2,474 research outputs found


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    Стаття присвячена процесам формування соціокультурних закладів та способів проведення дозвілля мешканців повітового міста Павлограда на початку ХХ століття.The article considers the formation of social and cultural institutions and Pavlograd inhabitants’ leisure in the XX century beginning

    El último Naturalista

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    El libro contiene catorce capítulos dedicados a diferentes facetas de la extensa actividad científica de este naturalista además de un prólogo escrito por Carlos Martín Escorza, del Museo Nacional de Ciencias Naturales, y una presentación por Emilio Cervantes (Coordinador de la Edición).Capítulo quinto en el libro dedicado al importante naturalista español Mariano de la Paz Graells y Agüera en el doscientos aniversario de su nacimiento.El libro se publicó por el Instituto de Estudios RiojanosPeer reviewe

    Features of designing of social and economic development of municipal formations on the basis of semantic-cognitive modeling

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    In the article features of social and economic development of municipal formations are allocated. It is noted that most of the municipalities on the territory of the Russian Federation are rural settlements. It was concluded that it is difficult to construct an adequate model of socio-economic development with the help of traditional approaches. It is proposed to use semantic modeling to represent the socio economic development of rural settlements, as well as cognitive mapping to identify the many dependencies that arise between indicators that directly affect the socio-economic development of rural settlements

    Algoritmos para la detección de aceite de avellana en aceite de oliva

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    7 pages, 5 figures, 5 tables.[EN] The fraudulent addition of hazelnut oil to olive oil can be only detected in high proportions (20-25%) using the A-stigmastenol and the difference between triacylglycerols of equivalent carbon number 42, determined experimentally by HPLC and calculated theoretically from the fatty acid composition (AECN42). A new method lies on a sequential comparison of the values of several algorithms with a database built with data obtained from genuine virgin olive oils. The algorithms are: LLLexp en función de %L; (LLL/OLLn)exp - (LLL/OLLn)teor, vs AECN44 and (ECN441LLL), vs %L; being: LLLnexpO LLnexpa nd ECN44ew the percentage of triacylglycerols determined by HPLC, LLLth, OLLnthWr and EcN44th,, the percentage of those calculated theoretically from the fatty acid wmposition; AECN44 the difference between the experimental and theoretica~v alue of ECN44; and finally %L the percentage of linoleic acid. The database has been built considering the values obtained from olive oils of diierent fatty acid composition and from admixtures between them. The method allows the detection of low percentages of hazelnut oil in olive oii ( 5%).[ES] La adición fraudulenta de aceite de avellana en aceite de oliva puede ser detectada sólo en altas proporciones (20–25 %), usando el D7-estigmastenol y la diferencia entre los triglicéridos con número de carbono equivalente igual a 42, determinados experimentalmente por HPLC y teóricamente a partir de la composición de ácidos grasos (DECN42). Se propone un nuevo método que consiste en la comparación de los valores de varios algoritmos con una base de datos de valores experimentales obtenidos de aceites de oliva virgen genuinos. Estos algoritmos son: LLLexp en función de %L; (LLL/OLLn)exp - (LLL/OLLn)teor en función de DECN44 y (ECN44/LLL)exp en función de %L; siendo LLLexp, OLLnexp, y ECN44exp los porcentajes de los triglicéridos obtenidos por HPLC; LLLteor , OLLnteor, y ECN44teor los porcentajes de éstos calculados teóricamente a partir de la composición de ácidos grasos; DECN44 la diferencia entre el valor experimental y teórico del ECN44; y finalmente %L el porcentaje de ácido linoleico. La base de datos se ha recopilado considerando los valores obtenidos de aceites de oliva de diferentes composiciones de ácidos grasos y mezclas entre ellos. El método permite la detección de pequeños porcentajes (5 %) de aceites de avellana en aceites de oliva.We thank to Ministry of Agriculture for the financia1 support (INIA CA098-005).Peer reviewe

    Redes de bibliotecas en España: la cooperación bibliotecaria como instrumento de desarrollo cultural y científico

