55 research outputs found

    Clinical, Hematological and Biochemical Profiles of Dogs with Leishmania infantum

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    Background: Canine Visceral Leishmaniasis is a zoonosis affecting dogs worldwide. Its epidemiological importance is observed in Brazil, wherein the largest number of cases originates in the Northeast Region of the country. The disease is caused by the etiologic agent Leishmania chagasi (= infantum) and transmitted by an invertebrate form of sand fly of the genus Lutzomia. Domestic dogs are one of the main reservoirs. The aim of this study was to use molecular analysis to diagnose dogs naturally infected with Leishmania spp. in the city of Jequié, State of Bahia, Brazil, and to describe the clinical signs, as well as the hematological and biochemical profiles associated with these cases.Materials, Methods & Results: In the present study, 198 dogs underwent physical examination and had blood samples collected for hematological, biochemical and PCR tests for Leishmania infantum. Two primers have been used for the molecular diagnostic technique (PCR): first, the ITS-1 specific to Leishmania species followed by the PCR-RFVL to identify the genus; and second, the primer pair RV1/RV2 specific to the Leishmania infantum species in all the samplesAmong the 198 samples collected, four animals tested positive for the Leishmania infantum via PCR, two of which were symptomatic and two asymptomatic. Among the symptomatic animals, animal one presented with diffuse alopecia, ulcerated lesions on the tip of the ears, ophthalmopathy, onychogryphosis, cachexia, anemia and neutrophilic leukocytosis, and animal two presented with alopecia, pustules, crusting, diffusely-spread erythema, anemia, hyperproteinemia, thrombocytopenia and azotemia. Among the two asymptomatic dogs, one animal had anemia, hyperproteinemia, thrombocytopenia, leukocytosis with neutrophilia, and azotemia; the other animal’s laboratory findings revealed hyperproteinemia and leukocytosis with neutrophilia.Discussion: Although 48 animals presented clinical signs, as well as hematological and biochemical alterations commonly reported in the available literature on Leishmaniasis, only two tested positive by PCR. This implies that a positive diagnosis for this pathology should not be given only based on nonspecific clinical and laboratory data. On the other hand, two animals positive via PCR were asymptomatic, and could act as silent disseminators of the parasite in the region. Since the region is considered endemic for the disease, many dogs may be in the chronic phase, with low parasitemia. The fact that blood with low parasitemia was examined may have influenced the estimate of the ocurrence, as it is common knowledge that in such cases the PCR can deliver a false-negative result due the low amount of DNA for amplification. The ideal tissue should be obtained from the spleen, liver, lymph nodes or via bone marrow puncture. However, it was not possible to collect this kind of tissue due to the need for general anesthesia, which is a limiting factor when the study is conducted with domiciliated animals. Clinical signs found in positive animals involve different systems, due to the multisystemic nature of the disease, and evaluation for differential diagnosis is essential to rule out other pathologies that lead to similar changes, such as systemic lupus erythematosus, ehrlichiosis, and babesiosis, among others. Some of the hematologic changes found in positive animals included: anemia, hyperproteinemia, leukocytosis; all of which are respectively correlated with spinal cord dysfunction, splenic sequestration and hyperglobulinemia due to the intense immune response. We concluded that the PCR enabled the identification of canine visceral leishmaniasis cases in the city of Jequié. However, our study did not identify a relationship between the molecular positivity of dogs to Leishmania infantum and the clinical signs and the hematologic and biochemical analysis of samples from suspected cases

    Hematological and Biochemical Evaluation of Dogs Undergoing Treatment with Veterinary Dental Gel for the Reduction of Plaque and Dental Calculus

