3,514 research outputs found

    The effect of training order on neuromuscular, endocrine and mood response to small-sided games and resistance training sessions over a 24-h period

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    Objectives: This study examined the acute effect of small-sided-game (SSG) and resistance training sequence on neuromuscular, endocrine and mood response over a 24-hour (h) period. Design: Repeated measures Methods: Fourteen semi-professional soccer players performed SSG-training (4vs4 + goalkeepers; 6x7-min, 2-min inter-set recovery) followed by resistance training 2h later (back-squat, Romanian deadlift, barbell-hip-thrust; 4x4 repetitions, 4-min inter-set recovery; 85% 1 rep-max) (SSG+RES), and on a separate week reversed the session order (RES+SSG). Physical demands of SSG’s were monitored using global positioning systems (GPS) and ratings of perceived exertion (RPE). Countermovement-jump (CMJ; peak power output; jump height) and brief assessment of mood were collected before (pre), during (0h) and after (+24h) both protocols. Salivary testosterone and cortisol concentrations were obtained at the same time-points but with the inclusion of a measure immediately prior to the second training session (+2h). Results: GPS outputs and RPE were similar between SSG-training during both protocols. Between-protocol comparisons revealed no significant differences at +24h in CMJ performance, mood, and endocrine markers. Testosterone was higher at 0h during RES+SSG in comparison to SSG+RES (moderate-effect; +21.4±26.7 pg·ml-1; p= 0.010), yet was similar between protocols by +2h. Conclusions: The order of SSG and resistance training does not appear to influence the physical demands of SSG’s with sufficient recovery between two sessions performed on the same day. Session order did not influence neuromuscular, endocrine or mood responses at +24h, however a favourable testosterone response from the resistance first session may enhance neuromuscular performance in the second session of the day

    Neuromuscular, biochemical, endocrine, and mood responses to small-sided games' training in professional soccer

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    The 24h responses to small-sided games (SSG) soccer training were characterized. Professional soccer players (n=16) performed SSG’s (4vs4 + goalkeepers; 6x7-min, 2-min inter-set recovery) with performance (peak-power output, PPO; jump height, JH), physiological (blood creatine kinase: CK, lactate; salivary testosterone, cortisol), and mood measures collected before (baseline), and after (immediately; 0h, +2h, +24h). For PPO and JH, possibly small-moderate reductions occurred at 0h (-1.1W·kg-1; ±0.9W·kg-1, -3.2cm; ±1.9cm, respectively), before returning to baseline at +2h (trivial) and declining thereafter (small-moderate effect) at +24h (-0.9W·kg-1; ±0.8W·kg-1, -2.5cm; ±1.2cm, respectively). Lactate increased at 0h (likely-large; +1.3mmol·L-1; ±0.5mmol·L-1), reduced at +2h (likely-small; -0.5mmol·L-1; ±0.2mmol·L-1), and returned to baseline at 24h (trivial). A very-likely small increase in CK occurred at 0h (+97u·L-1; ±28u·L-1), persisting for +24h (very-likely small; +94u·L-1; ±49u·L-1). Possibly-small increases in testosterone (+20pg·ml-1; ±29pg·ml-1) occurred at 0h, before likely-moderate declines at +2h (-61pg·ml-1; ±21pg·ml-1) returning to baseline at +24h (trivial). For cortisol, possibly-small decreases occurred at 0h (-0.09ug·dl-1; -±0.16ug·dl-1), before likely-large decreases at +2h (-0.39ug·dl-1; ±0.12ug·dl-1), which persisted for 24h (likely-small; -0.12ug·dl-1; ±0.11ug·dl-1). Mood was disturbed by SSG’s at 0h (likely-moderate; +13.6AU, ±5.6AU) and +2h (likely-small; +7.9AU; ±5.0AU), before returning to baseline at +24h (trivial). The movement demands of SSG’s result in a bimodal recovery pattern of neuromuscular function and perturbations in physiological responses and mood for up to 24h. Accordingly, when programming soccer training, SSG’s should be periodized throughout the competitive week with submaximal technical/tactical activities

    The between-week reliability of neuromuscular, endocrine, and mood markers in soccer players and the repeatability of the movement demands during small-sided games

