45 research outputs found

    Trap diversity and character evolution in carnivorous bladderworts (Utricularia, Lentibulariaceae)

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    Bladderworts (Utricularia, Lentibulariaceae, Lamiales) constitute the largest genus of carnivorous plants but only aquatic species (about one fifth of the genus) have so far been thoroughly studied as to their suction trap functioning. In this study, we comparatively investigated trap biomechanics in 19 Utricularia species to examine correlations between life-forms, trapping mechanisms, and functional-morphological traits. Our investigations show the existence of two functional trap principles (passive trap in U. multifida vs. active suction traps), and - in active suction traps - three main trapdoor movement types (with several subtypes). The trapdoor movement types and their corresponding functional-morphological features most presumably represent adaptations to the respective habitat. We furthermore give insights into fluid dynamics during suction in three representatives of the main types of trapdoor movement. The results on functional morphology and trapdoor movement were mapped onto a new phylogenetic reconstruction of the genus, derived from the rapidly evolving chloroplast regions trnK, rps16 and trnQ-rps16 and a sampling of 105 Utricularia species in total. We discuss potential scenarios of trap character evolution and species radiation, highlighting possible key innovations that enable such a unique carnivorous lifestyle in different habitats

    Facing the Green Threat: A Water Flea’s Defenses against a Carnivorous Plant

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    Every ecosystem shows multiple levels of species interactions, which are often difficult to isolate and to classify regarding their specific nature. For most of the observed interactions, it comes down to either competition or consumption. The modes of consumption are various and defined by the nature of the consumed organism, e.g., carnivory, herbivory, as well as the extent of the consumption, e.g., grazing, parasitism. While the majority of consumers are animals, carnivorous plants can also pose a threat to arthropods. Water fleas of the family Daphniidae are keystone species in many lentic ecosystems. As most abundant filter feeders, they link the primary production to higher trophic levels. As a response to the high predatory pressures, water fleas have evolved various inducible defenses against animal predators. Here we show the first example, to our knowledge, in Ceriodaphnia dubia of such inducible defenses of an animal against a coexisting plant predator, i.e., the carnivorous bladderwort (Utricularia x neglecta Lehm, Lentibulariaceae). When the bladderwort is present, C. dubia shows changes in morphology, life history and behavior. While the morphological and behavioral adaptations improve C. dubia’s survival rate in the presence of this predator, the life-history parameters likely reflect trade-offs for the defense

    Herpesviruses Serology Distinguishes Different Subgroups of Patients From the United Kingdom Myalgic Encephalomyelitis/Chronic Fatigue Syndrome Biobank.

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    The evidence of an association between Myalgic Encephalomyelitis/Chronic Fatigue Syndrome (ME/CFS) and chronic herpesviruses infections remains inconclusive. Two reasons for the lack of consistent evidence are the large heterogeneity of the patients' population with different disease triggers and the use of arbitrary cutoffs for defining seropositivity. In this work we re-analyzed previously published serological data related to 7 herpesvirus antigens. Patients with ME/CFS were subdivided into four subgroups related to the disease triggers: S0-42 patients who did not know their disease trigger; S1-43 patients who reported a non-infection trigger; S2-93 patients who reported an infection trigger, but that infection was not confirmed by a lab test; and S3-48 patients who reported an infection trigger and that infection was confirmed by a lab test. In accordance with a sensitivity analysis, the data were compared to those from 99 healthy controls allowing the seropositivity cutoffs to vary within a wide range of possible values. We found a negative association between S1 and seropositivity to Epstein-Barr virus (VCA and EBNA1 antigens) and Varicella-Zoster virus using specific seropositivity cutoff. However, this association was not significant when controlling for multiple testing. We also found that S3 had a lower seroprevalence to the human cytomegalovirus when compared to healthy controls for all cutoffs used for seropositivity and after adjusting for multiple testing using the Benjamini-Hochberg procedure. However, this association did not reach statistical significance when using Benjamini-Yekutieli procedure. In summary, herpesviruses serology could distinguish subgroups of ME/CFS patients according to their disease trigger, but this finding could be eventually affected by the problem of multiple testing

    Understanding, diagnosing, and treating Myalgic encephalomyelitis/chronic fatigue syndrome - State of the art: Report of the 2nd international meeting at the Charité fatigue center.

