85 research outputs found

    A Geologic Characterization of the Alongshore Variability in Beach-Dune Morphology: Padre Island National Seashore, Texas

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    The alongshore variability of beach-dune systems and the response and recovery from extreme storms remains poorly understood. The height and extent of foredunes along barrier islands varies over a range of spatial scales, implying that during extreme storms, the beach-dune system should respond in different ways depending on the elevation and volume of the dunes relative to the storm surge. The purpose of this study is to use Ground-Penetrating Radar (GPR) and vibra-cores to investigate the internal structure of small, intermediate and large dunes along a 2.5 km transect of beach in Padre Island National Seashore, TX with particular attention to storm impacts. A series of dune normal and parallel GPR profiles were collected to capture the variation in beach-dune morphology at the three sites. Site locations were chosen along a transition from dissipative to intermediate beach states. Following the Sallenger (2000) storm impact model, the small dune is defined by low-lying topography that is susceptible to overwash and inundation depending on the size of the storm surge. The large dune is characteristic of the “collision regime”, while the intermediate dune represents a transition between “overwash” and “collision regimes”, with the underlying assumption that all three dunes would be impacted by the same level of surge during a single storm event. Results from the GPR survey suggest that each site contains a bright, laterally continuous radar reflector that is interpreted with the aid of the sedimentary data as an erosional layer. Different characteristic radar facies and sequence boundaries provide evidence as to how each dune evolved through and after the storm. Results from XRF scans and grain size analysis show a direct comparison between the GPR reflectors at the storm surface and spikes in calcium counts from XRF scans to distinct changes in grain size parameters at the same depth. It is argued that the location of each shell layer corresponds to a storm surface generated during a single storm, which means it is possible to interpret different recovery mechanisms. The presence of the storm layer across the backbeach and dunes provides evidence for the height and extent of the surge during the storm event. The data suggests that the small dune was overtopped by the surge, experiencing minimal erosion and recovery. The intermediate dune was completely eroded by the surge, but showed the greatest recovery of all the dune sites. The large dune was scoured at the base with marginal impact along its crest and shows minimal recovery after the storm. These results suggest that the evolution (i.e., transgression) of a barrier island varies considerably over short distances

    Scale-dependent behavior of the foredune: Implications for barrier island response to storms and sea-level rise

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    The impact of storm surge on a barrier island tends to be considered from a single cross-shore dimension, dependent on the relative elevations of the storm surge and dune crest. However, the foredune is rarely uniform and can exhibit considerable variation in height and width at a range of length scales. In this study, LiDAR data from barrier islands in Texas and Florida are used to explore how shoreline position and dune morphology vary alongshore, and to determine how this variability is altered or reinforced by storms and post-storm recovery. Wavelet analysis reveals that a power law can approximate historical shoreline change across all scales, but that stormscale shoreline change (~10 years) and dune height exhibit similar scale-dependent variations at swash and surf zone scales (<1000 m). The in-phase nature of the relationship between dune height and storm-scale shoreline change indicates that areas of greater storm-scale shoreline retreat are associated with areas of smaller dunes. It is argued that the decoupling of storm-scale and historical shoreline change at swash and surf zone scales is also associated with the alongshore redistribution of sediment and the tendency of shorelines to evolve to a more diffusive (or straight) pattern with time. The wavelet analysis of the data for post-storm dune recovery is also characterized by red noise at the smallest scales characteristic of diffusive systems, suggesting that it is possible that small-scale variations in dune height can be repaired through alongshore recovery and expansion if there is sufficient time between storms. However, the time required for dune recovery exceeds the time between storms capable of eroding and overwashing the dune. Correlation between historical shoreline retreat and the variance of the dune at swash and surf zone scales suggests that the persistence of the dune is an important control on transgression through island migration or shoreline retreat with relative sea-level rise

    Directional dependency and coastal framework geology: implications for barrier island resilience

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    Barrier island transgression is influenced by the alongshore variation in beach and dune morphology, which determines the amount of sediment moved landward through wash-over. While several studies have demonstrated how variations in dune morphology affect island response to storms, the reasons for that variation and the implications for island management remain unclear. This paper builds on previous research by demonstrating that paleo-channels in the irregular framework geology can have a directional influence on alongshore beach and dune morphology. The influence of relict paleo-channels on beach and dune morphology on Padre Island National Seashore, Texas, was quantified by isolating the long-range dependence (LRD) parameter in autoregressive fractionally integrated moving average (ARFIMA) models, originally developed for stock market economic forecasting. ARFIMA models were fit across ∼250 unique spatial scales and a moving window approach was used to examine how LRD varied with computational scale and location along the island. The resulting LRD matrices were plotted by latitude to place the results in the context of previously identified variations in the framework geology. Results indicate that the LRD is not constant alongshore for all surface morphometrics. Many flares in the LRD plots correlate to relict infilled paleo-channels, indicating that the framework geology has a significant influence on the morphology of Padre Island National Seashore (PAIS). Barrier island surface morphology LRD is strongest at large paleo-channels and decreases to the north. The spatial patterns in LRD surface morphometrics and framework geology variations demonstrate that the influence of paleo-channels can be asymmetric (i.e., affecting beach–dune morphology preferentially in one direction alongshore) where the alongshore sediment transport gradient was unidirectional during island development. The asymmetric influence of framework geology on coastal morphology has long-term implications for coastal management activities because it dictates the long-term behavior of a barrier island. Coastal management projects should first seek to assess the framework geology and understand how it influences coastal processes in order to more effectively balance long-term natural variability with short-term societal pressure

