497 research outputs found

    Theatre and Drama of Socialist Realism in the Context of Cryptotexts (Based on MKiS and WUKPPiW Material)

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    The main goal of the article is to offer a description of cryptotexts of theatre staging handbooks and dramatic works created in Poland during the socialist realism period. A cryptotext is a secret text which is the result of a purposeful act of subterfuge. In the article, I present selected cryptotexts – reviews produced in the Ministry of Culture and Art (MKiS) and censorship reviews of the dramatic works submitted for evaluation to the Voivodship Control Bureau for Press, Main Office of Control of Press, Publications and Shows (WUKPPiW). The archives contain evaluation of works which have been published in subsequent years as well as those which remained only in their draft form. Analysis of the evaluations of ministry officials reveal the mechanisms for allowing and withholding submitted dramatic works and a theatre staging handbook which shows the practices of publishing theatrical works. An analysis of different evaluations of the same text allows for a hypothesis that the main aim of cryptotexts was the evaluation of ideological correctness of submitted works. Despite this main function it is possible to point out specific passages in the statements by the WUKPPiW officials which are similar to statements of Ministry officials. In both cases the evaluation pertains to the content and the planned fulfilment of the work and plays mainly a didactic function

    Sustainable Tourism Development Appraisal in Various Regions of Poland

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    Tourism has its functions and dysfunctions for the reception region. The purpose of the study is to state which of Polish regions can be characterized as the areas of sustainable tourism reception. To achieve the aim of the study the following hypothesis was put forward: voivodships of northern and southern Poland were the areas of sustainable tourism reception in 2015. The examination of the sustainable tourism should take into consideration both positive and negative influence of tourism on the environment and society; that is why the taxonomic measure of development was employed. The study included variables concerning tourism directly as well as those connected indirectly with its development in the given area. Regarding the substantive criteria of variables’ selection the author considered the state of the art in tourism and economic sciences. The conducted research indicated that some of regions in Poland can be recognized as the sustainable tourism reception regions.Celem artykułu jest określenie, na terenie których polskich województw turystyka najlepiej spełnia kryteria zrównoważonego rozwoju. Aby zrealizować cel badawczy, postawiono hipotezę, która brzmi: „Obszarami recepcji turystyki zrównoważonej w 2015 roku były województwa położone na północy i południu Polski”. Badanie turystyki zrównoważonej musi brać pod uwagę zarówno pozytywny, jak i negatywny wpływ tej gałęzi gospodarki na środowisko i społeczeństwo, dlatego aby zweryfikować hipotezę badawczą, zastosowano taksonomiczny miernik rozwoju. W badaniu uwzględniono zmienne stricte dotyczące turystyki oraz te związane pośrednio z jej rozwojem na danym terenie. W kwestii kryteriów merytorycznych doboru zmiennych brano pod uwagę stan wiedzy w obszarze nauk o turystyce i nauk ekonomicznych. Przeprowadzona analiza wykazała, że część polskich województw może zostać uznana za obszary recepcji turystyki zrównoważonej


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    The research objective of the article: The aim of the paper is to present the challenges and opportunities of Initial Coin Offering (ICO) procedure (sometimes appearing in literature and official documents as the Initial Token Offering (ITO)) from the point of view of a company as well as verify the hypothesis about ICO as a cheap form of capital rising that is often presented in websites dedicated to ICO. There are enumerated the differences and similarities to the Initial Public Offering and possible advantages over other methods of capital rising. The paper points out the most important barriers to the use of ICO. The research method applied: As there is shortage of available research papers and literature related to the topic that are focused on financial aspects such as comparison between ICO and other methods of capital rising, there was conducted the analysis of reliable internet sources and a case study method of Ethereum – the first company that applied the Initial Coin Offering procedure. The mentioned research method has its limits, as it is necessary to verify received information. That is the reason why only professional websites dedicated to the topic were used. The outcome of the research (considerations, analyses), main conclusion(s): the Initial Coin Offering procedure is recognised as a very controversial topic. It is clearly visible that ICO has many advantages over traditional forms of rising capital for the company, but, so far, ambiguous legal status, cost level and high risk of scams and other possible abuses make it difficult to become widely applied by newly created companies

    „Kobiety-malarki w powieściach i nowelach E. Zoli: rzemieślniczki czy artystki?”

