223 research outputs found

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    Op vijf beleidsterreinen hebben het CPB en het SCP een toekomstverkenning voor het kabinet gemaakt. Dit artikel geeft de hoofdlijnen van de CPB-bijdrage

    Deep Near-Infrared Imaging af an Embedded Cluster in the Extreme Outer Galaxy: Census of Supernovae Triggered Star Formation

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    While conducting a near-infrared (NIR) survey of ``Digel Clouds'', which are thought to be located in the extreme outer Galaxy (EOG), Kobayashi & Tokunaga found star formation activity in ``Cloud 2'', a giant molecular cloud at the Galactic radius of ~ 20 kpc. Additional infrared imaging showed two embedded young clusters at the densest regions of the molecular cloud. Because the molecular cloud is located in the vicinity of a supernova remnant (SNR) HI shell, GSH 138-01-94, it was suggested that the star formation activity in Cloud 2 was triggered by this expanding HI shell. We obtained deep J (1.25 um), H (1.65 um) and K (2.2 um) images of one of the embedded clusters in Cloud 2 with high spatial resolution (FWHM ~0".3) and high sensitivity (K ~ 20 mag, 10 sigma). We identified 52 cluster members. The estimated stellar density (~ 10 pc^{-2}) suggests that the cluster is a T-association. This is the deepest NIR imaging of an embedded cluster in the EOG. The observed K-band luminosity function (KLF) suggests that the underlying initial mass function (IMF) of the cluster down to the detection limit of ~ 0.1 M_sun is not significantly different from the typical IMFs in the field and in the near-by star clusters. The overall characteristics of this cluster appears to be similar to those of other embedded clusters in the far outer Galaxy. The estimated age of the cluster from the KLF, which is less than 1 Myr, is consistent with the view that the star formation was triggered by the HI shell whose age was estimated at 4.3 Myr (Stil & Irwin). The 3-dimensional geometry of SNR shell, molecular cloud and the embedded cluster, which is inferred from our data, as well as the cluster age strongly suggest that the star formation in Cloud 2 was triggered by the SNR shell.Comment: 19pages, 8 figures, 1 table, accepted to ApJ. Full paper (pdf) with high resolution figures available at http://www.ioa.s.u-tokyo.ac.jp/~ck_yasui/papers/Cloud2N_1.pd

    HIV-1 can escape from RNA interference by evolving an alternative structure in its RNA genome

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    HIV-1 replication can be efficiently inhibited by intracellular expression of an siRNA targeting the viral RNA. However, HIV-1 escape variants emerged after prolonged culturing. These RNAi-resistant viruses contain nucleotide substitutions or deletions in or near the targeted sequence. We observed an inverse correlation between the level of resistance and the stability of the siRNA/target-RNA duplex. However, two escape variants showed a higher level of resistance than expected based on the duplex stability. We demonstrate that these mutations induce alternative folding of the RNA such that the target sequence is occluded from binding to the siRNA, resulting in reduced RNAi efficiency. HIV-1 can thus escape from RNAi-mediated inhibition not only through nucleotide substitutions or deletions in the siRNA target sequence, but also through mutations that alter the local RNA secondary structure. The results highlight the enormous genetic flexibility of HIV-1 and provide detailed molecular insight into the sequence specificity of RNAi and the impact of target RNA secondary structure

    Generalization properties of neural network approximations to frustrated magnet ground states

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    Neural quantum states (NQS) attract a lot of attention due to their potential to serve as a very expressive variational ansatz for quantum many-body systems. Here we study the main factors governing the applicability of NQS to frustrated magnets by training neural networks to approximate ground states of several moderately-sized Hamiltonians using the corresponding wave function structure on a small subset of the Hilbert space basis as training dataset. We notice that generalization quality, i.e. the ability to learn from a limited number of samples and correctly approximate the target state on the rest of the space, drops abruptly when frustration is increased. We also show that learning the sign structure is considerably more difficult than learning amplitudes. Finally, we conclude that the main issue to be addressed at this stage, in order to use the method of NQS for simulating realistic models, is that of generalization rather than expressibility

