1,304 research outputs found

    A new protocol for investigating visual two‑choice discrimination learning in lizards

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    One of the most widely studied abilities in lizards is discrimination learning. The protocols used to test lizards are often novel or adapted from other taxa without proper validation. We need to ensure that tests of discrimination learning are appropriate and properly applied in lizards so that robust inferences can be made about cognitive ability. Here, we present a new protocol for testing lizard discrimination learning that incorporates a target training procedure, uses many daily trials for efficiency and reinforcement, and has a robust, validated, learning criterion. We trained lizards to touch a cue card using operant conditioning and tested lizards separately on a colour, and pattern discrimination test. Lizards successfully learnt to touch a cue card and to discriminate between light and dark blue but had issues discriminating the patterns. After modifying the test procedure, some lizards reached criterion, revealing possible issues with stimulus processing and interference of generalisation. Here, we describe a protocol for operant conditioning and two-choice discrimination learning in lizards with a robust learning criterion that can help researcher better design future studies on discrimination learning in lizards

    Behavioral and morphological traits interact to promote the evolution of alternative reproductive tactics in a lizard

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    Alternative reproductive tactics (ARTs) are predicted to be the result of disruptive correlational selection on suites of morphological, physiological, and behavioral traits. ARTs are most obvious when they occur in discrete morphs with concomitant behav

    Lizards lack speed-accuracy trade-offs in a quantitative foraging task when unable to sample the reward.

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    To make decisions, animals gather information from the environment in order to avoid costs (e.g., reduced survival) and increase benefits (e.g., foraging success). When time is limited or information is insufficient, most animals face a speed-accuracy trade-off (SAT) - they have to balance the benefits of making quick decisions against the costs of inaccurate decisions. Here, we investigated the relationship between decision accuracy and decision speed in gidgee skinks (Egernia stokesii) performing a food-based spontaneous quantity discrimination task. Rather than a SAT we found a speed-accuracy alignment; lizards made decisions that were fast and accurate, rather than inaccurate. Furthermore, we found only within-, but no between-individual, differences in decision making indicating behavioural plasticity in the absence of individual decision styles. Finally, latency to choice was highly repeatable, more so than choice accuracy. Previous work has shown that learning, the costs of a bad decision and task difficulty frequently result in SATs. The lack of a SAT in our lizards might be a direct consequence of our simple testing methodology which prevented learning by not allowing lizards to consume the chosen quantity. To fully understand how SATs develop, different methodologies that control the costs and benefits of decisions should be compared

    Foraging modes of cordyliform lizards

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    The first quantitative data on foraging mode in the cordyliform lizards reveal different foraging behaviours between and within families. All species of cordylids studied (four Cordylus, two Pseudocordylus and one Platysaurus) are ambush foragers. However, the species of Cordylus and Pseudocordylus microlepidotus are the most extreme ambushers. These species spent a significantly lower per cent time moving than did all of the other species studied and made significantly fewer movements per minute than Platysaurus capensis and gerrhosaurids. In addition, P. microlepidotus made significantly fewer movements per minute than did its congener Pseudocordylus capensis. Possible reasons for the high number of movements per minute in Platysaurus capensis are discussed. Very limited observations of two gerrhosaurid species show that Cordylosaurus subtessellatus is an active forager and Gerrhosaurus validus forages actively at least some of the time. A tentative hypothesis of the evolution of cordyliform foraging behaviour based on very limited data hints that active foraging is plesiomorphic in the Gerrhosaurini and further that gerrhosaurids may have retained active foraging from the common ancestor of Scincidae and Cordyliformes. Somewhat stronger data suggest that ambush foraging arose in the common ancestor of Cordylidae or Cordylinae. Further study is needed to trace inter- and intrageneric changes in foraging mode in cordylids.Afr. J. Zool. 1997, 32(1

    Activity Predicts Male Reproductive Success in a Polygynous Lizard

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    Activity patterns and social interactions play a key role in determining reproductive success, although this is poorly understood for species that lack overt social behaviour. We used genetic paternity analysis to quantify both multiple paternity and the relative roles of activity and social behaviour in determining reproductive success in a nondescript Australian lizard. During the breeding season we intensively followed and recorded the behaviour of a group of seven males and 13 females in a naturalistic outdoor enclosure to examine the relative roles of body size, activity and social interactions in determining male fertilization success. We found multiple paternity in 42% of clutches. No single behaviour was a significant predictor of male fertilization success in isolation, but male-female association, interactions and courtship explained 41% of the variation in male fertilization success. Males with the highest number of offspring sired invested heavily in interacting with females but spent very little time in interactions with males. These same males also sired offspring from more clutches. When taken collectively, an index of overall male activity, including locomotion and all social interactions, significantly explained 81% of the variation in the total number of offspring sired and 90% of the variation in the number of clutches in which males sired offspring. We suggest that the most successful male strategy is a form of endurance rivalry in which active mate searching and interactions with females have the greatest fitness benefits.This work was supported by grants from the Australian Research Council to JSK

