206 research outputs found

    Guanidinium l-glutamate

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    In the title compound, CH6N3 +·C5H8NO4 −, there are two independent cations and two independent anions in the asymmetric unit. In the crystal structure, cations and anions are linked by inter­molecular N—H⋯O hydrogen bonds into a three-dimensional network

    Laboratory study of acoustic velocity in different types of rocks at seismic frequency band

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    In order to understand the characteristics of acoustic wave propagation in rocks within seismic frequency band (<100 Hz), the velocities of longitudinal and transverse waves of four different types of rocks were tested using low-frequency stress-strain method by means of the physical testing system of rock at low frequency and the experimental data of acoustic velocities of four different types of rocks at this frequency band were obtained. The experimental results showed that the acoustic velocities of four different types of rocks increased with the increase of temperature and pressure within the temperature and pressure ranges set by the experiment. The acoustic velocity of fine sandstone at 50% water saturation was smaller than that of dry sample. The acoustic velocities of four different types of rocks were different and the velocities of longitudinal waves of gritstone, fine sandstone, argillaceous siltstone and mudstone increased in turn under similar conditions and were smaller than those at ultrasonic frequency. Few of existing studies focus on the acoustic velocity at seismic frequency band, thus, further understanding of the acoustic characteristics at this seismic frequency band still requires more experimental data

    Experimental Study on Anisotropic Strength and Deformation Behavior of a Coal Measure Shale under Room Dried and Water Saturated Conditions

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    This paper presents an experimental investigation of anisotropic strength and deformation behavior of coal measure shale. The effect of two factors (i.e., anisotropy and water content) on shale strength and deformation behavior was studied. A series of uniaxial and triaxial compression tests were conducted on both room dried and water saturated samples for different lamination angles. The test results indicate that (1) the compressive strength, cohesion, internal friction angle, tangent Young’s modulus, and axial strain corresponding to the peak and residual strengths of room dried specimens exhibit anisotropic behavior that strongly depends on the orientation angle ; (2) in comparison to the room dried samples, the compressive strength and Young’s modulus as well as the anisotropy are all reduced for water saturated specimens; and (3) the failure mechanism of the samples can be summarized into two categories: sliding along lamination and shearing of rock material, with the type occurring in a particular situation depending strongly on the lamination orientation angles with respect to the major principal stress. According to the findings, it is strongly recommended that the effect of anisotropy and water content on the strength and deformation behavior of the rock must be considered in ground control designs

    Percutaneous Nephrolithotomy under Local Infiltration Anesthesia in Kneeling Prone Position for a Patient with Spinal Deformity

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    Urolithiasis, a common condition in patients with spinal deformity, poses a challenge to surgical procedures and anesthetic management. A 51-year-old Chinese male presented with bilateral complex renal calculi. He was also affected by severe kyphosis deformity and spinal stiffness due to ankylosing spondylitis. Dr. Li performed the percutaneous nephrolithotomy under local infiltration anesthesia with the patient in a kneeling prone position, achieving satisfactory stone clearance with no severe complications. We found this protocol safe and effective to manage kidney stones in patients with spinal deformity. Local infiltration anesthesia may benefit patients for whom epidural anesthesia and intubation anesthesia are difficult

    A Novel Prognostic Predictor of Immune Micro-environment and Therapeutic Response in Kidney Renal Clear Cell Carcinoma based on Necroptosis-related Gene Signature

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    Background: Necroptosis, a cell death of caspase-independence, plays a pivotal role in cancer biological regulation. Although necroptosis is closely associated with oncogenesis, cancer metastasis, and immunity, there remains a lack of studies determining the role of necroptosis-related genes (NRGs) in the highly immunogenic cancer type, kidney renal clear cell carcinoma (KIRC). Methods: The information of clinicopathology and transcriptome was extracted from TCGA database. Following the division into the train and test cohorts, a three-NRGs (TLR3, FASLG, ZBP1) risk model was identified in train cohort by LASSO regression. The overall survival (OS) comparison was conducted between different risk groups through Kaplan-Meier analysis, which was further validated in test cohort. The Cox proportional hazards regression model was introduced to assess its impact of clinicopathological factors and risk score on survival. ESTIMATE and CIBERSORT algorithms were introduced to evaluate immune microenvironment, while enrichment analysis was conducted to explore the biological significance. Correlation analysis was applied for the correlation assessment between checkpoint gene expression and risk score, between gene expression and therapeutic response. Gene expressions from TCGA were verified by GEO datasets and immunohistochemistry (IHC) analysis. Results: This NRGs-related signature predicted poorer OS in high-risk group, which was also verified in test cohort. Risk score could also independently predict survival outcome of KIRC. Significant changes were also found in immune microenvironment and checkpoint gene expressions between different risk groups, with immune functional enrichment in high-risk group. Interestingly, therapeutic response was correlated with the expressions of NRGs. The expressions of NRGs from TCGA were consistent with those from GEO datasets and IHC analysis. Conclusion: The NRGs-related signature functions as a novel prognostic predictor of immune microenvironment and therapeutic response in KIRC