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    Background: Periodontal disease affects a large proportion of dogs, causing both local and systemic symptoms. Several studies to identify alternative approaches for plaque reduction and removal have been conducted. Recently, Tropiclean Fresh Breath Clean Teeth Gel was introduced as an adjuvant to aid in plaque and calculus removal. This product is formulated using Aloe vera, green tea, and mint; however, studies on the toxic potential of this product have not been performed yet. The aim of this study was to evaluate the influence of Tropiclean Fresh Breath Clean Teeth Gel product on hematological and biochemical profiles in dogs undergoing 90-day treatment with the product.Materials, Methods & Results: Per manufacturers' recommendation, the product should be used daily for 30 consecutive days, and subsequently, as maintenance at two to three times a week. In this study, 48 dogs with periodontal disease who received prolonged daily treatment for 90 consecutive days underwent hematological and biochemical evaluation. During the 90 days’ treatment duration, the animals were examined daily to identify the presence of adverse effects; and changes in halitosis were reported. At pre-treatment time-point, 5 mL of blood was collected via cephalic or jugular vein puncture in EDTA tubes for determining the complete blood count (CBC), and in tubes without EDTA for the urea, creatinine, and ALT levels; in addition, for comparison, blood was collected after 90 days’ treatment. At post-treatment time-point, the hematological and biochemical analyses showed significantly lower total leukocyte count as compared to that at pre-treatment (P < 0.01); comprising lower neutrophil count as the cell type involved (P < 0.05). The other parameters showed no statistically significant differences, demonstrating an absence of the products’ effect in terms of alteration of these profiles. All the dogs showed absence of apathy, vomiting, diarrhea, reduced appetite, or abnormalities in the mucosal color; in addition, all showed improvement in halitosis; of which, 39 showed improvement at 1 weeks’ treatment duration.Discussion: In the present study, the analyzed parameters were used to determine the hemolysis, leukocytes or platelet abnormalities, renal function, and liver injury. The kidneys and liver are organs that are closely linked to the metabolism and excretion of drugs; hence, their functions are often altered by the toxic effects of some substances. Despite the reported toxicity of Aloe vera, in the present study, there were no changes in the hematological and biochemical parameters in the dogs undergoing treatment for 90 days, except for the reduced total leukocyte count with differential reduction of the neutrophil population, indicating the products’ safety at 90-days’ treatment duration. The hematological and biochemical results were corroborated by the result of the absence of abnormal clinical signs at daily evaluation. In the dogs included in this study, the reduction of halitosis was associated with the reduction of the leukocyte count related to the bactericidal and bacteriostatic properties of the active ingredients of Aloe vera such as opirocatechol, cinnamic acid, ascorbic acid, and p-coumaric acid which were reported in the field of dentistry; and with regard to green tea, catechin galatoepigallocatechin (EgCG) may be responsible for the bactericidal and bacteriostatic effects. Thus, the product at 90 days’ treatment duration showed safety, without changes in the hematological and biochemical profiles in the participating dogs

    Canine Hypothyroidism with Neurological Disorders

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    Background: Hypothyroidism is characterized by hypofunction of the thyroid gland. It results in deficient production of thyroid hormones. Neurological disorders resulting from hypothyroidism are rare, which highlights the importance of this study. This study reports a case of hypothyroidism in a dog with neurological clinical signs, that was treated at the Universidade Estadual de Santa Cruz’s Veterinary Hospital (HV-UESC).   Case: A 4-year-old male intact Dogo Argentino breed dog, weighing 64 kg, presenting obesity, anorexia, prostration, walking in circles, and chronic dermatopathy was presented at HV-UESC. Upon physical examination, the animal presented a deficit of proprioception in the 4 limbs, with preserved superficial and deep pain. No alteration was observed in the ears, that could explained the clinical signs. In terms of dermatopathy, the animal presented symmetrical alopecia in the lateral region of the thighs and tail. Blood samples were collected for a complete blood count and biochemical tests of urea, creatinine, ALT, AST and cholesterol. Imaging radiography and ultrasonography were performed, which ruled out thoracic and abdominal changes that could be related to the case. Prior to receiving the blood test results, idiopathic encephalitis was suspected and enrofloxacin and prednisone were prescribed for 7 days. During the medication period, previous exams were provided, which indicated only increased cholesterol (500 mg/dL). The animal showed no improvement with the prescribed medication. In view of the clinical signs presented by the patient and the results of the additional tests, hormonal disease was suspected, compatible with hypothyroidism. Thus, hormonal tests of total T4, free T4, and TSH were requested, leading to verification of reduced total T4 (0.3 ng/dL) and free T4 (0.15 ng/dL) levels, and confirming the dysfunction of the thyroid gland. The previous treatment was suspended and thyroid hormone replacement was initiated. After 3 days of treatment, the neurological signs regressed and the animal became more active; after 30 days, the areas of alopecia decreased. Although the patient did not receive the recommended clinical follow-up for such cases, it was possible to establish the ideal levothyroxine dosage for the dog after appropriate adjustments, which permitted thyroid hormone levels to return to normal. Discussion: This report refers to a case of hypothyroidism in a giant dog breed. The dog in the report showed clinical signs of a dermatological, metabolic, and neurological nature, which is consistent with a lack of thyroid hormone. The main signs presented by the animal were neurological, such as walking in circles and a deficit of proprioception in the four limbs. These clinical signs are rarely mentioned in the literature associated with hypothyroidism. Laboratory abnormalities are correlated with the severity and chronicity of the disease. The animal showed a decrease in total T4 and free T4, which is to be expected in a hypothyroid animal. As a result, levothyroxine replacement treatment was initiated. The dose used for the dog, which is the recommended dose in the literature, greatly increased its total T4 levels. As a result, the dose was readjusted after a new clinical evaluation. The rate of metabolism and absorption of levothyroxine varies widely and is independent of weight. The patient showed quickly improvement in neurological signs, activity level, and serum cholesterol rate. Regarding dermatological signs and body condition, there was a more gradual improvement. This corroborates what is mentioned in the literature, which indicates that improvements can take many months. Keywords:  hormonal Disease, hypothyroidism, neuropathy

