2,320 research outputs found

    Dimensionen des individuellen und gesellschaftlichen Wandels: Die grundlegenden Orientierungen "geschlossen-offen" und "konkret-abstrakt" als Determinanten der Stadtentwicklung in Barcelona (1986-2005)

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    Mit Ende der Franco-Ära und der Demokratisierung Spaniens wurde in Barcelona eine an den BedĂŒrfnissen der BewohnerInnen orientierte Stadtentwicklungsplanung möglich, die besonders im Zusammenhang mit den „Olympischen Spielen 1992“ sowie den nachfolgenden urbanistischen Programmen effektiv zur Stadtentwicklung genutzt wurde und als model Barcelona weltweit Beachtung findet. Analysiert werden in der Arbeit die rĂ€umlichen, sozialen, ökonomischen Dimensionen dieses Stadtumbaus, der sich aufgrund zunehmender KomplexitĂ€t und Dynamik mit den traditionellen Modellen und Skalen zur Beschreibung moderner Gesellschaften kaum erfassen lĂ€sst. Deshalb werden die Skalen gesellschaftlicher und individueller Wertorientierungen sowie Einstellungsregime auf gesellschaftstheoretischer bzw. sozialphilosophischer Basis rekonstruiert und die grundlegenden ZusammenhĂ€nge zwischen Planung, physisch-materiellem Raum und gesellschaftlicher Dimension theoretisiert. Grundlage hierfĂŒr bilden Poppers Überlegungen zur Offenen Gesellschaft, Hayeks spontane Ordnungen, Luhmanns Abstraktheit von Gesellschaft, Foucaults Denkfigur der Heterotopien als lokalisierte Utopien. Dieser integrative Forschungsansatz ermöglicht eine qualitativ-hermeneutische sowie quantitativ-statistische Modellierung des sozialen Wandels mit seiner rĂ€umlichen Dimension und bietet ein neues VerstĂ€ndnis von sozialer KohĂ€sion, nachhaltiger Entwicklung, Governance durch verschiedenartige raumbezogene Aushandlungs- und Gestaltungsprozesse, Protestformen, Akteursbeteiligungen, Finanzierungsmodi, und ist somit eine umfassende konzeptuelle Grundlage fĂŒr eine disziplinĂŒbergreifende zeitgenössische Stadtforschung


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    Christina West widmet sich in diesem Beitrag der Rolle von Experimenten bei der Wissensproduktion, insbesondere in transdisziplinĂ€ren Forschungs- und Lehrkontexten. Nach einer allgemeinen Begriffsbestimmung fokussiert sie auf transdisziplinĂ€re Experimente in engerem Sinne, die insbesondere in den transformativen Wissenschaften und in der Reallaborforschung an Bedeutung gewinnen. Diskutiert werden die hohen Herausforderungen und auch Überforderungen, die sich aus der Ergebnisoffenheit, noch weitgehend fehlenden Evaluationsmöglichkeiten und einem Doppelten TransdisziplinaritĂ€tsanspruch nach innen und außen ergeben. Die Anwendbarkeit transdisziplinĂ€rer Experimente in der Lehr- und Forschungspraxis wird am Beispiel von »Wissen to Go«, mit dem explorative Gedankenexperimente und Realexperimente im Modus der Integration entwickelt werden, und dem »UrbanUtopiaLAB«, in dem Gedanken- und Realexperimente im Modus der Addition kombiniert werden, demonstriert und veranschaulicht. (Herausgeber)In this paper, Christina West focuses on the role of experiments in knowledge production, especially in transdisciplinary research and teaching contexts. After a general definition of the term, she focuses on transdisciplinary experiments in a narrower sense, which are gaining importance especially in the transformative sciences and in reallaboratory research. Discussed are the high challenges and also excessive demands that result from the open-endedness of results, still largely missing evaluation possibilities, and a double transdisciplinarity claim internally and externally. The applicability of transdisciplinary experiments in teaching and research practice is demonstrated and illustrated by the example of "Knowledge to Go", with which explorative thought experiments and real experiments are developed in the mode of integration, and the "UrbanUtopiaLAB", in which thought and real experiments are combined in the mode of addition. (Editor

    Co-Produktion von Wissen in der Stadt: Reallabor „Urban Office - Nachhaltige Stadtentwicklung in der Wissensgesellschaft“ an der UniversitĂ€t Heidelberg

