2,495 research outputs found

    Open-source QCD analysis of nuclear parton distribution functions at NLO and NNLO

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    We present new sets of nuclear parton distribution functions (nPDFs) at next-to-leading order and next-to-next-to-leading order. Our analyses are based on deeply inelastic scattering data with charged-lepton and neutrino beams on nuclear targets. In addition, a set of proton baseline PDFs is fitted within the same framework with the same theoretical assumptions. The results of this global QCD analysis are compared to existing nPDF sets and to the fitted cross sections. Also, the uncertainties resulting from the limited constraining power of the included experimental data are presented. The published work is based on an open-source tool, xFitter, which has been modified to be applicable also for a nuclear PDF analysis. The required extensions of the code are discussed as well.Peer reviewe

    Analysis of a XMM-Newton Spectrum of the Extremely Hot White Dwarf in Nova V4743 Sgr

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    Classical novae occur in close binary systems (main-sequence star + white dwarf). V4743 Sgr is a very fast nova exhibiting a X-ray spectrum which is consistent with a view on the optically thick atmosphere of an extremely hot white dwarf (WD). It exhibits strong absorption features of the C V, C VI, N VI, N VII, and O VII resonance lines indicating an effective temperature of about 610 kK. We present preliminary results of a spectral analysis by means of line-blanketed non-LTE atmosphere models of a XMM-Newton RGS-1 spectrum of V4743 Sgr, taken about half a year after its outburst.Comment: 3 pages, 1 figure, proceedings ITAMP Workshop: X-ray Diagnostics for Astrophysical Plasmas: Theory, Experiment, and Observation. 2004 November 15-17 Cambridge, US

    NNLO nuclear parton distribution functions with electroweak-boson production data from the LHC

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    We present new sets of nuclear parton distribution functions (nPDFs) at next-to-leading order and next-to-next-to-leading order in perturbative QCD. Our analyses are based on deeply inelastic scattering data with charged-lepton and neutrino beams on nuclear targets, and experimental data from measurements of W-+/-, Z boson production in p + Pb collisions at the LHC. In addition, a set of proton baseline PDFs is fitted within the same framework and with the same theoretical assumptions. The results of our global QCD analysis are compared to existing nPDF sets and to the previous nPDF set TUJU19, which was based on deep-inelastic scattering data only. Our work is performed using an open-source tool, XFITTER, and the required extensions of the code are discussed as well. We find good agreement with the data included in the fit and a lower value for chi(2)/N-dp when performing the fit at next-to-next-to-leading order. We apply the resulting nuclear PDFs to electroweak boson production in Pb + Pb collisions at the LHC and compare the results to the most recent data from ATLAS and CMS.Peer reviewe

    Supramolecular hydrogels based on antimycobacterial amphiphiles

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    Is the emergence of functional ability decline in early old age related to change in speed of cognitive processing and also to change in personality?

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    To test whether the onset of functional ability decline in early old age is related to change in speed of cognitive processing and personality characteristics. Among 500 randomly sampled participants, the 230 cases that did not show impairment in functional ability were selected. Mean age at Time I was 62.4 years. For this subsample, the emergence of functional ability decline was tracked across a 12-year observation period. The emergence of functional ability decline was related to change in speed of cognitive processing. Decline in functional ability was also related to increased neuroticism and external control, whereas this was not the case regarding extraversión and internal control. Cognitive processing speed was shown to be a predictor of functional disability decline; in addition, the results provided initial evidence that functional ability decline in the early aging phase could be accompanied by changes in personality, particularly neuroticism and external control. (author's abstract

    Verschiedene Gründüngerpflanzen – Anbaueignung und Unkrautunterdrückung im Direktsaatsystem vor Winterweizen

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    In a small-plot field trial 33 green manure plants (GM) were examined for their ability to suppress weeds in a no-tillage system. A roll-chopper was used to suppress the GMs before seeding winter wheat. The success of this organic method to control GMs was compared to the standard method using a non selective herbicide. Species of the group brassicaceae, monocotyles and plant mixtures covered the soil faster, produced more biomass and suppressed weeds more efficiently than species of the group legumes and dicotyles. In spring, weed infestation in all roll-chopper treatments always exceeded economic threshold values whereas in the herbicide treatment weed infestations remained below these values. Additionally, wheat yield and density was reduced in the roll-chopper treatment compared to the herbicide treatment. Application of the roll-chopper together with a suitable GM for Swiss growing conditions will have to be improved before its introduction for no tillage agriculture in organic farming

