16 research outputs found

    The idea of synergic quality management as a key pillar of building social resilience

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    The issues related to management, quality competences and social resilience for at least several decades have been very popular and are the subject of analyzes by representatives of various scientific disciplines. They are interesting because they concern almost every area of our life – their development and, at the same time, problems to be solved, implementing innovations, constantly taking into account the context of socio-cultural, economic, technological and other changes. Total Quality Management refers to a pro-quality approach to life and work based on cooperation, commitment, mindfulness, self-control, the need to develop and improve own qualifications and competences. Ultimately, this is to affect the long-term development and well-being of employees, institutions as well as potential applicants, customers, etc. and a wide range of institutions and people using the services of a company/institution or cooperating with it (within various spaces of social, cultural, economic, educational reality, etc.) and society understood in its various dimensions. The article deals with the key dimensions and contexts of the concept of comprehensive quality management, which is one of the key pillars of social resilience

    Emotional Intelligence vs. Digital Intelligence in the Face of Virtual Reality. New Challenges for Education for Safety

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    Contemporary reality and accompanying it civilization development is an extremely com-plex and demanding area perceived on the one hand in the context of threats, on the other hand – the need to develop competencies that allow one to survive, and the other to develop in increasingly complex conditions of modern times. The conviction of people about life in permanent danger, the increasing complexity of conditions and events generates the need to work out often not one, but at least a few thought-out strategies adequate to time and spatial conditions, threats, problems and people that these problems and threats relate to or may concern. In addition to a pool of problems and events that we can deal with, predict their occurrence, prevent and counteract, we also have problems and threats that we have just started to recognize. The article focuses on contemporary challenges of education for security and the need to develop each of the competencies separately, emphasizing the impor-tance of complementarity in their application in everyday life in order to ensure understand-ing, action and development of ourselves and the environment, solving problems and deal-ing with difficult situations and threats


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    Autorzy zgromadzonych w tomie artykułów w analizie fenomenu sportu i edukacji we współczesnym społeczeństwie stosują różne perspektywy badawcze. Obok socjologii sportu, wykorzystywane są teorie powstałe na polu socjologii: kultury, organizacji, małych i dużych struktur społecznych czy socjologii ciała. W wielu artykułach znajdują się wyraźne odniesienia do teorii społeczeństwa konsumpcyjnego, które opisują ramy społeczne eksplorowanych fenomenów. Zaprezentowane w tomie stanowisko teoretyczne ma wiele elementów wspólnych z wcześniej zaproponowanym przez Zbigniewa Krawczyka podejściem do badań sportu, który eksponuje jego wieloaspektowość jako fenomenu ludycznego, mitycznego oraz elementu kultury symbolicznej. […

    Recenzja: Lehrbuch der Bildungssoziologie, red. Rolf Becker, VS Verlag für Sozialwissenschaften

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    Educating teachers in Switzerland – reform and current situation

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    Educating teachers in the scope of higher (non-academic) education sector has been a relatively new phenomenon in Switzerland. Until the end of the 90's, when Higher Pedagogical Schools were established, teachers had been educated at teaching seminars. Establishment of Higher Pedagogical Schools gave rise to a thorough reform in educating teachers in Switzerland, which aimed at improving the quality of work and professionalism of the teachers through science-oriented education (similar to the university education), and at establishing international and all-Swiss system of acknowledging diplomas received in particular canton institutions of higher education. This system makes it possible for the graduates to commence work at schools/ kindergarten departments not only in a canton of their choice, but also in a country chosen by them. At present, 12 000 students study in higher pedagogical schools, which constitutes 7% of all students in both (academic and non-academic) sectors of higher education. This article describes current situation of this type of universities in Switzerland, their location, specializations, availability issues, duration of the studies and also the number of students (including percentage of foreigners), as well as the issues of prestige of the profession of a teacher, average age of the personnel in relation to education levels, degree of feminization of the profession and the demands

    Emotional Intelligence vs. Digital Intelligence in the Face of Virtual Reality. New Challenges for Education for Safety: The Need for “New” Communication and Adaptation Competencies

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    Contemporary reality and accompanying it civilization development is an extremely com- plex and demanding area perceived on the one hand in the context of threats, on the other hand – the need to develop competencies that allow one to survive, and the other to develop in increasingly complex conditions of modern times. The conviction of people about life in permanent danger, the increasing complexity of conditions and events generates the need to work out often not one, but at least a few thought-out strategies adequate to time and spatial conditions, threats, problems and people that these problems and threats relate to or may concern. In addition to a pool of problems and events that we can deal with, predict their occurrence, prevent and counteract, we also have problems and threats that we have just started to recognize. The article focuses on contemporary challenges of education for secu- rity and the need to develop each of the competencies separately, emphasizing the impor- tance of complementarity in their application in everyday life in order to ensure understand- ing, action and development of ourselves and the environment, solving problems and deal- ing with difficult situations and threats

    Wokół problemów socjologii edukacji i badań młodzieży. Wprowadzenie

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