    Generalization properties of neural network approximations to frustrated magnet ground states

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    Neural quantum states (NQS) attract a lot of attention due to their potential to serve as a very expressive variational ansatz for quantum many-body systems. Here we study the main factors governing the applicability of NQS to frustrated magnets by training neural networks to approximate ground states of several moderately-sized Hamiltonians using the corresponding wave function structure on a small subset of the Hilbert space basis as training dataset. We notice that generalization quality, i.e. the ability to learn from a limited number of samples and correctly approximate the target state on the rest of the space, drops abruptly when frustration is increased. We also show that learning the sign structure is considerably more difficult than learning amplitudes. Finally, we conclude that the main issue to be addressed at this stage, in order to use the method of NQS for simulating realistic models, is that of generalization rather than expressibility. © 2020, The Author(s).Russian Science Foundation, RSF: 18-12-00185, 16-12-10059Alexander von Humboldt-Stiftung: 0033-2019-0002Nederlandse Organisatie voor Wetenschappelijk Onderzoek, NWOEuropean Research Council, ERC: 338957 FEMTO/ NANOWe are thankful to Dmitry Ageev and Vladimir Mazurenko for collaboration during the early stages of the project. We have significantly benefited from encouraging discussions with Giuseppe Carleo, Juan Carrasquilla, Askar Iliasov, Titus Neupert, and Slava Rychkov. The research was supported by the ERC Advanced Grant 338957 FEMTO/ NANO and by the NWO via the Spinoza Prize. The work of A.A.B. which consisted of designing the project (together with K.S.T.), implementation of prototype version of the code, and providing general guidance, was supported by Russian Science Foundation, Grant no. 18-12-00185. The work of N.A. which consisted of numerical experiments, was supported by the Russian Science Foundation Grant no. 16-12-10059. N.A. acknowledges the use of computing resources of the federal collective usage center Complex for Simulation and Data Processing for Mega-science Facilities at NRC "Kurchatov Institute”, http://ckp.nrcki.ru/. K.S.T. is supported by Alexander von Humboldt Foundation and by the program 0033-2019-0002 by the Ministry of Science and Higher Education of Russia

    Dissociative recombination and electron-impact de-excitation in CH photon emission under ITER divertor-relevant plasma conditions

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    For understanding carbon erosion and redeposition in nuclear fusion devices, it is important to understand the transport and chemical break-up of hydrocarbon molecules in edge plasmas, often diagnosed by emission of the CH A^2\Delta - X^2\Pi Ger\"o band around 430 nm. The CH A-level can be excited either by electron-impact or by dissociative recombination (D.R.) of hydrocarbon ions. These processes were included in the 3D Monte Carlo impurity transport code ERO. A series of methane injection experiments was performed in the high-density, low-temperature linear plasma generator Pilot-PSI, and simulated emission intensity profiles were benchmarked against these experiments. It was confirmed that excitation by D.R. dominates at T_e < 1.5 eV. The results indicate that the fraction of D.R. events that lead to a CH radical in the A-level and consequent photon emission is at least 10%. Additionally, quenching of the excited CH radicals by electron impact de-excitation was included in the modeling. This quenching is shown to be significant: depending on the electron density, it reduces the effective CH emission by a factor of 1.4 at n_e=1.3*10^20 m^-3, to 2.8 at n_e=9.3*10^20 m^-3. Its inclusion significantly improved agreement between experiment and modeling

