya insentif yang memadai bagi riset, termasuk perlunya dukungan ketatausahaan bagi aktivitas riset

    Monarkhi Konstitusional: Telaah Filsafati

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    This paper describes and analyses changes that occurred in the Department of Plantation and Livestock (Dinas Pertanian Tanaman Pangan dan Peternakan, Dispertanak) Kabupaten Nunukan. There are some 19 aspects that were examined, consisted of 30 items. Among these items, there were 13 (42%) items which experienced positive changes, such as office equipment, formal and informal communication, quality employees, and program evaluation. A total of 5 (16%) items regent; and 12 (39%) items remained relatively unchanged, for example the flow at tasks, project orientation, and decision making process. This condition is not so encouraging. Dispertanak needs to do introspection, then makes up his mind to make positive change significantly and innovatively through a process of learning organisation.  Keywords : organizational change, nepotism, innovation, decision making, learning organisation.Tulisan ini mendeskripsikan dan menganalisis perubahan-perubahan yang terjadi di Dinas Pertanian Tanaman Pangan dan Peternakan Kabupaten Nunukan. Ada 19 aspek yang dikaji, terdiri dari 30 butir kajian. Di antara butir-butir ini terdapat 13 (42%) butir yang mengalami perubahan positif, misalnya peralatan kantor, komunikasi formal dan informal, kualitas pegawai dan evaluasi. sebanyak 5 (16%) butir relatif tidak berubah, misalnya aliran tugas, orientasi proyek dan proses pembuatan keputusan. Kondisi ini kurang begitu menggembirakan. Dispertanak perlu melakukan mawas diri, untuk kemudian membulatkan tekad melakukan perubahan-perubahan positif yang lebih signifikan dan inovatif melalui proses learning organisation.  Kata kunci: Perubahan organisasi, nepotisme, inovasi, pengambilan keputusan, learning organisation

    Kepemimpinan Publik untuk masyarakat sipil

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    It is apparent that the middle class in Indonesia is experiencing change in all &mentions including the economic. social and political aspects. This change. ofcource. requires that there is a shift in the paradigm of the athninistration of-development which has a paternalistic pattern pointing toward an egalitarian and participative pattern. The desire for this shill can only be fulfilled by among others. a shift in leadership which is initiated by the public leaders themselves. 77rc mahor is ultimately lured to draw a conclusion that the application of carious leadership soles which air explored in this piece of work will Ivy much depend on the assumptions which are used when evamining the community as a whole. If the civil society in Indonesia is seen as one which will grow towards the social situation as it is intended to be shaped. then the choice of a participative type of leadership becomes inevitable

    Dampak Sosial-Ekonomi Pembangunan Sindu Kusuma Edupark di Kabupaten Sleman

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    This study aimed to determine the socio-economic impacts of the development of tourist destination Sindu Kusuma Edupark (SKE) on local community. Six indicator were examined: employment opportunity, employment absorption, income, welfare, general infrastructure, and government revenue. Survey data from three sub-villages (dusun) were included in the analysis. The findings of this study demonstrated that the development of SKE has various impact to the local community. Dusun Kragilan, the closest sub-village to the tourist destination, has received positive economic impact because most of its residents have a small business at SKE. However, SKE has also negative impact as tourist crowds often caused congestion in the area, making it less conducive to local people to do their daily activities. For people in Dusun Ngaglik and Dusun Rogoyudan, which are located farther away from the tourist site, SKE has not seemed to provide a meaningful economic benefit. Despite the fact that they receive contributions in cash from SKE, there is only limited opportunity for participation in the development of SKE. From this study is recommended to provide persuasive approach to the community in three nearby sub-villages in order to establish SKE as a tourist site that provides positive socio-economic impact for local community

    Introduksi Weekend Service di Kantor Badan Pertanahan Nasional Kota Tangerang, Provinsi Banten

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    Penelitian ini mendeskripsikan pengelolaan perubahan yang dilakukan oleh Kantor Badan Pertanahan Nasional Kota Tangerang dengan ditambahkannya waktu kerja pada hari Sabtu dan Minggu. Dengan metode kualitatif ditemukan bahwa: (1) Pegawai pada prinsipnya tidak keberatan dengan penambahan waktu kerja, namun seringkali mereka absen atau terlambat masuk kerja; tapi sebaliknya (2) Penambahan jam kerja pada waktu weekend ini ternyata tidak maksimal dimanfaatkan oleh masyarakat pengguna layanan; (3) Motivasi pegawai untuk mejalankan tugas weekend service adalah motivasi intrinsik (pegawai memanfaatkan fasilitas kantor untuk menyelesaikan tugas lain) dan motivasi ekstrinsik (upaya pimpinan meyakinkan pegawai dengan cara: penerapan kelompok kerja, insentif, fleksibilitas waktu kerja dan penggunaan teknologi). Disarankan agar dilakukan evaluasi berkala guna menilai manfaat program ini, baik bagi pegawai maupun masyarakat

    Evaluasi Kebijakan Dana Desa untuk Penanggulangan Kemiskinan dan Peningkatan Infrastruktur Pelayanan Dasar Air Minum serta Sanitasi Kabupaten/Kota di Indonesia

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    This study aims to analyze the effect of the Village Fund on poverty alleviation and improvement of basic infrastructure services for drinking water and sanitation in districts and cities in Indonesia. The need for evaluation of the Village Fund policy is a consequence of the implementation of fiscal decentralization to villages based on Law no. 6/2014. This policy has implications for an increase in transfer funds to villages of more than IDR 329 trillion cumulatively. Theoretically, fiscal decentralization to villages should improve public services and accelerate poverty reduction through local preferences matching and more efficient allocations. This research was a quantitative study using path analysis to test the hypotheses. Data were obtained from BPS and the Ministry of Finance for all districts/cities receiving Village Fund. The results show that The Village Fund had a significant effect on poverty reduc-tion nationally, although its contribution was very small, and the effect was not significant in districts/cities with low fiscal capacity. The Village Funds had an effect on increasing drinking water but not significant, on the other hand, it had a significant effect on districts/cities with medium or low fiscal capacity with low poverty rate. The Village Fund had an effect on improving sanitation but it was not significant nationally or in all districts/cities. The Village Fund for drinking water had no significant effect on poverty reduction nationally and for all districts/cities. The Village Fund for sanitation had no effect on poverty reduction nationally or in all districts/cities but it had an effect on districts/cities with low fiscal capacity and poverty rate even though it was not significant. The implementation of the Village Fund policy needs to consider the fiscal capacity and diversity of regional characteristics in order to make the effectiveness of the Village Fund more optimal