909 research outputs found

    Probing discs around massive young stellar objects with CO first overtone emission

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    We present high resolution (R~50,000) spectroastrometry over the CO 1st overtone bandhead of a sample of seven intermediate/massive young stellar objects. These are primarily drawn from the red MSX source (RMS) survey, a systematic search for young massive stars which has returned a large, well selected sample of such objects. The mean luminosity of the sample is approximately 5 times 10^4 L_\odot, indicating the objects typically have a mass of ~15 solar masses. We fit the observed bandhead profiles with a model of a circumstellar disc, and find good agreement between the models and observations for all but one object. We compare the high angular precision (0.2-0.8 mas) spectroastrometric data to the spatial distribution of the emitting material in the best-fitting models. No spatial signatures of discs are detected, which is entirely consistent with the properties of the best-fitting models. Therefore, the observations suggest that the CO bandhead emission of massive young stellar objects originates in small-scale disks, in agreement with previous work. This provides further evidence that massive stars form via disc accretion, as suggested by recent simulations.Comment: Accepted for publication in MNRA

    Noise levels and their effects on Shuttle crewmembers' performance: Operational concerns

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    When excessive, noise can result in sleep interference, fatigue, interference with verbal communication, and hearing damage. Shuttle crewmembers are exposed to noise throughout their mission. The contribution of noise to decrements in crew performance over these extended exposure durations was the focus of this study. On the STS-40/SLS-1, mission noise levels were evaluated through the use of a sound level meter and a crew questionnaire. Crewmembers noted that sleep, concentration, and relaxation were negatively impacted by high noise levels. Speech Interference Levels (SIL's), calculated from the sound level measurements, suggested that crewmembers were required to raise their voice in order to be heard. No difficulty detecting caution and warning alarms was noted. The higher than desirable noise levels in Spacelab were attributed to flight specific payloads for which acoustic waivers were granted. It is recommended that current noise levels be reduced in Spacelab and the Orbiter Middeck especially as longer missions are planned for the buildup of Space Station Freedom. Levels of NC 50 are recommended in areas where speech communication is required and NC 40 in sleep areas. These levels are in accordance with the NASA Man-Systems Integration Standards. Measurements proposed for subsequent orbiter missions are discussed

    Development and testing of the Active Temperature, Ozone and Moisture Microwave Spectrometer (ATOMMS) cm and mm wavelength occultation instrument

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    We present initial results from testing a new remote sensing system called the Active Temperature, Ozone and Moisture Microwave Spectrometer (ATOMMS). ATOMMS is designed as a satellite-to-satellite occultation system for monitoring climate. We are developing the prototype instrument for an aircraft to aircraft occultation demonstration. Here we focus on field testing of the ATOMMS instrument, in particular the remote sensing of water by measuring the attenuation caused by the 22 GHz and 183 GHz water absorption lines. Our measurements of the 183 GHz line spectrum along an 820 m path revealed that the AM 6.2 spectroscopic model provdes a much better match to the observed spectrum than the MPM93 model. These comparisons also indicate that errors in the ATOMMS amplitude measurements are about 0.3%. Pressure sensitivity bodes well for ATOMMS as a climate instrument. Comparisons with a hygrometer revealed consistency at the 0.05 mb level, which is about 1% of the absolute humidity. Initial measurements of absorption by the 22 GHz line made along a 5.4 km path between two mountaintops captured a large increase in water vapor similar to that measured by several nearby hygrometers. A storm passage between the two instruments yielded our first measurements of extinction by rain and cloud droplets. Comparisons of ATOMMS 1.5 mm opacity measurements with measured visible opacity and backscatter from a weather radar revealed features simultaneously evident in all three datasets confirming the ATOMMS measurements. The combined ATOMMS, radar and visible information revealed the evolution of rain and cloud amounts along the signal path during the passage of the storm. The derived average cloud water content reached typical continental cloud amounts. These results demonstrated a significant portion of the information content of ATOMMS and its ability to penetrate through clouds and rain which is critical to its all-weather, climate monitoring capability

    The narrow, inner CO ring around the magnetic Herbig Ae star, HD 101412

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    We describe and model emission lines in the first overtone band of CO in the magnetic Herbig Ae star HD 101412. High-resolution CRIRES spectra reveal unusually sharp features which suggest the emission is formed in a thin disk centered at 1 AU with a width 0.32 AU or less. A wider disk will not fit the observations. Previous observations have reached similar conclusions, but the crispness of the new material brings the emitting region into sharp focus.Comment: Accepted as Astronomy and Astrophysics Letter; 4 pages, 5 figure

