517 research outputs found

    Expedition Program PS108

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    Variability in Benthic Ecosystem Functioning in Arctic Shelf and Deep-Sea Sediments: Assessments by Benthic Oxygen Uptake Rates and Environmental Drivers

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    Remineralization of organic matter at the seafloor is an important ecosystem function, as it drives carbon and nutrient cycling, supplying nutrients for photosynthetic production, but also controls carbon burial within the sediment. In the Arctic Ocean, changes in primary production due to rapid sea-ice decline and thinning affect the export of organic matter to the seafloor and thus, benthic ecosystem functioning. Due to the remoteness and difficult accessibility of the Arctic Ocean, we still lack baseline knowledge about patterns of benthic remineralization rates and their drivers in both shelf and deep-sea sediments. Particularly comparative studies across regions are scarce. Here, we address this knowledge gap by contrasting benthic diffusive and total oxygen uptake rates (DOU and TOU), both established proxies of the benthic remineralization function, between shelf and deep-sea habitats of the Barents Sea and the central Arctic Ocean, sampled during a RV Polarstern expedition in 2015. DOU and TOU were measured using ex situ porewater oxygen microprofiles and sediment core incubations, respectively. In addition, contextual parameters including organic matter availability and microbial cell numbers were determined as environmental predictors. Pan-Arctic regional comparisons were obtained by extending our analyses to previously published data from the Laptev and Beaufort Seas. Our results show that (1) benthic oxygen uptake rates and most environmental predictors varied significantly between shelf and deep-sea habitats; (2) the availability of detrital organic matter is the main driver for patterns in total as well as diffusive respiration, while bacterial abundances were highly variable and only a weak predictor of differences in TOU and DOU; (3) regional differences in oxygen uptake across shelf and deep-sea sediments were mainly related to organic matter availability and may reflect varying primary production regimes and distances to the nearest shelf. Our findings suggest that the expected decline in sea-ice cover and the subsequent increase in export of organic matter to the seafloor may particularly enhance remineralization in the deep seas of the Arctic Ocean, altering benthic ecosystem functioning in future climate scenarios

    Sediment oxygen consumption: Role in the global marine carbon cycle

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    The seabed plays a key role in the marine carbon cycle as a) the terminal location of aerobic oxidation of organic matter, b) the greatest anaerobic bioreactor, and c) the greatest repository for reactive organic carbon on Earth. We compiled data on the oxygen uptake of marine sediments with the objective to understand the constraints on mineralization rates of deposited organic matter and their relation to key environmental parameters. The compiled database includes nearly 4000 O 2 uptake data and is available as supplementary material. It includes also information on bottom water O 2 concentration, O 2 penetration depth, geographic position, water depth, and full information on the data sources. We present the different in situ and ex situ approaches to measure the total oxygen uptake (TOU) and the diffusive oxygen uptake (DOU) of sediments and discuss their robustness towards methodological errors and statistical uncertainty. We discuss O 2 transport through the benthic and diffusive boundary layers, the diffusion- and fauna-mediated O 2 uptake, and the coupling of aerobic respiration to anaerobic processes. Five regional examples are presented to illustrate the diversity of the seabed: Eutrophic seas, oxygen minimum zones, abyssal plains, mid-oceanic gyres, and hadal trenches. A multiple correlation analysis shows that seabed O 2 uptake is primarily controlled by ocean depth and sea surface primary productivity. The O2 penetration depth scales with the DOU according to a power law that breaks down under the abyssal ocean gyres. The developed multiple correlation model was used to draw a global map of seabed O2 uptake rates. Respiratory coefficients, differentiated for depth regions of the ocean, were used to convert the global O 2 uptake to organic carbon oxidation. The resulting global budget shows an oxidation of 212 Tmol C yr − 1 in marine sediments with a 5-95% confidence interval of 175-260 Tmol C yr − 1 . A comparison with the global flux of particulate organic carbon (POC) from photic surface waters to the deep sea, determined from multiple sediment trap studies, suggests a deficit in the sedimentation flux at 2000 m water depth of about 70% relative to the carbon turnover in the underlying seabed. At the ocean margins, the flux of organic carbon from rivers and from vegetated coastal ecosystems contributes greatly to the budget and may even exceed the phytoplankton production on the inner continental shelf

    Active metal-cycling microbial communities of polymetallic nodules from the Eastern Pacific Ocean

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    The rising demand for minerals and metals is encouraging the great international interest for alternative sources in the deep sea. Deposits of deep-sea polymetallic nodules attracted the attention for a long time because they are rich in nickel, copper, cobalt, and rare earth elements. The environmental consequences of large-scale mining of polymetallic nodules are currently less known. In 2019 the Belgian and German licence area in the Clarion-Clipperton Zone (Eastern Pacific) were studied to obtain further baseline characteristics of the 4000 m deep polymetallic nodule fields. Here, we present: i) diversity and distribution of the present & active microbial communities of polymetallic nodules and ii) abundance and activity of relevant metal-cycling microorganisms by quantification of extracellular enzyme activity and 16S rRNA amplicon sequencing. Further we aim to enrich potential metal-cycling microorganisms and investigate microbial metabolisms by metagenomic/-transcriptomic from polymetallic nodules. Our results may provide a new set of tools for monitoring ecosystem impacts associated with deep-sea polymetallic nodule mining. New regulations are required to protect these areas from irreversible anthropogenic impacts

