7,332 research outputs found

    The look-ahead effect of phenotypic mutations

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    The evolution of complex molecular traits such as disulphide bridges often requires multiple mutations. The intermediate steps in such evolutionary trajectories are likely to be selectively neutral or deleterious. Therefore, large populations and long times may be required to evolve such traits. We propose that errors in transcription and translation may allow selection for the intermediate mutations if the final trait provides a large enough selective advantage. We test this hypothesis using a population based model of protein evolution. If an individual acquires one of two mutations needed for a novel trait, the second mutation can be introduced into the phenotype due to transcription and translation errors. If the novel trait is advantageous enough, the allele with only one mutation will spread through the population, even though the gene sequence does not yet code for the complete trait. The first mutation then has a higher frequency than expected without phenotypic mutations giving the second mutation a higher probability of fixation. Thus, errors allow protein sequences to ''look-ahead'' for a more direct path to a complex trait.Comment: Submitted to "Genetics

    An outlook for cargo aircraft of the future

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    An assessment is provided of the future of air cargo by analyzing air cargo statistics and trends, by noting air cargo system problems and inefficiencies, by analyzing characteristics of air-eligible commodities, and by showing the promise of new technology for future cargo aircraft with significant improvements in costs and efficiency. NASA's proposed program is reviewed which would sponsor the research needed to provide for development of advanced designs by 1985

    The Welfare Effects of Pfiesteria-Related Fish Kills in Seafood Markets: A Contingent Behavior Analysis

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    We use contingent behavior analysis to study the effects of Pfiesteria related fish kills on the demand for seafood in the Mid-Atlantic region. We use a phone-mail-phone survey to look at the effects of various information provision mechanisms used to ameliorate the effects of misinformation regarding fish kills. A set of demand difference models are estimated based on individual responses to multiple questions about seafood consumption with and without fish kills present and with various health risk information treatments. Random effects Tobit models are used to control for the panel nature of responses and natural censoring of the stated responses. We find that 1) Pfiesteria related fish kills have a significant negative effect on the demand for seafood, 2) seafood consumers are nonresponsive to expert risk information designed to reassure consumers that seafood is safe in the presence of a fish kill, and 3) a mandatory seafood inspection program completely eliminates avoidance costs incurred due to misinformation. We estimate that the aggregate avoidance costs incurred in the month immediately following a Pfiesteria related fish kill is 5050-130 million.

    Tennessee Municipal Benchmarking Project FY2011

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    In this FY2011 annual report, there are a total of seven services measured and analyzed: police, fire, refuse collection and disposal, employment benefits, human resources, financial services, and code enforcement/building inspection/planning and zoning

    Generalized seniority from random Hamiltonians

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    We investigate the generic pairing properties of shell-model many-body Hamiltonians drawn from ensembles of random two-body matrix elements. Many features of pairing that are commonly attributed to the interaction are in fact seen in a large part of the ensemble space. Not only do the spectra show evidence of pairing with favored J=0 ground states and an energy gap, but the relationship between ground state wave functions of neighboring nuclei show signatures of pairing as well. Matrix elements of pair creation/annihilation operators between ground states tend to be strongly enhanced. Furthermore, the same or similar pair operators connect several ground states along an isotopic chain. This algebraic structure is reminiscent of the generalized seniority model. Thus pairing may be encoded to a certain extent in the Fock space connectivity of the interacting shell model even without specific features of the interaction required.Comment: 10 pages, 7 figure

    Turbulent mixing of two-layer stratified fluid

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    Author Posting. © American Institute of Physics, 2007. This is the author's version of the work. It is posted here by permission of American Institute of Physics for personal use, not for redistribution. The definitive version was published in Physics of Fluids 19 (2007): 125104, doi:10.1063/1.2821913.A two-layer salt-stratified tank of water was mixed by turbulence generated by many excursions of a horizontally moving vertical rod. The objective is to observe the timedependent response of the mean density field for ranges of Richardson number Ri>0.9 and Reynolds Number Re>600. As the density profile of the fluid gradually evolves from a single step to a mixed state over a wide range of time, there is almost perfect collapse of all the profiles to one universal profile as a function of a similarity variable. Although the turbulent diffusion is not constant, the value in the limit of small stratification has similar magnitude to values found by others

    Asymmetric Squares as Standing Waves in Rayleigh-Benard Convection

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    Possibility of asymmetric square convection is investigated numerically using a few mode Lorenz-like model for thermal convection in Boussinesq fluids confined between two stress free and conducting flat boundaries. For relatively large value of Rayleigh number, the stationary rolls become unstable and asymmetric squares appear as standing waves at the onset of secondary instability. Asymmetric squares, two dimensional rolls and again asymmetric squares with their corners shifted by half a wavelength form a stable limit cycle.Comment: 8 pages, 7 figure

    Micromagnetic simulations of interacting dipoles on a fcc lattice: Application to nanoparticle assemblies

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    Micromagnetic simulations are used to examine the effects of cubic and axial anisotropy, magnetostatic interactions and temperature on M-H loops for a collection of magnetic dipoles on fcc and sc lattices. We employ a simple model of interacting dipoles that represent single-domain particles in an attempt to explain recent experimental data on ordered arrays of magnetoferritin nanoparticles that demonstrate the crucial role of interactions between particles in a fcc lattice. Significant agreement between the simulation and experimental results is achieved, and the impact of intra-particle degrees of freedom and surface effects on thermal fluctuations are investigated.Comment: 10 pages, 9 figure