3 research outputs found

    Robustness of quantum discord to sudden death

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    We calculate the dissipative dynamics of two-qubit quantum discord under Markovian environments. We analyze various dissipative channels such as dephasing, depolarizing, and generalized amplitude damping, assuming independent perturbation, in which each qubit is coupled to its own channel. Choosing initial conditions that manifest the so-called sudden death of entanglement, we compare the dynamics of entanglement with that of quantum discord. We show that in all cases where entanglement suddenly disappears, quantum discord vanishes only in the asymptotic limit, behaving similarly to individual decoherence of the qubits, even at finite temperatures. Hence, quantum discord is more robust than the entanglement against to decoherence so that quantum algorithms based only on quantum discord correlations may be more robust than those based on entanglement.Comment: 4 figures, 4 page

    Algebraic characterization of X-states in quantum information

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    A class of two-qubit states called X-states are increasingly being used to discuss entanglement and other quantum correlations in the field of quantum information. Maximally entangled Bell states and "Werner" states are subsets of them. Apart from being so named because their density matrix looks like the letter X, there is not as yet any characterization of them. The su(2) X su(2) X u(1) subalgebra of the full su(4) algebra of two qubits is pointed out as the underlying invariance of this class of states. X-states are a seven-parameter family associated with this subalgebra of seven operators. This recognition provides a route to preparing such states and also a convenient algebraic procedure for analytically calculating their properties. At the same time, it points to other groups of seven-parameter states that, while not at first sight appearing similar, are also invariant under the same subalgebra. And it opens the way to analyzing invariant states of other subalgebras in bipartite systems.Comment: 4 pages, 1 figur