1,551 research outputs found

    Robust limit on a varying proton-to-electron mass ratio from a single H2 system

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    The variation of the dimensionless fundamental physical constant mu=m_p/m_e can be checked through observation of Lyman and Werner lines of molecular hydrogen in the spectra of distant QSOs. Our intention is to asses the accuracy of the investigation concerning a possible variation of mu and to provide more robust results for QSO 0347-383. The goal in mind is to resolve the current controversy on variation of mu and devise explanations for the different findings. We achieve this not by another single result but by providing alternative approaches to the problem. An analysis based on independent data sets of QSO 0347-383 is put forward and new approaches for some of the steps involved in the data analysis are introduced. We analyse two independent sets of observations of the same absorption system and for the first time we apply corrections for the observed offsets between discrete spectra Drawing on two independent observations of a single absorption system in QSO 0347-383 our detailed analysis yields dmu/mu = 15 +/- (9_stat + 6_sys) x 10^{-6} at z_abs=3.025. Based on the overall goodness-of-fit we estimate the limit of accuracy to about 300 m/s, consisting of roughly 180 m/s due to the uncertainty of the fit and about 120 m/s allocated to systematics This work presents alternative approaches to handle systematics and introduces methods required for precision analysis of QSO spectra available in the near future.Comment: 9 pages, 10 figures, submitted to A&

    Multiple origins for the DLA at zabs=0.313z_\mathrm{abs}=0.313 toward PKS 1127−-145 indicated by a complex dust depletion pattern of Ca, Ti, and Mn

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    We investigate the dust depletion properties of optically thick gas in and around galaxies and its origin we study in detail the dust depletion patterns of Ti, Mn, and Ca in the multi-component damped Lyman-α\alpha (DLA) absorber at zabs=0.313z_\mathrm{abs}=0.313 toward the quasar PKS 1127−-145.} We performed a detailed spectral analysis of the absorption profiles of CaII, MnII, TiII, and NaI associated with the DLA toward PKS 1127−-145, based on optical high-resolution data obtained with the UVES instrument at the Very Large Telescope (VLT). We obtained column densities and Doppler-parameters for the ions listed above and determine their gas-phase abundances, from which we conclude on their dust depletion properties. We compared the Ca and Ti depletion properties of this DLA with that of other DLAs. One of the six analyzed absorption components shows a striking underabundance of Ti and Mn in the gas-phase, indicating the effect of dust depletion for these elements and a locally enhanced dust-to-gas ratio. In this DLA and in other similar absorbers, the MnII abundance follows that of TiII very closely, implying that both ions are equally sensitive to the dust depletion effects. Our analysis indicates that the DLA toward PKS 1127−-145 has multiple origins. With its narrow line width and its strong dust depletion, component 3 points toward the presence of a neutral gas disk from a faint LSB galaxy in front of PKS 1127−-145, while the other, more diffuse and dust-poor, absorption components possibly are related to tidal gas features from the interaction between the various, optically confirmed galaxy-group members. In general, the Mn/CaII ratio in sub-DLAs and DLAs possibly serves as an important indicator to discriminate between dust-rich and dust-poor in neutral gas in and around galaxies.Comment: 10 pages, 8 figures, accepted for A&

    Diffuse interstellar bands {\lambda}5780 and {\lambda}5797 in the Antennae Galaxy as seen by MUSE