    Occurrence of Dental Disorders in Dogs

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    Background: The anatomy of the canine oral cavity and its variations should be understood to facilitate clinical and surgical approaches. Several conditions can be identified during inspection of the oral cavity, including persistent deciduous teeth, enamel hypoplasia, gingival retraction, tooth abrasion and mobility, absence of dental elements, and periodontal disease. The aim of the present study was to determine the occurrence of dental disorders in dogs older than one year, from the microrregion Ilhéus - Itabuna, Bahia, Brazil. Materials, Methods &Results: A total of 74 dogs were evaluated immediately prior to surgical procedures for periodontal disease treatment. After visual inspection and examination with a millimeter probe, the dogs were classified into three groups according to the degree of periodontal disease. All other findings were recorded on an odontogram. Of the 74 dogs, 23 were classified as mild periodontal disease (mean age, 3.6 years), 26 as moderate periodontal disease (mean age, 5.7 years), and 25 as severe periodontal disease (mean age, 9.7 years). There was significant correlation (0.7 p ≤ 0.01) between age and severity of periodontal disease. Fifteen of the 74 dogs did not present any other dental disorder than periodontal disease. Of the remaining 59, nine showed a single dental problem, and 50 had more than one dental problem. Six dogs (of the breeds Pinscher, Yorkshire Terrier, and Lhasa Apso) had deciduous teeth. Of the nine deciduous teeth, all were canine (dental elements 104, 204, and 304). Ten dogs had dental fractures and of the 11 fractured teeth, three were canine (dental elements 104 and 404). Dental wear was observed in 25 dogs (154 teeth). Of the evaluated dogs, seven showed furcation defects and 10 had teeth mobility. Dental absence was observed in 47 dogs.Discussion: In the present study, increased age had a positive correlation with the degree of periodontal disease; this is consistent with reports in the literature, which indicate severity of periodontal disease increases with advancing age. In one of the three cases of enamel hypoplasia, the dog owner reported that the dog presented clinical signs compatible with distemper before the teeth changed, corroborating studies that showed that this virus can act on the enamel cells causing hypoplasia lesions. All the deciduous teeth found were dental elements 104, 204, and 304, consistent with literature reports that these teeth are among the most frequently affected by this condition. In the present paper, of all the teeth examined, the canine teeth presented the majority of fractures. Canine teeth are used for grasping and tearing food, and defense, and are more vulnerable to fractures. Dental wear was observed in many dogs in the present study, presenting as loss of dental surface caused by friction, abrasion, or erosion from a variety of causes. Dental wear may be considered as a physiological process as long as it does not compromise function. Dental mobility is an important clinical sign of periodontal disease and generates pain and discomfort to the patient; in the presence of advanced periodontitis, there is a marked loss of periodontal tissues, including alveolar bone, which is an irreversible process. As the dogs evaluated in the present study were older than one year, any absent teeth could be verified as being due to periodontal disease. In conclusion, disorders of the oral cavity have high prevalence in dogs and must receive special attention to be properly diagnosed and treated

    Carcass characteristics of Peloco naturalized chicken compared to free‑range broiler lineages