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    Die Wissensgesellschaft bringt neue Herausforderungen und Möglichkeiten fĂŒr StĂ€dte mit sich und verĂ€ndert Stadtentwicklungsprozesse. FĂŒr eine umfassende wissenschaftliche Begleitung dieses Wandels werden neue Formate inter- und transdisziplinĂ€rer Forschungsarbeit notwendig, die es ermöglichen, relevante Akteure der Stadtentwicklung einzubinden sowie gleichzeitig nachhaltige Prozesse urbaner Transformation ergebnisoffen in Gang zu setzen. Das Reallabor „Urban Office – Nachhaltige Stadtentwicklung in der Wissensgesellschaft“ erweitert deshalb etablierte, an Beobachtung orientierte Positionen der Forschung. Dies geschieht mit Hilfe von vier konkreten stĂ€dtebaulichen Vorhaben (Praxisprojekte), anhand derer ForscherInnen verschiedener Disziplinen co-produktiv mit Praxisakteuren Forschungs-, Governance- und Planungsprozesse auf Augenhöhe anstoßen. Von zentraler Bedeutung fĂŒr ein erfolgreiches Agieren ist die Entwicklung neuer Kommunikations- und Forschungsformate, die die Stadtverwaltung, die Internationale Bauausstellung Heidelberg (IBA), BĂŒrgerInnen sowie weitere PraxispartnerInnen in den Prozess des Co-Design integrieren und das „Urban Office“ zum Ort von Reflexion und „Co-Produktion von Wissen“ und somit selbst zum Teil des „Experiments“ werden lassen.The Knowledge Society reveals new challenges and opportunities and alters urban development processes. In order to investigate these transitions comprehensively, new formats of inter- and transdisciplinary research are required which allow involving relevant actors of urban development and at the same time to initiate, without prejudging the outcome, sustainable processes of urban transformation. The RealLab “Urban Office – Sustainable Urban Development in the Knowledge Society” therefore extends established observation-oriented research positions. This is done for four specific urban development projects (practice projects), based on which researchers from different disciplines together and on an equal footing with practice actors initiate the co-design of research, governance and planning processes. Of central importance in this context is the development of new communication and research formats which integrate the city administration, the International Building Exhibition Heidelberg (IBA), citizens as well as further practice partners within the co-design process, and turn the Urban Office into a place of reflection, co-production, and, thus, into a part of the “experiment” itself

    Trends in incidence of recorded diagnosis of osteoporosis, osteopenia, and fragility fractures in people aged 50 years and above: retrospective cohort study using UK primary care data

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    Summary: This study used primary care data to estimate the incidence of recorded diagnosis of osteoporosis, osteopenia, and fragility fracture in the UK during 2000–2018 accounting for age, sex, calendar year and social deprivation. More than 3 million people aged 50–99 years were included. We found that men living in the most deprived areas had a 45% higher risk of being diagnosed with osteoporosis and 50% higher risk of fragility fracture compared to men living in the least deprived areas. Purpose: a) To estimate the incidence trends of a recorded diagnosis of osteoporosis, osteopenia, and fragility fracture in the UK over time; b) to describe differences according to age, sex, and social deprivation. Methods: This is a longitudinal population-based cohort study using routinely collected primary care data obtained via IQVIA Medical Research Database (IMRD). All patients aged 50–99 years registered with a practice participating in THIN (The Health Improvement Network) between 2000–2018 were included. The first recorded diagnosis of osteoporosis, osteopenia, or fragility fracture was used to estimate incidence rates (IR) per 10,000 person-years at risk. Poisson regression was used to provide Incidence Rate Ratios (IRR) adjusted by age, sex, social deprivation, calendar year, and practice effect. Results: The year-specific adjusted IRR of recorded osteoporosis was highest in 2009 in women [IRR 1.44(95%CI 1.38–1.50)], whereas in men it was highest in 2013–2014 [IRR 1.94(95%CI 1.72–2.18)] compared to 2000. The year-specific adjusted IRR of fragility fracture was highest in 2012 in women [IRR 1.77(95%CI 1.69–1.85)], whereas in men it was highest in 2013 [IRR 1.64(95%CI 1.51–1.78)] compared to 2000. Men in the most deprived areas had a higher risk of being diagnosed with osteoporosis [IRR 1.45(95%CI 1.38–1.53)], osteopenia [IRR 1.17(95%CI 1.09–1.26)], and fragility fracture [IRR 1.50(95%CI 1.44–1.56)] compared to those living in the least deprived areas, but smaller differences were seen in women. Conclusion: Use of fracture risk assessment tools may enhance the detection of osteoporosis cases in primary care. Further research is needed on the effect of social deprivation on diagnosis of osteoporosis and fractures

    Diagnostic Performance of Self-Assessment for Constipation in Patients With Long-Term Opioid Treatment

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    Constipation is a prevalent comorbidity affecting ∌50% of patients with long- term opioid therapy. In clinical routine different diagnostic instruments are in use to identify patients under risk. The aim of this study was to assess the diagnostic performance of an 11-item Likert scale for constipation used as a self-assessment in opioid-treated patients. This trial was conducted as a retrospective cohort study in Berlin, Germany. Patients with long-term opioid therapy treated in 2 university-affiliated outpatient pain facilities at the CharitĂ© hospital were included from January 2013 to August 2013. Constipation was rated in a self-assessment using a numeric rating scale from 0 to 10 (Con- NRS) and compared with results from a structured assessment based on ROME-III criteria. Altogether, 171 patients were included. Incidence of constipation was 49% of patients. The receiver-operating characteristic of Con-NRS achieved an area under the curve of 0.814 (AUC 95% confidence interval 0.748–0.880, P < 0.001). Con-NRS ≄ 1 achieved sensitivity and specificity of 79.7% and 77.2%, respectively. The positive predictive value and the negative predictive value were 70.3% and 81.6%, respectively. Overall diagnostic performance of a concise 11-item Likert scale for constipation was moderate. Although patients with long-term opioid therapy are familiar with numeric rating scales, a significant number of patients with constipation were not identified. The instrument may be additionally useful to facilitate individualized therapeutic decision making and to control therapeutic success when measured repetitively