    Early social environment influences the behaviour of a family-living lizard

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    Financial support for this research was provided by the Australian Research Council (DP130102998; grant to M.J.W. and R.B.W.), Natural Sciences and Engineering Research Council of Canada (scholarship to J.L.R.), the Australasian Society for the Study of Animal Behaviour, and Macquarie University. D.W.A.N. was supported by an ARC Discovery Early Career Research Award (DE150101774) and UNSW Vice Chancellors Fellowship.Early social environment can play a significant role in shaping behavioural development. For instance, in many social mammals and birds, isolation rearing results in individuals that are less exploratory, shyer, less social and more aggressive than individuals raised in groups. Moreover, dynamic aspects of social environments, such as the nature of relationships between individuals, can also impact the trajectory of development. We tested if being raised alone or socially affects behavioural development in the family-living tree skink, Egernia striolata. Juveniles were raised in two treatments: alone or in a pair. We assayed exploration, boldness, sociability and aggression repeatedly throughout each juvenile's first year of life, and also assessed social interactions between pairs to determine if juveniles formed dominant–subordinate relationships. We found that male and/or the larger skinks within social pairs were dominant. Developing within this social environment reduced skink growth, and subordinate skinks were more prone to tail loss. Thus, living with a conspecific was costly for E. striolata. The predicted negative effects of isolation failed to materialize. Nevertheless, there were significant differences in behavioural traits depending on the social environment (isolated, dominant or subordinate member of a pair). Isolated skinks were more social than subordinate skinks. Subordinate skinks also became more aggressive over time, whereas isolated and dominant skinks showed invariable aggression. Dominant skinks became bolder over time, whereas isolated and subordinate skinks were relatively stable in their boldness. In summary, our study is evidence that isolation rearing does not consistently affect behaviour across all social taxa. Our study also demonstrates that the social environment plays an important role in behavioural development of a family-living lizard.Publisher PDFPeer reviewe

    Precocial juvenile lizards show adult level learning and behavioural flexibility

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    This project was funded by an ARC Discovery grant (DP130102998) to M.J.W. and R.W.B. and by Macquarie University.In altricial species, young rely on parental care and brain maturation mainly occurs after birth. In precocial species, young are born at a more advanced developmental stage in need of less or no parental care and brain development is mostly completed at the time of birth. We therefore predicted early maturation of learning ability in precocial species. We used a series of visual discrimination and reversal stages to investigate the ability of the precocial eastern blue-tongue lizard, Tiliqua scincoides scincoides, a long-lived Australian lizard species with slow-developing young, to respond to changes in stimulus relevance and test for behavioural flexibility. To test whether age affects learning in this species, we compared juveniles (23–56 days) with adults (sexually mature, at least 2 years). In accordance with our expectations, adults and juveniles performed similarly well in all stages, suggesting that juveniles of this precocial species learn at adult levels from an early age. Both age classes performed well during reversals showing good behavioural flexibility. This is the first study in lizards to directly compare juvenile and adult behavioural flexibility. Importantly, we demonstrate that precocial lizards can begin life with an advanced cognitive ability already in place.In altricial species, young rely on parental care and brain maturation mainly occurs after birth. In precocial species, young are born at a more advanced developmental stage in need of less or no parental care and brain development is mostly completed at the time of birth. We therefore predicted early maturation of learning ability in precocial species. We used a series of visual discrimination and reversal stages to investigate the ability of the precocial eastern blue-tongue lizard, Tiliqua scincoides scincoides, a long-lived Australian lizard species with slow-developing young, to respond to changes in stimulus relevance and test for behavioural flexibility. To test whether age affects learning in this species, we compared juveniles (23–56 days) with adults (sexually mature, at least 2 years). In accordance with our expectations, adults and juveniles performed similarly well in all stages, suggesting that juveniles of this precocial species learn at adult levels from an early age. Both age classes performed well during reversals showing good behavioural flexibility. This is the first study in lizards to directly compare juvenile and adult behavioural flexibility. Importantly, we demonstrate that precocial lizards can begin life with an advanced cognitive ability already in place.In altricial species, young rely on parental care and brain maturation mainly occurs after birth. In precocial species, young are born at a more advanced developmental stage in need of less or no parental care and brain development is mostly completed at the time of birth. We therefore predicted early maturation of learning ability in precocial species. We used a series of visual discrimination and reversal stages to investigate the ability of the precocial eastern blue-tongue lizard, Tiliqua scincoides scincoides, a long-lived Australian lizard species with slow-developing young, to respond to changes in stimulus relevance and test for behavioural flexibility. To test whether age affects learning in this species, we compared juveniles (23–56 days) with adults (sexually mature, at least 2 years). In accordance with our expectations, adults and juveniles performed similarly well in all stages, suggesting that juveniles of this precocial species learn at adult levels from an early age. Both age classes performed well during reversals showing good behavioural flexibility. This is the first study in lizards to directly compare juvenile and adult behavioural flexibility. Importantly, we demonstrate that precocial lizards can begin life with an advanced cognitive ability already in place.In altricial species, young rely on parental care and brain maturation mainly occurs after birth. In precocial species, young are born at a more advanced developmental stage in need of less or no parental care and brain development is mostly completed at the time of birth. We therefore predicted early maturation of learning ability in precocial species. We used a series of visual discrimination and reversal stages to investigate the ability of the precocial eastern blue-tongue lizard, Tiliqua scincoides scincoides, a long-lived Australian lizard species with slow-developing young, to respond to changes in stimulus relevance and test for behavioural flexibility. To test whether age affects learning in this species, we compared juveniles (23–56 days) with adults (sexually mature, at least 2 years). In accordance with our expectations, adults and juveniles performed similarly well in all stages, suggesting that juveniles of this precocial species learn at adult levels from an early age. Both age classes performed well during reversals showing good behavioural flexibility. This is the first study in lizards to directly compare juvenile and adult behavioural flexibility. Importantly, we demonstrate that precocial lizards can begin life with an advanced cognitive ability already in place.PostprintPeer reviewe