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    Se ofrece una panorámica de la evolución del sistema bibliotecario español en los 10/15 últimos años, comparándola con la situación en el mundo bibliotecario anglosajón. Se analizan los proyectos de cooperación bibliotecaria en España y se apuntan las líneas de interés en los proyectos europeos con participación española. Finalmente se presentan unas conclusiones sobre lo expuesto y una reflexión del papel que deben jugar las bibliotecas en un sistema organizado de Investigación

    Breast-feeding in women with hypertensive disorders in pregnancy

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    Aims: Breast feeding is particularly important and difficult in children born prematurely, especially after hypertensive diseases in pregnancies (HDP). Therefore, we aimed to investigate breast feeding in women who developed HDP. Methods: Data on breast-feeding was collected within a nationwide research project on psychosocial factors in HDP. A self-administered questionnaire was given to 2600 women with a suspected history of HDP and 1233 controls. After matching and confirming diagnosis according to ISSHP criteria, 877 women with HDP and 623 controls were included into the study. Results: Control women initiated (48.9/39.2%; P<0.001) and continued (42.2/37.2%; P<0.005) breast-feeding significantly more often than women with HDP. This holds particularly for women who developed HELLP syndrome (48.9/34.7%; P<0.0001, 42.2/33.5%; P<0.0001). A delivery before the 32nd gestational week (19.5/81.8%; P<0.0001) and a birth weight of less than 1500g (18.8/75%; P<0.0001) were associated with the decision not to breast-feed. Conclusions: Women affected by HDP breast fed significantly less often than control women. This effect is at least partly caused by the increased rate of prematurity. Encouraging and supporting these women in breast-feeding is important to improve neonatal physical and mental developmen

    Risk factors for unfavorable pregnancy outcome in women with adverse childhood experiences

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    Aims: To explore the association between childhood sexual abuse (CSA), physical abuse, as well as other adverse childhood experiences (ACE), and different obstetrical risk factors/behaviors. Methods: In this cohort study, obstetrical risk factors and perinatal outcome in 85 women exposed to CSA were compared to 170 matched unexposed women. CSA, physical abuse, and ACE were explored by face-to-face interviews and by questionnaire. Data on perinatal outcome were extracted from medical charts. Fisher's exact, χ2-test, and multiple logistic regression were used for statistical analysis. Results: During pregnancy women with CSA experiences were significantly more often smoking (31.7%/9.4%; P<0.0001), had partners abusing drugs (10.6%/1.2%; P<0.0005), experienced physical (16.5%/0; P<0.0001), sexual (12.9%/0; P<0.0001), and emotional abuse (44.7%/1.7%; P<0.0001), reported depression (24.7%/1.8%; P<0.0001), and suicidal ideation (10.6%/0; P<0.0001) than women without CSA experiences. Differences in risk factors were more often correlated with physical than with sexual abuse during childhood. The probability for premature delivery was associated with CSA, physical abuse and ACE as well as with several of the risk factors investigated. Conclusion: Women with CSA, physical, and ACE present with a variety of abuse-associated obstetrical risk factors and an increased risk for premature delivery. Therefore, all types of abusive and other ACE should be considered in prenatal car

    Система интеллектуальной поддержки принятия решений при ликвидации аварий на шахтах: монография

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    Сформулированы основные направления автоматизации информационной поддержки процесса управления оперативными действиями при авариях. На основе концептуального представления знаний построена онтологическая модель предметной области «Система интеллектуальной поддержки принятия решений при ликвидации аварий на шахтах». Разработан метод автоматизированного формирования проектов оперативных планов, который обеспечивает использование аккумулированного в базе знаний опыта управления действиями горноспасательных подразделений. Методы основаны на адаптированном синтаксисе и семантике языка иерархического сетевого планирования. Для специалистов в области информационных технологий, аспирантов и студентов старших курсов направлений «Системный анализ», «Компьютерные науки»

    Управление денежными потоками на предприятии

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    Анализ денежных потоков на предприятии. Разработка рекомендаций по совершенствованию управления денежными потоками предприятия.Analysis of cash flows at the enterprise. Development of recommendations to improve the management of cash flows of the enterprise