    Correlates of Continued Alcohol Consumption During Pregnancy: Implications for Health Promotion

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    Purpose: Too many women continue to drink alcohol during recognized pregnancy. This purpose of this study was to explore factors related to alcohol use during pregnancy. Design: Data came from reviews of charts from women that called the California Teratogen Information Service (CTIS) at some point during the time period from 1981 and 2006 and enrolled in a pregnancy outcome study. Subjects: Approximately 40% of the 181 women in the study sample were 25 years of age and younger, and most women had not previously given birth (61.3%). Measures: Chart extraction data included whether or not women discontinued alcohol consumption at anytime during pregnancy, at what point in their pregnancy they first contacted CTIS, and other demographic information. Results: Approximately 20% of women continued to drink alcohol throughout pregnancy and 37.6% contacted CTIS after the first trimester. Initiating contact with CTIS after the first trimester (p < .01) and being older than 25 years of age (p < .05) were both associated with continued drinking throughout pregnancy. Conclusion: Older women, still of reproductive age, may benefit most from health promotion interventions that focus on alcohol consumption during pregnancy

    Renoprotective Effect of Agalsidase Alfa: A Long-Term Follow-Up of Patients with Fabry Disease

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    Fabry disease is a rare lysosomal storage disorder caused by mutations in the GLA gene, which, without treatment, can cause significant renal dysfunction. We evaluated the effects of enzyme replacement therapy with agalsidase alfa on renal decline in patients with Fabry disease using data from the Fabry Outcome Survey (FOS) registry. Male patients with Fabry disease aged >16 years at agalsidase alfa start were stratified by low (0.5 g/24 h) baseline proteinuria and by 'classic' or 'non-classic' phenotype. Overall, 193 male patients with low (n = 135) or high (n = 58) baseline proteinuria were evaluated. Compared with patients with low baseline proteinuria, those with high baseline proteinuria had a lower mean +/- standard deviation baseline eGFR (89.1 +/- 26.2 vs. 106.6 +/- 21.8 mL/min/1.73 m(2)) and faster mean +/- standard error eGFR decline (-3.62 +/- 0.42 vs. -1.61 +/- 0.28 mL/min/1.73 m(2) per year; p < 0.0001). Patients with classic Fabry disease had similar rates of eGFR decline irrespective of baseline proteinuria; only one patient with non-classic Fabry disease had high baseline proteinuria, preventing meaningful comparisons between groups. In this analysis, baseline proteinuria significantly impacted the rate of eGFR decline in the overall population, suggesting that early treatment with good proteinuria control may be associated with renoprotective effects

    Breast cancer incidence and mortality trends in an affluent population: Marin County, California, USA, 1990–1999

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    BACKGROUND: Elevated rates of breast cancer in affluent Marin County, California, were first reported in the early 1990s. These rates have since been related to higher regional prevalence of known breast cancer risk factors, including low parity, education, and income. Close surveillance of Marin County breast cancer trends has nevertheless continued, in part because distinctive breast cancer patterns in well-defined populations may inform understanding of breast cancer etiology. METHODS: Using the most recent incidence and mortality data available from the California Cancer Registry, we examined rates and trends for 1990–1999 for invasive breast cancer among non-Hispanic, white women in Marin County, in other San Francisco Bay Area counties, and in other urban California counties. Rates were age adjusted to the 2000 US standard, and temporal changes were evaluated with weighted linear regression. RESULTS: Marin County breast cancer incidence rates between 1990 and 1999 increased 3.6% per year (95% confidence interval, 1.8–5.5), six times more rapidly than in comparison areas. The increase was limited to women aged 45–64 years, in whom rates increased at 6.7% per year (95% confidence interval, 3.8–9.6). Mortality rates did not change significantly in Marin County despite 3–5% yearly declines elsewhere. CONCLUSION: Patterns of breast cancer incidence and mortality in Marin County are unlike those in other California counties, and they are probably explained by Marin County's unique sociodemographic characteristics. Similar trends may have occurred in other affluent populations for which available data do not permit annual monitoring of cancer occurrence

    Integrated Front End Circuitry for Microultrasound Capsule Endoscopy

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    Video capsule endoscopy (VCE) was originally developed to address the limitation of conventional endoscopy in accessing the small bowel as a remote part of the gastrointestinal tract. To further enhance the diagnostic ability of VCE, microultrasound capsule endoscopy is under development for identification of disease at an earlier stage and visualisation of subsurface tissue features. This paper presents an evaluation of two approaches to improve signal to noise ratio (SNR) in rapid prototyped capsule endoscopes. First, noise reduction techniques are applied to the integrated front-end circuits in the prototype capsules. Secondly, multiple types of coded excitation transmission are tested and benchmarked with respect to non-coded transmission. Results are presented for both bench top phantom imaging and in vivo translational trial imaging
