4,141 research outputs found

    Compatibility of grain-stabilized platinum with candidate propellants for resistojets

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    Resistojets are candidates for space station auxiliary propulsion, and should be characterized by both long life and multipropellant operations, requirements limited by available materials. Grain stabilized platinum is examined for use as a resistojet thruster material. Use of platinum in other applications indicates it can be used at moderately high temperatures for extended periods of time. Past results indicate that grain-stabilized platinum should be sufficiently inert in candidate propellant environments. Therefore, compatibility of platinum-yttria (P/Y2O3) and platinum-zirconia (Pt/ZrO2) with carbon dioxide, methane, hydrogen and ammonia is examined. A series of 1000 hr tests in CO2, H2, and NH3 is conducted at 1400 C and a series of 1000 hr tests in CH4 is conducted at about 500 C. Scanning electron microscopy, Auger electron spectroscopy and depth profiling analysis are then used to determine the effects of propellants on the material surface, to evaluate possible material contamination and to evaluate grain growth. The results indicate that there is carbon deposition on the surface of the Pt/Y2O3 and Pt/ZrO2 in both the CO2 and CH4 environments. In the H2 environment, the Pt/Y2O3 and Pt/ZrO2 specimen surfaces are roughened. After exposure to the NH3 environment, the Pt/Y2O3 and Pt/ZrO2 are roughened and pitted over the entire heated area with some pitted areas along the grain boundaries. SEM photos show grain growth in cross-sectional views of all the Pt/Y2O3 samples and the Pt/ZrO2 samples, except that tested in methane. Mass loss measurements indicate that Pt/Y2O3 and Pt/ZrO2 would last in excess of 200,000 hr in each propellant environment. However, in NH3 both Pt/Y2O3 and Pt/ZrO2 are severely pitted, with voids up to 50 percent into the material. Pt/Y2O3 and Pt/ZrO2 are not recommended for high temperature service in NH3

    In-situ analysis of hydrazine decomposition products

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    A gas analyzer utilizing a nondispersive infrared (NDIR) detection system was used to monitor the ammonia and water vapor content of the products of a previously unused hydrazine gas generator. This provided an in-situ measurement of the generator's efficiency difficult to obtain by other means. The analyzer was easily installed in both the calibration and hydrazine systems, required no maintenance other than periodic zero adjustments, and performed well for extended periods in the operating range tested. The catalyst bed operated smoothly and repeatably during the 28 hr of testing. No major transients were observed on startup or during steady state operation. The amount of ammonia in the output stream of the gas generator was found to be a strong function of temperature at catalyst bed temperatures below 450 C. At temperatures above this, the efficiency remained nearly constant. On startup the gas generator efficiency was found to decrease with time until a steady state value was attained. Elevated catalyst bed temperatures in the periods before steady state operation was found to be responsible for this phenomenon

    Compatibility experiments of facilities, materials, and propellants for electrothermal thrusters

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    Experiments were performed to determine the compatibility of materials and propellants for electro-thermal thrusters. Candidate propellants for resistojet propulsion include carbon dioxide, methane, hydrogen, ammonia, and hydrazine. The materials being examined are grain stabilized platinum for resistojets for Space station and rhenium for high performance resistojets for satellites. Heater mass loss and deterioration of materials were evaluated. A coiled tube of platinum, with yttria dispersed throughout the base material to inhibit grain growth, was tested in carbon dioxide at 1300 C for 2000 hr. Post-test examination indicated the platinum-yttria heater would last over 100 000 hr with less than 10 percent mass loss. Short-term compatibility tests were conducted to test the integrity of the platinum-yttria in hydrogen, methane, carbon dioxide/methane mixtures and ammonia environments. In each of these 100 hr tests, the platinum-yttria mass change indicated a minimum coil life of 100 000 hr. Facility related effects were investigated in materials tests using rhenium heated to high tempertures. Vacuum facility water reduction was monitored using a mass spectrometer. In vacuum environments obtained using only diffusion pumping and those obtained with the assistance of cryogenic equipment there were mass gains in the rhenium heaters. These mass gains were the result of the high amount of oxygen and water contained in the gas. Propellant purity and preferred test facility environments are discussed

    Vacuum chamber pressure effects on thrust measurements of low Reynolds number nozzles

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    Tests were conducted to investigate the effect of vacuum facility pressure on the performance of small thruster nozzles. Thrust measurements of two converging-diverging nozzles with an area ratio of 140 and an orifice plate flowing unheated nitrogen and hydrogen were taken over a wide range of vacuum facility pressures and nozzle throat Reynolds numbers. In the Reynolds number range of 2200 to 12 000 there was no discernable viscous effect on thrust below an ambient to total pressure ratio of 1000. In nearly all cases, flow separation occurred at a pressure ratio of about 1000. This was the upper limit for obtaining an accurate thrust measurement for a conical nozzle with an area ratio of 140

    Radiation Hydrodynamical Instabilities in Cosmological and Galactic Ionization Fronts

