3,551 research outputs found

    General Relativity, the Cosmological Constant and Modular Forms

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    Strong field (exact) solutions of the gravitational field equations of General Relativity in the presence of a Cosmological Constant are investigated. In particular, a full exact solution is derived within the inhomogeneous Szekeres-Szafron family of space-time line element with a nonzero Cosmological Constant. The resulting solution connects, in an intrinsic way, General Relativity with the theory of modular forms and elliptic curves. The homogeneous FLRW limit of the above space-time elements is recovered and we solve exactly the resulting Friedmann Robertson field equation with the appropriate matter density for generic values of the Cosmological Constant %Lambda and curvature constant K. A formal expression for the Hubble constant is derived. The cosmological implications of the resulting non-linear solutions are systematically investigated. Two particularly interesting solutions i) the case of a flat universe K=0, Lambda not= 0 and ii) a case with all three cosmological parameters non-zero, are described by elliptic curves with the property of complex multiplication and absolute modular invariant j=0 and 1728, respectively. The possibility that all non-linear solutions of General Relativity are expressed in terms of theta functions associated with Riemann-surfaces is discussed.Comment: LaTeX file, 34 pages plus 9 EPS figures, Accepted for Publication in Classical and Quantum Gravit

    POD-Galerkin modelling of the Martian atmosphere

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    The aim of this thesis is to seek a low-dimensional description of baroclinic instability in general, and of the Martian atmosphere in particular, where both forcing and spatial resonance are relevant to the dynamics of the system being analysed. The Proper Orthogonal Decomposition (POD) is used to determine a basis for the modal decomposition of climatic simulations of Mars, obtained by using two General Circulation Models (GCMs): (a) a simple GCM, which is an idealised model in which the meteorological primitive equations are solved on a sphere with simplified physical parameters and (b) the Martian GCM, a more realistic model in which a comprehensive range of the relevant Martian physical parameters and topography are represented. Results of these analyses are presented for a range of Martian seasons and climatic conditions. The effects of using different forms of energy norm in performing the analysis is considered, with the objective of providing analyses which represents the physically most significant components of the circulation, with optimal efficiency. Reduced low-dimensional models that replicated the full simple GCM streamfunction simulations are formulated by projecting the spherical quasi-geostrophic equations onto the PODs of the large-scale calculations. The resulting models are analysed by using a combination of solution continuation and numerical integration methods. A thorough analysis of the models reveals that a 6-D POD model is capable of reproducing the amplitude, frequency and behaviour of the leading oscillatory structures of the simple GCM, to within a 1% error. Such an excellent reproduction of the original system is shown to be due to (1) an accurate vertical formulation scheme, (2) the use of the correct norm, (3) a sufficiently high level of truncation and (4) the fact that the original system is a steady wave flow. The behaviour of the various regimes observed in the low-order models are comparable with observations from studies of large-scale waves and instabilities in planetary atmospheres, including a range of hydrodynamical experiments on baroclinic wave interactions of a stratified fluid in cylindrical containers

    A simplified model of the Martian atmosphere - Part 1: a diagnostic analysis

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    In this paper we derive a reduced-order approximation to the vertical and horizontal structure of a simplified model of the baroclinically unstable Martian atmosphere. The original model uses the full hydrostatic primitive equations on a sphere, but has only highly simplified schemes to represent the detailed physics of the Martian atmosphere, e.g. forcing towards a plausible zonal mean temperature state using Newtonian cooling. Three different norms are used to monitor energy conversion processes in the model and are then compared. When four vertical modes (the barotropic and first three baroclinic modes) are retained in the reduced-order approximation, the correlation norm captures approximately 90% of the variance, while the kinetic energy and total energy norms capture approximately 83% and 78% of the kinetic and total energy respectively. We show that the leading order Proper Orthogonal Decomposition (POD) modes represent the dominant travelling waves in the baroclinically-unstable, winter hemisphere. In part 2 of our study we will develop a hierarchy of truncated POD-Galerkin expansions of the model equations using up to four vertical modes

    A simplified model of the Martian atmosphere - Part 2: a POD-Galerkin analysis

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    In Part I of this study Whitehouse et al. (2005) performed a diagnostic analysis of a simplied model of the Martian atmosphere, in which topography was absent and in which heating was modelled as Newtonian relaxation towards a zonally symmetric equilibrium temperature field. There we derived a reduced-order approximation to the vertical and the horizonal structure of the baroclinically unstable Martian atmosphere, retaining only the barotropic mode and the leading order baroclinic modes. Our objectives in Part II of the study are to incorporate these approximations into a Proper Orthogonal Decomposition-Galerkin expansion of the spherical quasi-geostrophic model in order to derive hierarchies of nonlinear ordinary differential equations for the time-varying coefficients of the spatial structures. Two different vertical truncations are considered, as well as three different norms and 3 different Galerkin truncations. We investigate each in turn, using tools from bifurcation theory, to determine which of the systems most closely resembles the data for which the original diagnostics were performed

    Fermentation of animal components in strict carnivores: a comparative study with cheetah fecal inoculum

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    The natural diet of felids contains highly digestible animal tissues but also fractions resistant to small intestinal digestion, which enter the large intestine where they may be fermented by the resident microbial population. Little information exists on the microbial degradability of animal tissues in the large intestine of felids consuming a natural diet. This study aimed to rank animal substrates in their microbial degradability by means of an in vitro study using captive cheetahs fed a strict carnivorous diet as fecal donors. Fresh cheetah fecal samples were collected, pooled, and incubated with various raw animal substrates (chicken cartilage, collagen, glucosamine-chondroitin, glucosamine, rabbit bone, rabbit hair, and rabbit skin; 4 replicates per substrate) for cumulative gas production measurement in a batch culture technique. Negative (cellulose) and positive (casein and fructo-oligosaccharides; FOS) controls were incorporated in the study. Additionally, after 72 h of incubation, short-chain fatty acids (SCFA), including branched-chain fatty acids (BCFA), and ammonia concentrations were determined for each substrate. Glucosamine and glucosamine-chondroitin yielded the greatest OM cumulative gas volume (OMCV) among animal substrates (P < 0.05), whereas total SCFA production was greatest for collagen (P < 0.05). Collagen induced an acetate production comparable to FOS and a markedly high acetate-to-propionate ratio (8.41:1) compared to all other substrates (1.67:1 to 2.97:1)
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