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    BACKGROUND: Establishing the reliability and repeatability of both the movement demands and the consequential responses of athletes applied settings is important. Therefore, the primary aim of this study was to assess the between-week reliability of potential fatigue monitoring methods in soccer players. Secondary aims were to establish the repeatability of the movement demands and the changes in monitoring variables from the same small-sided game (SSG) protocol programmed on consecutive weeks. METHODS: Twelve semi-professional soccer players (age, 21±2 years; mass, 80.1±6.8kg; height, 1.81±0.06m) performed the same SSG protocol (4vs4+goalkeepers; 6x7-min, 2-min inter-set recovery) separated by 7 days. Movement demands were monitored using global positioning systems (GPS), with countermovement jump (CMJ), saliva (testosterone and cortisol), and brief assessment of mood (BAM+) collected immediately pre and post SSG training. RESULTS: Results suggest that CMJ variables and hormonal markers have good between-week reliability when measuring athletes at rest (CV, 2.1–7.7%; ICC, 0.82–0.98), however BAM+ did not (CV, 23.5%; ICC, 0.47). GPS variables presented low to high repeatability during SSG training, with reliability statistics varying between metrics (CV, 4.4–62.4%; ICC, 0.30–0.81). In detecting responses from pre- to post-SSG training, CMJ and hormonal markers showed moderate to very-high reliability (ICC, 0.68–0.99), whilst BAM + did not (ICC, 0.12). CONCLUSIONS: The findings from this study suggest CMJ and hormonal markers provide good between-week reliability, yet caution should be applied when using short subjective questionnaires. Additionally, some movement demands may not be repeatable when programming the same SSG session on separate occasions

    Overview of the Langley subsonic research effort on SCR configuration

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    Recent advances achieved in the subsonic aerodynamics of low aspect ratio, highly swept wing designs are summarized. The most significant of these advances was the development of leading edge deflection concepts which effectively reduce leading edge flow separation. The improved flow attachment results in substantial improvements in low speed performance, significant delay of longitudinal pitch up, increased trailing edge flap effectiveness, and increased lateral control capability. Various additional theoretical and/or experimental studies are considered which, in conjunction with the leading edge deflection studies, form the basis for future subsonic research effort

    Mental health research projects: a practical integration of mental health into a medical curriculum

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    Abstract of a paper presented at the 65th Annual National Conference of Indian Psychiatric Society, Bangalor, 10-13 Jan, 2013. Aims aJld Objectives: The University of Wollongong (UoW) graduate-entry medical course embeds research and critical analysis within the curriculum, concluding with students undertaking a regional/ nlrsl conmlUnity-based ro earch project. Students are encouraged to design a research project of interest to them and the local community. T.his Indy analyzed whether conducting research projects enhanced learning/understanding about rural/regional mental health issues amongst UoW medical students

    Universal amplitudes in the FSS of three-dimensional spin models

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    In a MC study using a cluster update algorithm we investigate the finite-size scaling (FSS) of the correlation lengths of several representatives of the class of three-dimensional classical O(n) symmetric spin models on a column geometry. For all considered models we find strong evidence for a linear relation between FSS amplitudes and scaling dimensions when applying antiperiodic instead of periodic boundary conditions across the torus. The considered type of scaling relation can be proven analytically for systems on two-dimensional strips with periodic bc using conformal field theoryComment: 4 pages, RevTex, uses amsfonts.sty, 3 Figure

    A Phase transition in acoustic propagation in 2D random liquid media

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    Acoustic wave propagation in liquid media containing many parallel air-filled cylinders is considered. A self-consistent method is used to compute rigorously the propagation, incorporating all orders of multiple scattering. It is shown that under proper conditions, multiple scattering leads to a peculiar phase transition in acoustic propagation. When the phase transition occurs, a collective behavior of the cylinders appears and the acoustic waves are confined in a region of space in the neighborhood of the transmission source. A novel phase diagram is used to describe such phase transition. Originally submitted on April 6, 99.Comment: 5 pages, 5 color figure

    Theoretical Evaluations of the Fission Cross Section of the 77 eV Isomer of 235-U

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    We have developed models of the fission barrier (barrier heights and transition state spectra) that reproduce reasonably well the measured fission cross section of 235^{235}U from neutron energy of 1 keV to 2 MeV. From these models we have calculated the fission cross section of the 77 eV isomer of 235^{235}U over the same energy range. We find that the ratio of the isomer cross section to that of the ground state lies between about 0.45 and 0.55 at low neutron energies. The cross sections become approximately equal above 1 MeV. The ratio of the neutron capture cross section to the fission cross section for the isomer is predicted to be about a factor of 3 larger for the isomer than for the ground state of 235^{235}U at keV neutron energies. We have also calculated the cross section for the population of the isomer by inelastic neutron scattering form the 235^{235}U ground state. We find that the isomer is strongly populated, and for En=1MeVE_n = 1 MeV the (n,nγ)(n,n'\gamma) cross section leading to the population of the isomer is of the order of 0.5 barn. Thus, neutron reaction network calculations involving the uranium isotopes in a high neutron fluence are likely to be affected by the 77 eV isomer of 235^{235}U. With these same models the fission cross sections of 233^{233}U and 237^{237}U can be reproduced approximately using only minor adjustments to the barrier heights. With the significant lowering of the outer barrier that is expected for the outer barrier the general behavior of the fission cross section of 239^{239}Pu can also be reproduced.Comment: 17 pages including 8 figure