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    O objetivo deste trabalho foi avaliar a diversidade fenotípica de uma população de galinhas Peloco e compará‑la a três linhagens comerciais de frango de corte do tipo caipira. Avaliações foram feitas quanto a características de: peso de carcaça, peito, coxa e sobrecoxa; altura, largura e comprimento do peito; e comprimento da coxa e da sobrecoxa. Os dados foram submetidos às análises de variáveis canônicas e à análise discriminante independente do tamanho (ADIT). Os resíduos da ADIT foram utilizados na análise de agrupamento pelos métodos de Tocher e UPGMA. As duas primeiras variáveis canônicas foram suficientes para explicar 94,66% da variação total entre os fenótipos. O peso da carcaça teve a maior contribuição para a variação (59,91%) entre os grupos de aves, seguido de peso da coxa (12,63%) e largura do peito (11,75%). Ambos os métodos de agrupamento resultaram na formação de dois grupos: um de linhagens comerciais e outro da raça Peloco. O isolamento da Peloco é consequência da ausência de seleção para as características estudadas. Além disso, a presença de variabilidade dentro da raça Peloco mostra a existência de animais com maior potencial quanto ao peso de carcaça, o que possibilita o melhoramento da raça.The objective of this work was to evaluate the phenotypic diversity of a Peloco chicken population and to compare it with three free‑range broiler commercial lineages. Evaluations were done for the following characteristics: the weights of carcass, breast, drumstick, and thigh; the height, width, and length of breast; and the lengths of drumstick and thigh. Data were submitted to canonic variable analyses and to size‑independent discriminant analysis (ADIT). The ADIT residues were used in Tocher´s grouping analysis and in UPGMA method. The first two canonic variables were sufficient to explain 94.66% of the total variation among phenotypes. Carcass weight had the greatest contribution for the variation (59.91%) among the bird groups, followed by drumstick weight (12.63%) and breast width (11.75%). Both grouping methods resulted in the formation of two groups, one of the commercial lineages, and other of the Peloco breed. Peloco isolation is a consequence of the selection absence for the studied characteristics. In addition, the presence of variability in Peloco breed shows the existence of animals with a greater potential for carcass weight, which makes it possible the improvement of this breed

    Study of conformation measures and its relations with productive and reproductive traits in lactating Gir cows