    Signal repertoire and contest outcome in the Jacky dragon

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    Solo el resumenEstablishing dominance is an important mechanism for determining access to resources such as mates or territories. However, levels of aggression and dominance may vary among populations based on history and variation in individual traits. Here, we use an agamid lizard from Australia, the Jacky dragon (Amphibolurus muricatus), to quantify variation in traits predicting contest outcome among males of different populations.UCR::Sedes Regionales::Sede del CaribeUCR::Vicerrectoría de Docencia::Ciencias Básicas::Facultad de Ciencias::Escuela de Biologí

    Sperm storage in a family-living lizard, the Tree Skink (Egernia striolata)

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    This work was supported by the Australian Research Council (ARC DP130102998 grant to MJW and RWB), Natural Sciences and Engineering Research Council of Canada (scholarship to JLR), the Australasian Society for the Study of Animal Behavior, the Australian Museum, and Macquarie University (scholarship to JLR).The ability to produce viable offspring without recently mating, either through sperm storage or parthenogenesis, can provide fitness advantages under a suite of challenging ecological scenarios. Using genetic analysis, we demonstrate that three wild-caught female Tree Skinks (Egernia striolata) reproduced in captivity with no access to males for over a year, and that this is best explained by sperm storage. To the best of our knowledge, this is the first time female sperm storage has been documented in any monogamous family-living reptile, including social Australian egerniine skinks (from the subfamily Egerniinae). Furthermore, by using paternal reconstruction of genotypes we show that captive-born offspring produced by the same females in the preceding year, presumably without sperm storage, were sired by different males. We qualitatively compared aspects of these females' mates and offspring between years. The parents of each litter were unrelated, but paternal and offspring genotypes from litters resulting from stored sperm were more heterozygous than those inferred to be from recent matings. Family-living egerniine skinks generally have low rates of multiple paternity, yet our study suggests that female sperm storage, potentially from outside social partners, offers the real possibility of benefits. Possible benefits include increasing genetic compatibility of mates and avoiding inbreeding depression via cryptic female choice. Sperm storage in Tree Skinks, a family-living lizard with a monogamous mating system, suggests that females may bet-hedge through extra-pair copulation with more heterozygous males, reinforcing the idea that females could have more control on reproductive outcomes than previously thought.PostprintPeer reviewe

    Effect of temperature on the visual displays of the Jacky dragon

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    Solo resumenIn ectotherms such as lizards, temperature is a key determinant of their behavior and their ability to signal to conspecifics. We asked whether changes in the thermal environment along the distribution of an agamid lizard, the Jacky dragon (Amphibolurus muricatus), modifies visual signal properties (frequency and duration). We first collected temperature data from 12 weather stations to understand variation in temperature across the species’ range. We then collected field body temperatures (Tb) for three populations before measuring preferred body temperatures (Tpref) in the lab. Finally, we examined the role of temperature on the frequency and duration of display behavior at low (28 °C) and high (35 °C) temperatures consistent with what individuals experience in the wild. We found differences of 5.6-9.4 °C in mean air temperature across sites of the species’ range. Field body temperatures, but not preferred body temperatures (overall average = 32.4 °C), differed among populations, with individuals from one population attaining higher temperatures than the other two. We also found a positive relationship between air temperature and the number of displays used during intraspecific communication, as well as differences in the number of displays during high- and low-temperature treatments (more displays during the high-temperature treatment). We suggest that social signaling is plastic and able to respond to local conditions such that variation of body temperatures mirrors that of the thermal environment and in turn, influences the frequency and duration of Jacky dragon visual signals. Display behavior is therefore dependent on environmental temperature and future changes to the thermal environment could have an impact on communication through its effect on display duration and frequencyUCR::Sedes Regionales::Sede del Carib
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