101 research outputs found

    CGGBP1 regulates cell cycle in cancer cells

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    <p>Abstract</p> <p>Background</p> <p>CGGBP1 is a CGG-triplet repeat binding protein, which affects transcription from CGG-triplet-rich promoters such as the FMR1 gene and the ribosomal RNA gene clusters. Earlier, we reported some previously unknown functions of CGGBP1 in gene expression during heat shock stress response. Recently we had found CGGBP1 to be a cell cycle regulatory midbody protein required for normal cytokinetic abscission in normal human fibroblasts, which have all the cell cycle regulatory mechanisms intact.</p> <p>Results</p> <p>In this study we explored the role of CGGBP1 in the cell cycle in various cancer cell lines. CGGBP1 depletion by RNA interference in tumor-derived cells caused an increase in the cell population at G0/G1 phase and reduced the number of cells in the S phase. CGGBP1 depletion also increased the expression of cell cycle regulatory genes CDKN1A and GAS1, associated with reductions in histone H3 lysine 9 trimethylation in their promoters. By combining RNA interference and genetic mutations, we found that the role of CGGBP1 in cell cycle involves multiple mechanisms, as single deficiencies of CDKN1A, GAS1 as well as TP53, INK4A or ARF failed to rescue the G0/G1 arrest caused by CGGBP1 depletion.</p> <p>Conclusions</p> <p>Our results show that CGGBP1 expression is important for cell cycle progression through multiple parallel mechanisms including the regulation of CDKN1A and GAS1 levels.</p

    Modeling glioblastoma heterogeneity as a dynamic network of cell states

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    Tumor cell heterogeneity is a crucial characteristic of malignant brain tumors and underpins phenomena such as therapy resistance and tumor recurrence. Advances in single-cell analysis have enabled the delineation of distinct cellular states of brain tumor cells, but the time-dependent changes in such states remain poorly understood. Here, we construct quantitative models of the time-dependent transcriptional variation of patient-derived glioblastoma (GBM) cells. We build the models by sampling and profiling barcoded GBM cells and their progeny over the course of 3\ua0weeks and by fitting a mathematical model to estimate changes in GBM cell states and their growth rates. Our model suggests a hierarchical yet plastic organization of GBM, where the rates and patterns of cell state switching are partly patient-specific. Therapeutic interventions produce complex dynamic effects, including inhibition of specific states and altered differentiation. Our method provides a general strategy to uncover time-dependent changes in cancer cells and offers a way to evaluate and predict how therapy affects cell state composition

    Mast Cell Accumulation in Glioblastoma with a Potential Role for Stem Cell Factor and Chemokine CXCL12

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    Glioblastoma multiforme (GBM) is the most common and malignant form of glioma with high mortality and no cure. Many human cancers maintain a complex inflammatory program triggering rapid recruitment of inflammatory cells, including mast cells (MCs), to the tumor site. However, the potential contribution of MCs in glioma has not been addressed previously. Here we report for the first time that MCs infiltrate KRas+Akt-induced gliomas, using the RCAS/TV-a system, where KRas and Akt are transduced by RCAS into the brains of neonatal Gtv-a- or Ntv-a transgenic mice lacking Ink4a or Arf. The most abundant MC infiltration was observed in high-grade gliomas of Arf−/− mice. MC accumulation could be localized to the vicinity of glioma-associated vessels but also within the tumor mass. Importantly, proliferating MCs were detected, suggesting that the MC accumulation was caused by local expansion of the MC population. In line with these findings, strong expression of stem cell factor (SCF), i.e. the main MC growth factor, was detected, in particular around tumor blood vessels. Further, glioma cells expressed the MC chemotaxin CXCL12 and MCs expressed the corresponding receptor, i.e. CXCR4, suggesting that MCs could be attracted to the tumor through the CXCL12/CXCR4 axis. Supporting a role for MCs in glioma, strong MC infiltration was detected in human glioma, where GBMs contained significantly higher MC numbers than grade II tumors did. Moreover, human GBMs were positive for CXCL12 and the infiltrating MCs were positive for CXCR4. In conclusion, we provide the first evidence for a role for MCs in glioma