    A novel backfill material for roof supports in the cut-through entries of longwall mining

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    U svrhu povećanja sigurnost u rudnicima, istraživači su razvili brzo skrutnjavajući cement koji sadrži veliku količinu vode (HWFSC). HWFSC se u biti sastoji od dvije komponente i može se miješati s velikim količinama vode. Kako bi se odredila njegova mehanička čvrstoća izvršen je niz ispitivanja jednoosne tlačne čvrstoće na HWFSC uzorcima s različitim omjerima vode i krute tvari. Rezultati su pokazali da je vršna čvrstoća znatno opadala s povećanjem W/S omjera, dok je zaostala čvrstoća pritom postupno rasla. Izvedivost ispune prokopa HWFSC-om tada se provjerila analizom slučaja. LaModel programom se procijenilo popuštanje bočnog stupa i deformacija prokopa. Rezultati također pokazuju da se primjena HWFSC za ispunu prokopa pokazala uspješnom u rješavanju složenih problema upravljanja s tla. Daljnja je analiza također pokazala da je HWFSC optimalni materijal za popunjavanje i zbog ekonomične cijene i sigurnosti krovišta.To enhance underground mining safety, researchers developed high-water and fast-setting cement (HWFSC). HWFSC essentially consists of two components and can be mixed with large quantities of water. To determine its mechanical strength, a series of uniaxial compressive strength tests were conducted on HWFSC specimens with different water-to-solid ratios. Results indicate that peak strength declined significantly with the increase in W/S ratio, whereas residual strength increased gradually with this enhancement. The feasibility of backfilling cut-through entries with HWFSC is then evaluated through a case study. The LaModel program was used to assess the yielding of the fender pillar and the deformation of the cut-through entry. Results also show that the use of HWFSC to backfill the cut-through entry addressed complicated ground control problems effectively. Further analysis also suggested that HWFSC was the optimal backfill material in terms of both economic cost and roof support safety

    Mass and Heat Balance of a Lake Ice Cover in the Central Asian Arid Climate Zone

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    To improve the understanding of the seasonal evolution of the mass and heat budget of ice-covered lakes in the cold and arid climate zone, in-situ observations were collected during two winters (2016–2017 and 2017–2018) in Lake Wuliangsuhai, Inner Mongolia, China. The mean snow thickness was 5.2 and 1.6 cm in these winters, due to low winter precipitation. The mean ice thickness was 50.9 and 36.1 cm, and the ice growth rate was 3.6 and 2.1 mm day−1 at the lower boundary of ice. Analyses of mass and heat balance data from two winters revealed that the surface heat budget was governed by solar radiation and terrestrial radiation. The net heat flux loss of the ice was 9–22 W m−2, affected by the snow and ice thickness. Compared to boreal lakes, Lake Wuliangsuhai received more solar radiation and heat flux from the water. The ice temperature had a strong diurnal variation, which was produced by the diurnal cycles of solar radiation, and air and water temperatures. These results expand our knowledge of the evolution of mass and heat balance in temperate lakes of mid-latitude arid areas

    Preparation of Iron-nickel Alloy Nanostructures via Two Cationic Pyridinium Derivatives as Soft Templates

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    In this paper, crystalline iron-nickel alloy nanostructures were successfully prepared from two cationic pyridinium derivatives as soft templates in solution. The crystal structure and micrograph of FeNi alloy nanostructures were characterized by X-ray diffraction, scanning electron microscopy and transmission electron microscopy, and the content was confirmed by energy-dispersive spectrometry. The results indicated that the as-prepared nanostructures showed slightly different diameter ranges with the change of cationic pyridinium derivatives on the surface. The experimental data indicated that the adsorption of cationic pyridinium compounds on the surface of particles reduces the surface charge, leading to an isotropic distribution of the residual surface charges. The magnetic behaviours of as-prepared FeNi alloy nanostructures exhibited disparate behaviours, which could be attributed to their grain sizes and distinctive structures. The present work may give some insight into the synthesis and character of new alloy nanomaterials with special nanostructures using new soft templates