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    ABRIDGED: Diffuse interstellar bands (DIBs) are faint spectral absorption features of unknown origin. Research on DIBs beyond the Local Group (LG) will surely blossom in the era of the ELTs. A possibility that needs to be explored is the use of integral field spectrographs. We do so by using MUSE data for the Antennae Galaxy, the closest major galaxy merger. High S-to-N spectra were created by co-adding the signal of many spatial elements. The emission of the underlying stellar population was modeled using STARLIGHT. To our knowledge, we have derived the first maps for the DIBs at l5780 and l5797 in galaxies outside the LG. The l5780 DIB was detected in an area of ~0.6 arcmin2, corresponding to a linear scale of ~25 kpc2. This region was sampled using >200 independent lines of sight. The DIB l5797 was detected in >100 independent lines of sight. Both DIBs are associated with a region with high emission in the HI 21 cm line, implying a connection between atomic gas and DIBs, as the correlations for the Milky Way also suggest. Conversely, there is mild spatial association between the two DIBs and the molecular gas, in agreement with results for our Galaxy that indicate a lack of correlation between DIBs and molecular gas. The overall structure for the DIB strength distribution and extinction are comparable. Within the system, the l5780 DIB clearly correlates with the extinction. Both DIBs follow the relationship between equivalent width and reddening when data for several galaxies are considered. Unidentified Infrared emission Bands (UIBs, likely caused by PAHs) and the l5780 and l5797 DIBs show similar but not identical spatial distributions. We attribute the differences to extinction effects without necessarily implying a radically different nature of the respective carriers. The results illustrate the enormous potential of integral field spectrographs for extragalactic DIB research.Comment: 12 pages, 13 figures, accepted by Astronomy & Astrophysics; version corrected by English edito

    Variability of the proton-to-electron mass ratio on cosmological scales

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    So far the only seemingly significant indication of a cosmological variation exists for the proton-to-electron mass ratio as stated by Reinhold et al. (2006). The measured indication of variation is based on the combined analysis of H2 absorption systems in the spectra of Q0405-443 and Q0347-383 at z=2.595 and z=3.025, respectively. The high resolution data of the latter is reanalyzed in this work to examine the influence of different fitting procedures and further potential nonconformities. This analysis cannot reproduce the significance achieved by the previous detection.Comment: 10 pages, 8 figures, as to appear in EPJ special - ACFC 2007 conference proceeding

    Public Support of the Processing and Marketing of Agricultural Products: A Driver of Innovation in the Food Industry?

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    At issue in this paper is the role of innovation within the public support of food-industries under EU rural development policy. It is focused on the questions: Are there fundamental economic characteristics of highly innovative in comparison to less innovative enterprises? And, what are successful strategies to promote innovations by intervention of the state. Baseline information is given through the data ascertainment of investment grant applications and collaboration with local state departments.Innovation, industrial policy, investment assistance, food-industry, state-intervention, Agribusiness, Agricultural and Food Policy, Marketing,

    Towards DIB mapping in galaxies beyond 100 Mpc. A radial profile of the λ\lambda5780.5 diffuse interstellar band in AM 1353-272 B

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    Diffuse Interstellar Bands (DIBs) are non-stellar weak absorption features of unknown origin found in the spectra of stars viewed through one or several clouds of Interstellar Medium (ISM). Research of DIBs outside the Milky Way is currently very limited. Specifically spatially resolved investigations of DIBs outside of the Local Group is, to our knowledge, inexistent. Here, we explore the capability of the high sensitivity Integral Field Spectrograph, MUSE, as a tool to map diffuse interstellar bands at distances larger than 100 Mpc. We use MUSE commissioning data for AM 1353-272 B, the member with highest extinction of the "The Dentist's Chair", an interacting system of two spiral galaxies. High signal-to-noise spectra were created by co-adding the signal of many spatial elements distributed in a geometry of concentric elliptical half-rings. We derived decreasing radial profiles for the equivalent width of the λ\lambda5780.5 DIB both in the receding and approaching side of the companion galaxy up to distances of ∌\sim4.6 kpc from the center of the galaxy. Likewise, interstellar extinction, as derived from the Halpha/Hbeta line ratio displays a similar trend, with decreasing values towards the external parts. This translates into an intrinsic correlation between the strength of the DIB and the extinction within AM 1353-272 B consistent with the current existing global trend between these quantities when using measurements for both Galactic and extragalactic sight lines. Mapping of DIB strength in the Local Universe as up to now only done for the Milky Way seems feasible. This offers a new approach to study the relationship between DIBs and other characteristics and species of the ISM in different conditions as those found in our Galaxy to the use of galaxies in the Local Group and/or single sightlines towards supernovae, quasars and galaxies outside the Local Group.Comment: 4 pages, 4 figures, accepted for publication as a Letter in Astronomy and Astrophysics; Received 10 February 2015 / Accepted 20 February 2015 ; English corrections include