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    Foram utilizados 573 registros zootécnicos de vacas primíparas da raça Gir Leiteiro para estimar os componentes de covariância das características de conformação, produção de leite em até 305 dias de lactação (PLEI), duração da lactação (DURLAC) e idade ao primeiro parto (IPP) pelo Método da Máxima Verossimilhança Restrita (REML). Esses componentes foram utilizados no cálculo dos coeficientes de herdabilidade e nas correlações genéticas, fenotípicas e residuais. Para análise dos efeitos de meio sobre as características estudadas, foi empregado o Método Henderson III. As medidas de conformação, circunferência torácica (CTOR), altura na garupa (AG), comprimento corporal (CC), comprimento de garupa (CG), largura nos ísqueos (LIS) e nos íleos (LIL), comprimento de tetas (CT), diâmetro de tetas (DT) e altura de úbere (AU) foram realizadas em vacas à primeira lactação, com idade média de 4,05 anos. As médias de mínimos quadrados e as respectivas herdabilidades foram 2.865,43±62,49 kg e 0,28 para PLEI, 289,45±3,99 dias e 0,19 para DURLAC, 1.382,22±15,95 dias e 0,56 para IPP. Com relação às características de conformação as estimativas foram as seguintes: 171,04±0,44 cm e 0,23 para CTOR, 134,95±0,24 cm e 0,37 para AG, 97,20±0,33 cm e 0,11 para CC, 39,67±0,12 cm e 0,32 para CG, 17,00±0,12 cm e 0,48 para LIS, 45,46±0,17 cm e 0,24 para LIL, 6,90±0,09 cm e 0,46 para CT, 3,31±0,03 cm e 0,07 para DT e 63,07±0,23 cm e 0,35 para AU. As estimativas de herdabilidades, com exceção daquelas obtidas para CC e DT, indicam que é possível obter resposta à seleção para estas características. As correlações genéticas ( rg ) e fenotípicas ( r P ) entre PLEIeDURLACforam(rg=0,84,rP=0,68),entrePLEIeIPP(rg=0,49, PLEI e DURLAC foram ( rg = 0,84, r P = 0,68), entre PLEI e IPP ( rg = 0,49, r P = 0,18) e entre DURLAC e IPP ( rg = 0,66, r P = 0,31). As rg e r P entre as características de tamanho corporal foram: CTOR-AG (0,68; 0,43), CTOR-CC (0,49; 0,15), CTOR-CG (0,68; 0,43), CTOR-LIS (0,13; 0,17), CTOR-LIL (0,63; 0,51), AG-CC (0,60; 0,29), AG-CG (0,53; 0,46), AG-LIS (0,34; 0,22), AG-LIL (0,63; 0,33), CC-CG (0,09; 0,16), CC-LIS (0,27; 0,16), CC-LIL (0,42; 0,20), CG-LIS (-0,13; 0,11), CG-LIL (0,26; 0,31) e LIS-LIL (0,36; 0,14). As rg e r P entre as características de sistema mamário foram: CT-DT (0,66, 0,55), CT-AU (0,08; 0,06) e DT-AU (0,24; -0,05). As rg e r P entre PLEI e as características de conformação foram: PLEI-CTOR (-0,37; 0), PLEI-AG (-0,62; 0,02), PLEI- CC (-0,52; -0,02), PLEI-CG (-0,33; 0,07), PLEI-LIS (-0,26; -0,01), PLEI-LIL (- 0,15; 0,09), PLEI-CT (-0,08; 0,06), PLEI-DT(-0,12; 0,16) e PLEI-AU (-0,69; - 0,25). As rg e r P entre IPP e as características de tamanho corporal foram: IPP- CTOR (-0,05; 0,04), IPP-AG (-0,37; -0,07), IPP-CC (0,25; 0,10), IPP-CG (- 0,06; 0,09), IPP-LIS (-0,45; -0,10) e IPP-LIL (-0,06; -0,07). Os resultados do estudomostraramqueasrgentreproduc\ca~odeleiteecaracterıˊsticasde estudo mostraram que as rg entre produção de leite e características de conformação foram moderadas e negativas; enquanto que as rg entre idade ao primeiro parto e características de tamanho corporal variaram muito, limitando as conclusões a respeito.Data from 573 primiparous lactating Gir cows were used to estimate the (co)variance components of conformation, milk production, milk production up to 305 days of lactation (PLEI), lactation length (DURLAC) and age at first calving (AFC) traits by REML method. These components were used to calculate heritability coefficients and genetic, phenotypic and residual correlations. For the analysis of environment effects on the studied traits, Henderson III method was used. The conformation, heart girth (HG), croup height (CH), body length (BL), croup length (CL), width in the isqueo (WIS) and ileum (WIL), teats length (TL), teats diameter (TD) and udder heigth (UH) measures were realized in the cows at first lactation, averaging 4.05 years. The least square means and respective heritabilities were the following: 2,865.43±62.49 kg and 0.28 for PLEI, 289.45±3.99 days and 0.19 for DURLAC, 1,382.22±15.95 days and 0.56 for AFC. For the conformation traits, the estimates were 171.04±0.44 cm and 0,23 for TORC, 134.95±0.24 cm and 0.37 for CH, 97.20±0.33 cm and 0.11 for BL, 39.67±0.12 cm and 0.32 for CL, 17.00±0.12 cm and 0.48 for WIS, 45.46±0.17 cm and 0.24 for LIL, 6.90±0.09 cm and 0.46 for TL, 3.31±0.03 cm and 0.07 for TD and 63.07±0.23cm and 0.35 for UH. The heritability estimates, except for those obtained for BL and TD, indicate that it is possible to obtain response to selection for these traits. The genetic ( rg ) and phenotypic ( r P ) correlations between PLEI and DURLAC were ( rg =0.84, r P =0.68) between PLEIandAFC(rg=0.49,rP=0.18)andbetweenDURLACandSFC(rg=0.66, PLEI and AFC ( rg =0.49, r P =0.18) and between DURLAC and SFC ( rg =0.66, r P =0.31). The rg and r P among body length traits were: HG-CH (0.68, 0.43), HG-BL (0.49, 0.15), HG-CL (0.68, 0.43), HG-WIS (0.13, 0.17), HG-WIL (0.63, 0.51), CH-BL (0.60, 0.29), CH-CL (0.53, 0.46), CH-WIS (0.34, 0.22), CH-WIL (0.63, 0.33), BL-CL (0.09, 0.16), BL-WIS (0.27, 0.16), BL-WIL (0.42, 0.20), CL−WIS(−0.13,0.11),CL−WIL(0.26,0.31)andWIS−WIL(0.36,0.14).Therg CL-WIS (-0.13, 0.11), CL-WIL (0.26, 0.31) and WIS-WIL (0.36, 0.14). The rg and r P among mammary system traits were: TL-TD (0.66, 0.55), TL-UH (0.08, 0.06) and TD-UH (0.24, -0.05). The rg and r P between PLEI and conformation traits were: PLEI-HG (-0.37, 0), PLEI-CH (-0.62, 0.02), PLEI-BL (-0.52, -0.02), PLEI-CL (-0.33, 0.07), PLEI-WIS (-0.26, -0.01), PLEI-WIL (-0.15, 0.09), PLEI- TL(−0.08,0.06),PLEI−TD(−0.12,0.16)andPLEI−UH(−0.69,−0.25).Thergand TL (-0.08, 0.06), PLEI-TD (-0.12, 0.16) and PLEI-UH (-0.69, -0.25). The rg and r P between AFC and body length traits were: AFC-HG (-0.05, 0.04), AFC-CH (-0.37, -0.07), AFC-BL (0.25, 0.10), AFC -CL (-0.06, 0.09), AFC -WIS (-0.45, −0.10)andAFC−WIL(−0.06,−0.07).Resultsofthisstudyshowedthatthergbetweenmilkproductionandconformationtraitsweremoderateandnegative, -0.10) and AFC-WIL (-0.06, -0.07). Results of this study showed that the rg between milk production and conformation traits were moderate and negative, whereas the rg between age at first calving and body length varied, showing restrict conclusions for these one.Conselho Nacional de Desenvolvimento Científico e Tecnológic