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    Art is considered by Emile Zola as one of the crucial values, as well in his life as in his work. It appears there in many different ways: practical (collecting paintings, friendship with artists) and theoretic (critical writings on art). One of the consequences of the author’s passion for art are literary characters of male and female painters in several novels of his Rougon-Macquart series and some of his short stories. The paper focuses on a few characters of women painters, taking into consideration Zola’s opinion about female creation, its position and its value compared to the work of men. Christine Hallegrain from The Masterpiece, Clotilde Rougon from Doctor Pascal and Mrs Sourdis from an eponymic short story are used to prove that even the most gifted woman is not able to achieve the level of a male performance, as the value of the genuine art consists of the very element of male genius. This is why women painters can never be considered as artists, they are always just artisans.Sztuka stanowi jedną z kluczowych wartości zarówno w życiu, jak i w twórczości Emila Zoli, przybierając wiele różnych aspektów praktycznych (kolekcjonerstwo, przyjaźnie z artystami), jak i teoretycznych (teksty krytyczne na temat malarstwa). Jedną z konsekwencji takiego stanu rzeczy są literackie kreacje postaci malarzy i malarek w powieściach z cyklu Rougon-Macquartowie oraz w nowelach tego autora. Artykuł analizuje kilka postaci kobiet-malarek w kontekście poglądów Zoli na twórczość kobiecą, jej pozycję i wartość w porównaniu do twórczości mężczyzn. Krystyna Hallegrain, bohaterka Dzieła, Klotylda Rougon z Doktora Pascala oraz pani Sourdis z eponimicznej noweli stanowią ilustrację tezy, że nawet najbardziej utalentowana artystycznie kobieta nigdy nie dorówna mężczyźnie, ponieważ wartość prawdziwej sztuki polega na obecności w niej pierwiastka męskiego geniuszu. Dlatego malarki w tekstach Zoli nie mogą pretendować do miana artystek, na zawsze pozostając rzemieślniczkami

    CSR as a Source of Competitive Advantage: The Case Study of Polpharma Group

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    Purpose: The main purpose of this paper is to analyse the relations between CSR activities and competitive advantages. I t discusses how companies undertake CSR activities and what benefits can be gained because of these activities.Methodology/approach: The paper is based on the Polpharma’ s single case study. The narrative literature review was applied to build up the theoretical foundation for the empirical study.Findings: CSR activities undertaken by companies can be a source of many benefits, which may translate into gaining competitive advantages. The analysis of the case of Polpharma shows positive outcomes of undertaking CSR activities related to increase in customer trust to the company and its competitive position.Originality/value: CSR issues are a relatively popular topic of research in the field of management, but they are not often considered from the strategic point of view as presented in this article.Paper type: case study

    The Bialystok Functional Area Competency Center as an example of development of human capital

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    Motivation: Today, the value of skilled, complex and creative work is growing fast. In the global knowledge economy, people’s knowledge, skills learning, talents and abilities — their human capital — have become a main factor of economic growth. In many regions, the potential of human capital is restricted, e.g. in podlaskie voivodship. Particular problems exist in the field of vocational education as a result of long-term under-funding of vocational schools, reversal of proportion in choice between vocational and regular high schools, etc. Especially in the field of vocational education exists low quality of training. Education systems can do much to help people realise their potential and external funding (e.g. EU) can support innovative projects for the development of human resources.Aim: The main goal of this article is to show an example of innovative project in the field of vocational education that have an influence on development of human capital. In frame of EU instrument called Integrated Territorial Investments in Bialystok Functional Area (BFA) is implementing project of BFA Competence Center. The project is to support the development of knowledge, professional skills, talents and abilities.Results: The analysis led to the following conclusions: vocational education requires a broad integrated support; cooperation with different stakeholders (especially with employers, organizations of business environment, etc.) is essential to achieve high-quality education; a vocational education should be more attractive for pupils

    Ocena satysfakcji rodziców z leczenia ludzkim rekombinowanym hormonem wzrostu dzieci z somatotropinową niedoczynnością przysadki