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    Ionization fronts, the sharp radiation fronts behind which H/He ionizing photons from massive stars and galaxies propagate through space, were ubiquitous in the universe from its earliest times. The cosmic dark ages ended with the formation of the first primeval stars and galaxies a few hundred Myr after the Big Bang. Numerical simulations suggest that stars in this era were very massive, 25 - 500 solar masses, with H II regions of up to 30,000 light-years in diameter. We present three-dimensional radiation hydrodynamical calculations that reveal that the I-fronts of the first stars and galaxies were prone to violent instabilities, enhancing the escape of UV photons into the early intergalactic medium (IGM) and forming clumpy media in which supernovae later exploded. The enrichment of such clumps with metals by the first supernovae may have led to the prompt formation of a second generation of low-mass stars, profoundly transforming the nature of the first protogalaxies. Cosmological radiation hydrodynamics is unique because ionizing photons coupled strongly to both gas flows and primordial chemistry at early epochs, introducing a hierarchy of disparate characteristic timescales whose relative magnitudes can vary greatly throughout a given calculation. We describe the adaptive multistep integration scheme we have developed for the self-consistent transport of both cosmological and galactic ionization fronts.Comment: 6 pages, 4 figures, accepted for proceedings of HEDLA2010, Caltech, March 15 - 18, 201

    Background, current status, and prognosis of the ongoing slush hydrogen technology development program for the NASP

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    Among the Hydrogen Projects at the NASA Lewis Research Center (NASA LeRC), is the task of implementing and managing the Slush Hydrogen (SLH2) Technology Program for the United States' National AeroSpace Plane Joint Program Office (NASP JPO). The objectives of this NASA LeRC program are to provide verified numerical models of fluid production, storage, transfer, and feed systems and to provide verified design criteria for other engineered aspects of SLH2 systems germane to a NASP. The pursuit of these objectives is multidimensional, covers a range of problem areas, works these to different levels of depth, and takes advantage of the resources available in private industry, academia, and the U.S. Government. A summary of the NASA LeRC overall SLH2 program plan, is presented along with its implementation, the present level of effort in each of the program areas, some of the results already in hand, and the prognosis for the effort in the immediate future

    Glutathione diminishes tributyltin- and dibutyltin-induced loss of lytic function in human natural killer cells

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    This study investigated whether reduced glutathione (GSH) was able to alter the negative effects of tributyltin (TBT) or dibutyltin (DBT) on the lytic function of human natural killer (NK) cells. NK cells are an initial immune defense against the development of tumors or viral infections. TBT and DBT are widespread environmental contaminants, due to their various industrial applications. Both TBT and DBT have been shown to decrease the ability of NK cells to lyse tumor cells (lytic function). The results indicated that the presence of GSH during the exposure of NK cells to TBT or DBT diminished the negative effect of the butyltin on the lytic function of NK cells. This suggests that the interaction of TBT and DBT with functionally relevant sulfhydryl groups in NK cells may be part of the mechanism by which they decrease NK lytic function

    "I'm a bit concerned" - early actions and psychological constructions in a child protection helpline

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    This article analyzes early actions in 50 calls reporting cases of abuse to a national child protection helpline in the UK (the National Society for the Prevention of Cruelty to Children Helpline, NSPCC). It focuses on the early turns in the caller's reason for call, in particular, a class of constructions in which the caller describes himself or herself as "concerned about x" (or similar). Analysis of the corpus of calls suggests concern constructions are canonical early elements of the reason-for-call sequence. Concern constructions (a) are oriented to a pre-move in the caller's reason for call, (b) project the unpacking of concerns in a way oriented to the NSPCCs institutional role, (c) attend to epistemological asymmetries between caller and call taker and remove the requirement for disaffiliative next actions such as asking for the basis of claims, (d) provide a way for the Child Protection Officer to take abuse claims seriously while not presupposing their truth, and (e) display an appropriate caller stance. These observations are supported by an analysis of deviant cases. The broader implications of this study for the relation between psychology, interaction, and institutions are discussed

    Performance and endurance tests of a multipropellant resistojet for space station auxiliary propulsion

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    This paper presents the results of an effort to demonstrate the technology readiness of a long-life multipropellant resistojet for space station auxiliary propulsion. Experiments were performed to evaluate the compatibility of grain-stabilized platinum tubes at temperatures up to 1400 deg C in environments of CO2, CH4, NH3, H2O, and H2. All samples tested showed extrapolated lifetimes in excess of 10,000 hr based on 10 percent mass loss as end-of-life. However, samples tested in an ammonia atmosphere at 1400 deg C showed severe pitting, which raised concerns about the compatibility of grain-stabilized platinum with ammonia-containing atmospheres. Additional tests showed that reducing the metal temperature to about 900 deg C (+ or - 100 deg C) significantly reduced this adverse effect

    Accelerated Bayesian model-selection and parameter-estimation in continuous gravitational-wave searches with pulsar-timing arrays

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    We describe several new techniques which accelerate Bayesian searches for continuous gravitational-wave emission from supermassive black-hole binaries using pulsar timing arrays. These techniques mitigate the problematic increase of search-dimensionality with the size of the pulsar array which arises from having to include an extra parameter per pulsar as the array is expanded. This extra parameter corresponds to searching over the phase of the gravitational-wave as it propagates past each pulsar so that we can coherently include the pulsar-term in our search strategies. Our techniques make the analysis tractable with powerful evidence-evaluation packages like MultiNest. We find good agreement of our techniques with the parameter-estimation and Bayes factor evaluation performed with full signal templates, and conclude that these techniques make excellent first-cut tools for detection and characterisation of continuous gravitational-wave signals with pulsar timing arrays. Crucially, at low to moderate signal-to-noise ratios the factor by which the analysis is sped up can be > 100, permitting rigorous programs of systematic injection and recovery of signals to establish robust detection criteria within a Bayesian formalism.Comment: 17 pages, 10 figures, 1 table. Minor changes to reflect published versio
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