    Concordance of attachment representations in preschool siblings assessed by the attachment story completion task

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    Several studies have indicated only a modest concordance of attachment security in siblings in infancy. Until now, very little was known about the concordance of siblings’ attachment security beyond infancy, as assessed by the attachment story completion task. This cross-sectional study aims to examine the concordance of attachment representations of 38 first-born (4–7 years) and 38 second-born (3–5 years) siblings living in middle-class two-parent families. Personality factors and the level of parenting stress of the biological mothers (30–43 years) were analysed in relation to children’s attachment security. The results indicate a 43 % secure-insecure concordance rate between siblings’ attachment representations. Sibling’s gender correspondence, age differences and differences in parenting stress were not related to attachment concordance whereas gender of the first-born child was related to attachment concordance. The results also indicate that older children more frequently had secure attachment representations compared to younger children and that attachment insecurity was associated with greater negative impacts of life events, lower maternal life satisfaction and higher parenting stress. Our study indicates that siblings’ attachment representations may lack concordance even when siblings are assessed by the same method at the same time. If maternal and environmental factors are able to explain a substantial amount of variance in the attachment security of individual children, non-shared environmental factors might be underestimated when studying siblings’ attachment representations. The significant effect of age on children’s attachment representations found in this study suggests the need for future research on the stability of attachment representations during the preschool years

    Classification of nutritional status and food habit in bodybuilding practitioners in an academy

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    A alimentação e a prática de atividade física vêm tomando um lugar considerável na vida das pessoas. Acredita-se que esses dois em conjunto levem o indivíduo a ter uma vida mais saudável. Neste contexto, sabendo que a alimentação aliada a prática regular de atividade física tem transcendência na vida cotidiana, esse trabalho tem por objetivo avaliar o estado nutricional e analisar os hábitos alimentares dos praticantes de musculação de uma academia. Foram avaliados o consumo alimentar e avaliação antropométrica através de bioimpedância de 45 participantes, obtendo parâmetros de: peso, Índice de Massa Corporal (IMC), percentual de gordura (CG%) e de massa magra (MM%), idade metabólica e gordura visceral. Os resultados antropométricos indicaram que, o IMC estava elevado no gênero masculino, sendo que o MM% está maior em relação ao CG%, em contrapartida o gênero feminino obteve resultados de IMC e MM% menores, contudo, o CG% estava acima da média. Em relação aos hábitos alimentares, dados revelam uma dieta caracterizada como hiperproteica, e pobre em micronutrientes. Referente ao uso de suplementos 53% fazem uso dele, sendo que a totalidade dos entrevistados atingem as necessidades proteicas através de sua alimentação. Os motivos que levam os praticantes a procurar a musculação foram pela saúde, estética e prazer. Conclui-se que há necessidade de uma equipe multidisciplinar, principalmente o nutricionista, no que toca na questão alimentar, para poder melhor orientar os praticantes em relação a nutrição e prática de atividade física visto que há importantes inadequações nutricionais.Food and physical activity are taking a considerable place in people's lives. It is believed that these two together lead the individual to have a healthier life. In this context, knowing that diet combined with regular physical activity has transcendence in everyday life, this study aims to assess the nutritional status and analyze the eating habits of bodybuilders at a gym. Food consumption and anthropometric assessment were evaluated through bioimpedance of 45 participants, obtaining parameters of: weight, Body Mass Index (BMI), percentage of fat (CG%) and lean mass (MM%), metabolic age and visceral fat. The anthropometric results indicated that the BMI was high in males, with the MM% being higher compared to the CG%, on the other hand, the females had lower BMI and MM% results, however, the CG% was above the average. Regarding eating habits, data reveal a diet characterized as high in protein and low in micronutrients. Regarding the use of supplements, 53% use it, and all respondents reach their protein needs through their diet. The reasons that lead practitioners to seek weight training were for health, aesthetics and pleasure. It is concluded that there is a need for a multidisciplinary team, especially the nutritionist, with regard to the food issue, in order to be able to better guide practitioners in relation to nutrition and physical activity, as there are important nutritional inadequacies


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