    SAFOD Phase III Core Sampling and Data Management at the Gulf Coast Repository

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    The San Andreas Fault Observatory at Depth (SAFOD)project is yielding new insight into the San Andreas Fault (Zoback et al., 2010; Zoback et al., this issue). SAFOD drilling started in 2002 with a pilot hole, and proceeded with three phrases of drilling and coring during the summers of 2004, 2005, and 2007 (Fig. 1). One key component of theproject is curation, sampling, and documentation of SAFOD core usage at the Integrated Ocean Drilling Program’s (IODP) Gulf Coast Repository (GCR) at Texas A&M University. We present here the milestones accomplished over the past two years of sampling Phase III core at the GCR

    Multi-Layered High Permeability Conduits Connecting Onshore and Offshore Coastal Aquifers

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    Groundwater resources in coastal regions are facing enormous pressure caused by population growth and climate change. Few studies have investigated whether offshore freshened groundwater systems are connected with terrestrial aquifers recharged by meteoric water, or paleo-groundwater systems that are no longer associated with terrestrial aquifers. Distinguishing between the two has important implications for potential extraction to alleviate water stress for many coastal communities, yet very little is known about these connections, mainly because it is difficult to acquire continuous subsurface information across the coastal transition zone. This study presents a first attempt to bridge this gap by combining three complementary near-surface electromagnetic methods to image groundwater pathways within braided alluvial gravels along the Canterbury coast, South Island, New Zealand. We show that collocated electromagnetic induction, ground penetrating radar, and transient electromagnetic measurements, which are sensitive to electrical contrasts between fresh (low conductivity) and saline (high conductivity) groundwater, adequately characterize hydrogeologic variations beneath a mixed sand gravel beach in close proximity to the Ashburton River mouth. The combined measurements – providing information at three different depths of investigation and resolution – show several conductive zones that are correlated with spatial variations in subsurface hydrogeology. We interpret the conductive zones as high permeability conduits corresponding to lenses of well-sorted gravels and secondary channel fill deposits within the braided river deposit architecture. The geophysical surveys provide the basis for a discharge model that fits our observations, namely that there is evidence of a multilayered system focusing groundwater flow through stacked high permeability gravel layers analogous to a subterranean river network. Coincident geophysical surveys in a region further offshore indicate the presence of a large, newly discovered freshened groundwater system, suggesting that the offshore system in the Canterbury Bight is connected with the terrestrial aquifer system

    3D Characterization of a Coastal Freshwater Aquifer in SE Malta (Mediterranean Sea) by Time-Domain Electromagnetics

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    Electromagnetic (EM) geophysical methods are well equipped to distinguish electrical resistivity contrasts between freshwater-saturated and seawater-saturated formations. Beneath the semi-arid, rapidly urbanizing island of Malta, offshore groundwater is an important potential resource but it is not known whether the regional mean sea-level aquifer (MSLA) extends offshore. To address this uncertainty, land-based alongshore and across-shore time-domain electromagnetic (TDEM) responses were acquired with the G-TEM instrument (Geonics Ltd., Mississauga, ON, Canada) and used to map the onshore structure of the aquifer. 1-D inversion results suggest that the onshore freshwater aquifer resides at 4–24 m depth, underlain by seawater-saturated formations. The freshwater aquifer thickens with distance from the coastline. We present 2D and 3D electromagnetic forward modeling based on finite-element (FE) analysis to further constrain the subsurface geometry of the onshore freshwater body. We interpret the high resistivity zones that as brackish water-saturated bodies are associated with the mean sea-level aquifer. Generally, time-domain electromagnetic (TDEM) results provide valuable onshore hydrogeological information, which can be augmented with marine and coastal transition-zone measurements to assess potential hydraulic continuity of terrestrial aquifers extending offshore

    P-wave velocity measurements for preliminary assessments of the mineralization in seafloor massive sulfide mini-cores during drilling operations

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    Highlight • It is important to develop systems able to detect and classify mineralized zones from waste materials while drilling deep-water; • Seismic P-wave velocities (Vp) were measured on 40 SMS and unmineralized mini-cores; • The porosity was back-calculated from Vp; • The results were compared with electrical resistivity measurements; • Using Archie’s Law, it is possible to observe that metallic conduction exists. Abstract Deep-sea mining exploration for seafloor massive sulfide (SMS) deposits is currently increasing. At present, most exploration activities are surficial and use indirect methods to identify potential sites and perform first assessments. For a proper resource estimate, however, drilling is inevitable. By using seabed drill rigs, exploration costs can be reduced considerably. SMS deposits are normally found at depths between 1000 and 4000 m and in order for deep sea mining to be implemented, reliable technologies are needed. Additionally, the development of geophysical systems that can detect and classify mineralized zones from waste materials while drilling could decrease costs and speed up offshore operations by limiting the amount of drilling of unmineralized materials. This paper shows how the physical properties of SMS can be used to discriminate between host rocks and mineralization. Seismic P-wave velocities (Vp) were measured on 40 SMS and unmineralized mini-cores. By back-calculating the porosity from Vp, comparing the results with electrical resistivity measurements, and using Archie's Law, it is possible to observe that metallic conduction exists. For deep-sea mineral exploration, the combination of seismic tests, electrical resistivity and magnetic susceptibility could support the preliminary discrimination of mineralized samples in the cores while drilling at the seafloor
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