    VLTI/AMBER observations of the binary B[e] supergiant HD 327083

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    HD 327083 is a luminous B type star which exhibits emission lines and an infrared excess and is therefore classified as a supergiant B[e] star. In addition, the star is the primary of a close binary system. It is not clear whether the B[e] behaviour of HD 327083 is related to its binarity or its evolutionary state. Here we address this issue by studying its circumstellar environment with high spatial resolution. To this end, we have observed HD 327083 with the VLTI and AMBER in the medium resolution K-band setting. 13CO bandhead emission is detected, confirming HD 327083 is a post-main sequence object. The observations spatially resolve the source of the NIR continuum and the Br-gamma and CO line emission. In addition, differential phase measurements allow us to probe the origin of the observed Br-gamma emission with sub-mas precision. Using geometrical models, we find that the visibilities and closure phases suggest that the close binary system is surrounded by a circum-binary disk. We also find that in the case of the binary HD 327083, the relative sizes of the continuum and Br-gamma emitting regions are different to those of a single supergiant B[e] star where the standard dual outflow scenario is thought to apply. These findings are consistent with the hypothesis that the mass loss of HD 327083 is related to its binary nature.Comment: Accepted in A&

    TB42: The Mycotoxic Effects of Fungi Isolated from Poultry Feed Ingredients: The Response of Ducklings and Performance of Commercial Broiler Chickens Fed Experimentally Infected Corn Diets

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    The present work, planned to investigate the possibility of mycotoxins occurring in feed ingredients fed to poultry in Maine, was designed with the following objectives: (1) to isolate fungi from poultry feed ingredients; (2) to grow the m separately on corn (the carbohydrate source of poultry rations) for later mixing into the diets; (3) to test the variously infected lots of this corn substrate for mycotoxicity by feeding ducklings, a bioindicator for toxins; (4) to determine the effects of aflatoxin and other mycotoxins from feed ingredients, on the performance of commercial broiler chickens; and (5) to appraise this response as a measure of toxicity of the fungi found in feed ingredients.https://digitalcommons.library.umaine.edu/aes_techbulletin/1159/thumbnail.jp

    Tracers of Discs and Winds around Intermediate and High Mass Young Stellar Objects

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    We present a study of the kinematical properties of a small sample of nearby near-infrared bright massive and intermediate mass young stellar objects using emission lines sensitive to discs and winds. We show for the first time that the broad (500\sim500kms1^{-1}) symmetric line wings on the HI Brackett series lines are due to Stark broadening or electron scattering, rather than pure Doppler broadening due to high speed motion. The results are consistent with the presence of a very dense circumstellar environment. In addition, many of these lines show evidence for weak line self-absorption, suggestive of a wind or disc-wind origin for that part of the absorbing material. The weakness of the self-absorption suggests a large opening angle for such an outflow. We also study the fluorescent 1.688μ\mum FeII line, which is sensitive to dense material. We fitted a Keplerian disc model to this line, and find reasonable fits in all bar one case, in agreement with previous finding for classical Be stars that fluorescent iron transitions are reasonable disc tracers. Overall the picture is one in which these stars still have accretion discs, with a very dense inner circumstellar environment which may be tracing either the inner regions of a disc, or of a stellar wind, and in which ionised outflow is also present. The similarity with lower mass stars is striking, suggesting that at least in this mass range they form in a similar fashion.Comment: 20 pages, 7 figures, accepted for publication in MNRA

    Herschel Hi-GAL imaging of massive young stellar objects

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    We used Herschel Hi-GAL (Herschel infrared Galactic Plane survey) data to determine whether massive young stellar objects (MYSOs) are resolved at 70 μm and to study their envelope density distribution. Our analysis of three relatively isolated sources in the l = 30° and 59° Galactic fields show that the objects are partially resolved at 70 μm. The Herschel Hi-GAL survey data have a high scan velocity which makes unresolved and partially resolved sources appear elongated in the 70 μm images. We analysed the two scan directions separately and examine the intensity profile perpendicular to the scan direction. Spherically symmetric radiative transfer models with a power-law density distribution were used to study the circumstellar matter distribution. Single dish submm data were also included to study how different spatial information affects the fitted density distribution. The density distribution which best fits both the 70 μm intensity profile and spectral energy distribution has an average index of ∼0.5. This index is shallower than expected and is probably due to the dust emission from bipolar outflow cavity walls not accounted for in the spherical models. We conclude that 2D axisymmetric models and Herschel images at low scan speeds are needed to better constrain the matter distribution around MYSOs

    Probing the properties of Be star discs with spectroastrometry and NLTE radiative transfer modelling: beta CMi

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    While the presence of discs around classical Be stars is well established, their origin is still uncertain. To understand what processes result in the creation of these discs and how angular momentum is transported within them, their physical properties must be constrained. This requires comparing high spatial and spectral resolution data with detailed radiative transfer modelling. We present a high spectral resolution, R~80,000, sub milli-arcsecond precision, spectroastrometric study of the circumstellar disc around the Be star beta CMi. The data are confronted with three-dimensional, NLTE radiative transfer calculations to directly constrain the properties of the disc. Furthermore, we compare the data to disc models featuring two velocity laws; Keperian, the prediction of the viscous disc model, and angular momentum conserving rotation. It is shown that the observations of beta CMi can only be reproduced using Keplerian rotation. The agreement between the model and the observed SED, polarisation and spectroastrometric signature of beta CMi confirms that the discs around Be stars are well modelled as viscous decretion discs.Comment: Accepted for publication in MNRA