    Star Formation in the Gulf of Mexico

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    We present an optical/infrared study of the dense molecular cloud, L935, dubbed "The Gulf of Mexico", which separates the North America and the Pelican nebulae, and we demonstrate that this area is a very active star forming region. A wide-field imaging study with interference filters has revealed 35 new Herbig-Haro objects in the Gulf of Mexico. A grism survey has identified 41 Halpha emission-line stars, 30 of them new. A small cluster of partly embedded pre-main sequence stars is located around the known LkHalpha 185-189 group of stars, which includes the recently erupting FUor HBC 722.Comment: Submitted to A&A, 14 pages, 18 figure

    Star Formation in the Extreme Outer Galaxy: Digel Cloud 2 Clusters

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    As a first step for studying star formation in the extreme outer Galaxy (EOG), we obtained deep near-infrared images of two embedded clusters at the northern and southern CO peaks of Cloud 2, which is one of the most distant star forming regions in the outer Galaxy (galactic radius R_g ~ 19 kpc). With high spatial resolution (FWHM ~ 0".35) and deep imaging (K ~ 21 mag) with the IRCS imager at the Subaru telescope, we detected cluster members with a mass detection limit of < 0.1 M_{sun}, which is well into the substellar regime. These high quality data enables a comparison of EOG to those in the solar neighborhood on the same basis for the first time. Before interpreting the photometric result, we have first constructed the NIR color-color diagram (dwarf star track, classical T Tauri star (CTTS) locus, reddening law) in the Mauna Kea Observatory filter system and also for the low metallicity environment since the metallicity in EOG is much lower than those in the solar neighborhood. The estimated stellar density suggests that an ``isolated type'' star formation is ongoing in Cloud 2-N, while a ``cluster type'' star formation is ongoing in Cloud 2-S. Despite the difference of the star formation mode, other characteristics of the two clusters are found to be almost identical: (1) K-band luminosity function (KLF) of the two clusters are quite similar, as is the estimated IMF and ages (~ 0.5--1 Myr) from the KLF fitting, (2) the estimated star formation efficiencies (SFEs) for both clusters are typical compared to those of embedded clusters in the solar neighborhood (~ 10 %). The similarity of two independent clusters with a large separation (~ 25 pc) strongly suggest that their star formation activities were triggered by the same mechanism, probably the supernova remnant (GSH 138-01-94).Comment: 14pages, 11 figures; Accepted for publication in Ap

    The W51 Giant Molecular Cloud

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    We present 45"-47" angular resolution maps at 50" sampling of the 12CO and 13CO J=1-0 emission toward a 1.39 deg x 1.33 deg region in the W51 HII region complex. These data permit the spatial and kinematic separation of several spectral features observed along the line of sight to W51, and establish the presence of a massive (1.2 x 10^6 Mo), large (83 pc x 114 pc) giant molecular cloud (GMC), defined as the W51 GMC, centered at (l,b,V) = (49.5 deg, -0.2 deg, 61 km/s). A second massive (1.9 x 10^5 Mo), elongated (136 pc x 22 pc) molecular cloud is found at velocities of about 68 km/s along the southern edge of the W51 GMC. Of the five radio continuum sources that classically define the W51 region, the brightest source at lambda 6cm (G49.5-0.4) is spatially and kinematically coincident with the W51 GMC and three (G48.9-0.3, G49.1-0.4, and G49.2-0.4) are associated with the 68 km/s cloud. Published absorption line spectra indicate that the fifth prominent continuum source (G49.4-0.3) is located behind the W51 molecular cloud. The W51 GMC is among the upper 1% of clouds in the Galactic disk by size and the upper 5-10% by mass. While the W51 GMC is larger and more massive than any nearby molecular cloud, the average H2 column density is not unusual given its size and the mean H2 volume density is comparable to that in nearby clouds. The W51 GMC is also similar to other clouds in that most of the molecular mass is contained in a diffuse envelope that is not currently forming massive stars. We speculate that much of the massive star formation activity in this region has resulted from a collision between the 68 km/s cloud and the W51 GMC.Comment: Accepted for publication by the Astronomical Journal. 21 pages, plus 7 figures and 1 tabl