159 research outputs found

    Low-Tech Riparian and Wet Meadow Restoration Increases Vegetation Productivity and Resilience Across Semiarid Rangelands

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    Restoration of riparian and wet meadow ecosystems in semiarid rangelands of the western United States is a high priority given their ecological and hydrological importance in the region. However, traditional restoration approaches are often intensive and costly, limiting the extent over which they can be applied. Practitioners are increasingly trying new restoration techniques that are more cost‐effective, less intensive, and can more practically scale up to the scope of degradation. Unfortunately, practitioners typically lack resources to undertake outcome‐based evaluations necessary to judge the efficacy of these techniques. In this study, we use freely available, satellite remote sensing to explore changes in vegetation productivity (normalized difference vegetation index) of three distinct, low‐tech, riparian and wet meadow restoration projects. Case studies are presented that range in geographic location (Colorado, Oregon, and Nevada), restoration practice (Zeedyk structures, beaver dam analogs, and grazing management), and time since implementation. Restoration practices resulted in increased vegetation productivity of up to 25% and increased annual persistence of productive vegetation. Improvements in productivity with time since restoration suggest that elevated resilience may further enhance wildlife habitat and increase forage production. Long‐term, documented outcomes of conservation are rare; we hope our findings empower practitioners to further monitor and explore the use of low‐tech methods for restoration of ecohydrologic processes at meaningful spatial scales

    Absolute Calibration and Characterization of the Multiband Imaging Photometer for Spitzer. II. 70 micron Imaging

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    The absolute calibration and characterization of the Multiband Imaging Photometer for Spitzer (MIPS) 70 micron coarse- and fine-scale imaging modes are presented based on over 2.5 years of observations. Accurate photometry (especially for faint sources) requires two simple processing steps beyond the standard data reduction to remove long-term detector transients. Point spread function (PSF) fitting photometry is found to give more accurate flux densities than aperture photometry. Based on the PSF fitting photometry, the calibration factor shows no strong trend with flux density, background, spectral type, exposure time, or time since anneals. The coarse-scale calibration sample includes observations of stars with flux densities from 22 mJy to 17 Jy, on backgrounds from 4 to 26 MJy sr^-1, and with spectral types from B to M. The coarse-scale calibration is 702 +/- 35 MJy sr^-1 MIPS70^-1 (5% uncertainty) and is based on measurements of 66 stars. The instrumental units of the MIPS 70 micron coarse- and fine-scale imaging modes are called MIPS70 and MIPS70F, respectively. The photometric repeatability is calculated to be 4.5% from two stars measured during every MIPS campaign and includes variations on all time scales probed. The preliminary fine-scale calibration factor is 2894 +/- 294 MJy sr^-1 MIPS70F^-1 (10% uncertainty) based on 10 stars. The uncertainty in the coarse- and fine-scale calibration factors are dominated by the 4.5% photometric repeatability and the small sample size, respectively. The 5-sigma, 500 s sensitivity of the coarse-scale observations is 6-8 mJy. This work shows that the MIPS 70 micron array produces accurate, well calibrated photometry and validates the MIPS 70 micron operating strategy, especially the use of frequent stimulator flashes to track the changing responsivities of the Ge:Ga detectors.Comment: 19 pages, PASP, in pres

    Age-Dependent Changes in the Proteome Following Complete Spinal Cord Transection in a Postnatal South American Opossum (Monodelphis domestica)

