186 research outputs found

    A new and decisive campaign begins in Costa Rica as it heads to a runoff election

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    Costa Rica held a national election on February 6 that will head to a runoff between two seriously questioned candidates, José María Figueres and Rodrigo Chaves. This campaign will turn unpredictable, and the vote mobilisation will be limited, Ilka Treminio (University of Costa Rica) argues

    A Demographic Perspective on Gender, Family and Health in Europe

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    This open access book examines the triangle between family, gender, and health in Europe from a demographic perspective. It helps to understand patterns and trends in each of the three components separately, as well as their interdependencies. It overcomes the widely observable specialization in demographic research, which usually involves researchers studying either family or fertility processes or focusing on health and mortality

    The Crescent Student Newspaper, March 14, 2017

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    Student newspaper of George Fox University.https://digitalcommons.georgefox.edu/the_crescent/2476/thumbnail.jp

    Fascismo, crítica social y terrorismo. Un ensayo sobre el lenguaje instrumental y los medios de rotulación

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    Las Estados actuales legitiman su poder a partir del constante asedio que, en últimas, garantiza su propia razón de ser y justifica su barbarie. Terrorismo ha sido el rótulo indiscriminadamente atribuido a las corrientes progresistas que no renuncian a las posibilidades de liberación y cuyos argumentos se desvirtúan bajo falaces atribuciones de hechos lejanos a las palabras e intenciones. Este término se ha aplicado a aquellos críticos pensadores, malinterpretados –y muchas veces intencionalmente calumniados– por parte de sectores y grupos de corte fascista, que los hace objeto de acusación donde los acusados son siempre los perdedores, situación que ha contribuido a que la sociedad existente luche contra su propia posibilidad de liberación

    Costa Rica inicia una nueva y decisiva campaña de cara a la segunda vuelta electoral

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    Costa Rica celebró el 6 de febrero unas elecciones presidenciales que desembocarán en una segunda vuelta entre dos candidatos muy cuestionados, José María Figueres y Rodrigo Chaves. Esta campaña se tornará imprevisible y la movilización de los votantes será limitada, sostiene Ilka Treminio (Universidad de Costa Rica)

    Mental and Physical Health in Swiss Older Survivors of Enforced Child Welfare Practices

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    It is the purpose of child welfare practices to provide a protective environment for minors. However, welfare practices for children and adolescents have also been linked to a higher risk for maltreatment, trauma, and deprivation. Due to such early-life adversity, affected individuals often report a life course depicted by further trauma, socio-economic disadvantage, mental and physical ill-health. Examination of the long-term health correlates of enforced child welfare practices, as well as potential mediators, have previously been neglected in later life. It was therefore the purpose of these studies to examine the long-term correlates of enforced child welfare practices; the associated maltreatment, trauma, and deprivation; and the physical and mental health outcomes in Swiss older survivors (n=132, MAGE=71 years) and an age-matched control group (n=125). These studies further examined the mediating role of socio-economic factors (e.g., education, income), self-esteem, and self-compassion. Mental health was assessed with a structured clinical interview; physical health, self-esteem, and self-compassion with psychometric instruments. Survivors reported significantly more types and severity of childhood maltreatment, trauma, and deprivation than the control group. They also reported significantly more lifetime and current mental health disorders and more physical illnesses. Socio-economic factors and self-esteem, but not self-compassion, acted as significant mediators. Exposure to maltreatment, trauma, and deprivation in childhood and adolescence is linked to poorer mental and physical health in later life. Potential targets for intervention and health-protective measures include socio-economic factors and self-esteem, which were found to diminish the detrimental long-term impact of early-life adversity and disadvantage into later life

    Analisis Efektivitas Kebijakan Publik Memihak Masyakat Miskin: Studi Kasus Pelaksanaan Program Raskin Di Provinsi Jawa Barat Pada Tahun 2007

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    EnglishObjectives of the study are: (a) analysis of effectiveness of implementation of Raskin Program in the year of 2007, (b) analysis of poor families (RTM)\u27s perception on the perspective of increasing normative price of raskin, and (c) formulation of recommendation for more effective implementation of the Raskin program. The study reveals that the program is less effective. In all study areas, RTMs paid a much higher price for raskin than its normative price (Rp 1,000 per Kg) and received amount of rice far less than its normative rice quota (10 Kgs/RTM/month). It is also found that RTMs were willing to pay if the government increased the normative price of raskin. However, their willingness to pay is subject to two conditions, namely (a) the newly-established normative price is the price at RTM\u27s house, and (b) monthly quota is raised to 20 Kgs/RTM/month as previously. To make the program more effective, this study recommends the government to develop a village-level system control for the Raskin program, to raise monthly rice quota of RTM and its normative price, and to share the program\u27s cost with district-level governments. IndonesianStudi ini mempunyai tiga tujuan, yaitu (a) menelaah keefektifan pelaksanaan program Raskin pada tahun 2007, (b) mengkaji persepsi RTM mengenai kemungkinan peningkatan harga tebus normatif raskin di masa depan, dan (c) merumuskan rekomendasi kebijakan untuk meningkatkan efektivitas pelaksanaan program Raskin. Studi dilakukan di provinsi Jawa Barat. Hasil studi menunjukkan bahwa pelaksanaan program masih belum begitu efektif. Di semua wilayah desa yang dipelajari, RTM menebus raskin dengan harga yang jauh di atas harga tebus normatifnya (Rp 1/000 per kg). Juga, RTM menerima raskin dalam kuantitas yang jauh lebih sedikit dari kuota normatifnya (10 Kg per RTM per bulan). Para RTM tidak keberatan bila pemerintah menaikkan tebus raskin, asal dua hal berikut dipenuhi oleh pemerintah. Pertama, harga tebus raskin yang baru tersebut adalah harga franco di rumah RTM. Kedua, pemerintah menaikkan kuota RTM 20 Kg per RTM per bulan seperti dulu. Untuk lebih mengefektifkan pelaksaan program Raskin, studi ini merekomendasikan agar pemerintah mengembangkan sistem kendali pelaksanaan program Raskin di tingkat desa, menaikkan harga tebus normatif raskin, dan menaikkan kuota raskin bulanan RTM menjadi 20 Kg per RTM per bulan, serta melibatkan Pemkab/Pemkot dalam menanggung pembiayaan program Raskin