    Прикладна механіка і основи конструювання: навчально-методичний посібник

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    Розроблено відповідно до навчальної програми і призначено для виконання розрахунково-графічної роботи з дисципліни «Прикладна механіка і основи конструювання» студентам напряму підготовки 6.050202 «Автоматизація та компютерно-ігрегровані технології» денної та заочної форм навчання. Посібник рекомендовано також для самостійної роботи студентів, оскільки він вміщує короткі теоретичні викладки основного матеріалу дисципліни «Прикладна механіка і основи конструювання», умови завдань, приклади їх розв’язування, необхідні довідкові дані

    Glioblastoma—a moving target

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    The slow development of effective treatment of glioblastoma is contrasted by the rapidly advancing research on the molecular mechanisms underlying the disease. Amplification and overexpression of receptor tyrosine kinases, particularly EGFR and PDGFRA, are complemented by mutations in the PI3K, RB1, and p53 signaling pathways. In addition to finding effective means to target these pathways, we may take advantage of the recent understanding of the hierarchical structure of tumor cell populations, where the progressive expansion of the tumor relies on a minor subpopulation of glioma stem cells, or glioma-initiating cells. Finding ways to reprogram these cells and block their self-renewal is one of the most important topics for future research

    A DNA Sequence Directed Mutual Transcription Regulation of HSF1 and NFIX Involves Novel Heat Sensitive Protein Interactions

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    BACKGROUND: Though the Nuclear factor 1 family member NFIX has been strongly implicated in PDGFB-induced glioblastoma, its molecular mechanisms of action remain unknown. HSF1, a heat shock-related transcription factor is also a powerful modifier of carcinogenesis by several factors, including PDGFB. How HSF1 transcription is controlled has remained largely elusive. METHODOLOGY/PRINCIPAL FINDINGS: By combining microarray expression profiling and a yeast-two-hybrid screen, we identified that NFIX and its interactions with CGGBP1 and HMGN1 regulate expression of HSF1. We found that CGGBP1 organizes a bifunctional transcriptional complex at small CGG repeats in the HSF1 promoter. Under chronic heat shock, NFIX uses CGGBP1 and HMGN1 to get recruited to this promoter and in turn affects their binding to DNA. Results show that the interactions of NFIX with CGGBP1 and HMGN1 in the soluble fraction are heat shock sensitive due to preferential localization of CGGBP1 to heterochromatin after heat shock. HSF1 in turn was found to bind to the NFIX promoter and repress its expression in a heat shock sensitive manner. CONCLUSIONS/SIGNIFICANCE: NFIX and HSF1 exert a mutual transcriptional repressive effect on each other which requires CGG repeat in HSF1 promoter and HSF1 binding site in NFIX promoter. We unravel a unique mechanism of heat shock sensitive DNA sequence-directed reciprocal transcriptional regulation between NFIX and HSF1. Our findings provide new insights into mechanisms of transcription regulation under stress

    Svensk konsensus om vaccination mot cervixcancer. Vaccinprogram bör införas i grundskolan med sikte på att utrota HPV16/18

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    Vaccination against the Human Papillomavirus (HPV) has recently been approved as a means to prevent cervical cancer. The Swedish Institute for Infectious Disease Control and the Swedish Society for Obstetrics & Gynecology arranged a consensus conference to discuss design of future cervical cancer prevention programs. Conclusions include that preventive programs should aim at eradication of oncogenic HPV 16/18 infection and that the potentially preventable cervical cancers should no longer occur. Necessary prerequisites include adoption of a population-based vaccination program in primary school, an HPV vaccination registry and coordination of cervical cancer preventive efforts on vaccination and cervical screening