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    Recovery from severe spinal injury in adults is limited, compared to immature animals who demonstrate some capacity for repair. Using laboratory opossums (Monodelphis domestica), the aim was to compare proteomic responses to injury at two ages: one when there is axonal growth across the lesion and substantial behavioural recovery and one when no axonal growth occurs. Anaesthetized pups at postnatal day (P) 7 or P28 were subjected to complete transection of the spinal cord at thoracic level T10. Cords were collected 1 or 7 days after injury and from age-matched controls. Proteins were separated based on isoelectric point and subunit molecular weight; those whose expression levels changed following injury were identified by densitometry and analysed by mass spectrometry. Fifty-six unique proteins were identified as differentially regulated in response to spinal transection at both ages combined. More than 50% were cytoplasmic and 70% belonged to families of proteins with characteristic binding properties. Proteins were assigned to groups by biological function including regulation (40%), metabolism (26%), inflammation (19%) and structure (15%). More changes were detected at one than seven days after injury at both ages. Seven identified proteins: 14-3-3 epsilon, 14-3-3 gamma, cofilin, alpha enolase, heart fatty acid binding protein (FABP3), brain fatty acid binding protein (FABP7) and ubiquitin demonstrated age-related differential expression and were analysed by qRT-PCR. Changes in mRNA levels for FABP3 at P7+1day and ubiquitin at P28+1day were statistically significant. Immunocytochemical staining showed differences in ubiquitin localization in younger compared to older cords and an increase in oligodendrocyte and neuroglia immunostaining following injury at P28. Western blot analysis supported proteomic results for ubiquitin and 14-3-3 proteins. Data obtained at the two ages demonstrated changes in response to injury, compared to controls, that were different for different functional protein classes. Some may provide targets for novel drug or gene therapies

    Messing about on the river. Trenton Oldfield and the Possibilities of Sports Protest

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    In April 2012 Trenton Oldfield, an Australian man in his mid-30s, disrupted the annual Boat Race between Cambridge and Oxford Universities by going for a swim in the River Thames. For some, Oldfield’s timely swim in a public space was an imaginative and well-executed act of peaceful, civil disobedience which achieved maximum exposure and caused minimal damage. Live television coverage of the event and his use of social media allowed him to promote his manifesto ‘Elitism leads to Tyranny’ with Oldfield’s actions an example of individual, autonomous political activity. This chapter considers the opportunities that a large sport event, here the Boat Race, offers to such individual autonomist protesters and how new forms of digital web-based media are changing the dynamic between sport, media and protest. The discussion focuses on response to Oldfield’s protest by sections of the English media and the UK government who, upset to see their sporting pleasures disrupted, sought to deport him from the UK

    Hospital inpatient costs for single ventricle patients surviving the Fontan procedure

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    We estimated the inpatient resource use for a Fontan patient from birth to adulthood and explored factors that might induce cost differences (2014 US dollar). Inpatient costing records from 4 hospitals with greatest numbers of Fontan patients in Australia and New Zealand were linked with the Fontan registry database. Inpatient records between July 1995 and September 2014 for 420 Fontan patients were linked, and the most frequent primary diagnoses were hypoplastic left heart syndrome (20.7%), tricuspid atresia (19.7%), and double inlet left ventricle (17.1%). The mean hospital cost for a Fontan patient from birth to 18 years of age was estimated to be 390,601(95390,601 (95% confidence interval [CI] 264,703 to 516,499),correspondingto164(95516,499), corresponding to 164 (95% CI 98 to 231) inpatient days. The cost incurred from birth through to Fontan completion (the staged procedures period) was 219,482 (95% CI 202,410to202,410 to 236,553) and the cost thereafter over 15 years was 146,820(95146,820 (95% CI 44,409 to $249,231), corresponding to 82 (95% CI 72 to 92) and 65 (95% CI 18 to 112) inpatient days, respectively. Costs were higher in male and hypoplastic left heart syndrome patients in the staged procedures period (

    Would school closure for the 2009 H1N1 influenza epidemic have been worth the cost?: a computational simulation of Pennsylvania

