115 research outputs found

    Comparison of two efficient methods for calculating partition functions

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    In the long-time pursuit of the solution to calculate the partition function (or free energy) of condensed matter, Monte-Carlo-based nested sampling should be the state-of-the-art method, and very recently, we established a direct integral approach that works at least four orders faster. In present work, the above two methods were applied to solid argon at temperatures up to 300300K, and the derived internal energy and pressure were compared with the molecular dynamics simulation as well as experimental measurements, showing that the calculation precision of our approach is about 10 times higher than that of the nested sampling method.Comment: 6 pages, 4 figure

    Comparison of two efficient methods for calculating partition functions

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    In the long-time pursuit of the solution to calculate the partition function (or free energy) of condensed matter, Monte-Carlo-based nested sampling should be the state-of-the-art method, and very recently, we established a direct integral approach that works at least four orders faster. In present work, the above two methods were applied to solid argon at temperatures up to 300300K, and the derived internal energy and pressure were compared with the molecular dynamics simulation as well as experimental measurements, showing that the calculation precision of our approach is about 10 times higher than that of the nested sampling method.Comment: 6 pages, 4 figure

    Неоміфологія постсучасної особистості

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    У статті аналізуються тенденції деміфологізації та деконструкції особистісного буття в умовах сучасного технологічного суспільства. Результатом цих процесів стає підміна глибинності та ієрархічності особистісного само-визначення імітацією та симуляцією у різноманітних формах: імідж, маска, аватар.В статье анализируются тенденции деконструкции и демифологизации личностного бытия в условиях современного технологического общества. Результатом этих процессов стала подмена глубинности и иерархичности личностного самоопределения имитацией и симуляцией в разнообразных формах: имидж, маска, аватар.The trends of demythologization and reconstruction of personality existence in modern technological society circumstances are analyzed in the article. As a result of such processes, an imitation and simulation in their different forms, such as: image, mask, avatar — substitute the depth and hierarchy of personal self-determination

    L-Edge Spectroscopy of Dilute, Radiation-Sensitive Systems Using a Transition-Edge-Sensor Array

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    We present X-ray absorption spectroscopy and resonant inelastic X-ray scattering (RIXS) measurements on the iron L-edge of 0.5 mM aqueous ferricyanide. These measurements demonstrate the ability of high-throughput transition-edge-sensor (TES) spectrometers to access the rich soft X-ray (100-2000eV) spectroscopy regime for dilute and radiation-sensitive samples. Our low-concentration data are in agreement with high-concentration measurements recorded by conventional grating-based spectrometers. These results show that soft X-ray RIXS spectroscopy acquired by high-throughput TES spectrometers can be used to study the local electronic structure of dilute metal-centered complexes relevant to biology, chemistry and catalysis. In particular, TES spectrometers have a unique ability to characterize frozen solutions of radiation- and temperature-sensitive samples.Comment: 19 pages, 4 figure

    Reexamination of Lead(II) Coordination Preferences in Sulfur-Rich Sites: Implications for a Critical Mechanism of Lead Poisoning

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    Recent studies suggest that the developmental toxicity associated with childhood lead poisoning may be attributable to interactions of Pb(II) with proteins containing thiol-rich structural zinc-binding sites. Here, we report detailed structural studies of Pb(II) in such sites, providing critical insights into the mechanism by which lead alters the activity of these proteins. X-ray absorption spectroscopy of Pb(II) bound to structural zinc-binding peptides reveals that Pb(II) binds in a three-coordinate Pb(II)-S3 mode, while Zn(II) is known to bind in a four-coordinate mode in these proteins. This Pb(II)-S_3 coordination in peptides is consistent with a trigonal pyramidal Pb(II)-S_3 model compound previously reported by Bridgewater and Parkin, but it differs from many other reports in the small molecule literature which have suggested Pb(II)-S_4 as a preferred coordination mode for lead. Reexamination of the published structures of these “Pb(II)-S_4” compounds reveals that, in almost all cases, the coordination number of Pb is actually 5, 6, or 8. The results reported herein combined with this new review of published structures suggest that lead prefers to avoid four-coordination in sulfur-rich sites, binding instead as trigonal pyramidal Pb(II)-S_3 or as Pb(II)-S_(5-8). In the case of structural zinc-binding protein sites, the observation that lead binds in a three-coordinate mode, and in a geometry that is fundamentally different from the natural coordination of zinc in these sites, explains why lead disrupts the structure of these peptides and thus provides the first detailed molecular understanding of the developmental toxicity of lead

    Manipulating charge transfer excited state relaxation and spin crossover in iron coordination complexes with ligand substitution

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    Developing light-harvesting and photocatalytic molecules made with iron could provide a cost effective, scalable, and environmentally benign path for solar energy conversion. To date these developments have been limited by the sub-picosecond metal-to-ligand charge transfer (MLCT) electronic excited state lifetime of iron based complexes due to spin crossover-the extremely fast intersystem crossing and internal conversion to high spin metal-centered excited states. We revitalize a 30 year old synthetic strategy for extending the MLCT excited state lifetimes of iron complexes by making mixed ligand iron complexes with four cyanide (CN-;) ligands and one 2,2′-bipyridine (bpy) ligand. This enables MLCT excited state and metal-centered excited state energies to be manipulated with partial independence and provides a path to suppressing spin crossover. We have combined X-ray Free-Electron Laser (XFEL) Kβ hard X-ray fluorescence spectroscopy with femtosecond time-resolved UV-visible absorption spectroscopy to characterize the electronic excited state dynamics initiated by MLCT excitation of [Fe(CN)4(bpy)]2-. The two experimental techniques are highly complementary; the time-resolved UV-visible measurement probes allowed electronic transitions between valence states making it sensitive to ligand-centered electronic states such as MLCT states, whereas the Kβ fluorescence spectroscopy provides a sensitive measure of changes in the Fe spin state characteristic of metal-centered excited states. We conclude that the MLCT excited state of [Fe(CN)4(bpy)]2- decays with roughly a 20 ps lifetime without undergoing spin crossover, exceeding the MLCT excited state lifetime of [Fe(2,2′-bipyridine)3]2+ by more than two orders of magnitude