    A distributed atmosphere - sea ice - ocean observatory in the central Arctic Ocean: concept and first results

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    To understand the current evolution of the Arctic Ocean towards a less extensive, thinner and younger sea ice cover is one of the biggest challenges in climate research. Especially the lack of simultaneous in-situ observations of sea ice, ocean and atmospheric properties leads to significant knowledge gaps in their complex interactions, and how the associated processes impact the polar marine ecosystem. Here we present a concept for the implementation of a long-term strategy to monitor the most essential climate- and ecosystem parameters in the central Arctic Ocean, year round and synchronously. The basis of this strategy is the development and enhancement of a number of innovative autonomous observational platforms, such as rugged weather stations, ice mass balance buoys, ice-tethered bio-optical buoys and upper ocean profilers. The deployment of those complementing platforms in a distributed network enables the simultaneous collection of physical and biogeochemical in-situ data on basin scales and year round, including the largely undersampled winter periods. A key advantage over other observatory systems is that the data is sent via satellite in near-real time, contributing to numerical weather predictions through the Global Telecommunication Network (GTS) and to the International Arctic Buoy Programme (IABP). The first instruments were installed on ice floes in the Eurasian Basin in spring 2015 and 2016, yielding exceptional records of essential climate- and ecosystem-relevant parameters in one of the most inaccessible regions of this planet. Over the next 4 years, and including the observational periods of the Year of Polar Prediction (YOPP, 2017-2019) and the Multidisciplinary drifting Observatory for the Study of the Arctic Climate (MOSAiC, 2020), the distributed observatory will be continued and extended by deployments of additional instruments in the central Arctic each year, benefitting from international logistical efforts. The continuous data generated by this new autonomous drifting system is expected to provide new insights into the complex Arctic climate- and ecosystem on multiple scales. It is especially valuable in the context of the MOSAiC experiment, extending its coverage both in space and time

    A distributed atmosphere - sea ice - ocean observatory in the central Arctic

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    To understand the current evolution of the Arctic Ocean towards a less extensive, thinner and younger sea ice cover is one of the biggest challenges in climate research. Especially the lack of simultaneous in-situ observations of sea ice, ocean and atmospheric properties leads to significant knowledge gaps in their complex interactions, and how the associated processes impact the polar marine ecosystem. Here we present a concept for the implementation of a long-term strategy to monitor the most essential climate- and ecosystem parameters in the central Arctic Ocean, year round and synchronously. The basis of this strategy is the development and enhancement of a number of innovative autonomous observational platforms, such as rugged weather stations, ice mass balance buoys, ice-tethered bio-optical buoys and upper ocean profilers. The deployment of those complementing platforms in a distributed network enables the simultaneous collection of physical and biogeochemical in-situ data on basin scales and year round, including the largely undersampled winter periods. A key advantage over other observatory systems is that the data is sent via satellite in near-real time, contributing to numerical weather predictions through the Global Telecommunication Network (GTS) and to the International Arctic Buoy Programme (IABP). The first instruments were installed on ice floes in the Eurasian Basin in spring 2015 and 2016, yielding exceptional records of essential climate- and ecosystem-relevant parameters in one of the most inaccessible regions of this planet. Over the next 4 years, and including the observational periods of the Year of Polar Prediction (YOPP, 2017-2019) and the Multidisciplinary drifting Observatory for the Study of the Arctic Climate (MOSAiC, 2020), the distributed observatory will be maintained by deployment of additional instruments in the central Arctic each year, benefitting from international logistical efforts

    An autonomous, multi-disciplinary sea ice - atmosphere - ocean observatory in the central Arctic

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    Although the polar oceans have been studied extensively during recent decades, year-round direct observations of sea ice, atmosphere and ocean are still relatively sparse. Hence, significant knowledge gaps exist in their complex interactions, and how they impact the evolution of the polar marine ecosystems. An important tool to fill these gaps has been developed and enhanced in recent years: autonomous, ice-based observation platforms. These buoys are capable of obtaining data on basin scales and year-round, including the largely undersampled winter periods. A key advantage over other observatory systems is that they send data in near-real time via satellite, contributing for example to numerical weather predictions through the Global Telecommunication Network (GTS). Here we present a concept for the implementation of a long-term strategy to monitor essential physical and biogeochemical parameters in the central Arctic Ocean year round and synchronously. We propose a combination of several new and innovative types of ice-based buoys, such as weather stations, ice mass balance buoys, ice-tethered bio-optical buoys and upper ocean profilers, with a scientific payload optimized to enable interdisciplinary research. Over the next 4 years, including the observational periods of the Year of Polar Prediction (YOPP, 2017-2019) and the Multidisciplinary drifting Observatory for the Study of the Arctic Climate (MOSAiC, 2020), a network of these platforms will be (re-)deployed in the central Arctic Ocean each year, benefitting from international logistical efforts. The ultimate aim is to achieve a quasi-synoptic, basin-wide coverage of key parameters, such as air temperature, barometric pressure, wind speed and –direction, ice and snow thickness, incoming, reflected and transmitted irradiance, seawater temperature and salinity, chl-a and CDOM fluorescence, turbidity, oxygen and nitrate. Initial results from similar deployments since 2015 suggest that this approach has great potential to advance our understanding of many physical and biogeochemical processes and interactions in the polar oceans