    Polymorphisms of growth hormone (PGH) and insuline-like growth factor-I (IGF- I) genes in pigs

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    Objetivou-se com este trabalho investigar possíveis alterações nas seqüências de nucleotídeos nos genes do hormônio de crescimento (GH) e do fator de crescimento semelhante à insulina -I (IGF-I) em suínos de raças divergentes. O GH é expresso pelos somatótrofos da hipófise anterior e o fígado é a maior fonte do IGF-I. Entre os hormônios diretamente envolvidos no crescimento e na composição corporal dos animais, o GH é o maior fator endócrino regulador do desenvolvimento muscular, e entre os fatores que mediam os efeitos do GH, está o IGF-I, cujas funções integram nutrição e o crescimento muscular dos animais. Devido à importância que desempenham na fisiologia dos animais, os genes que sintetizam esses dois hormônios são considerados candidatos para características de crescimento e composição de carcaça nos suínos. A estratégia usada neste estudo foi o seqüenciamento automático das principais regiões desses genes em raças de suínos, com diferenças quanto à taxa de crescimento e acúmulo de gordura. Foram analisados os seqüenciamentos de três varrões da raça nativa Piau (suíno tipo banha) e de dezoito matrizes comerciais, oriundas de cruzamentos entre as raças Landrace, Large White e Pietrain (suíno tipo carne). Este trabalho foi dividido em dois capítulos, que tratam dos polimorfismos observados nos genes PGH e IGF-I, respectivamente. Foi comparada a seqüência dos dois genes das raças divergentes e às depositadas no GenBank, sob os números M17704 e X64400. As seqüências do gene PGH, obtidas por seqüenciamento, apresentaram deleções, inserções e substituições quando comparadas com a do GenBank. Entre os animais, muitas dessas variações não alteraram o sítio para enzimas de restrição; entretanto, foram observadas algumas variações que mudaram o sítio, diferenciando as duas raças. Algumas variações na região do éxon mudaram os códons de síntese de aminoácidos. Verificou-se também um polimorfismo na região TATA- box do PGH. Os seqüenciamentos da região promotora e dos éxon I e II do gene IGF-I revelaram ser este muito conservado entre todos os animais da população, apresentando apenas duas variações na região 3’ do gene, que podem ser detectáveis por meio de enzimas de restrição, diferenciando os varrões da raça nativa Piau das matrizes comerciais. Observa-se pela análise de fragmentos de DNA do microssatélite localizado na região 5’ do gene IGF-I revelou que é polimórfico e que poderá, como os polimorfismos encontrados nos genes PGH e IGF-I, ser utilizado em investigações futuras, na geração filial F2, como possíveis marcadores para características de produção dos suínos.The present work aimed to investigate possible alterations in the nucleotide sequences of Growth Hormone (GH) and Insuline-Like Growth Factor-I (IGF-I) genes in pigs from divergent breeds. GH is expressed by anterior pituitary somatotrophs and liver is the major IGF-I source. Among the hormones directly involved in animal growth and body composition, GH is the major muscle mass endocrine regulating factor and between the factors regulating GH effect there is IGF-I, whose functions integrate animal nutrition and muscle growth. Since they play an important role in animal physiology, the genes which synthesize both two hormones are considered candidate genes for growth traits and carcass composition in swines. The strategy used in this study was automatic sequencing of major regions of these genes in porcine breeds displaying differences such as the growth rate and fat deposition. The sequencing of three boars of the Piau swine, a local breed in Brazil (high fat) and eighteen commercial line dams from Landrace, Large White and Pietrain (low fat) breeds were analyzed. This work was divided into two chapters which deal with the polymorphisms observed in PGH and IGF-I genes, respectively. Sequence of both genes from these divergent breeds were compared to those in GenBank, reffered as numbers M17704 and X64400. The sequences of PGH gene, achieved by means of sequencing, presented deletions, insertions and substitutions when compared to GenBank sequence. Among sampled animals, many of these variations do not affect restriction enzymes sites; however, it was possible to observe some variations which changed restriction site differentiating the two breeds. Some variations in the exon regions changed amino acid sequence. A polymorphism in TATA-box region of the PGH was also observed. The sequencing of promoter site and exon I and II of IGF-I gene showed that this gene is highly conserved among all the animals of the studied population, displaying only two variations in the 3' site of this gene that can be detectable by means of restriction enzymes, differentiating the Piau breed boars from the commercial dams. The analysis of DNA fragments of the microsatellite located in the 5' of IGF-I gene showed that it is polymorphic and that it will be able, as the polymorphisms found in PGH and IGF-I genes, of being used in future studies, in F2 generation, as possible markers for desirable production traits in pigs.Conselho Nacional de Desenvolvimento Científico e Tecnológic

