2,516 research outputs found

    Variations Electrical Resistance of the Skin in Newborn Infants

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    Measurements were made of the large variations in apparent electrical resistance of the skin of fifteen newborn infants. Readings were taken every five minutes over two hour periods using a unidirectional current technique. The purpose of the experiment was to check Richter\u27s hypothesis that increases in palmar resistance afford an objective criterion of sleep

    The Relationship between the UniProt Knowledgebase (UniProtKB) and the IntAct Molecular Interaction Databases

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    IntAct provides a freely available, open source database system and analysis tools for protein interaction data. All interactions are derived from literature curation or direct user submission and all experimental information relating to binary protein-protein
interactions is entered into the IntAct database by curators, via a web-based editor. Interaction information is added to the SUBUNIT comment and the RP line of the relevant publication within the UniProtKB entry. There may be a single INTERACTION comment present within a UniProtKB entry, which conveys information relevant to binary protein-protein interactions. This is automatically derived from the IntAct database and is updated on a triweekly basis. Interactions can be derived by any appropriate experimental method but must be confirmed by a second interaction if resulting from a single yeast2hybrid experiment. For large-scale experiments, interactions are considered if a high confidence score is assigned by the authors. The INTERACTION line contains a direct link to IntAct that provides detailed information for the experimental support. These lines are not changed manually and any discrepancy is reported to IntAct for updates. There is also a database crossreference line within the UniProtKB entry i.e.: DR IntAct _UniProtKB AC, which directs the user to additional interaction data for that molecule. 
UniProt is supported by grants from the National Institutes of Health, European Commission, Swiss Federal Government and PATRIC BRC.
IntAct is funded by the European Commission under FELICS, contract number 021902 (RII3) within the Research Infrastructure Action of the FP6 "Structuring the European Research Area" Programme

    The influence of infall on the properties of protoplanetary discs : Statistics of masses, sizes, lifetimes, and fragmentation

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    Context. The properties of protoplanetary discs determine the conditions for planet formation. In addition, planets can already form during the early stages of infall. Aims. We constrain physical quantities such as the mass, radius, lifetime, and gravitational stability of protoplanetary discs by studying their evolution from formation to dispersal. Methods. We perform a population synthesis of protoplanetary discs with a total of 50 000 simulations using a 1D vertically integrated viscous evolution code, studying a parameter space of final stellar mass from 0.05 to 5 Msol . Each star-and-disc system is set up shortly after the formation of the protostar and fed by infalling material from the parent molecular cloud core. Initial conditions and infall locations are chosen based on the results from a radiation-hydrodynamic population synthesis of circumstellar discs. We also consider a different infall prescription based on a magnetohydrodynamic (MHD) collapse simulation in order to assess the influence of magnetic fields on disc formation. The duration of the infall phase is chosen to produce a stellar mass distribution in agreement with the observationally determined stellar initial mass function. Results. We find that protoplanetary discs are very massive early in their lives. When averaged over the entire stellar population, the discs have masses of ∼0.3 and 0.1 Msol for systems based on hydrodynamic or MHD initial conditions, respectively. In systems characterised by a final stellar mass ∼1 Msol , we find disc masses of ∼0.7 Msol for the “hydro” case and ∼0.2 Msol for the “MHD” case at the end of the infall phase. Furthermore, the inferred total disc lifetimes are long, ≈5–7 Myr on average. This is despite our choice of a high value of 10^-2 for the background viscosity α-parameter. In addition, we find that fragmentation is common in systems that are simulated using hydrodynamic cloud collapse, with more fragments of larger mass formed in more massive systems. In contrast, if disc formation is limited by magnetic fields, fragmentation may be suppressed entirely. Conclusions. Our work draws a picture quite different from the one often assumed in planet formation studies: protoplanetary discs are more massive and live longer. This means that more mass is available for planet formation. Additionally, when fragmentation occurs, it can affect the disc’s evolution by transporting large amounts of mass radially. We suggest that the early phases in the lives of protoplanetary discs should be included in studies of planet formation. Furthermore, the evolution of the central star, including its accretion history, should be taken into account when comparing theoretical predictions of disc lifetimes with observations

    A Microservice Infrastructure for Distributed Communities of Practice

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    Non-formal learning in Communities of Practice (CoPs) makes up a significant portion of today’s knowledge gain. However, only little technological support is tailored specifically towards CoPs and their particular strengths and challenges. Even worse, CoPs often do not possess the resources to host or even develop a software ecosystem to support their activities. In this paper, we describe a distributed, microservice-based Web infrastructure for non-formal learning in CoPs. It mitigates the need for central infrastructures, coordination or facilitation and takes into account the constant change of these communities. As a real use case, we implement an inquiry-based learning application on-top of our infrastructure. Our evaluation results indicate the usefulness of this learning application, which shows promise for future work in the domain of community-hosted, microservice-based Web infrastructures for learning outside of formal settings

    Lines pinning lines

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    A line g is a transversal to a family F of convex polytopes in 3-dimensional space if it intersects every member of F. If, in addition, g is an isolated point of the space of line transversals to F, we say that F is a pinning of g. We show that any minimal pinning of a line by convex polytopes such that no face of a polytope is coplanar with the line has size at most eight. If, in addition, the polytopes are disjoint, then it has size at most six. We completely characterize configurations of disjoint polytopes that form minimal pinnings of a line.Comment: 27 pages, 10 figure

    Tumor cell endogenous HIF-1α activity induces aberrant angiogenesis and interacts with TRAF6 pathway required for colorectal cancer development