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    Myalgic Encephalomyelitis/Chronic Fatigue Syndrome (ME/CFS) is a devastating disease affecting millions of people worldwide. Due to the 2019 pandemic of coronavirus disease (COVID-19), we are facing a significant increase of ME/CFS prevalence. On May 11th to 12th, 2023, the second international ME/CFS conference of the Charité Fatigue Center was held in Berlin, Germany, focusing on pathomechanisms, diagnosis, and treatment. During the two-day conference, more than 100 researchers from various research fields met on-site and over 700 attendees participated online to discuss the state of the art and novel findings in this field. Key topics from the conference included: the role of the immune system, dysfunction of endothelial and autonomic nervous system, and viral reactivation. Furthermore, there were presentations on innovative diagnostic measures and assessments for this complex disease, cutting-edge treatment approaches, and clinical studies. Despite the increased public attention due to the COVID-19 pandemic, the subsequent rise of Long COVID-19 cases, and the rise of funding opportunities to unravel the pathomechanisms underlying ME/CFS, this severe disease remains highly underresearched. Future adequately funded research efforts are needed to further explore the disease etiology and to identify diagnostic markers and targeted therapies

    Using low dose X-ray Speckle Visibility Spectroscopy to study dynamics of soft matter samples

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    We demonstrate the successful application of X-ray Speckle Visibility Spectroscopy (XSVS) experiments to study the dynamics of radiation sensitive, biological samples with unprecedentedly small X-ray doses of 45 Gy and below. Using XSVS, we track the dynamics of casein micelles in native, concentrated, and acidified solution conditions, while substantially reducing the deposited dose as compared to alternative techniques like sequential X-ray photon correlation spectroscopy (XPCS). The Brownian motion in a skim milk sample yields the hydrodynamic radius of the casein micelles while deviations from Brownian motion with a characteristic qq-dependent diffusion coefficient D(q)D(q) can be observed in more concentrated solution conditions. The low dose applied in our experiments allows the observation of static, frozen speckle patterns from gelled acidic milk. We show that the XSVS technique is especially suitable for tracking dynamics of radiation sensitive samples in combination with the improved coherent properties of new generation X-ray sources, emphasizing the great potential for further investigations of protein dynamics using fourth generation synchrotrons and free electron lasers

    Facing the green threat: a waterflea’s defenses against a carnivorous plant.

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    Every ecosystem shows multiple levels of species interactions, which are often difficult to isolate and to classify regarding their specific nature. For most of the observed interactions, it comes down to either competition or consumption. The modes of consumption are various and defined by the nature of the consumed organism, e.g., carnivory, herbivory, as well as the extent of the consumption, e.g., grazing, parasitism. While the majority of consumers are animals, carnivorous plants can also pose a threat to arthropods. Water fleas of the family Daphniidae are keystone species in many lentic ecosystems. As most abundant filter feeders, they link the primary production to higher trophic levels. As a response to the high predatory pressures, water fleas have evolved various inducible defenses against animal predators. Here we show the first example, to our knowledge, in Ceriodaphnia dubia of such inducible defenses of an animal against a coexisting plant predator, i.e., the carnivorous bladderwort (Utricularia x neglecta Lehm, Lentibulariaceae). When the bladderwort is present, C. dubia shows changes in morphology, life history and behavior. While the morphological and behavioral adaptations improve C. dubia’s survival rate in the presence of this predator, the life-history parameters likely reflect trade-offs for the defense

    Implications of disturbed photon-counting statistics of Eiger detectors for X-ray speckle visibility experiments

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    This paper reports on coherent scattering experiments in the low-count regime with less than one photon per pixel per acquisition on average, conducted with two detectors based on the Eiger single-photon-counting chip. The obtained photon-count distributions show systematic deviations from the expected Poisson–gamma distribution, which result in a strong overestimation of the measured speckle contrast. It is shown that these deviations originate from an artificial increase of double-photon events, which is proportional to the detected intensity and inversely proportional to the exposure time. The observed miscounting effect may have important implications for new coherent scattering experiments emerging with the advent of high-brilliance X-ray sources. Different correction schemes are discussed in order to obtain the correct photon distributions from the data. A successful correction is demonstrated with the measurement of Brownian motion from colloidal particles using X-ray speckle visibility spectroscop