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    Introduction. Growth depends on genetic, metabolic and also hormonal factors. Growth depends on health, the supply of nutrients and a properly functioning nervous system. Growth hormone deficiency is a disorder that does not cause typical somatic symptoms, but has a negative impact on a child’s life and functioning in society.Aim. The aim of the study was to evaluate the satisfaction of parents with the treatment with human recombinant growth hormone in children with somatropin-induced pituitary insufficiency.Material and Methods. The studies were conducted among parents of children with somatropin-induced pituitary insufficiency treated with human recombinant growth hormone in the Provincial Complex Hospital of Rydygier in Toruń at the Department of Paediatrics, Endocrinology, Diabetology and Paediatric Neurology, from 1.12.2019 to 1.02.2020. 69 parents of children treated with recombinant growth hormone were included in the study. The mean age of parents of children participating in the study was 11.77 ± 3.53 years. The research tools were: a record, self-questionnaires and the standardized KIDSCREEN-52 health questionnaire for children and adolescents in the version for parents.Results. The highest mean values of the standardized KIDSCREEN-52 scale in the version for parents were shown for the following areas: moods and emotions (84.55 ± 12.73), relationships with parents and home (81.83 ± 10.88) and social acceptance (89.86 ± 12.86). It was found that the higher the quality of the area of physical well-being and health, the lower the need for mental preparation of the child for hospital visits in connection with treatment — rS = 0.254, p = 0.035. The analyses showed that the higher the quality of the area of social support and colleagues, the smaller the difficulty resulting from the treatment-related visits to the hospital ward — rS = 0.266, p = 0.027, there was also a lower need to mentally prepare the child for hospital visits — rS = 0.261, p = 0.030.Conclusions. Satisfaction with treatment with recombinant growth hormone depends on the duration of treatment and the growth results achieved. Parents of children with hypopituitarism are satisfied with the treatment with recombinant growth hormone and assess the treatment positively. (JNNN 2021;10(3):120–125)Wstęp. Wzrastanie jest zależne od czynników genetycznych, metabolicznych a także hormonalnych. Wzrost jest uwarunkowany stanem zdrowia, dostarczeniem składników odżywczych i prawidłowo działającego układu nerwowego. Niedobór hormonu wzrostu to zaburzenie, które nie powoduje typowych objawów somatycznych, natomiast w sposób negatywny wpływa na życie dziecka i funkcjonowanie w społeczeństwie.Cel. Celem prowadzonego badana była ocena satysfakcji rodziców z leczenia ludzkim rekombinowanym hormonem wzrostu dzieci z somatotropinową niedoczynnością przysadki.Materiał i metody. Badania prowadzone były wśród rodziców dzieci z somatotropinową niedoczynnością przysadki leczonych ludzkim rekombinowanym hormonem wzrostu w Wojewódzkim Szpitalu Zespolonym im. Rydygiera w Toruniu na oddziale Pediatrii, Endokrynologii, Diabetologii i Neurologii Dziecięcej, w terminie od 1.12.2019 do 1.02.2020 r. Do badania włączono 69 rodziców dzieci leczonych rekombinowanym hormonem wzrostu. Średni wiek rodziców dzieci biorących udział w badaniu, wynosił 11,77 ± 3,53 lat. Narzędziem badawczym były: metryczka, kwestionariusze ankiety własnej oraz standaryzowany kwestionariusz zdrowotny dla dzieci i młodzieży KIDSCREEN-52 w wersji dla rodziców.Wyniki. Najwyższe średnie wartości, standaryzowanej skali KIDSCREEN-52 w wersji dla rodziców wykazano dla obszarów: nastroje i emocje (84,55 ± 12,73), relacje z rodzicami i dom (81,83 ± 10,88) oraz akceptacja społeczna (89,86 ± 12,86). Stwierdzono, że im wyższa jakość obszaru samopoczucia fizycznego i zdrowia, tym mniejsza potrzeba przygotowania psychicznego dziecka do wizyt w szpitalu w związku z leczeniem — rS = 0,254, p = 0,035. Analizy wykazały, że im wyższa jakość obszaru wsparcia społecznego i kolegów, tym mniejsze utrudnienie wynikające z wizyt na oddziale szpitalnym związanych z leczeniem — rS = 0,266, p = 0,027, również obserwowano mniejszą potrzebę przygotowania psychicznego dziecka do wizyt w szpitalu — rS = 0,261, p = 0,030.Wnioski. Satysfakcja z leczenia rekombinowanym hormonem wzrostu jest zależna od czasu trwania kuracji i osiągniętych rezultatów wzrostowych. Rodzice dzieci z somatotropinową niedoczynnością przysadki są usatysfakcjonowani z leczenia rekombinowanym hormonem wzrostu i oceniają kuracje pozytywnie. (PNN 2021;10(3):120–125


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    The dynamic development of the virtual currencies’ market may pose new challenges and open up further possibilities for entrepreneurships. The aim of this paper is to present some applications of virtual currencies in companies as well as potential benefits and threats of cryptocurrencies. In the study there have been used the literature on the subject as well as available Internet sources. After a brief introduction to the idea of virtual currencies, there have been presented such areas of use as business promotion, payments and capital raising.Dynamiczny rozwój rynku walut wirtualnych stawia przed przedsiębiorcami wiele wyzwań, ale również i możliwości. Niniejszy artykuł ma na celu zaprezentowanie wybranych obszarów wykorzystania walut wirtualnych przez przedsiębiorstwa wraz ze wskazaniem potencjalnych korzyści i zagrożeń związanych z kryptowalutami. W pracy wykorzystano analizę literatury, a także dostępnych źródeł internetowych. Po krótkiej charakterystyce walut wirtualnych, przedstawiono możliwości ich wykorzystania w promocji przedsiębiorstw, w pozyskiwaniu kapitału oraz jako sposobu płatności