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    Hypoxia and inflammation are key factors for colorectal cancer tumorigenesis. The colonic epithelium belongs to the tissues with the lowest partial pressure of oxygen in the body, and chronic inflammation is associated with an increased chance to develop colon cancer. How the colonic epithelium responds to hypoxia and inflammation during tumorigenesis remains to be elucidated. Here we show, that murine colon adenocarcinoma cells with attenuated response to hypoxia, due to a knock-down (KD) of HIF-1 α, produce smaller and less hypoxic tumors in an orthotopic mouse model when compared to tumors induced with control cells. HIF-1 α- KD tumors showed more functional perfused vasculature associated with increased levels of vessel-stabilizing factors and reduced levels of proangiogenic factors, including extracellular matrix protein Cyr61/CCN1. Intratumoral injection of Cyr61 in HIF-1 α- KD tumors revealed an in increased vessel permeability and tumor hypoxia. Further bioinformatics analysis identified a possible interaction between HIF-1 αand TRAF6, an upstream effector of the NF- κB pathway that was confirmed by coimmunoprecipitation in MC-38 and CT26 colon adenocarcinoma cells and in situ by proximity ligation assay. Down-regulation of TRAF6 resulted in virtual abrogation of orthotopic tumor growth. Subcutaneous TRAF6-KD tumors were smaller and contained reduced vessel size and differently polarized macrophages. These data demonstrate that the tumor cell response to increased hypoxia in the colon leads to promotion of nonfunctional angiogenesis, regulated by both hypoxia and TRAF6 pathways

    Portable HEPA Filtration Successfully Augments Natural-Ventilation-Mediated Airborne Particle Clearance in a Legacy Design Hospital Ward

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    As the severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus-2 pandemic has proceeded, ventilation has been recognized increasingly as an important tool in infection control. Many hospitals in Ireland and the UK do not have mechanical ventilation and depend on natural ventilation. The effectiveness of natural ventilation varies with atmospheric conditions and building design. In a challenge test of a legacy design ward, this study showed that portable air filtration significantly increased the clearance of pollutant aerosols of respirable size compared with natural ventilation, and reduced spatial variation in particle persistence. A combination of natural ventilation and portable air filtration is significantly more effective for particle clearance than either intervention alone

    Multilevel HfO2-based RRAM devices for low-power neuromorphic networks

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    Training and recognition with neural networks generally require high throughput, high energy efficiency, and scalable circuits to enable artificial intelligence tasks to be operated at the edge, i.e., in battery-powered portable devices and other limited-energy environments. In this scenario, scalable resistive memories have been proposed as artificial synapses thanks to their scalability, reconfigurability, and high-energy efficiency, and thanks to the ability to perform analog computation by physical laws in hardware. In this work, we study the material, device, and architecture aspects of resistive switching memory (RRAM) devices for implementing a 2-layer neural network for pattern recognition. First, various RRAM processes are screened in view of the device window, analog storage, and reliability. Then, synaptic weights are stored with 5-level precision in a 4 kbit array of RRAM devices to classify the Modified National Institute of Standards and Technology (MNIST) dataset. Finally, classification performance of a 2-layer neural network is tested before and after an annealing experiment by using experimental values of conductance stored into the array, and a simulation-based analysis of inference accuracy for arrays of increasing size is presented. Our work supports material-based development of RRAM synapses for novel neural networks with high accuracy and low-power consumption. (C) 2019 Author(s)

    Elevated Blood Lead Concentrations and Vitamin D Deficiency in Winter and Summer in Young Urban Children

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    BACKGROUND: It is widely recognized that blood lead concentrations are higher in the summer than in winter. Although the effects of some environmental factors such as lead in dust on this phenomenon have been studied, relationships to sunlight-induced vitamin D synthesis have not been adequately investigated. Vitamin D status is influenced by the diet, sunlight exposure, age, skin pigmentation, and other factors, and may modify gastrointestinal lead absorption or release of lead stored in bones into the bloodstream. OBJECTIVE AND METHODS: We collected paired blood samples from 142 young, urban African-American and Hispanic children in the winter and summer to study the seasonal increase in blood lead and its relationships to vitamin D nutrition, age, and race. RESULTS: A winter/summer (W/S) increase in blood lead concentrations of 32.4% was found for children 1–3 years of age. There was a smaller W/S increase of 13.0% in children 4–8 years of age. None of the 51 Hispanic children had an elevated blood lead concentration (≥ 10 μg/dL) during the winter, and only one had an elevated summertime concentration. In contrast, elevated blood lead concentrations were frequent in the 91 African-American children, especially those 1–3 years of age. For the latter, the percentage with elevated blood lead levels increased from 12.2% in winter to 22.5% in summer. A 1.2% W/S increase in serum 25-hydroxy-vitamin D (serum 25-OH-D) concentrations was found for children 1–3 years of age. However, in children 4–8 years of age the W/S increase in serum 25-OH-D was much larger—33.6%. The percentages of children with low (< 16 μg/L) serum 25-OH-D concentrations were 12.0% in winter and 0.7% in summer and were consistently greater in African-American than in Hispanic children. The seasonal increases in blood lead and serum 25-OH-D in children 4–8 years of age were significantly associated. CONCLUSION: The higher summertime serum 25-OH-D concentrations for the 4- to 8-year-old children are likely caused by increased sunlight-induced vitamin D synthesis and may contribute to the seasonal increase in blood lead. Age and race are key factors that affect blood lead and vitamin D nutrition, as well as their interactions, in young urban children