    Type-D Personality in Unemployed Subjects: Prevalence, Self-Efficacy and Heart Rate Variability/Autonomic Response

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    Background: Unemployment may impair mental and physical health. The influencing factors causing such negative effects are relevant from an individual and public health perspective. The personality as one possible influencing factor was discussed. This study investigated the prevalence of the type-D personality in an unemployed population and its connections to socio-demographic, psychological and heart rate variability (HRV) parameters. Methods: A questionnaire set including socio-demographics, type-D scale (DS14), Complaint list (BL), Beck-Depression-Inventory II (BDI-II) and the General Self-Efficacy Scale (GSE) was handed out to 203 unemployed individuals [126 females, mean age ± SD: 42.36 ± 11.08]. For HRV assessment (RMSSD), a subsample of 83 participants [50 females, median age ± IQR: 47.00 ± 17.00] passed the “stress-tests” (timed breathing, d2-attention-stress-test, math test) while heart frequency (HF) was acquired via the Stressball software (BioSign GmbH, Ottenhofen, Germany). Results: 53% of the unemployed had a type-D personality. Compared to non-type-D individuals, type-D individuals had rarely children and by trend a lower educational level; they showed significantly higher scores in the BDI-II and lower scores in the GSE and BL. No differences were observed in mean HF or RMSSD during all the stress-tests. Conclusion: The HRV of individuals with a type-D personality is no worse than that of individuals without a type-D personality. Type-D personality was significantly associated with negative health effects regarding depressiveness, self-efficacy and physical complaints. Our main findings implicate that the DS14 could serve as a short and reliable screening instrument to select concerned unemployed individuals who might be at risk for negative health effects for adequate intervention

    Real-time crowding information can help contain Covid-19

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    A study shows that when people have crowding information about medical practices, they tend to select less crowded ones - by Martin Adam, Dominick Werner, Charlotte Wendt and Alexander Benlia

    On the relation between Lya absorbers and local galaxy filaments

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    The intergalactic medium (IGM) is believed to contain the majority of baryons in the universe and to trace the same dark matter structure as galaxies, forming filaments and sheets. Lya absorbers, which sample the neutral component of the IGM, have been extensively studied at low and high redshift, but the exact relation between Lya absorption, galaxies and the large-scale structure is observationally not well-constrained. In this study, we aim at characterising the relation between Lya absorbers and nearby overdense cosmological structures (galaxy filaments) at recession velocities Delta v \leq 6700 km/s by using archival observational data from various instruments. We analyse 587 intervening Lya absorbers in the spectra of 302 extragalactic background sources obtained with the COS installed on the HST. We combine the absorption-line information with galaxy data of five local galaxy filaments originally mapped by Courtois et al. (2013). Along the 91 sightlines that pass close to a filament, we identify 215 (227) Lya absorption systems (components). Among these, 74 Lya systems are aligned in position and velocity with the galaxy filaments, indicating that these absorbers and the galaxies trace the same large-scale structure. The filament-aligned Lya absorbers have a ~90 percent higher rate of incidence (dN/dz=189 for log N HI \geq 13.2) and a mildly shallower slope (-beta = -1.47) of the column density distribution function than the general Lya population at z=0, reflecting the filaments' matter overdensity. The strongest Lya absorbers are preferentially found near galaxies or close to the axis of a filament, although there is substantial scatter in this relation. Our sample of absorbers clusters more strongly around filament axes than a randomly distributed sample would do (as confirmed by a KS test), but the clustering signal is less pronounced than for the galaxies in the filaments.Comment: Accepted for publication in A&A. 16 pages, 19 figure
