242 research outputs found


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    The research investigates the opportunities of introduction prosumers scenario on the Finnish energy market and their role in the changes in the energy industry in Finland. The study concentrates on limiting CO2 emissions in the future through decentralization of the power industry. The intention of this research is to find answers to the four research questions: 1) What is the current situation of energy infrastructure in Finland? 2) What opportunities there are for development of sustainable and self-sufficient homes? 3) Who are prosumers and what kind of role do they have in the future? 4) How do operations of energy companies influence prosumers and how the cooperation between them could look like in the future? Henceforth, detailed interviews are being completed with two energy companies, including medium-size operator and clean energy association, operating on the Finnish market to understand a view of the current situation of infrastructure, upcoming developments and possible possibilities in the area. From obtained data, it is confirmed that existing energy infrastructure is suitable to implement the scenario of prosumers and the researched concept was considered by energy companies. It is also proved that prosumers have an essential role in changes towards sustainable energy production in the future. It is possible to implement the idea of prosumers in Finland, with adjustments to existing infrastructure and energy operators as a transition towards carbon neutral Finland in upcoming future. Moreover, the research revealed the benefits of implemented scenario in economic, social and environmental perspectives. The advantages are seen on an individual, regional and national scale. Implemented scenario brings advantages to all parties involved, including one on the governmental level

    Outer Places, Inner Spaces: Constructing the Gaze in Chola Chidambaram.

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    Dancing in the Sky of Consciousness: The Aesthetics of Power in Medieval Cidambaram

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    Smell: The Sense-Perception of Recognition

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    Emotions in Indian Thought Systems

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    Reverse logistics is a dynamically developing field, which is based on the flow of goods in the opposite direction to the traditional (from consumer to producer). The main purpose of this article is to introduce the concept of reverse logistics and to characterize specific solutions used in its aspect, as well as to present the advantages of using this type of logistics. To illustrate the theoretical considerations were used some reverse logistics processes in enterprises and the benefits that have been achieved as a result of them


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    Musculoskeletal Disorders (MSDs)  telah menjadi salah satu masalah kesehatan paling serius yang dihadapi pekerja di berbagai industri dan pekerjaan, dan tidak hanya berdampak pada individu saja tetapi juga substansial beban ekonomi. MSDs telah diakui sebagai salah satu cedera akibat kerja yang paling umum, dan perawat di bidang pelayanan medis yang telah diidentifikasi sebagai kelompok berisiko tinggi untuk cedera tersebut. Apabila melihat persentase pekerja yang bekerja di rumah sakit, maka didapati bahwa 48% pekerja merupakan perawat sehingga apabila perawat terkena MSDs maka kinerja pelayanan, aktivitas, kualitas kerja perawat akan menurun. Tujuan penelitian ini adalah untuk mengidentifikasi faktor risiko MSDs pada perawat.Terdapat banyak faktor risiko yang menyebabkan MSDs pada perawat. Penelitian ini menggunakan metode literature review  dengan mengakses database online dengan kata kunci “Musculoskeletal Disorder, Faktor Risiko, dan Perawat”. Selanjutnya, 5.730 diperoleh dari Google Scholar , 280 jurnal diperoleh  dari PubMed.Gov, dan 243 jurnal diperoleh dari Elsevier dengan total 6.253 jurnal. Kemudian dengan memperhatikan kriteria inklusi  dan eksklusi dalam proses screening maka diperoleh 18 jurnal yang memenuhi kriteria. Maka, berdasarkan dari jurnal yang telah terpilih diperoleh hasil mengenai faktor risiko dari MSDs adalah  postur janggal, jam kerja, masa kerja, riwayat kesehatan, umur, aktivitas fisik/olahraga, jenis kelamin, Indeks Massa Tubuh (IMT), dan psikososial. Perlu dilakukan pengendalian untuk menurunkan kejadian MSDs pada perawat seperti berolahraga dengan cukup dan melakukan peregangan ketika bekerja

    Linking Gulf Stream air–sea interactions to the exceptional blocking episode in February 2019: a Lagrangian perspective

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    The development of atmospheric blocks over the North Atlantic–European region can lead to extreme weather events like heat waves or cold air outbreaks. Despite their potential severe impact on surface weather, the correct prediction of blocking lifecycles remains a key challenge in cur- rent numerical weather prediction (NWP) models. Increasing evidence suggests that latent heat release in cyclones, the advection of cold air (cold air outbreaks, CAOs) from the Arctic over the North Atlantic, and associated air–sea interactions over the Gulf Stream are key processes contribut- ing to the onset, maintenance, and persistence of such flow regimes. To better understand the mechanism connecting air-sea interactions over the Gulf Stream with changes in the large-scale flow, we focus on an episode between 20 and 27 February 2019, when a quasi-stationary upper-level ridge was established over western Europe accompanied by an intensified storm track in the northwestern North Atlantic. During that time, a record-breaking winter warm spell occurred over western Europe bringing temperatures above 20◦^◦C to the United Kingdom, the Netherlands, and northern France. The event was preceded and accompanied by the develop- ment of several rapidly intensifying cyclones that originated in the Gulf Stream region and traversed the North Atlantic. To explore the mechanistic linkage between the formation of this block and air–sea interactions over the Gulf Stream, we adopt a Lagrangian perspective, using kinematic trajec- tories. This allows us to study the pathways and transformations of air masses that form the upper-level potential vorticity anomaly and interact with the ocean front. We establish that more than one-fifth of these air masses interact with the Gulf Stream in the lower troposphere, experiencing intense heating and moistening over the region due to the frequent occurrence of CAOs behind the cold front of the cyclones. Trajectories moistened by the advection of cold air over a warm ocean by one cyclone later ascend into the upper troposphere with the ascending airstream of a subsequent cyclone, fueled by the strong surface fluxes. These findings highlight the importance of CAOs in the Gulf Stream region, indicat- ing that their intense coupling between the ocean and atmosphere plays a role in block development. Additionally, they provide a mechanistic pathway linking air–sea interactions in the lower troposphere and the upper-level flow
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