    Expectativa da qualidade de vida pós-cirúrgica nas neoplasias orais avançadas em felinos domésticos: estudo de casos

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    RESUMO. Vasconcellos M., Diniz V.S., Silva P.C., Schanaider A. & Ferreira M.L. [Expectation of post-surgical quality of life in advanced oral neoplasms in domestic cats: case studies.] Expectativa da qualidade de vida pós-cirúrgica nas neoplasias orais avançadas em felinos domésticos: estudo de casos. Revista Brasileira de Medicina Veterinária 38(4):323-328, 2016. Faculdade de Medicina Veterinária, Universidade Luterana do Brasil, Av. Farroupilha, 8001, Prédio 60, Bairro São José, Canoas, RS 92425-900, Brasil. E-mail: [email protected] A conduta nas neoplasias orais avançadas em felinos, representa um desafio na Medicina Veterinária. Diversos fatores tais como, agressividade biológica tumoral, dificuldade na reconstrução oral, baixa resposta a quimioterapia e acesso limitado a tratamento radioterápico contribuem para um curto tempo de sobrevida. A recorrência tumoral pós-cirúrgica, constitui a principal causa de morte. Objetiva-se verificar a validade da mandibulectomia total como modalidade terapêutica única com apresentação evolutiva de alguns casos cirúrgicos. Observa-se nestes animais como resultado após este tipo de procedimento, uma piora na qualidade da sobrevida. Conclui-se que esta conduta cirúrgica única não foi eficaz no tratamento dos animais observados

    Desempenho de novilhos Nelore e F1 (Red Angus x Nelore) criados a pasto no sul da Bahia

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    Foram comparados 20 animais da raça Nelore e 20 animais F1 (½ Red Angus ½ Nelore), com idade média de 12 meses, criados a pasto no Sul da Bahia, em relação às características de produção: peso inicial (PI), peso final (PF), ganho de peso médio diário (GMD) e ganho de peso total (GT); infecção por endoparasitos e, tolerância ao calor (ITC). Para análise de efeito do grupo genético, considerou-se fixo todos os outros efeitos que poderiam influenciar essas características e fez-se a análise de variância utilizando-se o programa SAS. Os resultados do estudo mostraram que PI, PF, GMD e GT dos animais cruzados foram, estatisticamente, superiores aos dos animais zebuínos. Em relação à infecção por endoparasitos e tolerância ao calor não foram observadas diferenças significativas entre os grupos genéticos
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