228 research outputs found

    Japan Prepares for Total War

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    I think Richard H. Kohn [“The Erosion of Civilian Control of the Military in the United States Today,” Summer 2002, pp. 9–60] is largely correct, based on my twenty years of participation/observation. There are two areas, however, where I think he may be missing something. One is the so-called Republican affiliation of the military officers. You do find a preponderance of what used to be called conservative—we now call it paleoconservative—viewpoints in the military. But in party affiliation, due to the merger in ideologies of the two major parties in the last thirty years, a pretty fair representation of officers consider themselves independents, Democrats (hawkish, often southern Democrat in ideology, and libertarian-leaning), as well as registered Republicans

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    In their article “Arctic Security Considerations and the U.S. Navy’s Roadmap for the Arctic” (Spring 2010, pp. 35–48), Rear Admiral David W. Titley and Courtney C. St. John make the claim that “the prevailing and well established scientific view attributes this [Earth] temperature change to anthropogenic emissions of ‘greenhouse’ gases” (page 35), based on the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change report AR4, 2007

    Atmospheric science

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    The following types of experiments for a proposed Space Station Microgravity Particle Research Facility are described: (1) growth of liquid water drop populations; (2) coalescence; (3) drop breakup; (4) breakup of freezing drops; (5) ice nucleation for large aerosols or bacteria; (6) scavenging of gases, for example, SO2 oxidation; (7) phoretic forces, i.e., thermophoresis versus diffusiophoresis; (8) Rayleigh bursting of drops; (9) charge separation due to collisions of rimed and unrimed ice; (10) charged drop dynamics; (11) growth of particles in other planetary atmospheres; and (12) freezing and liquid-liquid evaporation. The required capabilities and desired hardware for the facility are detailed

    Racism in Maine: Beyond Black and White

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    This panel discussion examined the impact of institutional racism and cultural genocide. Panelists discussed racism’s effect on Maine’s Tribal communities, the legacy of slavery in Maine, the role of faith communities in combating racism today, and how the model of community policing can change the relationship between communities of color and law enforcement. Panelists also examined how daily experiences of racism affect people’s physical, mental and spiritual well-being

    Flight Investigation of a Mechanical Feel Device in an Irreversible Elevator Control System of a Large Airplane

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    Report presents the results of measurements of the longitudinal stability and control characteristics of a large airplane using a mechanical feel device in combination with a booster incorporated in the elevator-control system. Tests were made to investigate the feasibility of eliminating the aerodynamic control forces through use of a booster and of providing control-feel forces mechanically. The feel device consisted of a centering spring which restrained the control stick through a linkage which was changed as a function of the dynamic pressure. Provisions were made for trimming and for manual adjustment of the force gradient. The system was designed to approximate the control-force characteristics that would result with a conventional elevator control with linear hinge-moment characteristics

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