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    <p>Abstract</p> <p>Background</p> <p>During the 2009 H1N1 influenza epidemic, policy makers debated over whether, when, and how long to close schools. While closing schools could have reduced influenza transmission thereby preventing cases, deaths, and health care costs, it may also have incurred substantial costs from increased childcare needs and lost productivity by teachers and other school employees.</p> <p>Methods</p> <p>A combination of agent-based and Monte Carlo economic simulation modeling was used to determine the cost-benefit of closing schools (vs. not closing schools) for different durations (range: 1 to 8 weeks) and symptomatic case incidence triggers (range: 1 to 30) for the state of Pennsylvania during the 2009 H1N1 epidemic. Different scenarios varied the basic reproductive rate (R<sub>0</sub>) from 1.2, 1.6, to 2.0 and used case-hospitalization and case-fatality rates from the 2009 epidemic. Additional analyses determined the cost per influenza case averted of implementing school closure.</p> <p>Results</p> <p>For all scenarios explored, closing schools resulted in substantially higher net costs than not closing schools. For R<sub>0 </sub>= 1.2, 1.6, and 2.0 epidemics, closing schools for 8 weeks would have resulted in median net costs of 21.0billion(9521.0 billion (95% Range: 8.0 - 45.3billion).Themediancostperinfluenzacaseavertedwouldhavebeen45.3 billion). The median cost per influenza case averted would have been 14,185 (5,423−5,423 - 30,565) for R<sub>0 </sub>= 1.2, 25,253(25,253 (9,501 - 53,461)forR<sub>0</sub>=1.6,and53,461) for R<sub>0 </sub>= 1.6, and 23,483 (8,870−8,870 - 50,926) for R<sub>0 </sub>= 2.0.</p> <p>Conclusions</p> <p>Our study suggests that closing schools during the 2009 H1N1 epidemic could have resulted in substantial costs to society as the potential costs of lost productivity and childcare could have far outweighed the cost savings in preventing influenza cases.</p

    Self-esteem and delinquency revisited

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    A recent investigation by Rosenberg and Rosenberg used longitudinal data from the Youth in Transition study to explore the causal relationships between delinquency and self-esteem. The present study is based on the same sample of young men in high school and extends Rosenberg and Rosenberg's analysis, first by using the same cross-lagged correlation methods applied over a longer time period, and then by employing a “causal modeling” approach using the LISREL computer program. Each of the analyses was carried out using the total sample as well as two subsamples, the highest and lowest quartiles in initial self-esteem. The causal modeling analyses attempted (a) to take careful account of the actual periods referenced by the measures of delinquency and self-esteem, (b) to control socioeconomic status and ability, and (c) to extend the model to demonstrate ways in which participation in teenage social life and current educational attainment might also influence and be influenced by self-esteem. The analyses suggest that self-esteem plays little part in influencing the teenage behaviors and orientations that follow in time. Consistent with Kaplan's prediction, among young men who enter high school with low self-esteem, the effects of delinquent behavior tend primarily to be self-enhancing.Peer Reviewedhttp://deepblue.lib.umich.edu/bitstream/2027.42/45258/1/10964_2005_Article_BF02087937.pd

    Genetics Mutations in RPGR and RP2 Account for 15% of Males with Simplex Retinal Degenerative Disease

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    PURPOSE. To determine the proportion of male patients presenting simplex retinal degenerative disease (RD: retinitis pigmentosa [RP] or cone/cone-rod dystrophy [COD/CORD]) with mutations in the X-linked retinal degeneration genes RPGR and RP2. METHODS. Simplex males were defined as patients with no known affected family members. Patients were excluded if they had a family history of parental consanguinity. Blood samples from a total of 214 simplex males with a diagnosis of retinal degeneration were collected for genetic analysis. The patients were screened for mutations in RPGR and RP2 by direct sequencing of PCR-amplified genomic DNA. RESULTS. We identified pathogenic mutations in 32 of the 214 patients screened (15%). Of the 29 patients with a diagnosis of COD/CORD, four mutations were identified in the ORF15 mutational hotspot of the RPGR gene. Of the 185 RP patients, three patients had mutations in RP2 and 25 had RPGR mutations (including 12 in the ORF15 region). CONCLUSIONS. This study represents mutation screening of RPGR and RP2 in the largest cohort, to date, of simplex males affected with RP or COD/CORD. Our results demonstrate a substantial contribution of RPGR mutations to retinal degenerations, and in particular, to simplex RP. Based on our findings, we suggest that RPGR should be considered as a first tier gene for screening isolated males with retinal degeneration. (Invest Ophthalmol Vis Sci. 2012;53:8232-8237
